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I continue unbuttoning Freddie's jeans and make progress on pulling them down his thick thighs. His boxers remain in place but without the denim barrier there, his cock practically whips me in the face. It's large in length and I can tell just by looking at it that there isn't going to be an issue regarding girth. I only hope I live up to expectations.

"Relax, Freddie," I say, running my fingertips along the inside of his leg.

He immediately grits his teeth, incapable of doing anything even remotely close to relaxing. I still can't get over how expressive he is and love that every single emotion he's feeling shows on his face. This man and his physical reaction to my touch will be the death of me. His cheeks burn red as I near his erection, anticipating the moment. I feel for him over the material of his boxers and love that he gasps.


I show no mercy. If anything, his words only succeed in encouraging me further. For some reason, the idea of pleasuring Freddie is making me more aroused than I care to admit. I've never been this desperate to touch someone.

To taste them.



He's panting hard but that doesn't stop him from helping me up when I struggle to reclaim my standing position.

"I've never done this before," I admit.

"Done what?"

I gesture towards his cock.

"You've never given oral?"

I shake my head. "You're gonna be my first."

His eyes soften before succumbing to his unrelenting excitement.

"Will you show me what you like?" I ask.

He takes hold of my face and slowly kisses my forehead.

"Of course I will, baby."

He lightly tugs on my arm and encourages me to follow him out into the living room. There, he leads me towards the sofa.

"I liked it when you touched me," he reveals, smirking.

I waste no time in touching him again and lightly push on his chest so that he has no option but to sit down while I work my magic on him. I quickly remove his shirt, needing to see that glorious body of his.

"Oh, shit!" he breathes, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. "Ana, that feels so good."

I hook my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, no longer able to prolong the inevitable. I want this man moaning my name on repeat.


I set him free and upon doing so, stare at his delightful cock. There's a moment of silence as I take in the sight of him, smiling my amusement.

"You're kidding me," I say, laughing.

He simply smirks.

"Did it hurt?" I ask, running my thumb over the metal stud.

"Not really."

"I've never fucked anyone with a cock piercing before," I inform.

"You'll like it," he insists, wrapping his hand around mine and stroking himself.

"What does it do?" I question, watching him fuck himself in front of me.

I'm practically panting.

"It heightens what I'm feeling down there."

"And for me?" I ask.

He smirks. "It'll do the same."


He moans a little, enjoying the friction our hands are causing.



His eyes are closed. "Hmm?"

"I'm going to take your hand away now."


I position myself between his legs and whilst keeping my eyes on him, run my tongue along his shaft.


His hands become wrapped in my hair, encouraging my rhythm. I take all of him into my mouth and suck, purposely swirling my tongue around his piercing.


I clench my thighs, loving the way he says my name. I'm the one performing on him, yet I feel worshipped. Aroused. Everything about this man exceeds all expectations. I used to think blow jobs were only beneficial to the man. Now, I'm wondering what the hell took me so long.


I increase the pressure and almost lose my mind when he responds by thrusting his hips up. It isn't a harsh movement, but he's consistent and never once lets up. His hand is positioned at the base of my neck, keeping me in place. Moans and grunts leave his delicious lips, making me wetter by the second.

I once saw something on TV and, in an attempt to recreate the moment, I stand up. Freddie looks confused to start but soon mellows when I offer him my hand. He's allowing me to take charge and I'm grateful for that. Josh never was controlling in the bedroom—thank God—but for obvious reasons, I struggle with dominating personalities. Freddie—it seems—knows that without me having to say it.

"Do I make you feel good?" I ask, lightly pushing his back up against the wall.

His cheeks are flush and that smile of his has never been cheekier. "You make me feel fucking phenomenal."

Once again, I'm blown away by his honesty.

"Show me."

I drop to my knees and position both my hands on the wall beside his thighs, bracing myself. He knows what I'm asking, and he doesn't hang around. I've never had a man climax inside my mouth before and the idea of Freddie doing that takes me to places beyond my imagination. I want everything this man has to offer and more.

"Anastasia," he moans, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth.

