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All are happily dancing around on the beat of
Doll along with grooms. who seems so excited for their wedding. Their happiness is reflecting from their eyes and big smiles " which is not leaving their faces any moment. after all they are getting marry with their loves of lives " whom with they dreamt to spend their lives.

Seeing them shining in happiness " pinky remove evil eyes rotating money around their heads and gave to khana for distributing Ik poor.

Mom that's enough nothing will happen now. Everything will go good. Shivaay says side hugging Arnav who nods settling his turban.

I know that but still I don't want anyone put bad eyes on you both. She says caressing their heads.

Ar. I guess we shouldn't let them wait more. We should move.

You don't wanna do more wait or you ?? Rudra wink making him blush.

P. Don't tease my kids Rudy. And let them enjoy their time.

Yes mom is right. Shivaay says kissing her Forehead.

Arn. Shall we move. Shivaay nods and walk towards entrance along with all people . But soon they got confused when they found none on the door. Its feeling like no one is prepared for their welcome.

What's happening here. Shivaay clutch his heart seeing the scenario Infront of him. Instead of standing in the door they all are gathered around the alter.

P. Shivay Arnav can you check please. I'm not getting good vibes. Shivaay gave him tense look and walk inside with Arnav

What's happening. They ask people but no one answered but gave them worried look.

Malika . As malika heard arnav's voice she come out from her mother's arms and run towards him.

Arnav .... she take his name and take him In hug

What happened baby why are you Crying. ??? Shivaay look around and got confused not finding anika anywhere.

Where is ani.... he look at her having fear in his eyes and started looking around for her

Sh. Ani Anika ,,, malika where is ani. Why she is not here. What's happening here ???

M. Woh Shivay woh

Sh. Will you answer where is my Anika he screams frustratedly not able to get answer from her.

M. Ranveer.... ranveer took her. Saying this she break down into tears.

WhAttttt??? What did you say. He says marching towards her fastly having anger in his eyes

H h ... he had cAme before  half and hour.  He was so angry. Me and Anika was in room when he entered.  Anika had opened the door. As he entered he started man handling her. I tried  to go to him.  but he kept gun on Anika's head and said he will kill her. if I come near. I kept telling him. don't do don't do. but he didn't listen and took Anika with him hitting her head. He said tell shivaay " Anika is his and he will make sure that he Make her his.   I'm sorry shivaay I tried my best but that bastard didn't listen to me.  Please save my friend shivaay. I don't want her to get hurt Please.  That beast will harm her for sure. if she didn't listen to him she plead infront of shivaay having thick hiccups.

Ranveer  Ranveer. You didn't do right thing with us. You didn't. You fuckin gonna pay for your shit. He fetch out his phone and  call him  directly. On first bell only he picked it up laughing full heartedly.

Shivaay shivaay shivaay. I knew that you gonna call. Now look you did. I was waiting for you only mera yar. He says laughing evilly making shivaay hell mad on him

Sh.  Where the hell you took my Anika. Where is sheeeeee

R. Stop calling her yours. She is  not yours for god sake. She is mine and I will make sure that she becomes mine

Sh. You bastard tell me where the hell you too my Anika.

Ohh someone seems really angry. It's ok I'll tell you where are we ?? but maybe it would be already so late. Your Anika would have been became mine by now. He says holding Anika by her shoulder making her cry in pain.

Shivaay she let our painful voice shuddering  him in fear.

Aniii he panic hearing her painful voice.

R. I can't wait to marry her. Alter is ready. she has dressed up properly. even I'm in wedding clothes....so come soon to congratulate us shivaay. We are waiting for you

Sh. Don't you dare to touch my Anika otherwise

Otherwise nothing shivaay. You can't do anything. We are far away from your reach. So you can't come here. but if you want then come in the end of out-struck mills of city. You gonna get us here but married. Nuptial and vermilion would be adoring on Anika. when you will arrive here. Anyways priest is waiting for us so see you soon Yh. Saying this he cut the call making shivaay hell angry

Hello hello but phone is already been cut.

Sir sir khana come running there huffing badly

Sir our some people are already in that area. They gonna rescue mam in five minutes. He says assuring him with his statement

Sh. Then let's go I really don't wanna do any delay.

Ar. I'll come with you guys.

No you stay with malika. She needs you I'll go to get my Anika.

Ar. Atleast take om and rudra.

Yh ok. Let's go. Without delaying anything they stormed away from there in fast speed. In whole way one sweat bead is coming and going from his face. He knows that his men would have been already rescued Anika. but still he is so scared and in tension. He is just praying that she should be fine. Nothing should happen to her. If she got hurt or something   then this Ranveer gonna die definitely with his hands. He won't leave him. he will surely gonna Punish him for laying his hand on his Anika.

