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Ani. No ,no need I don't wanna use anyone's room. Rudy we can use your guest room what's say.

Pri.di is right we can use that. Come let's go didi she hold her hand and dragged her with them fastly.

Shivaay who is standing on the stairs an mischievous smile appeared on his face thinking something in his brain. .

Ran. Shivaay you have time 'you can say to your siblings that you can't handle this ugly and middle class girl at your house  . What's say boys. He winks in teasing way.

Shiv. Why ??why would I say that ???

Ar. Ya why would He say that when he was offering even his room to that  tacky girl. They all Lough hi five to each other

Shiv. You just search ways to make fun of me nothing else. he makes grumpy face and left from there.

P. If your khi khi got finished then tell me what you wanna eat so that I could ask maid to Make for you.

Ar. Aunty you know na what we eat so make us that only. Let's go guys we have to see what shivaay is doing

Ra. Today gonna be so fun. He jump happily and left from there.

In guest room

Anika. Rudra you are really weak in this. It's been an hour I'm trying to put this mathed in your brain but you are the one who is not understanding

Ru. It's bit complicated didi he said scratching his head.

Ani . Ok don't stress yourself and do this question again I don't want a single mistake this time. . Rudra nods and started doing it sitting in the corner.

Shiv. Guys how's studies going ???

Anika rolls her eyes when she saw him coming in the room

Ani. What you doing here. ???

Shiv. I just came to check on my siblings.  Is there any problem miss. 

Ani. No. There's no problem sir. But you are  disturb them.

Shiv. You or them?? He grin making her roll her eyes while his siblings just giggle silently

Ani.   I'm talking about them not myself. Stop taking other meanings. She rolls her eyes having annoyed face.

Shiv. But I got to know the exact meanings. He smirk

Ani. Don't you think you take yourself over smart.  She twitches her eyes looking at him.

Shiv. I'm over smart I don't think so there is any doubt in that

Ani. Ya ya I can see that. Now please leave don't disturb us

Shiv. It's my house and I guess I can go wherever I want you can't stop me .... He  chipped

Ani. Oh so you mean to say that no one is allow here. It's ok rudra and prinku you guys can meet me in college library from tomorrow. I'll teach you there.

Shiv. Nooo ....Anika kept hand on her heart hearing his scream

Shiv. I didn't mean it ...

Ani. You did mr oberoi. Now please leave...

Shiv. First promise me you will Tuition them here only ....

Ani. I give them here , in hostel or library. Why you are having problem with that ...

Shiv. It's just I i ...

Hello shivaay baby a girl come running there and hugged him from behind sticking with him like glue. Anika made eww face and turn her face towards rudra shaking her head ....

Shiv. What you doing trisha stay away from
Me he shout removing her hands from his chest ....

T. What happened baby why are you so angry ???

Shiv. Im not angry you tell what you doing here. He speak being annoyed with her presence m.

T. I was missing you so badly so decided to come
to meet you. She grin.

Shiv. But I really didn't miss you. He rolls his eyes bringing good distance between them

Ti. Who is this chashmish girl ???? She avoid his  dislike towards her and drag topic towards anika whom she spotted a second ago.

Ru. She is our Anika didi a intelligent and topper girl unlike you who failed five times in o level.  Rudra chipped rolling his eyes.

Ti. Very funny rudra she twist her mouth giving him angry look.

Pri. Wase bari hi besharm ho trisha didi I'm sorry tris. Before a week only bhiya had thrown you out from our home kicking your ass and look at you , you again cAme back. Such a shameless creature you are.

Ti. Keep your tone down prinku. You can't talk to me like that. It's just pinky aunty asked me to come. so I couldn't resist her. otherwise I didn't have any wish to come here. Though i missed my shivaay baby she said keeping hand on his shoulder which soon got jerked by shivaay whose eyes are just stuck on Anika 'who is teaching rudra some question without giving damn to him or Trisha who is barking from ten minutes

Ti. Shivu baby today I've arranged date for us. Will
You come with me. She jump excitedly clapping her hands.

