First day

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It's all your  mistake raj. Because of you me and our daughter has suffered.  I thought I've loved a generous and true man. but I Never knew that I've married to a loser " who is already married and have  two kids. I curse that day when I met you and submitted myself to you.  Neither you would had become part of my family nor me and my daughter would had suffered.  Why you did it raj why did you do it .  Her mother fight with her father sitting on front seat shaking him by his arms crying bitterly.  Four year old Anika couldnt understand the reason of teir fight but one thing she knows her life gonna take a drastic step.   Which she will never able to disguise.  Suddenly she cry in fear when her father couldn't control the speed and car rolled over the road  making her cry for his mother but that time she got nothing but screams of her parents who cry for each other trying to get grip over them but maybe god had another plans and both died in car accident leaving her alone behind or better to say with her rotten fate. 


She gasp and got up sitting on her bed  breathing heavily.  Her whole body is shivering when that dreadful memories hit her.  She can forget everything but that accident is just stuck in her brain and makes her cry for hour everytime . 

Promise me princess you will always be a strong girl. You will always take care of yourself no matter what you face into your life.   Her mother Oriya  once had asked her when she was a little three and half years old.  That time she had promised her mother to stay strong always and will never breakdown in her whole life . And somehow she  fulfilled it and she is keep bearing it since she has came in the grip of her step mom who treats her worse than a animal. but she is strong and handling it Atleast till she doesn't stand on her own feet. 

She got up from her small tiny bed and goes towards mirror standing infront of it looking at her  tip to toe  she is Anika , Anika malhotra however her father surname is rajpoot but she never took his name with her and why would she when she always been her mother's child.  Despite she was a  four years old when her mother had left her" her memories didn't leave her. They are clear like water. She remember her each and every bit of lesson without forgetting her single works. But they all are memory nothing else.   She can never meet her again. These thoughts only  made her eyes Watery and she bend her down sobbing silently.  Infront of  people she can be a strong  girl but in reality she is not infect " she has loads of complains for god " whole always treated her left over and maybe will do for life time.  Suddenly her zone broke when someone knock on the door breaking her trance. She wipes her  tears and  went towards  it to open it. 

What took you so long to open the door step sister.    I was knocking on the door from quite long time.  her sister ragini oops step  sister who is  one year older to her says standing infront of her having creepy smile.   She always been so lucky in everything. Whether in mother's love ' or getting her favourite thing  in in friendship. . but when things comes on her  then she get nothing but struggles which sue face each and every day. .

R. What you thinking of .  Come out soon mom is screaming   She  is screaming Having whole house on her head. you know that she can't bear hunger then why did you make breakfast yet . Go in kitchen and make it. Don't forget 9 am we have to be in our uni   As I don't wanna put bad impression on  my first day

Ani. don't worry Di we won't be late. Just give me some minutes I'll  make breakfast and then we will leave

R. Look ani don't  call me di I know I'm older to you. but I don't like di from your mouth specifically infront of people. What they will think  older and younger both are studying in same class. no way just don't call me di.

Ani. Ok di I mean Ragini

R.  No Ragini !!! call me rags I want my some good   impact on handsome boys. I've  heard that uni is full of handsome and heart throbbing boys. I just can't wait  to get in there to trap one of them. she said in dreamy way having brightest smile. Anika  lift her lips for one side feeling cringe seeing her already thinking about trapping boys and all. Here she is thinking to study full heartedly and this madam is dreaming about Boys " whom she  didn't see even. but it's not her fault either. She knows  in end of the day "whether she pass or fail. her career and life is set.  but for Anika she has to start thinking about her future now only and if she didn't then "her step mother soon  will Make her marry with some random guy or better to say some road side man " whom she never seen in her life. and why won't she "when she wanna get rid of her as soon as possible.   

R. Now will you  come or will keep standing here.

Ani.  Huh yh let's go.  Saying this she left from there hurriedly

On dining table

She served every one food and about to go when her step mother stopped her

Kam.    I've heard you are going same uni as ragini. Anika nods looking at her watch " which she is showing 7:50. Means she has only few minutes to get ready. but how will she go " when these people Didn't even start eating ...

