Coming behind her

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Anika   Comes out from washroom fastly and about to go ahead towards  hall " when suddenly she Collided with someone stumbling back. she about to fell down but he hold her on meantime catching her  waist. First anika  get scared " but feeling a secure grip on her waist she open her eyes and look at the person who has held her.

Shiv. You are fine .   He spoke looking at her concernly.

Shiv. I said are yoy fine. Anika look at his face and then she tilt her head away trying to ignore looking in his eyes.

Shiv. Why are you not speaking?? are you alright. ??!

Anika didn't answer him and immediately come out from his hold and move back   shrugging her clothes.

Ani. I'm .... I'm fine she sniffs stammering without looking at his face

Shiv. Anika I I   .....

Ani. I've work.  Excuse me He try to say something but she left from there without giving him a single chance to say anything.

At night

All people are happily enters in the party all ready in their pretty outfits.  They all are enjoying with each other along with drinks and all. Some are  chatting with their friends then some are dancing on the floor while anika is  arranging things. so that nothing should get less.  She wants everything perfect without any problem.  So that her boss get happy and give her extra money. which she needed. Shivaay who enters there his eyes are wondering around to seeing her but she is no where to be seen.  Suddenly Someone come from behind and hold his arm

Tri. Wow shivaay baby you are looking so handsome. Shivaay turns and saw Trisha is standing giving him smile

Shiv. What are you doing here ???

T. I came to enjoy the party. Now let's go.  We should join these people. she hold his hand and drag him with her without listening to to him.

Rag. Shivaay she goes towards him and hold his hand.

R. I was waiting for you only. Where you had been. It's an hour party has been started.

Shiv. I had some work. he said looking around to search a particular person who is making his nights sleepless

Tri. Whom you are searching for shivaay. Both ladies frown looking at his eyes which are wondering around

Shiv. Erm no one. Anyways you guys enjoy I need some drink

R. Don't go anywhere. Let me ask organiser to get for you.

Shiv. Lakin

R. Don't worry. Let me call her. Anika Anika she calls her name gaining her attention " who is talking with someone.

R. Get drink for my shivaay baby. Anika first look at her and then look at shivaay " whose eyes are just stuck on her face

Anika exhale breath and nods

Ani. Bringing it saying this she went away from there to get drink


Ani. Your drink she passed tray towards him without looking at his face. He trying his best to Make her look in his eyes but she is just tucking her eyes down.

T. Isn't she same girl who study with you guys

R. Yes she is .... but today she is working as butler here. Isn't Anika she smirk

Ani. Yes I'm on my job instead of wasting my time in stupid parties like useless peoples.  she gave her tight smile making Ragini grit her teeth

R. Mind your tongue Anika otherwise I'll itself knock you down here

Ani. As if I'll let you do it. ....

R. I can complain about you to your manager as well and I guess that will affect you very bad. She smirk sipping her drink

Ani. You won't do it. She baffles.

R. I'll think about it but before that ..... she gave her evil smile and dropped the drink on the floor scattering glasses on the floor and in that process one glance Pierced Anika's foot making her close her eyes feeling sharp pain

Shiv. What you did ?are you mad ???

R. I  was an accident  baby. don't need to worry about. Anika go down and clean it. And clean my shoes as well. Look how dirty they became.

Ani. I'll call cleaner ... she try to go but she stopped her holding her arm.

R. You are organising right. so do it yourself. I don't have time to waste on your stupid cleaner.

Ani. He won't take time ...

R. Are you cleaning or shall I call your manager.

Anika. Fine. I'm doing. She pulled out the napkin from her pocket and set on the floor to clean everything.

Ani. Sssss she hissed when her foot pained because of putting weight on it. Shivaay is feeling like to pull Ragini and makes her clean rubbing her face on the floor. But he is helpless. as he knows Anika won't allow him to do. That girl  who is not ready to look at him " how would he expect she take his help.

