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As Alena left after her job had finished, she was walikng down MRS.Rosetta colony to reach home.She couldn't help but feel as of someone was  following her,but then again,she's used to this feeling and always got complaints of such around this place,MRS.Rosetta is said to be  haunted,at least  as  the urban legends say,tho she highly doubts it,she thinks it's the iron blood rose,they are said to make people uncomfortable when their cent is inhaled ,therefore it is mandetory to wear a mask when near such flowers,tho not many listen.She shrugged it off  as she wore a mask.

She reached home,but before she could ring the bell,the door opens."Hello,dear, how was work today?" a female's voice asked,it was her wife,Kamira lionheart.Before Alena could question how Kamira knew it was her,Kamira answered "I knew it was you since I saw you coming here throught the window,and also partly because you always come home late, OH! and I made dinner so you didn't have to."

"Heh,this is why I married you in the first place Kamira,you never fail to surprise me everyday,what's for dinner?" Alena asked coming in and  taking of her cloak "I made your favorite,luna-laced rice with  butter-vanilla buns for dessert!" Kamira answered as Alena kissed her forehead."YOU'RE THE BEST KAMIRA!"Alena squealed in joy.

As they sit on the dinner table and start eating,Kamira tries to make small talk.

"I heard what happened to the Empress what a tragedy,I wonder how the princess feels...must be horrible to see your Adoptive mother die after seeing your actual parents die..."-Kamira

"Yeah....it seems to be an assasination,at least thats what our researches say....Though I don't understand why thy need  OUR agents to help-"-Alena

"It's the princess's request,it would be unreasonable to say no.The Empress was the first  to recognise our planet.And she helped us so many times."-Kamira

"I know..."-Alena


"???" - Kamira and Alena were confused to hear theyre door bell ring at such a late hour.Both look at each other still in  confusion as Kamira opens the door.

"*SIGH*  Yuri when are you leaving again?" Octavia asked Yuri as they were playing video games."Tomorrow , hehe,I already told you,why do you keep asking?"Yuri asked her without looking away from the screen.

"Can't you stay forever?????????????" Mikazuki asked."Sadly no,just like you have a elder sibling to take care of you,I have to take care of MY siblings."Yuri answered

Both Octavia and Mikazuki groaned in sadnessas Yuri  giggled."Alright guy's it's time to go to bed." Octavia and Mikazuki's mom said as she enters the room.

"OKAY!!" Octavia and Yuri answered in unison."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Mikazuki screams as she's taken out of Octavia's room.

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