Waiting and Waiting and Waiting

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"Sonic's been missing for a few weeks now! I'm really worried about him." Amy paced back and forth in her living room.

"Calm down, Amy! Sonic can handle any situation by himself. True statement." Tails reassured her. "Besides, it probably took him longer than expected to get there."

"But he's the fastest thing alive! How does it take that blue hedgehog three whole weeks to get to a castle?!"

"Maybe he got lost?"

"That doesn't prove my point!!!!" Amy screamed to the top of her lungs.

Tails covered his ears. "Geez! Lower your voice before you wake the dead!"

"Ha, ha, very funny." She rolled her eyes and turned on the TV to the news channel.

"This is Gabby Gazell, reporting live on News Channel four with the latest news. Reports have came in from all across Station Square that the figure has murdered over one thousand citizens, and there have been no sight of the blue hero during the three weeks of his absence. Could it be, that Sonic the hedgehog, the hero that we all know and love, is responsible for all of this? Stay tuned for more up-" The TV froze in mid sentence.

"Um, does this normally happen?" Tails questioned.

"Not on a regular basis. Maybe we're losing satellite connection." Amy grabbed the remote and tried to change the channel, only to find that all the programs were frozen as well. "Yeah, definitely not on a regular basis." She glanced at Tails.

"Mind if I tinker with it?"

"Knock yourself out, mechanic."

The kitsune unplugged the TV and checked it for anything thing strange. Amy paced back and forth again, leaving a straight line dent in her carpet.

Sonic has to be okay. I know it. He can't just disappear on us, especially me! I love him too much for him just to leave me in the dust! I mean, he could have told us before he went on his little "vacation". He should've taken me with him! Now I'm paranoid 24/7 and Tails is no help with this seemingly never ending situation, and-

"Amy!!!" Tails shouted.


"Something's really wrong with your TV!!" He showed the screen to her, and all that was shown were red lines on one half of the screen, both vertical and horizontal.

"You could've messed it up! You owe me a new TV, dude!"

"I didn't touch nothing!!"

"Quit lying, I know you had something to do with it!!!"

Tails groaned. "You quit lying to yourself! You can't seem to handle the fact that Sonic might be dead again for all we know."

"Don't say that!!!" Tears started to build up in her eyes. "He IS alive and I know it! He can't give up that easily and you would know being his sidekick for all these years!!"

"But it could be the truth and you just don't know it because you care about him too much! Did it ever occur to you that he might not even love you?"

Amy didn't respond to the fox. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt like slapping him, but at the same time, running out the doors to find her blue hero. She took one good glance at Tails, and ran out the door as quick as she can.

Tails just sat there, dumbfounded with the broken TV screen. He felt like crying himself, realizing what he said, might be true. He put down the TV and ran after Amy.

The TV slowly turned on and revealed the mysterious figure in a black shadow. Words were plastered on the screen.

A ominous voice then said: "I AM GOD."

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