Friendship finished

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Malika. Anikaaaaaa she screams and run towards her along with her friends ' who are equally shocked and traumatised as her.

M. Anika Anika she comes towards her and sat on her knees taking her head in her lap. In non seconds her clothes and hands got filled with blood making her shiver in fear. On top of that Anika also have got unconscious because of loads of blood lose and pain leaving malika shivering in fear to lose her. .

M. Ani Anu she hiccups patting her cheeks but that poor soul is nothing but a lifeless body laying on the road

Ar. She needs Argent doctor. We have to take her. He screams sitting near malika holding anika's hand.

Ranveer. Let me call the ambulance.

Om. It's not time for ambulance. We have to take her now. I'm going to get my car.

Malika. Do fast please. She is not moving she sobs rubbing anika's cheek

Om. I'm getting I'm getting saying this he run towards inside to get his car as soon as possible.

On the other side

Shivaay  is standing on his place still shocked with her sudden presence when suddenly someone come and shook him bringing him back on earth.

Tia. Shivaay shivaay shivaay blink his eyes and look at her sternly without having expressions.

Shiv. What ??!

Tia. Anika , anika met with accident. She hit by a car. Hearing her land slipped beneath his feet making him statue on his place. he can't believe what he heard from her mouth.

Shiv. What?? what did you say ??!

Tia. Because of you she met with accident and loads of blood she has lost. I don't know if she will survive or not. Hearing her he just didn't see around anything and run out fastly calling her name. He comes near the road and stopped seeing the crowd  around everywhere blocking his way.

Shiv. Anika he pushed the people and goes near the spot where she met with accident. But there he found nothing but blood everywhere and she is no where to be seen. Fear gripped around his heart seeing all this and  Tears started trickling from his eyes  in fear of losing her which he can't afford at all to face ever in his life.

Shiv. Where where is she ???

Boy. Om took her away before few minutes. I've heard by Arnav" they are going city hospital. I really hope she get fine. but seeing her condition I don't think so.

Shiv. And who the hell are you predicting all this. Don't you dare to say that she will die. Just don't.

Girl. Look who is showing sympathy to her huh. same person ' who is reason of all this. Mr shivaay singh oberoi might if you won't had said all that then maybe she would had been fine  by now. but what we can do when you just know how to play with people's life and enjoy she  taunt him raising her hand towards him.

Shiv. Just shut up don't need to show me attitude. Don't forget who I'm. In blink of eyes I can make you kick out of this uni

G. Yh you can do that only nothing else bloody cheater. He scoffs folding her arms.

Shiv. Youuu he about answer her back but again Anika's face come infront of him and he remember he has to go from here. he has to see her as soon as possible. He just run his fingers in his hair and immediately rushed inside to get his car.

At hospital

Malika is crying hugging Arnav while other people are just walking here and there praying from god that nothing should happen to her. If something  happened ' then they won't able to forgive themselves for not saving her

M. She didn't do anything then why she only. That bastard knew that how much she suffered in her life. but still he chose to hurt her. How can he be so heartless. how can he do this to her. For mere a single ego" he made her landed in this situation.

Arnav. She will be fine Malika. He says taking her in hug.

M. She is the only genuine friend I'd got. and she also landed in this situation. if something happen to her then I won't able to live peacefully she cry Keeping  her head on his chest.

Ar. Don't think negative she will be fine. She is a strong girl. And I know she will Make it. Just have faith on god and on her strength. Hmm he caresses her face and hugged her tightly kissing her forehead.

Guys. All turn swiftly seeing shivaay standing infront of them in disheveled state looking all mess having uneven shirt " messed up hair and red puffy eyes.

Malika look at him angrily and just march towards him with fast speed. In no time she raised her hand and placed a nicest slap on his face making him stumble.

M. What the hell are you doing here. Are not you happy with all this. Atlast your wish got fulfilled. Now you can Have your bloody first position. go and do party. Celebrate your fuckin achievement.

Om. I can't believe you can stoop so low shivaay. I thought you are just egotistic , proudy and rude. but I never thought that for a mere position" you will play with someone's emotions and career. how can you how could you do this ??? He shout shaking his head in disbelief. 

Ran. Stop giving attention to this cheapater. it's always been our fault to give him so much importance. that's why he got courage to do all this.

Shiv. You just shut up ranveer. It's all happened because of you. You are the one who made me say all that in anger.

M. Wow great mr shivaay singh oberoi That's mean you still were planning to play with her. Bravo such a pathetic man you are.

Ar. You say that you have status " name , logo of oberoi and values. but being having all this you are still poor shivaay. For mere a little thing you played with someone's career and emotions. How low level deed you have done today . Shame on you.

Shiv. I agreed I did play with her feelings. as I wanted to show her" how it's feel when you take someone's place. but I didn't put the exam paper in her pocket. I knew that how importance studies are for her. so I can never imagine do that. I can't even think.

Ran. Stop lying shivaay. Now these lies won't work on us

Shiv. I'm not lying. I didn't do that. I can never.