Shiv. Sorry I can't. I've work.  He bluntly said no her face making her disappointed.

Ti. Don't say that baby. Please baby please come na. ....

Anj. Can you both please go outside. you are disturbing Rudy and prinku.

Ti. Oh shut up you little rat you are no one to say us to go from here. It's our house we can stand wherever you want

Shiv. It's my house not yours tris. You are just a unwanted guest who comes here everyday without invitation. He instantly shout at her as he saw her being rude with anika.

Ti. You are insulting me now baby. She pout

Shiv. Oh thank god you felt it miss Trisha. Now kindly leave before I kick your ass again

Ti. But ...

Shiv. I said leave Trisha. She stomp her foot and left from there in anger

Ani. Now what will you take for leaving .... She huffs

Shiv. but I ...

Ani. Rudra prinku I guess you people need a break. Go and drink water and have something then come back to studies. till then I'll go and have fresh air. As your house is full of suffocation. Rudy and prinku nods and left from there not before glaring shivaay. Anika grabs her book and try to go but shivaay blocked her way Making her annoyed. 

Ani. What do you want. Shivaay swiftly turn her and pin her with wall caging her between him making her shock with his sudden move.

Shiv. Seems like someone was jealous he grin.

Ani. From whom ???she chuckle

Shiv. don't hide I know you didn't like the way that tris was climbing over me ...

Ani. It's her choice what she wanna do and what not. I'm none to feel bad ....

Shiv. Oh common I can see the tint of jealousy on your face

Ani. Then you have to do check up of your eyes. as they are not seeing things properly.

Shiv. Oh really but I guess my eyes are absolutely right. Even they can see mole on your Pink lips. He winks bringing his thumb near her lips which she didn't let him touch her lips  and removed it glaring him

Ani. Don't she warn him while glaring him.

Shi. Why not he dangerously move towards her lips fanning his breath over it making her feel weak on her legs. She about to fell down when he hold her on meantime pulling her closer.

Shiv. You couldn't control yourself. Are not you. He whispered in her ear pushing her hair back. Anika closed her eyes and pushed him running her finger between the junction of her lip and nose in nervousness.

Ani. It's it's nothing like that. She take two steps back and run away before he stops her.  Shivaay run his fingers in his hair and set on the bed smiling  like an idiot. 

After few days in college

Anika is sitting alone in the class when Ragini comes there Making her irritated with her presence

Ani. What do you want but she got Shocked when she grabs her bag and started scrolling it without her permission

Ani. What do you think you are doing.  She try to snatch it from her. but she didn't let her and turn her face away still digging into her bag

Ragini. I need money for  clubbing. My all friends are going and mom said she don't have money to give me so now you are the only one who can help me w...

Ani. What you doing  Ragini give my bag back.  Ragini took out  her purse and throw her bag on her face

R.  Wow you have loads of money she smile greedily pulling bunch of money from her pouch.

Ani. Di please give back to me. I'm gathering this money for my assignment. I need to buy stuff for that.  Please give me back. she  try to snatch but she just pushed her away making her fell on the floor

R. Fuck your assignment I don't care.   I need this money and I'll take it.  She glares her and left from there swinging her bum. Anika burst into tears seeing her money going. She had done night shift yesterday to get this money and today she took it everything. now how will she get things for her assignment she got nothing with her. She sobs and started collecting her things from the floor crying silently.  

Shivaay who was walking by the class whistling happily rotating chain in his finger stopped seeing Anika who is sitting on her knees getting things from the floor.  

Shiv.  Hay fake  Chasmish  what's up.  He smiles standing infront of her but Anika didn't answer her and zip up her bag looking down.

Shiv. Hey why you are not answering me. I've asked you something. Anika got annoyed by his questions and got up looking him with red eyes

Ani. How many times I've told you to stay away from
Me. then why you alway come behind me. What's wrong with you.   Why don't you understand I don't like you to be around me. I want some peace in alone time. Stop coming infront of me without any constant reason. she burst her anger over him and about to pass by him when he hold her hand and pulled her back tucking her hand on her back

Shiv. What I think about myself or what do you think About yourself ha.   If these days I'm being polite with you then that's doesn't mean you will take advantage of it   and will shout whenever you feel like. I won't allow you to do it. I'm shivaay singh oberoi and I can do whatever I feel like you can't stop me.   You don't even have  Status to stop me.  I've standard unlike you who beg for work everywhere just because you need money for your expenses. He grit his teeth while pressing her hand more tightly making her suppress her pain pressing her lios. 

