RWBY: "Green" Trailer

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~3rd POV~

The dawn of the sun's light reflects on the Rose/Xiao Long cabin house.

But deep inside the forest Grimm infested area, a figure under the tree with a muscular physique including antennae, dark green skin, and light green patches appearing throughout their bodies pointy ears, and red rings, in which they have three red conjoined rings on their ankles and wrists, making them look like they have ankle bands and wristbands. And he wears a turban, and a cape with shoulder pads, all weighing over 150 Kilograms.

Parak Rose/Xiao Long. Age: 16. He is in a trance-like state when he meditates, and in doing so he floats a couple of feet in the air. The Namekian takes a few deep breaths as a calm breeze flows past him.

Learning of these powers, he can't help but feel he knows these from somewhere. He recognizes it yet he doesn't understand how he was able to naturally do such powers.

So he continues to train with the ki he has inside him. Understanding and mastering it to its fullest extent, perhaps it has to do with the same energy he felt within his body whenever he flies.

He continues to train and train, relentlessly with no end to his training regime but at the age of 12, he was found out and his routine caught the attention of his new family.

They learned he has been doing this every day and every night for years. They also learn he did this because he wants to keep his family safe and he is willing to do anything to keep his newfound family from harm. This made Taiyang concerned but proud to know his son has taken the initiative to train himself, and he also gave him some advice to Parak that he could use. One of which the Namekian took to heart.

For a certain, the Namekian is Grateful to have a family like them.

The wind continues to breeze past him, a sense of calmness surrounds the Namekian. After a few minutes of meditation, he senses another life energy that is coming from the same Corvid, Raven Branwen. Parak paid no mind to her and continues to meditate.

Raven Branwen has been frequently visiting the Rose/Xiao Long Household, not just to look after her daughter but to keep an eye out for the Namekain. She can feel that the Namek possesses a power that is beyond this world, and she has been observing his training since then. She can feel that the boy is becoming stronger each passing day.

Seeing that nothing interesting is happening Raven flew away, leaving the area where Parak is.

After a few minutes of peacetime, a growl is heard. Parak opens his eyes and sees a pack of Beowolves is exiting out of the forest and approaching the Namekian. The Cannon Fodder of the Grimm wishes to face the Namekian.

{Play "Grateful - NEFFEX"}


Parak stops meditating and he lands softly on the ground as he glares at the Grimm approaching him. The Grimm are growling and snarling at the Namekain trying to intimidate him, but Parak remained unfazed.

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it
And the only thing I know is to love what I'm doing

Parak stares down at the Grimm as the creatures growl and some of the pack members begin to circle him.

Never give up never slow 'til I finally prove it
Never listen to the nos I just wanna keep moving

The Alpha Beowolf howls and pack members charges at Parak altogether and lunges at the Namekain.

Keep my head up when I act
Head up that's a fact
Never looking back
I'm 'a keep myself on track

Parak reacted and jumps over the Beowolves' lunge attack, and all miss their attacks and Parak performs a knife-hand strike at the Alpha Beowolf, causing the creature to stagger and let out a howl of pain.

Parak didn't look back but he sent a Ki blast behind that obliterated the Beowolf that is about to lunge at him behind.

Keep my head up staying strong
Always moving on
Feel I don't belong
Tell my thoughts to move along

Another Beowolf attacks him with a lunge from the side, but Parak merely uppercuts it away from him.

Parak then stretches his arms to catch the beowolf he sent flying started using it as a blunt weapon, knocking the other Grimms away from him.

Push myself to be the best
Die with no regrets
Live with every breath
See my message start to spread

Parak kills the other Grimm that attacked him as the Alpha Grimm is waiting for the perfect moment to attack him while he's left unaware.

And I had so many dreams
Then you hit your teens
Life ain't really what it seems
Try to find out what it means

Parak stands in the center as the Grimm try to surround him again, but Parak remains unfazed.

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it
And the only thing I know is to love what I'm doing
Never give up never slow 'til I finally prove it
Never listen to the nos I just wanna keep moving

Parak then sees a couple of Ursas exit out of the Forest to take on the Namekian, but Parak remained defiant ready to face his foes.

Yeah I put out all this art, it's my only medicine yeah
Everything I do, I'm just being genuine
I'm sick of being screwed, feel my own adrenaline
Yeah I do just what I do, and I hope you let me in let me in yeah

After a tense silence, Parak and the Grimms charges at each other, and they clashed.