He takes control, but never in a way that feels uncomfortable. His pace is slow, elongating every stroke and suck. He holds my head as he fucks my face, chanting my name over and over again.

"Ana, I'm close."

His voice is strained, barely able to make it past the pleasure he's experiencing. I love that I've reduced him to this. I love how alive he makes me feel.


I tighten my hold, waiting for the moment with excitement.

"Oh, fuck!"

He releases and it's fucking incredible to watch. I thought Freddie was expressive, but that was before I witnessed him have an orgasm. His face is angled skyward, but I can still make out every feature. Not only that, but he also vocally expresses every emotion he's experiencing with grunts and breaths, as well as the slight pulling of my hair.


I raise to my feet, standing practically nose-to-nose.

"How'd I do?"

He takes me by the waist and lightly kisses my hairline. "So, so good."

I love his approval.

"Are you okay?" he asks, taking hold of my face between his hands.

"I'm more than okay," I assure, appreciating his need to check in.

His smile is blinding, and I can't help but want to be near him. I bury my face into the crook of his neck and press myself up against his naked body.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?" he laughs.

I can still feel his erection press into my stomach.

"For being you," I reply.

"Ana—" he begins, waiting for me to look at him before continuing. "I never usually come first."

I can tell this is a huge deal for him.

"Pleasuring women is how I ground myself. It's the only time I ever feel anything."

"Do you feel anything now?" I ask, lightly caressing his jawline.

He nods.

"Then tonight is all about you," I reply.

He appears to struggle with the notion.

"You don't want me?"

His self-doubt almost ends me.

"Of course I want you," I assure, resting my forehead against his. "I just want you to have something without feeling the need to give it back."

"But I want to give it back," he smirks.

"And you will," I reply, matching his expression. "Soon."

"How soon?"

I sensually position my mouth next to his ear. "I'll let you know."

I playfully drag his earlobe through my teeth and slowly back away, making my intentions known. Nothing more is said as I head towards his front door, confidence soaring. He can sense it too because his smile is electric. That's what I like about Freddie. He's one hundred percent rooting for me and I'm determined to do the same for him. I may be the one who is in need of obvious support here, but Freddie has demons to fight too. We're both healing.

Perhaps we can help each other?


Nan and Helen sit on my sofa, detailing their latest scandal to me. The pair of them have a cup of tea in hand, much to their inconvenience. When I told them I didn't stock gin, they had been most displeased. Nan still hasn't managed to wipe the look of displeasure from her face. Every time she takes a sip, she cringes.

"Then what happened?" I ask, perched on the end of my coffee table.

Helen replies. "I told him I wasn't interested and gave him something to remember me by."

I laugh.

"I hope it wasn't herpes," mumbles Nan.

"Fucking hell, NAN!"

The two giggle and before long, I'm joining them.

"So," begins Helen, once composed. "Your nan tells me you live next door to a hot police officer."

I smirk. "Maybe?"

"How hot are we talking here?" she asks, to which Nan puts down her coffee cup to use dramatic hand gestures.


"Like Liam O'Connor hot?"

"Who's Liam O'Connor?" I ask, not recognising that name at all.

"Your nan's soulmate," reveals Helen, wide-eyed.

"What? I thought pops was your soulmate?" I question, facing Nan.

She fires Helen a fuck you look before shrugging. "Well, not exactly."


"Tell me about him then? Who's Liam."

"Just someone I used to know."

"He's Irish," interjects Helen.

She's the biggest shit stirrer I know, and I bloody love her for it.

"Do you still keep in touch?" I ask.

Nan scoffs. "No. I haven't spoken to him since I was nineteen."

My heart aches a little, knowing deep down that must hurt.

"We should look for him," I suggest.

"Nan—outraged—disagrees. "No, we shouldn't.

"Why not?" argues Helen.

"I'm not interested. That aspect of my life is over."

"What aspect?" questions Helen. "Sex?"

"Oh God, time to check on my cake," I share, sliding off the coffee table.

This morning, I had the sudden urge to bake and decided to make a lemon cake for Freddie in honour of him becoming a father. I have no idea if he likes lemon cake, but I want to do something for him. Something that means a lot to me. I suppose you could argue I gave him his present last night, but I wanted to do more. Besides, nothing quite says I hope you enjoyed your blow job more than a slice of lemon cake.