Ani. So what if I beg for work Atleast I do thing on my own not like you who is surviving on his parents money and don't even raise his finger to earn something. I'm proud of myself. but I guess you would never feel like That as you never did anything which makes you feel  proud  she said  pushing him away

Ani. Stay away from me.  I'm again warning you shivaay. Just fuck off from here.  She pushed him and grab her bag from bench to go but again he cAme in her way stopping her pinning her with white board

Shiv. You can't walk away insulting me like this.

Ani. Shivaay let me go. She sniffs Turning her face away.

Shiv. I won't. No one can  move away without my permission not even you. 

Ani.  You have  friends and many girlfriends shivaay why don't you go behind them. Why always me.  She sob  looking in his eyes

Shiv. Because I like to tease you. It's give me peace when tears fell from these eyes.  I like to seeing you in pain.  He smile devilishly looking at her lips  which didn't let him  sleep last night. He kept thinking about them.  He about to grab them when she pushed him forcefully making him fell on the table and run away from there fastly

Shiv. Stop Anika stop here but she didn't and flew away from there. 

In canteen

Shivaay comes there and set on his chair being grumpy

Om. What happened shivaay. But he didn't answer and kept digging table with the folk.

Hey shivaay baby she comes from behind and hugged his neck

R. I missed you baby it's been month you Haven't talk to me

Shiv. I was busy.  He said removing her arm from his neck

Ra. Baby I was thinking we should go on the dinner date today what's say.  She said showing his cleavage pulling her top down but shivaay is least interested in that and just thinking about Anika. who without any reason bursted over him. 

Mali.  Ragini she comes there fuming in anger  and hold her hair making her cry in pain. 

Ar. What you doing malika.  Leave her.  He got shocked seeing his girlfriend bursting on ragini like a thunder out of no where.

Ma.  Ragini give money back to Anika.  It's for her assignment. 

Ra. Leave me. Which money you are talking about  ??? she cry in pain trying to free herself

Ma. Don't be over smart and give her money. Shivaay who was watching all this silently' his eyes  fell on anika who comes running there fastly

Ani. Let her go it's ok I'll arrange it.

Ma. No Anika when they didn't feel pity to throw you out of their house. then how can they expect you to give them money. She can't manhandle you like this. Ragini  give money right now otherwise ill drag you on  floor like animal.

R.  I I've already spent it she lied ...

Ma.  I can see that she pushed her on the floor and get her purse out from the bag and then pulled out all the money which she'd snatched from anika.

R. This is my money don't take it.  She try to take it back. But malika didn't let her and raised her hand up not giving her chance to grab the money.

M. Now it's not. She took out every penny out of her purse and throw it on her face.

M.  Don't come near her ever. Understand. Anika here is your money with interest ...

Ani. But Mali

M. Don't think and take it. Anika nods and hold it putting it in her bag.

R. I will kill you Anika.  Just wait and watch what will I do with you she glares her and walked out from there fixing her hair which apparently turned into jungle by now. .

Om. Why are you standing girls. Come sit.

Ani. No I should leave now she said looking at shivaay who is already looking at her ...

Ran. No you can't.  You are sitting here and that's final. He pulled her and made her sit besides shivaay who glares her angrily

M. So guys tomorrow is Sunday and I've planned we are going beach what's say.  Even Anika is

Shiv. If she is coming then I'm not Coming he behave like child making her roll Her eyes ...

Ani. Then I'll Surely go. It's good you are not coming she said happily. 

Shiv.  Go to hell he hit her shoulder and left from there in anger. 

Ani. Baghbillah 😡

Precap ... beach and he is there

Precap .....240 votes unlimited comments


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