R. Bhiya we have been reached.

Huh Yh yh he rub his Forehead and got down from the car looking around.

I hope ani would be fine om says walking behind shivaay.

She will be fine. Don't worry. Shivaay spoke having confidence about her being well.

Ru. Walk fast guys. They nods and immediately enters in there.

Ani as she heard his voice she just got up from the chair and run towards him fastly in no time she throw herself in him making him stumble but soon he compose himself and hold her tightly.

Sh. Awww baby.

Where you had been shivaay. I was so scared.  I thought that bastard will take me away from you. He is so bad Shiv.  He forced me so much.  He he .. wanted to marry me .   He said he will ( Hic) he will kill you. I was feeling like to kill myself before being his.  I tried to run away. but he held my hair and threw me on the floor.  He is so bad Shiv he is so bad.  she hiccup squeezing him in her arms telling him everything whatever she experienced with him

Shshsh I'm here. I'm here nothing will happen. Your Shiv is here to protect you baby.  Anika nods and kept hugging him hiding her face in his neck. Shivaay kissed her head numerous times squeezing her in his arms. 

Ran.  You asshole shivaay I won't leave you.  Leave Anika she is mine.  He screams trying to go towards him. but on mean time his men hold him and placed punch on his face.

Take care of her. He passed anika to omru and stormed towards him fastly.  In no time he hold his collar  rest a proper slap on his face which made him stumble and he fell down hitting his head with the floor.

You will touch my anika youuuuuu ... how dare you ranveer how dare you even think to take my anika from me.  He growl like a lion and started beating him blue and back.

I had told you to stay away from my anika.  I had warned you bastard but no you still dared to take my anika away and threaten  me that you will marry her.  How on earth you got guts ha . How on earth. He shakes him holding his collar and kept placing slaps on his face.

I never knew that my own friend " whom I had considered my best friend once " kept an eye on my wife. No one should get friend like you ranveer no oneeeee. he screams slapping him many times that he got in subconscious state hanging his neck down. His mouth is bleeding while his nose is running with thick blood. but does he care no he don't. He is slapping him continuously thinking about his anika " who suffered because of him. If she cried then reason was him. then how he can expect he gonna forgive him. No he would never.

Ru. Bhiya police is here. Hearing police he hold his collar and throw Him infront of them like a filthy animal.

Make sure he don't come out from the jail. I want him suffer the way my anika did because of him. He says kicking on his ass making him moan in pain.

Don't worry sir. We will make sure that he get his deserve able punishment. Take him away constable. He order his men and took his body like a sack.

Ani shivaay goes towards her and take her in hug.

Are you alright baby?? he says caressing her hair.

I wanna go home. She sobs hiding her face in her neck

Yes we are going don't worry. We are moving. Anika nods and kept hugging him till she didn't calm down.

Om. Guys family is worried. we should move. We shouldn't stay here longer.

Yh let's go. He hold anika's hand and left from there Along with all people.

In car

Shivaay is sitting in the car talking with the om when his eyes fell on anika who seems lost in her own thoughts fidgeting with her fingers.

Sh. Baby are you alright. Have you got any hurt or something.

Anika look at him and nods no without speaking anything.

You doesn't look fine. Something surely bothering you. Tell me jaan. He says softly caressing her hair.

An. Shivaay wo wo

Did he do something ???

An. No no he didn't but

But ??? I've got to know he had been provoked to kidnap me

Means. ???

I mean your dad helped him to kidnap me. She stammers being nervous to tell him first. she thought to hide. but she couldn't do it. so she decided to spill out everything instead of hiding it. If she would had then might he would had mind it to thinking she hid from him so batter let him know about the truth

Sh.  What ????

n. Yes. In flow he told me. He said your dad won't let us marry. He don't want us together. That's why he helped him to kidnap me.

Why he stoop so low. For satisfying himself how can he helped him to go against his son. His voice crack not able to believe his dad can drop himself so down.

Shiv she kept hand on him trying to pacifying him

Sh. I'm not gonna leave him. Rudra turn the car to the oberoi mansion. We are going there.

An. No no shivaay you won't go there. I don't want you people to get into the fight. Please try to understand. We already get in so much problem. I can't handle more. Let's get marry and move away from here.

Sh. But anika I

Shivaay please. Let's go back after marriage. We will straight away do all the rituals and leave. Shivaay look at her and nods unwantedly. He so wanna go and give proper lesson to his dad. but seeing her scared he drop the idea and Went with the flow.