"Someone's knocking on your door, Ana!" yells Nan, just as I remove the tins and set them to cool.

"Just a sec!" I shout, removing my oven gloves and heading towards my front door.

Nan and Helen continue to bicker, no doubt arguing over Liam O'Connor and his hotness. I can't believe Nan never told me about him. To name someone as your soulmate is huge and I can't imagine a day goes by without her thinking about him.

"Sorry," I say, apologising to whoever is on the other side of my door.

I don't know why I feel the need to do that, other than the fact it's instinct and my go-to response for everything.

I'm surprised to see James, Nicole and Sloan on my doorstep, holding up carrier bags of decorations.

"Hey," whispers James. "We wanna throw Freddie a little surprise party. Our place is being decorated and Nikki's roommate is studying for an exam. Can we be cheeky as fuck as put some decorations up in your place?"

I laugh, loving his methods of persuasion.

"Of course!" I usher them in and wait until I close the door again before speaking. "I'm baking him a cake."

Nicole smiles. "Freddie loves cake."

Nan and Helen look towards my new guests, waiting to be introduced.

"This is Freddie's sister Nicole," I introduce, gesturing towards Nicole and her endless carrier bags. "This is James—his bother—and James' fiancé, Sloan."

Nan is first to speak. "I'm Catherine, Anastasia's nan. And this is Helen. The tag along."

They each laugh.

Helen—a little behind—faces me. "Who's Freddie?"

"My neighbour."

"The hot police officer," elaborates Nan.

"Just police officer works fine, Nan," I insist.

James quirks a brow.

"You're the one who used hot to describe him."

Nicole and Sloan share a smirk. I can't trust her for one second. We're only two minutes into our introductions and she's already spilling all my secrets.

"What are we celebrating?" asks Helen, spotting the party decorations.

James—taking charge—fills them in on recent events.

"Wow! Freddie has certainly had a week," offers Nan.

"I'm confused," admits Helen. "Do we refer to him as the hot police officer or the DILF?"


Sloan and Nicole burst out laughing and even James has a smirk on his face.

"HELEN!" I giggle. "Do you even know what DILF means?"

"Of course she does!" replies Nan. "Dad I would fu—"

"Okayyyyy!" I interrupt, practically snatching the bag of balloons from James. "You can blow these up. It'll keep your mouth busy for a while."

Nicole—highly amused—places her hand on Nan's shoulder. "Will you be my best friend?"

Nan—the little minx—shoots her a smirk and nods.

"I love your nan," offers James, quietly whispering. "Her and Helen together are hilarious."

"They're a damn liability," I insist, making him smile.

He unravels a 'Congratulations' banner and asks where is best to position it. I suggest the wall separating the living room from my bedroom. That way, Freddie will see it as soon as he walks in.

"Hey, Nicole! Do you need me to do anything?" I ask.

Nan and Helen are on balloon duty, chatting up a storm with Sloan.

"Sure. You can help me with these," she insists, holding up a tray of sandwiches and other various party foods. "You can call me Nic, by the way. Only people I don't know call me Nicole."

I'm honoured to be given such a privilege.

"In that case, you can call me Ana."

We share a smile and get to work arranging the food on my table.

"He's gonna love all this," I say, adding some crisps to a bowl.

She smiles. "Yeah. I hope it makes him happy."

She nervously chews her bottom lip, very much in the way her older brother does. They're very similar. Not so much in appearance, but certainly when it comes to mannerisms. Perhaps that's because they used to be close. Freddie said they were once the best of friends. It would make sense they share certain attributes.

"It will," I assure. "Anything to do with you and James makes him happy."

She looks at me. "Did he say that?"

I nod. "He thinks the world of you, Nic."

She shuffles a little and I'm worried I've made things awkward.

"Has he told you about us?"

"Only that you used to be close, but things became strained after he left."

She smiles and although it's a little strained, it's genuine.

"We're working on it," she insists. "I miss him. He's not the same since—"

"Less talking, more working, you lot!" interrupts James, stealing a sausage roll on his way passed.