Parak afterimages out of sight before appearing behind an Ursa before sending a spin kick that sent the Grimm flying. Parak turns and caught a Grimm by the throat and throws it aside at another Grimm, followed by Parak firing a volley of Ki blast at the other Grimms in the area.

Then an Ursa charges in and swipes its paws at the Namek while the Beowolves come in close range and slashes their claws at the Namek as well.

I'm grateful
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
I'm stable
Oh yeah
No label
Oh yeah

Parak was able to dodge and weave through the attacks from the Beowolves and Ursas with ease. Sidestepping, ducking under their attacks, or parrying them away and would counter their attacks with his own.

Parak steps back as the paw of the Ursa miss him before he sends a roundhouse kick that sent the Ursa away from him.

You know me
I have
A path
I'm lonely
But damn
I'm going
To win

Parak raises his hand and unleashes a powerful Ki blast that obliterated the Ursa from existence, before he spun around and send a powerful right hook at an incoming Beowolf, shattering its skull thus killing it as the Grimm then disintegrated.

Parak punches back two Beowolves that lunges from behind without even looking.

I don't want no fake love
I want the real stuff
Everybody listen up
'Cause I'll only say it once
I'm gon' show you all the path
If you want it bad
I'm gon' show you where it's at
Yeah how you can get it back

Parak turned gives an elbow jab at the Ursa that was about to attack him from behind, then sends a powerful upward hook that sends the Grimm flying. Then turned around he performs a knife-hand swipe horizontal across his body that hits the Beowolf in the process followed by Parak leaning back and kicking directly forward, sending the Beowolf flying and killing it with a Ki-blast.

Yeah 'cause I ain't never done
I'll be number one
Working hella hard until I get just what I want
Yeah rise just like the sun
Yeah fatal like a gun
Shooters gonna shoot and I'm gon' shoot until I've won

Parak then does a short jump and kicks a foot upwards at a very sharp angle at the Grimm, sending the Beowolf flying. Parak then follows up by firing a Ki blast at the Beowolf disintegrating it.

Parak does an airborne roundhouse kick, that knocks another Beowolf away before Parak then will stretch his arm towards the Grimm and pulls it to him which is then followed with Parak ending it by knee it under its chin killing the Grimm.

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it
And the only thing I know is to love what I'm doing
Never give up never slow 'til I finally prove it
Never listen to the nos I just wanna keep moving

Parak after getting rid of the last of Grimm, then stares at the last remaining Grimm, the Alpha Beowolf. The Alpha Grimm saw it was outmatched and attempted to flee but Parak didn't give it the luxury to escape as Parak pressed two fingers to his forehead and begin to channel all his energy into the tips of his finger.


Parak unleashes a powerful Ki-beam that pierces and kills the Alpha Beowolf with one hit and the Grimm disintegrated.

Parak relaxes a bit and looks around the aftermath of the battle before taking off to the skies. Seeing that battle is won he flies towards another location he's eager to visit today.

Yeah I put out all this art, it's my only medicine yeah
Everything I do, I'm just being genuine
I'm sick of being screwed, feel my own adrenaline
Yeah I do just what I do, and I hope you let me in let me in yeah

After a few minutes of flying Parak lands onto the ground and takes a few steps forward and he looks down at the ground with a sad expression. He stared at the monument that is engraved on the ground;

Summer Rose's Gravestone, his deceased stepmother.


While Parak doesn't know much of Summer Rose he still pays his respect for the deceased biological mother of Ruby Rose. For certain he can tell Summer is a good mother with a kind heart. If she were alive, she would treat Parak like her own son.

I'm grateful
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
I'm stable
Oh yeah
No label
Oh yeah

Parak kneels and places a hand on a gravestone as a sign of respect. And he mutters sadly, "Thank you... mother."

You know me
I have
A path
I'm lonely
But damn
I'm going
To win

Parak stands back up and he stared down at the Grave of Summer Rose with a sad smile.

"Goodbye, Mother." He walks off back to the Rose/Xiao Long Cabin.

For certain, the Namekian is Grateful.

Unknown to him, from behind the spirit of Summer Rose appears, she lets out a soft warm smile at the Namekain for being a part of her family before she fades away.

{Music End}


Parak continues to grow stronger and stronger each day. But will it be enough to defend his family from the creatures of darkness? What kind of threats lurk within the shadows and how will the Namekian overcome them? What adventure will await our young Namekian? Find out in next time in... THE NAMEK OF REMNANT!!!

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