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Lunch time

Arnav. Anika we are going to lunch. Do you mind if I ask you to join us. Malika interwind her fingers praying she should say yes for going with them closing her eyes.

Ani. Thanks for asking but I'm not hungry you people can go.

Ran. Anika don't be so workaholic. Come with us. I promise you will like out there in fresh air.

Ani. Ranveer i said I don't wanna go. means no. So please don't disturb me. I've my work to finish. Hmm

Om. Let's go guys if she don't wanna go then don't pressurise her come let's go. All nods sadly and left from there leaving her alone with shivaay " whose eyes Are just wondering on her face without blinking. Anika look at him with corner of eyes and found him staring at her continuously. She first try to ignore it. but it's really getting hard for her to do it. .  After almost two minutes  " when he didn't move his eyes.  She  huffs and got up from her chair being irritate with his burning gaze on her skin.

Shiv. Where are you going ??The particular question left his mouth as he saw her going somewhere.

Ani. Non of your business. She collect her things and about to go " but he immediately blocked her way coming infront of her

Ani. What do you want " she said turning her face away

Shiv. You didn't do lunch. So let's go together.

Ani. I've already told I'm not hungry. You can go with your friends

Shiv. Don't lie. I know you are hungry and ...

Ani. And what ??!

Shiv. Anika we should talk. he exhale the breath" couldn't hold himself to Ask her.

Ani. About what ???

Shiv. About us ....

Ani. Look we are here for work. So better we do that only " instead of bashing around. Be professional mr oberoi. I really don't want you to discuss about outside things here and specially personal life. Hm she try to pass by him but he again cAme infront Of her blocking her way

Shiv. It's break time not wor. so I guess we can talk about it

Ani. I've already told you There is nothing to talk about. so what's the need of doing.

Shiv. But

Ani. No if and but. Please don't come infront of me. otherwise unwillingly I've to change my place of work. She Gave him warning and left from there leaving him rubbing his forehead in tension.

After sometime

Anika cAme back and saw juice has been kept there along with some sandwiches on her table. She look at them and saw them immediately looking away trying to show " they don't know anything about it. She look at shivaay then he is just looking at her without blinking her eyes. She shakes her head and went towards the table with slow steps. She look at the food and set on the chair lifting the landline up

Ani. Sharma ji can you please come in cabin. All got confused after hearing her.

Mr sh. You called me mam.

Ani. Yes take all this I don't want it.

Mr s. Ok mam he nods and left taking the tray making shivaay hell angry seeing her stubbornness. Since morning she is working nonstop. and when time cAme for eating something. she is not having anything and showing attitude like a stubborn girl.  he agreed she is annoyed with all people but that's doesn't mean " she will behave like this with herself. Atleast she should take care of her  own health instead of making her health bad being angry.

R. If you didn't like this then Atleast you should had tell me I would had got something else for you. He speak standing infront of her having frustrated  expressions .

Ani. I don't need anything Ranveer I. had already told you people

R. Anika don't be so harsh. We are your friends.

Ani. I didn't ask you to do my favour Ranveer. Can't you leave me alone for some time.

R. Anika we are worried for you and specially me. Hearing him Shivay grit his teeth finding him showing sympathy and sweet himself to her which he actually knows he is not at all.

Ani. If you are care about me so much then kindly don't push me to that which I don't wanna do. Better you let me concentrate on my work and you do your own. It will be good for me and you as well.hmm

R. Lakin

Ani. Ranveer

Ar. What's wrong with him. why he is being so clingy with her. I never seen him with someone like this. Being friends of ours from long time he never shown so much care to us. then why for her only. He whispered making malika and om go in Dilemma

M. Sometime I think that he is the main reason of all this mess. if he won't had done all the drama that day. then today it won't had happened. he pressed painful pulse of Anika. He purposely took proper advantage of situation. As he saw Anika is traumatised because of exams. he hit the hammer over it to break them apart. So that Anika's trust get break fully and she never able to get stable by that. Hearing her both om and Arnav look at her confusedly. because somewhere they are finding her right. there is must be some thing which is hidden from them.

Ani. I guess i should leave from here I really can't work here.

M. Anika you don't need to leave like this. Stay here.

Ani. No thank you she grabs her things and left from there making shivaay hell angry on Ranveer " who is frustrated seeing Anika's rude behaviour with him.