Nic throws the empty packet at his head.

"How are things with you, anyway?"

The moment has passed and although I desperately want to know what event changed Freddie so much, I don't push it. Freddie—I'm sure—will tell me in his own time.

"Good," I say, purely on instinct. "Actually, that's a lie."

Nic smiles.

"I'm so used to saying I'm fine."

She places her hand on top of mine and smiles. "It's okay. Fine is overrated anyway."

I laugh. "Oh, really?"

She nods. "Who wants to be fine when you can be totally fucked up anyway?"

"That's true."

She looks towards the table of food and sighs. "Ya know, my doctors tell me to face my fears head on. I don't think it actually works."

I know from last year's brief introduction at the hospital that Nicole has an eating disorder. I haven't mentioned it to Freddie and didn't want to bring it up around Nic without her initiating it.

"How're you doing?" I ask.

"Good," she says, instantly correcting herself. "Actually, that's a lie."

I shoot her my biggest smile and switch my hand so that now mine is on top. Nothing more is said but from our body language alone, Nic and I establish a mutual agreement. We'll be there for each other if and when we ever need it.

"I think we're done," offers Sloan, coming to stand beside Nicole.

She subtly nudges her hip and grins.

"Yeah, the place looks great."

"Thanks again," adds James.

"Honestly, it's fine. I think a small celebration is a perfect idea."

"Me too," interjects Helen. "I can't wait to meet this hot police officer DILF of yours."

"He's not mine, Helen!" I correct.

"For now," adds Nic, smirking.

Sloan and I laugh, and I purposely walk away, incapable of keeping a straight face around these people. Especially after last night.

"I'll text him," I share, grabbing my phone.

I type out some spiel about needing his help with something and if he brings Charlotte with him, I'll keep her company. Within seconds, there's a knock at my door.

"Positions!" whispers Sloan, ducking behind my sofa.

Nan and Helen follow suit, while James disguises himself by hiding behind my curtain.

Nic wedges herself between my bookshelf and TV unit, shooting me a goofy thumbs up to signal she's ready.

"Just a sec!" I yell, purposely taking my time with the lock.

I eventually open the door and when I do, I'm met with nothing but sexiness. Freddie—fresh out of the shower—leans against my doorframe. His blonde hair still glistens with water droplets and the white T-shirt he's wearing is doing wonders for his physique. Charlotte is tucked under his arm, happily sucking on her dummy.

"Hi," I offer.

He pushes himself away from the door.

"This thing you need help with better include giving you an orgasm so intense, you won't be able to walk for hours."

"Freddie! Oh my God!"





He's moments away from touching me when everyone awkwardly reveals themselves, half arsing their collective "Surprise!" Nan and Helen—however—are about as far away from awkward as one can get. The pair are positively beaming.

"Oh!" offers Freddie, blushing.

I smile.

"Maybe the orgasms can wait until later?" suggests James.

"Oh—and look—your Nan is here," states Freddie, waving.

The damn woman has the audacity to wink.

"Ana—I've never felt this awkward in my entire fucking life," he whispers.

I giggle.

"It's the 'so intense you won't be able to walk for hours' that does it for me," announces Helen, managing to somehow lighten the mood. "We like a man who's descriptive, don't we Catherine?"

"We do," agrees Nan.

Freddie smiles.

"This is Helen," I introduce. "Nan's BFF."

"I've heard a lot about you, Freddie," she says, smiling.

"All good, I hope."

"Oh, absolutely," she replies, winking. "With some bad thrown in there too."

Freddie eventually moves away from my door and takes in the surrounding decorations.

"We wanted to throw you a surprise party to congratulate Charlotte officially being yours," explains Nic, making grabby hands towards her niece.

Freddie instantly hands her over.

"Thanks, you lot," he replies, tearing up a little. "I love it."

"It's not a party without drinks!" insists Catherine. "Ana, put the kettle on, babe!"

"On it," I reply, already heading into my kitchen.

Freddie follows me in there, playfully grabbing me by the waist when we're alone.

"I want to fucking die, Ana!"

