8. The Jungle Dare!

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We all (including students of all the four buses) were on the ground after having a delicious breakfast in our rooms.

"I'm so excited to know what's next on the list, guys." Angel said.

"Yeah, I can see that on your face." I said and everyone in our circle laughed.

The next minute, all the professors showed up along with Principal D'Souza. Behind him, there were some muscled athletic men in orange jumpsuit with long rifles in their hands. Probably they were our guides or probably not!

"Oh my God. Jenny, guns!" Christi showed her fear.

"Relax." I calmed her and somewhat myself.

Principal looked at all our smiling excited faces and then began. "Welcome Students. Ready for your next competition?" He shouted.

"Yes, sir." We shouted back. We sounded like a military platoon :)

He continued, "Good. Before I say anything else, I'd like to inform y'all that this place is a Jungle..." He emphasized more on his last word.

"A jungle with wild habitats and unknown vegetation. So I want y'all to fix this in your heads that you're not here for fun. You gotta be in full senses and seriously mind your safety and then your colleagues. These men you see," he indicated the men in orange, "they'll be there with your team throughout to ensure safety of each one of you. Please co-operate with them. Now, instructions about what's to be done and how will be delivered by Prof. Salt. Good luck everyone." He said and left. I saw him walk upto his special appartment on the ground floor.

"Mhmm" Prof. Salt cleared his throat. "Students please stand with your group members as we're about to begin the instructions regarding the task."

Oh no! Not again. Why don't I get to stay with my friends, with Adrian. Why ain't I in his group.

There was something like a stampede for a while and then everyone stood with their teammates forming four blocks.

"Stay with me, Jenny." Christi whispered and clutched my palm.

"Sure!" I wanted to tell her how her words made me feel so special and elated. She's simply awesome.

Professor continued, "Alright. Now hear me. The task is not gonna be easy. This time you've got to go through three levels to reach the finish line. No it's not a marathon or something. You have to get in that jungle out there and begin with the first level. For first level, you will have to cross a maze. We'll let you in in a maze." His last sentence couldn't be heard properly.

"What? A maze?!"

"That reminds me of the childhood Amusement Park. Oh!"

"I'm getting excited, Jenny!" Christi said jumping at her place.

"Hmm." I nodded. Why was I getting this whiff of danger about that thing!

"You'll be getting a roll to study the directions. You have to observe it and then leave it behind. You finish the first level with crossing the maze. Now here's the second level..."

Although he said it very smoothly and calmy, I knew crossing the maze wouldn't be that smooth and easy job.

Everyone stood more attentively to hear him further.

"On finishing level one, you'll get a riddle to solve. If..." He put great emphasis on 'if'.

"If you could solve it precisely, you'll know your way ahead. And if you couldn't, you might even get lost in the woods." He minded on his tone effectively.


"The way?" Other students who stood with us started murmuring. I was wondering too.

"But not to worry. If you cou-" he suddenly stopped.

I turned at Christi who has raised her hand up. Everyone was looking at her already.

"What?" I whispered in her ears. She just blinked her eyes.

"Yes?" Professor asked.

"Suppose, we've lost our way and keep wandering... searching for the right way back and... and... it's turned dark then? How do we come back?"

"Patience plea-"

"Patience won't help, Sir. I'm saying if we get seperated from others how can we be patient and shouldn't we-"

"I meant have patience Miss. Parker. I'm-not-done talking yet." He ordered strictly.

She put her hand down and bit her lips.

"Students, if you couldn't crack the puzzle and lose your way or for that matter if you couldn't even make it to the second level then after a certain time, we'll send a team to rescue y'all and bring y'all back safely." He explained eyeing especially at Chritsti.

"That's level two." He said and everyone's head raised at him.

"Now level three. Trust me it's the easiest one." He said and smirked which clearly meant it wasn't the easiest. Definitely not!

"You have to keep connecting the dots with level two, perceive or interpret it the way you want, and finally get back here at the lodge. That's it." He banged his hands together gently.

Well, I thought he'd give some more details. I'm disappointed and concerned too.

"And yes, there's no time limit. But you gotta return before it gets dark. There's a red button on the wall on the either side. When you reach here just press it and we'll open the doors for y'all. The team which returns first will be the winner. As already said by Principal, give priority to your safety. Don't come back in broken pieces but in single piece." A low laugh escaped his mouth.

"These men you see, have rifles not with bullets in them but syringe. They'll inject it to any wild creature, seeming to harm or if necessary, only to ensure your safety." He ended his instructions there and took a long deep breath.

"Wild animals! I'm dead! We're going in danger, grave danger!" Christi said and staring those guns and frightened everyone. God, now where was her excitement, all of it just blew away. Nevertheless, I was worried too!

Prof. Salt spoke again, "Students, go and get whatever you need and report here on the ground in 20 minutes." He said and everyone dispersed creating a chaos.