M. When you can play with her heart. then we are 💯 sure you can do that as well.

Shiv. Stop blaming me. I didn't do it. Leave doing I didn't even think about it

Om. Are not you the same person " who expressed your feelings infront of her to Make her avoid her studies

Shiv. Yes I did and I agreed that but I didn't put the exam paper. He shout being frustrated seeing no one believing him

M. Shivaay better you leave. I really don't wanna see your face

Shiv. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying

Ar. She said leave shivaay means leaveeee

Shiv. Let me see her please. He try to go towards icu but ranveer blocked him keeping his hand on his chest.

Ran. Oh so you wanna give yourself more pleasure to seeing her in bad condition. It's ok come I'll fulfil it. Come. He hold his arm and drag him towards the door

Ran. Look there she is fighting with her life. Seeing her doctor said only few chances are there of her survival. now go and enjoy. infect throw a bloody party and call your all fuckin girlfriends and enjoy

Seeing her in that state tears rolled down from his eyes. He never thought that his one plan will make someone's condition like this. He thought that when he will tell her. He don't love her and was playing with her  only then For few days she will cry and then she will be fine. but no instead she landed in this situation where she is fighting for her life

Shiv. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't he sobs caressing her face through the glass

Ran. you seen it. Now get the hell out of here. Just leave. Her friends are here to take care of her. Just leave

Shiv. Let me stay he sobs pleading infront of him

Ran. Why ? Why you wanna stay. One second are you planning to see her dying. oh yh how can you loose this chance. Of course you wanted to see your big enemy dying "who was taking your place. Isn't

Shiv. Stop this bullshit ranveer don't trigger everyone more.

M. He is not doing but your presence is. So leave from here.

Om. And yes afterwards don't need to call us your friend. From today we are nothing to you.

Shiv. You can't say that. He baffles.

Ar. We can say that shivaay. We really don't wanna  have friendship with cheapster like you. We are done with you

Shiv. You are my only friends guys.

Ran. We were. but not anymore after your cheap tricks. Leave from here. we don't wanna see your face. Just leave. He hold his collar and throw him on the floor harshly

Om. Don't try to come infront of us after this. We won't like it. Now get out. He look at him angrily and turn his face away

M. Doctor she whispered as she saw him coming out.

All people turns and their attention went towards icu from where doctor came out

M. How's she doctor ?? how's my friend is she fine. Did she open her eyes

Do. Thankfully we saved her. Despite losing loads of blood she managed to survive. but she is so weak. Her body will take time to have energy. On top of that right arm is also broken which made her fragile   so better you take care of her properly.

M. So she is fine right

Do. Yes she is fine. And that also because her blood didn't clot in her brain. If it would had then "it was hard to save her. but thankfully it didn't happen and she is ok. just unconscious. Hope so she will be up in few hours

Ran. Thank you doctor thank you so much. Doctor nods and left from there leaving them sigh in relief.

Ran. Someone tried his best to kill her but she made it he said looking at shivaay " who got calm after hearing she is fine.

Ar. You are still here. Didn't you here. Just get out mr oberoi. going going he gave last glance towards the door and left from there with slow steps hanging his head down.

After some hours

Malika beam when she saw anika opening her eyes" she got up from her seat and hold her hand calling her name

M. Ani anika she calls her name looking  at her.  Anika Blink her eyes and again close them not able to keep them open

M. Ani are you alright.  She said caressing her cheek softly.  Anika slowly open her eyes half and look at her with blank gaze

M. Are you fine.   Wait I'll call the doctor. she pressed the near by bell and call the doctor. In no time doctor enters there along with nurses.  

M. She have gotten up. Can you check please "if she is fine or not.

Do. Yes miss malika he goes near Anika and check her heart beat and  wounds.

Do. She is fine.  Don't worry.  Thank fully she got up on time otherwise I was worried.

M.  Thank you doctor

Do. Try not to talk  with her that much. Let her take rest

M. Sure doctor

Do. Hmm yh.  Saying this he left from there leaving  both friends alone

M. Ani. I'm so happy you got up. You don't know how much worried I was for you.  She said caressing her cheek. But she got sad when she got nothing but silence from her.

M. Ani are you alright. Is there any paining. Shall I call the doctor again

Anika look at her and take her hand back making her shock

Ani. Leave me alone she whispered making her confused

M. Ani ??

Ani.  Leave me alone please. 

M. Ani let me stay. You are not well. If you needed something then

Ani.  If I ....did then I'll call .....the doctor you ....people don't need worry about trash.... like me. I can take care of myself. She spoke in her low voice stammering in between having difficulty to speak.

M. Anika what are you saying

Ani.  I don't wanna talk to anyone please leave.    And better no one comes to meet me.  Hearing her malika is feeling like crying. She can't believe she would say her to go and not meet her. she was waiting for her to get up. so that she could talk to her and ask her " she is with her no matter what. but here  she is saying " she don't wanna see her infect don't wanna talk to her . Anika just gave her stern look and turn her face away making her muffle

M. Ani

Ani. Go  malika. 

Malika sobs and left from there crying bitterly. 

Precap ... Anika stopped talking to everyone .she even left the hostel.

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