R. My shoes as well.

Ani. I'm doing don't get so hurry.

Shiv. Shut up Ragini she won't clean your shoes. He about to pull napkin away from her when ranveer comes and took it from her hand

Ran. Anika you  don't need to do all this. If her shoes is dirty. then she will clean herself only. Come on get up. Just get up. He hold her arm and made her stand up.

Ran. And you bitch stop creating drama here. If you have so much problem with her. then Leave this party with your boyfriend. We really don't wanna see your face. He said looking at shivaay whose eyes getting red seeing his hand resting on Anika's waist

Ran. Come let's go ani. He hold her waist tighter and took her away from there glaring Ragini and shivaay both

R. Oh god every one got to know I'm your girlfriend. I guess we should make it official. She giggle jumping happily

Just shut up Regini. stay away from me as much as you can. I really don't like you. He pushed her and left from there

T. I guess you got your dose from him so better keep a good distance from him.

R. And who the hell are you for telling me ???

Tri. His fiancé. My dad and his dad decided to make us marry. Soon our engagement gonna happen. she smirk folding her arms infront of her

R. That's can't happen.  shivaay can't do this to me.

T. It is happening baby. And about shivaay then soon he will get to know as well. And I'm sure he won't say no for it. after all our companies are going to do merger. She gave her evil smile and left from there waving her hand

R. First Anika and now this bitch. I can't let them take shivaay from me. she stomp her foot fiddling with her fingers

In rest room

Shivaay comes with fast step and about to go ahead when stopped on the entrance seeing Ranveer is cleaning Anika's wound while she is sitting on the sofa holding the fabric tightly.

Ani. Ssss she hissed when cotton touched her wound

R. Are you ok he said caressing her cheek.

Ani. Yh I'm fine she remove his hand feeling uncomfortable with his touch....

Ran. It will be fine. Hmm he  blow her wounds after putting ointment and wrap bandage around it

Ran. Anika you need rest. If you will put pressure over it then it will hurt.

Ani. No it's fine. It's not that big injury. I'll able to do work

Ran. But ani ....

Ani. I'll be fine don't worry ranveer.

Ran. Ok cool if you really need anything then let me know. I'll be there in next second.

Ani. I will. She smiles.

Ran. Come I'll help you to go out. He try to keep hand on her shoulder. but she didn't let him and move away

Ani. It's better if you don't meet me afterwards. I really don't wanna get back into you people.

Ran. Because of that shivaay right ??? it's just

R. Don't worry ani. He is not our friend anymore. Leave him I don't even go with other friends as well. So you don't need to distance from me

Ani. Lakin

R. You can trust me Anika. I would never hurt you. He said holding her hand

Anika bite her lips in nervousness  and nods

R. Good. Now let's go

Ani. You go first then I'll go.

Ra. As your wish. he gave her smile and left from there while Anika kept standing lost in her own thoughts

Shivaay who is standing behind the wall he is feeling to break this ranveer's bones. First he made them broke up making him spill out every thing and now he is making his numbers infront of her " trying to be extra nice. He is sure that he is up to something. He has to think before he does anything with her.

Shiv. You asshole ranveer I won't leave you. You have to pay for your deeds. he grit his teeth fisting his hand in anger

In party

Anika is Arranging the drinks on the tray when malika comes there

M. ( Ani she calls her ) Anika turns and find  her standing giving her smile

M. Need help ???

Ani. I've told you na I don't need any help. I've people to do for me.

M. Ani  please talk to me. Its hurting very badly to not having you besides  me. You are  the only my best friend and you are not talking to me. She sobs.

Ani. Malika I don't have any grudges with you neither any harsh feelings. but we can't be like before. We are finished here. so better we keep good distance.