Ani. Yes I'm going in same uni. She says  patting her foot continuously in restlessness.

K.     Look seeing your passion I'm letting you go. but remember one thing"   you won't forget your old routine.  You have to handle your studies along with your other chores means house hold " your job and other things Anika nods looking at her watch again and again

K. I've heard there will be boys as well and I know girls like you go college only for trapping boy " the way you mother had trapped my husband. she stretch last sentence making her angry but she just gulp her anger and kept quite

K. Stay away from them I don't want  any of boy around you. but if I heard you are hanging out with the guys " then it will be your last in the college.  This is my promise to you. She threatened her having stern face.

Ani. Don't worry mom I will take care of it. 

K. I'm not your mom.  How many times I've told you. She screams stomping her hand on the table.

Ani. Sorry mam she mumbled and immediately left from there before she stops her.

Ani. What does she think herself ha. how dare she raise finger on my Mum's character. She very well knows that my mum didn't have any fault in that but still she trigger me by my already dead mom's name. and what she said don't need to hang out with boys. Huh what about her own daughter " who is  entering in the college just to impress boys. Anyways cursing them is just pointless. when  I know god won't listen to me so shut up Anika and   Get ready to enter in next chapter of your life. maybe god have stored something special for you in that.  But then she  smack her head standing infront of mirror to getting these thoughts.  as she knows her whole life chapters are  same with full of villains without any hero. She sighs on her stupid fate and fix her knee length dress which Ragini had given her day before yesterday. It's not that she consider her as her sister and share her things with it.  it's just after getting it she didn't like it snd gave to her  being annoyed.  It's coming from start  lol " when Ragini's heart get  fill  with some dress then she gives to her not only  dresses but everything infect  the ribbon of hair. She pout acutely fixing her two ponytails leaving her hair  hang both sides. And that's it " she is ready without make up or any other thing on her face.  It's just she and her favourite bracelet which her mom had  left for in her fist and her books " which are her best friends.  They always gives her company when she feels alone without excepting anything in  return like humans who searches ways to hurt other person nothing else

Rags. Annie will you come or should I come alone ???  Ragini shout  from  outside bringing anika back to earth .

Ani. I'm coming Di I mean rags. She grabs her glasses fitting them on her eyes and run out in fast speed hanging her bag  on her back.

In car

Anika twist her mouth when she saw her putting dark lipstick on her lips. Not only that she pulling her top down again and again showing her shape of cleaves.  Seems like she is going in some night club instead collehe.

Ani. Rags we are going college not in party

R. I know that that's why I'm getting ready more.

Ani.  Are you planning to scare people with your Makeup she chuckle.

R.   Excuse me ??? She tilt her brows up.

Ani. Erm nothing she suppress her smile and turn her face away

R. One second driver stop the car here.

Ani. Why ??? What happened

R.   Mine and yours journey was till here only.  Now you will go alone from here

Ani.  You got to be kidding me di.  . You can't do this. 

R. Look Annie I don't want people get to know about you being my sister. better you get done and let me go I'm already getting late. 

Ani. But I....

R. Will you go out or shall I push you with my own hands.  Sue  grit her teeth  rolling her eyes.

Ani. I'm going she huffs in frustration and got down from the car 🚙. 

R. Bye she waves her hand and drove away from there leaving her back. 

Ani. Oh god it's just more ten minutes. If I didn't reach on time then my first day will get spoil she stomp her  foot and run fastly in tension

In uni.

All girl drool over  boys or better to say their cars when they enter  in there with their full swags.  Their group is quite famous in the college snd why won't be " when they are charming boys along with loads of wealth.  Everygirl wants to be their girlfriend specially blue eyed man " whose eyes are just magical. as they fell on someone It's Make other person hypnotise  with them specially ladies . 

Shivaay baby a girl come running towards him and hugs him making him startled but he just pushed her and shrug his clothes angrily

Shiv. I had told you to stay away from me tia but seems like you didn't bother to listen to me.

Tia. Baby I'm  calling you from yesterday    but you are not picking up the call. What happened baby ?? did I do some mistake that you are ignoring me.