"What do y'all say, guys?" Jack asked when we together headed to the lodge.

"I'm excited!" Adrian, the most energetic guy, spoke.

"Nothing to say. Just fingers crossed." Alex showed his apprehension.

Later, Angel, Chritsti and I grabbed our small bags from the room, locked it and descended the stairs.

We saw Adrian, Jack and Alex already there at the foot of the stairs on the left. Chatting again!

"Boys? What are y'all discussing?" I asked as I climbed down the last step.

I walked upto them, Angel and Christi followed.

"Uh, nothing." Adrian said.

"Yeah, just like that." Alex spoke.

"C'mon, tell us!" Christi demanded and they stared each other's face.

"There are some things that boys can't share with girls." Adrian replied cocking a brow at us while Jack and Alex supported expressionally.


A long 'oh' escaped our mouths, sarcastically comprehending their reply.

"Ok, c'mon girls." I winked at Christi and Angel and we turned around and walked a few step away from the boys. We began secretly talking and blabbering.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait. What's it? A secret talk? Without us?" Jack complained from behind.

We ignored.

"Include us, girls!" Alex urged.

I stared at Christi and Angel and then we turned. We just gave them a broad smile.

"What?" Adrian sang throwing his hands down.

"Just that....." I took a long unnecessary pause.

"..... there are a lottttt of things that girls can't share with boys." I said with some attitude laced in my tone and teased them.

Christi gave me a high-five on that.

"Nailed it." Angel cheered.

Their faces were adorably worth watching. We quickly walked out laughing heavily. I heard them laugh behind and follow us.

Twenty minutes later everyone gathered, Prof. Salt was already there. He caught all our ears after we stood with our respective teammates.

"Hope you return soon and unharmed. Good luck, students." He said and actioned the men in orange to stand with us.

Four guards for each team. I got a bit scared when the tallest guard passed by me.

"We really need a good luck! God please do something. Save us." Christi sighed.

I stood quiet. I turned my neck behind and then around to see the faces of my fellow participants. I couldn't understand whether they were excited more or frightened? I looked for my friends, they were busy talking to their teammates.

"I can't go." I heard Della, my teammate say that.

"I'll fall right at the sight of a wolf." Linda, who stood behind Christi said sounding horrified.

"I am going. Wow! Adventure!" I heard a very smart voice from behind. It was Derek, Linda's rumoured boyfriend.

"Students..." Prof. Salt spoke again. Will his words ever end!

"I can see and hear most of you do not wish to participate in this jungle competition. Well, there's a relief task for such students."

"Yes. God has listened." Christi rejoiced.

"All those who do not wish to go will stay here and participate in various sports competition that'll be held in that 'sports house'..." He turned and pointed a big building to the left of the lodge.

So we had two options then, cool.

Chaos again started.

"Yes! Thank God. Jenny, come let's go to the sport house." Christi said dragging me to the sport house.

"No. Wait, Christi." I gently throwed her hand. "I think we should pick the jungle competition. Won't it be real fun?" I said trying to convince her.

"Won't it be real danger?! Look Jenny, that jungle thing excites me too but we can't risk our life. It could be dangerous."

Risk our lives, seriously?

I rolled my eyes. "Oh c'mon Christi, we're not afraid of any danger.... are we?"

"Aren't we?" She shrugged. Well, I expected a 'no' from her.

"No! We aren't. Now you do as I say, okay. Come with me. Please Christi."

After quite a while she said, "Okay, only for you."

I smiled thankfully.

"You're so crazy, Jenny." She almost whispered to herself but I heard it.

After what Vice-Principal said, many backed off. There were like only ten to fifteen students left in each team. C'mon!

Adrian, Jack, Alex and Angel did not back off. I knew they won't.

I got lost into Adrian's thoughts and his words he said in the bus, when I saw him talk to someone from a distance.

"Jenny? Jenny!"

"Uh oh, yes Christi?" I blinked my eyes several times.

"Where were you lost. We're about to leave for the jungle. You ready?"

"Always." I smiled and she smiled back hesitatingly.

All the four teams were asked to stand at different places close to the wall, facing it. The wall was very very broad and looked unbreakable. First I didn't understand but later I understood they were doors to the jungle! Our guards stood around us with their guns. I felt like we were the first family of the country surrounded by bodyguards. Hehe :)

Christi and I were in the front, at door two with our team B. I bet all our hearts were beating out of our chest. Christi looked at me when the door began parting. I gave her that "I'm there for you" look and she grasped. I tightened my grip on my bag strap. Everyone had their own bag. The first aid kit was with the men in orange.

The next moment the door flung completely open.
I looked at Chritsti and said, "Let's go!"


How're you all?? Guys! C'mon speak up everybody 😄
I missed you a lot... honestly 🥺❤️
Now let's see if y'all remember me or the book 😉

Do tell me how was this chapter...plz do comment guys😘
Take care🥰

Yours lovingly

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