I giggle into his chest when he pulls me against him.

"I can't believe your fucking Nan heard!"

"I wouldn't worry about that. I think she approves."

He rests his forehead against mine and smiles. "I can't stop thinking about last night."

I kiss the tip of his nose and grin. "Me too."

James walks into the kitchen, forcing us to part. "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt."

"You didn't," insists Freddie, smiling.

A chorus of giggles sound from the living room.

"Just FYI, your nan and Helen are my new favourite people."

I laugh, loving the fact it's taken them less than an hour to win over the hearts of the Hudson siblings.

"They think Charlotte looks like me."

"That's impressive," smirks Freddie.

"Not really," I say. "You are brothers."

"Adopted brothers."

Oh, shit!

"I didn't know that," I say.

"How else do you explain my dashing good looks and, well, this!" says Freddie, gesturing towards James who—upon hearing his insult—playfully smacks him over the head.

"That's true! James is way more dashing than you!" I tease.

Freddie garbs hold of my tea towel and whips my legs.

"Don't forget she also saw my penis first."

I laugh, thinking back to last year in the hospital when I had to assist James when going to the bathroom.

"Oh my God!" I shriek, covering my mouth to reduce my laugher. "That's true. I did see his penis before yours!"

Freddie laughs before grabbing my waist from behind and pulling me against his chest. "Mine's better."

"Much better," I whisper.

James beams, seemingly enjoying our conversation.

"Ana, get out here!" shouts Nic. "Charlotte is doing cute shit!"

I laugh as a wiggle out of Freddie's hold, heading towards what I hope is cuteness overload. I find the four of them fussing over Charlotte who has somehow made it into Nan's arms.

"She is so beautiful," insists Nan, truly transfixed.

Helen takes hold of Charlotte's hand and starts making funny sounds.

"Hey, Nic and I were wondering—" begins Sloan, side-eyeing Nic. "Do you wanna come to lunch with us next week?"

It's cute how nervous they both are.

"Sure, I'd love that!"


Nic sighs. "Good. We were worried you'd say no."

"Why would I say no?" I ask, smiling.

Sloan shrugs. "Nic and I kinda suck at making new friends. We're a bit—"

"Socially fucking awkward?" I ask.

"Something like that."

I laugh.

"You can help us with wedding stuff!" suggests Nic. "We're stuck between two venues."

I like how she says 'we're' as though her own brother—the groom—has no say in this.

"That sounds fun! I'm great at organising events. I once threw a surprise party with twenty minutes notice," I say, gesturing around my living room.

They both laugh.

"Great! It's a date!"

"What's a date?" asks Freddie, emerging with James by his side.

"Lunch date."

"Girls only," insists Sloan.

Freddie looks at me and quirks a brow.

"Maybe we should do lunch, Freddie?" suggests James. "Guys only."

"What? So you can argue over which is better. Books or movies?" teases Nic, poking fun at her two older brothers.

"That's right, you're a professor, aren't you?" I ask.

James nods. "Yeah, at the University."

"It's where they met," offers Freddie.

I turn to Sloan. "Oh, do you work there too?"

Silence ripples throughout the group.

"Umm—no," she replies.

Nic smirks. "She was his student."

I politely smile before realisation suddenly dawns on me. "Wait! You fucked your professor?"

The group burst out laughing.

"Oh my God! You guys are scandalous!"

Sloan's cheeks burn bright red.

"I love it!"

Sloan—seemingly in need of my validation—turns to me. "Really?"

"Hell yeah! You just became my fucking hero."

"Who became your hero?" asks Nan, still fussing over a content Charlotte.

"Nan, Helen—" I say, stepping closer. "Wait until you hear this..."


Freddie is fast asleep on my sofa when the last of the party goers leave, cradling Charlotte to his chest. I watch them for a moment, truly in awe of their week-long relationship. I snap a picture of them on my phone and send it to the family group chat I was just added to with the caption, "All partied out!"

