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"Where is Sonic? He should've been back by now!"

"He's probably taking longer than he thought. Remember, time is not the fastest thing alive's greatest subject."

"But still! Oh, I wish he didn't get in trouble!"

The doors burst open and out came two policemen.

"Mrs. Rose and Mr. Prower, is Sonic the hedgehog with you?" A female officer interrupted their conversation.

"Yes, why?" Amy stood up.

"We want to thank you for turning him in to us. Would you like the cash, or a check?"

"Wait, what?!" Tails and Amy's eyes grew wide at what they heard. Tails ran up to the male officer behind the other one.

"You can't be serious! We weren't trying to turn him in! He wanted to explain what happened!"

"Well, he did want his friends to back him up on his..." She cleared her throat. "'True statements'. I guess you can join him in the courtroom."

"Who said we were going to court? He's innocent! He also told us that he might've saw the guy who's responsible for all of this!" Amy protested.

"Come on! You have to believe us! Please!" Tails begged.

"I'm sorry, but if the hero of Mobius is found guilty, then he is indeed guilty." The female cop shook her head. "9 am, tomorrow at the courthouse. Everyone's going to be watching this one." She walked back into the office building.

"For now, Sonic's going to stay here for more interrogation. Good day to you, Mrs. Rose and Mr. Prower." The male cop turned around and retreated in the building before the two could even raise a finger.

Amy and Tails exchanged looks.

"Now what? Sonic's going to be put in jail, and the murders will still continue on and on and on." Amy slouched on the bench and sighed. "I'm never going on a date with him."

"Will you quit worrying about your relationship? Sonic won't be here to stop Eggman from attacking, crimes will emerge at an even higher percent, and this thing going on murder sprees will never be stopped again, and you're worried about missing some stupid date that won't even happen for a million years!"

Amy gasped and put her hand against her chest. "How dare you say that!"

"But it's the truth, isn't it?"

"I just can't stand you!"

"Well, I can't stand an overly obsessive fan girl who only cares for her 'senpai' and treats the rest of us like trash. I'm sorry you have to stick with a person who you don't obviously appreciate!"

"Listen here, fox boy, you need me, because so far, I'm the strongest person here. So you can stop with your little insults."

"You're just scared that I might actually be stating the truth!"

"I don't care what you say!"

"You should care, because that one day, when you think he's going to ask you out, he'll say those magic words, then that happy smile of yours will fade away forever, all because you can't accept the fact today."

"You don't know what Sonic thinks! He has a mind of his own! I know he likes me!"

"Coming from the person who just said, and I quote, 'You don't know what Sonic thinks!'"

"Ugh!" Amy stomped her way off, but then turned around and yelled back, "Fine! See if you can survive without me!"

"I'll survive just fine! It's you who needs to learn how to deal with your complicated girl problems!"

Amy walked her way back to Tails. "Excuse me? Excuse me?! Did you just say, oh, and I quote, "It's you who needs to learn how to deal with your complicated girl problems?!"

"Still can't admit it."

"Why I oughta-"

"Will you two stop fighting already?"

Both Amy and Tails turned around to the direction of the voice.

"You're fighting like a married couple! Quit it! You're gonna attract the evil alien government!!"

"Oh, it's just Sticks." Tails rolled his eyes. He spun his twin tails and lifted himself off the ground. "Oh, and FYI, I did the survival calculations in my head. You'll be dead in three days." He smirked and flew to his house.

"See if I care! Hmph!" Amy sashayed away, leaving Sticks in the middle of an empty street, so very confused about the little squabble that happened before her.

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