M. Lakin ani

Ani. I've loads of work to do. So please don't disturb me. she gave her stern look and left from there carrying the tray in her hand

M. Why are you doing this to me Anu. Please don't do this. she sobs looking at her retreating figure having difficult to walk

Ar. What happened mali. Malika nods no and hugged him  tightly sobbing in his arms

M. She is not talking to me.  I tried my best but she is not listening

Ar.  She is afraid mali.  She might be thinking we are Same like shivaay

M. But she said that she don't have any grudges for me. then why she is not talking to me. She cry pushing her face in his crook

Ar.  Give her time. she will be fine soon. Right now her wounds are fresh. so it will take time to heal them

M. She will talk to me right she sniffs

Ar. Yes she will now come let's go. Om was looking for you. Come.. he hold her hand and took her away.

After sometime

Anika sat on the stool being tired and closed her eyes leaning to the wall. 

Aleena. Ani you are sitting here. I was looking for you everywhere

Ani. What happened. Is there something problem

Al. Yes and that's you didn't eat anything.she said passing her plate which is full of items

Ani. I'm really not hungry

Al. You never feel hungry.  Now be a good girl and have it. 

Ani. Fine she take in her hand and started having it

Al. You finish it. till I'll see arrangements outside. Anika nods and she walked out from there


Al. Mein na de Dia ha.   She said she will Eat it. 

You should had Stayed with her till she doesn't eat. man said making her sigh in irritation.

Al.  I can't... I've  work. If you care about her a lot then go and stand besides her. I'm going. She waves her hand and left from there hurriedly.  He  exhale breath defeatedly and set on the sofa thinking about her.

After sometime

After  a successful party anika decided to leave as it's already late time.  She should had been at her apartment by now. but because of loads of  work she couldn't go

Ani. Ok aleena im going. 

Al.  I'm also leaving. my boyfriend is here to pick me up.

Ani. Ok take care

Al. Shall I drop you ???

Ani. no it's ok I'll manage you go with your boyfriend.

Al. Ok cool take care of yourself. She hugs her and left from there leaving her alone near the road. Anika look at the dark sky  and decided to walk. as there is nothing which could help her to go. In way she is walking slowly because of her foot when she felt someone is following her. She first ignore it. But feeling car following her continuously" she looks back but unfortunately because of sharp light of car she is not able to see the person.  She  fix her dress and decided to walk fast before something bad happens. She gulp and started walking fastly.  In that process she didn't realise when she took a big heavy step which led her to fell on the floor making her  moan in pain

Ani. Aaaa she cry in pain holding the foot. Person who was in the car he got Panic to seeing her in this state. He about to get down from the car when suddenly another car stopped infront of her making her scared

Ran. Ani he run towards her and made her stand holding her shoulder.

R. Are you alright. He said looking at her foot.

Ani.  Ranveer. ???

Ran. Yes me.

Ani. What you doing here ???

Ra. First tell me how's your foot. it's not looking good

Ani. I'm fine Don't worry. by the way are you the one who was following me ???

Ran. No I wasn't.   I came now only.  He said looking behind but there is no one except a empty road.

Ani.     Maybe I was hallucinating . Anyways what you doing here??

Ran. I was passing by here. so when I saw you I thought to give you lift.

Ani.  It's ok you can go I'll go on my own.

Ran. Anika it's late night. It's not right to leave you like this

Ani. but I can manage...

Ran. Yes you can. but I won't let you.  come let's go From here

Ani. Lakin

Ran. Lakin nothing. Come let's go he hold her hand and made her sit in the car. Seeing his antics Anika got suspicious first " she felt to ask him but then she decided to keep mum. as maybe he cares for her that's why he came to pick her up

Ran. Chale.

Ani. Hmm he smiles and drove away from there.

Behind them someone came out from the car and kick the wheel

Why are you doing this ranveer ?? why so care for her. What's going on in your brain asshole. he screams punching on the bonnet feeling so much angry over him for breaming around her like bee.

Precap .... Shakti Singh oberoi offered job to anika. 🤗

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