Shiv. What the hell you think of yourself Ranveer why are you clinging on her like this. He screams pushing him away making him stumble

Ran. And who the hell are you to stop me for going behind her. he screams pushing him also hitting on his chest

Ar. Have you gone mad guys stop all this shit. Don't start here In office

Shiv. Why don't you say him who is causing the problem here.

Ran. What about you then shivaay singn oberoi. Don't forget you are the main reason of all this. If you won't had done all that. then it won't had happened.

Shiv. You just shut up Ranveer. It's all your mistakes you provoked me do all that. I didn't want to do it. but you made me so angry. which caused me to spill out all shit whatever cAme in my mouth

Ran. I didn't do anything you bastard. Don't blame me.

Shiv. Oh really !!! why can't I blame you. when I find you beam around Anika always. I'm seeing you how you are trying to impress her like you care about her so much

Ran. There is no lie in that. I do care for her. I want her to be happy

Shi. She don't like you Ranveer you don't need to be so close to her

Ran. And who the hell are you to decide it .. whom she likes and whom not.

Shiv. I'm her boyfriend and I know what is good enough" what is bad for her. he shout pointing finger at him having blood shot eyes.

Ran. Have you gone nuts shivaay. I think you have memory lose. She is not your fuckin girlfriend anymore. You both are broke up for your kind information.

Shiv. No we didn't. soon I will win her back. he spoke having determination in his motive to get her back at any cost. Whether he has to do anything thing for that

Ran. Till I'm here you won't do it ...

Om. Will you both stop here. Don't fight like kids.

Ran. I'm not doing but he is.

Shiv. You asshole. He hold his collar and placed punch on his face making all people cup their mouth

Ar. What you did shivaay ???

Ran. I won't leave you shivaay. I will kill you. he kept his hands on his neck and pushed him on the table struggling him for breath.

Shiv. You .... he pushed him with full force and slap him on his face throwing him on the floor

M. Guys stop it. This is not the way you would fight. Please stop here. She try to come between them but Ranveer pushed her making her fell in Arnav's arms who saved her on meantime

Ar. Ranveer what the hell are you doing ???

Ran. I will push people if someone will try to come between me and Anika. She is mine and I'll make sure she be mine. He screams making them widen their eyes

Shiv. What the hell did you say . He shout holding his collar jolting him

Ran. Stay out of it shivaay. in past I agree she chose you over me. and I kept quite for her happiness. but this time I will make sure she comes with me. I want her to be mine and I'll make her at any cost

Shiv. You dick head " how dare you to put bad eyes on my girl

Ran. She is not your girl for heaven sake. she never been. Always I loved her you played with her only. There was no love or attraction between you. You were just taking revenge on her. but I did love her   I always did " since I had seen her. but you cAme in between and ruined everything. but not this time. I won't let you to take her away like this. She is mine and I'll make sure she stays mine. he yelled on top of voice making shivaay hell angry. he is feeling like to dig a grave and bury him alive in there without showing a single mercy on him .

Om. What bullshit you are saying Ranveer ???

Ran. Which you heard. And shivaay singh oberoi you think that after your so called betrayal she will choose you. No I won't let her. This time she will choose me and I make sure she come to me only.

Ar. Stop playing challenge games here Ranveer.

Shiv. Anika loves me and all people knew about it including you. For time been she is hating me. because she is heart broken. but I'll Make sure that with passing time I win her back and I'll see how you would stop me.

Ran. That will time only tell. Anika will be mine. I will steal her from you so cleanly that you won't able to even know about it.

Shiv. Are You challenging me ?? 

Ran. Yes shivaay singh oberoi I challenge you. I challenge to win Anika back. We will see whom she choose. Me or you.

M. She is human being. don't play with her life for god Sake. She shout looking at them with furious eyes

Ran. you have swear on Arnav if you told her about it.

Om. You can't say like that ranveer. Stop being silly

Ran. I can. I can say that.

Shiv. You can't do this Ranveer. Let her decide what does she want.

Ran. That's I'm saying. let her decide whether she wants me or you. And whom ever she gonna choose " other competitor will remove himself from her life without uttering a single word.

Shiv. I can't do this

Ran. Are you scared mr shivaay Singh oberoi , he smirk looking at him tip to toe

Shiv. No I'm no

Ran. Then accept it boy. Accept this challenge. He smirk forwarding his hands towards her.

Shiv. Accepted I'm Already feeling sorry for you as I know you gonna loose.

Ran. We will see mate. who would win and who will loose. He said shaking his hand up and down giving him smile

M. You both are so wrong

Precap .......same

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