Shiv. first of all stop babying me. I'm not baby !!! I'm shivaay singh oberoi. And second thing I'm done with you. I don't want you anymore. He sneers shrugging his jacket.

T.  But why ???  you were fine with me till few days. What happened now ???

Shiv. Happened ??  you are asking me tia kapoor. You are such show off  and   Fake girl.  I can't stand you for second.   I just did mistake to hang out with you for one week and now I'm regretting for it.  Because of you my whole one week went wasted.  Anyways it was already done and now I can't bring it back. But I can fix my future right . So tia kapoor I'm done with you. I don't wanna be with you anymore. So better stay away from me. And don't show me your face.  He pushed her  and left from there along with his friends raising his collar up

Om. Shivay you are just impossible I don't understand when you will be serious about your life.  It's sixth girl in month you are changing.

Shiv.   Im changing them or they  try to stick with me.  I didn't ask them to be my girlfriends . They itself proposed me. I-didn't go and set infront of  them.  He scoffs rolling his eyes.

Arnav. Yh right Don't you remember his old deilogue.  Shivaay singh oberoi can never bend infront of  anyone.  If someone will do then opposite side of person. He mimic shivaay the way he speak and hi five to om while laughing.

Shiv. Very funny but it's true. Even my real girlfriend will also propose me  I won't do it.  He said confidently thrusting his hands in his pocket keeping his nose high

Ranveer. That time will tell.  He giggle keeping hand on his shoulder. 

Shiv. Anyways if my topic has got over then can we  check   Result of our test " which they took last week.

Ar. Yh why not.   He pat his back and they left towards board.

Shiv. Wtf how can be it's possible. He screams when he saw the result which seems impossible to hom. 

Om. What happened ??? why you squeaked like annoying bird

Shiv. I was the one who supposed to come on first in the list. here my name is on second.  He shout feeling hell frustrated seeing the result.

Ar. So what  if you came second. it's not big deal I guess. Look here my name has came in tenth number but still I'm quite happy with that. Arnav says shrugging his shoulders

Shiv. But I always cAme first how can even dared to take my place.   He grit his teeth in anger.

Ranveer. By the way who cAme first.   ???

Shiv. Some Anika malhotra. 

Ran.  Her name sound so sexy. seems like she will be hot along with intelligence. He winks keeping arm  on shivaay's shoulder

Shiv. Do hell with this girl. I hate her already.

Om. We shouldn't hate someone without looking at him.  Control yourself shivaay it's just a test. You can prove yourself in future. Don't need to  over react.

Ar. He is right. Anyways now if your topic has finished about that girl then shall we leave.  We are getting late for class.

Ran. Let's go. Saying this they all left for class Along with grumpy shivaay who is cursing that Unknwon girl who took his place.

In classroom

Good morning kids. I'm your chemistry teacher who gonna teach you till next semester. Teacher announced keeping his books on the table.

Good morning sir. All spoke in one go giving him smile but shivaay is just grumpy tapping pen on the table restlessly. 

T. So I guess  your result has came which had held for admission in this semester. And according to the results principal has decided to choose monitors for class and they are shivaay singh oberoi!.... ( he stops and then continues)Shivaay flicks his hair and got up in attitude. All girls just drool over him and clap for him making Anika roll her eye who is sitting in last Bench seeing them giving unnecessary hype to this guy whose face is dripping his useless attitude.

T. And second is

Shiv. One second I guess after me no one can come in this category. I'm alone gonna handle the class

T. Excuse me shivaay I've mentioned monitors means two.  so that's mean one more person gonna share your position with you.   He stated pointing finger at me.

Shiv. But it's can't be possible ....

T. I know your father is trusty of this college but  that's doesn't mean you are allow to talk to your teacher like this. so better you don't speak in between.  Got it. Though the other person had passed with 99% percent snd you got 98% so I guess she has right more.

Shivaay closed his eyes controlling his anger  and set on his  chair tapping his pen on hand read in  anger.  

T. So Second person who gonna accompany shivaay is Anika malhotra. Shivaay swiftly turn and there is she standing having big fat glasses on her eyes with two tails aside.   Ewww is she gonna share his position with him .  Gross.  He thought That the way she has name she will be sexy also. but it's quite opposite.  She Totally different.