We have been reached. They stopped the car near the house and got down.

Chalo inside. He hold her hand and about to head in but stopped seeing his dad standing infront him gritting his teeth. Seeing him there shivaay equally look at him aggressively and March towards him.

Sha. How the hell this girl came back. Why did you save her.

So it was true ?? shivaay says standing infront of him having anger in his eyes

Sha. What you are saying.

Dad you helped him to kidnap my anika. Did not you ??

Sha. So ??? I did for you. I did for my son. I don't think so there is anything wrong

Sh. You didn't do for your son. You are doing all this for your own satisfaction. How can you dad. How dare you to try to take my anika from me. You knew that I love her more than anything. But still you stoop so low.

Sha. Beta I love you and this girl is not right for you.

Sh. How can you say that she is not right for me. Just because she don't have parents that's why

Sha. Yes she don't have any name or surname neither she belongs to a reputed family. She is not right for you shivaay. Why don't you understand

Sh. You have to understand that anika is the only one who is right for me and about surname then. she don't need it. Her own name is enough to lift her up. You can't judge her by not having surname.

Sha. Shivaay try to analyse the things.

Sh. I don't need to dad. I don't need to. Bht one thing I've understood. You never loved us. You loved only yourself. That's why you always being selfish and never think about us. I feel so unlucky to have you as my father. He stated having hurt in his eyes.

Sha. Don't say that shivay. He baffles.

I'm breaking my all ties with you dad. I had hope before that might you will change. but you didn't " infect you got worse dad. Better we stay away from you. Congratulations for your achievement dad. For mere money you lost everything.

You can't say this shivaay. This is wrong he try to hold him but he move away making him shock.

Sh. I can say this dad I can. Me and my family don't need you anymore. From now on you are dead for us

Sha. You are doing all this for this girl. He says shaking his head in disbelief.

Sh. No dad not for this girl but for our betterment.

P. My son is right. We don't need you.

Sha. You people have gone mad. You are not able to see depth of situation in anger

Ru. We can see everything clearly. You are the one who is blind. Bhiya don't need to waste your time for this man. He don't deserve it.

You are right rudra we shouldn't. Anika let's go. He March towards anika and hold her hand

Sh. Let's go baby.

Shivaay listen to me I'm your dad please try to listen to me. He try to stop him. but they went inside leaving him crying for them. but no one listened him and left him there alone and empty being richest man in the country.

Ani ( she takes her name ) malika comes running there and take her in tight hug

M. Are you ok baby. I was so scared

I'm fine mali. She says wiping her tears giving her smile

M. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

Stop blaming yourself. You didn't have any fault in that. Malika pout and hugged her.

Shiv. Ani erm if you are not feeling to get marry then we can do Some other day. Your clothes also got dirty.

An. No I don't wanna delay anything. I wanna marry as soon as possible. I can't see us facing one more Problem.

Shiv. As my queen says. Pundit ji let's start it. Both couple smile and climb on their alters. Soon they set together and started their wedding. Seeing them getting marry loads of people are happy and loads of are jealous" in which ragini and many others includes. but what can they do expect seeing them being together. Kamini who always criticised anika and called her bad omen today " she is regretting for that. Might if she won't had done it then. this diamonds would had been in her hand. but what she can " do when it's already been passed. And About Shakti then he left alone. There is none who is standing with him. His money " his power didn't work anywhere infect his Self obsessed nature made him stay alone for forever. Now neither he can regret nor he can do anything. He is just left empty hand along with his loneliness.

On the other side

Soon pundit ask them to start their rounds. With every round they promised to take care of each other no matter what hurdle comes. they will be together like always. They would never let any problem come between them. and they will stay strong and powerful having their loads of love and happiness. Before they were alone. They had no one. but now they have their own family. who loves them and gonna stay with them forever. Now they don't want anything in their lives. Their wishes have been fulfilled and most of the evils have been removed. They know many problem will come ahead. but they will face together and will defeat it with more strength. As seventh round finished shivaay look at anika and peck her Forehead.

Congratulations mrs oberoi. Anika smiles and hugged him not before having his nuptial and vermilion in her head.

You too mr husband. She giggle kissing his head.

Ani. And yes I love you

I love you too he caresses her hair and peck her head numerous times. After all their not so easy love story got a happy ending. They never thought that they will love someone that much. but it happened and maybe it was best thing they experienced in their lives. Without each other they are incomplete. They make themselves stronger and powerful. Making them one god have done such a good thing. and they will always be thankful for that

The end


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