Nic replies instantly with three red love hearts while James—once again—thanks me for offering to host the party at my place. Sloan—ever the writer—responds with a heartfelt paragraph on how nice it was to catch up. I learned she's interning at a small publishing house with dreams to publish a fantasy teen novel she's writing in honour of her sister's struggle with arthritis. Nic—no less ambitious—is into her second year of university and is studying psychology.

"Hey, you're okay," I soothe, seeing charlotte twist on her dad's chest.

I carefully pick her up, not wanting to wake Freddie up in the process. She cries a little until I offer her sweet head a few kisses. Once she settles, I take her into the kitchen where I'm sure Freddie left one of her premade bottles.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

She grabs hold of my hair and smiles, making a gargling noise shortly after. It's the nicest fucking feeling in the world having someone look at you like this. Like you are their source of joy.

"That's a big smile," I say, tickling her tummy.

I know from experience that if she's smiling, there's a good chance she's already at least two months old, if not close. Babies usually experience their first social smile in and around month two.

"How long was I out?"

Freddie is stood in my kitchen doorway, hair dishevelled.

"Fifteen minutes?"

"Sorry," he says, "I didn't sleep much last night."

He approaches and lightly caresses Charlotte's cheek. "Because you kept me up, didn't you?"

Her arms flap, no doubt starting to recognise his voice.

"Did you speak to your boss today?" I ask, remembering him mentioning it at Phoebe's party yesterday.

"Yeah, he's gonna work my shifts around childcare."

"Will you still be partnered with Caroline?" I ask.

He nods. "She wants less hours to spend time with her family anyway. It actually works out well for both of us."

"And how do you feel about it?" I question. "Less hours."

"Fine, I suppose," he admits. "Obviously, it was never part of the plan, but I'll do anything for her."

I smile, truly commending his attitude. He's done nothing but put Charlotte's needs before his own and I can't help but think it has something to do with his own background.

"I didn't know you were adopted."

He stiffens a little and I'm worried I've said too much.

"Have you ever thought about finding your birth parents?"

"I did," he replies, gazing at Charlotte. "I didn't like what I found."


"Sorry. I'm doing that thing again."

"What thing?"

"Sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong."

"I don't mind you asking."

"You don't?"

I'm shocked.

"How come?"

He shrugs. "I guess I trust you."

I step closer and purposely brush my arm with his. He catches my eye for a moment before his gaze travels towards my lips. Call me crazy, but I'm convinced he's about to kiss me.

"I had a terrible childhood, Ana."

"Is that why you freaked out when Charlotte was left?"

He nods. "I'm worried I'll turn into them."


"My parents."

I step in front of him, offering him my undivided attention. "You won't."

"I just—don't understand it."

I rest my forehead against his. "Understand what?"

"How they did what they did."

I stare at his lips and physically fight back the urge to kiss him.

"I don't understand how anyone could do that to flesh and blood."

His pain pours out of him in waves, overwhelming. I want to absorb as much of it as I can. Even if it eases what he's feeling by a mere fraction.


I press my three fingers to his lips and kiss them. It's my way of offering him comfort without breaking our rule. Without disrespecting his boundaries.

"You're a good man."

His lips tilt into the smallest of smiles.

"Charlotte is already so loved. She's the luckiest baby ever."

We both look at her, already so obsessed with this tiny human.

"Are you okay?" he asks, suddenly fixing his gaze on me.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, because I accidently shit all over your 'Don't tell anyone about us'. rule."

I laugh. "Oh yeah. I recall that."

His smile is apologetic. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We're adults, Freddie. We're capable of a casual relationship despite our families knowing."

"Even if said families are interfering as fuck?"

I smile because he's one hundred percent right. Nan has already texted me requesting a phone call tomorrow.

"I'll live."

"You sure?"

I love how compassionate he is.

"Freddie, this is the happiest I've been in a long time."

Possibly ever.

"The no kissing rule is the big one anyway," I inform. "So long as we don't break that, all will be fine."




Hi, lovely! 💕

We have HEAT! 🔥

Also, HOW funny was Freddie's introduction to the surprise party?

I actually can't believe he did that and technically I'm the one who made him do it. HAHA!

Be sure to read Freddie's version of events next week. It's both SEXY & HILARIOUS!

Speak soon!

Rebecca xo

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