T.  Anika beta from now on you and shivaay will share first bench with each other

Ani. But I'm ok on my place ...

T. No it's can't happen.  Monitors always sit infront. So come have seat with him. Sameer you can share seat with Ragini.  Sameer   Make annoy face and set beside Ragini " who is just lost in shivaay without knowing what's happening in the class.  Anika huffs and went towards shivaay sitting besides him. he immediately made big gap between them as she set with him which Anika didn't like ...

Ani. I won't eat you. Stop making faces like kangaroo

Shiv. Excuse me how dare you to call me with that stupid animal.

Ani. If you don't like then why are you making faces like him. 

Shiv. Youuu

T.  Kids keep quite.  He tap on the board harshly gaining heir attention. 

Shiv. I will see you outside. He rotated.

Ani. But I don't want too ... she mumbled.

Shiv. You don't know who I'm. Don't need to show me attitude

Ani. I  don't wanna know either that who are you.   Im not interested T all. And second thing let me tell. you I'm not showing attitude.  it's you you  didn't even leave teacher for showing your super disgusting behaviour to him.

Shiv.  Now you will argue with me. He hissed glaring her.

Ani. I'm not doing  but seems like you are so willing to fight with me.  

Shiv. The way you are ugly.  your tongue is disgusting as well

Anu. Not more than you

Shiv. You mean to say that I'm ugly

Ani.  I guess so.  She gave him tight smile and started writing on her notebook  again engrossing in that

Shiv. You just come outside  I will show you.  

Anika didn't answer him and kept writing on her note book without looking at him which trigger him more and he left the class Making  professor and  other class people shocked.  

After the class

Pri. Anika  don't be thankful we gave you opportunity after seeing you intelligence. Anyways your this semester fee we won't take infect your other expenses as well we we lift up.  but for  next semester you have to pay some fee Atleast fourth part of it.

Ani. Oh ok don't worry I'll do it. 

Pri. That's good anyways I should leave now  I've meeting Anika nods and he left from there.

In canteen

Anika is sitting  in canteen making he notes of today class. when shivaay comes there smacking his hand on the table. Anika look at him and again got back into her work without giving him damn which made him hell angry

Shiv.  You have to say to teacher that you don't want to handle the class. But he got angry when she didn't answer

Shiv. I've said to you something girl why are you not looking at me. 

Anika shut her notebook and stood up looking at him angrily

Ani. What's your problem ha. why you are not letting me  concentrate on my studies

Shiv. Stop this drama and do what I'm saying

Ani. I won't do it now what will you do.  She said folding arms infront of him challenging him straight on his face.

Shiv. You can't even imagine what I can do. He says moving towards her. 

Ani. You just can talk mr "nothing else. She grabs the books and  bag and try to go but he hold her arm and pulled her back

Shiv.  If I want then I can throw you out of this uni in seconds.  Don't forget this college run on my father's money

Ani.   That's doesn't mean you own me mr. I've cAme here with my hard work and dedication.  No one spent a penny over me.  But seems like you cAme after  paying quite bring amount.  infect maybe never knows you paid to get   into the uni. She smirk snatching her arm from him.

Shiv. Shut up just shutttt uppppp. how  dare you to say me like this. How could you even point finger over me he screams pulling her closer holding her arms ...

Om. What you doing shivaay. Let her go. Leave her don't create scene here. He try to free anika from him. But instead he tighten his grip more on her while glaring her with his blue eyes.

Shiv.   I'm making drama or she is the one who is trying to take my place. 

Ani. Let me go you are hurting me.  Just leave  she push him making him stumble which made him angry more

Shiv. Youuu he grab the glass of juice and throw over her face making all people gasp in shock

Ar. What you did shivaayyy. He said holding his arm but he just  jerk him and flick his hair huffing in anger.

Shiv. You deserve it. You shouldn't had try to grab my place.   He said pointing finger over her but next second word dead in his mouth when she raised her hand and placed one tight slap on his face making all people shock hell out of them. 


How's it don't disappoint me ok 🥺


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