His girlfriend

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After a long hug  Anika broke a part and look at shivaay whose eyes are just stuck on her face. He raise his hand and tuck her hair back caressing her cheek lovingly

Shiv.  Everything will be fine. Nothing will happen to you.  I promise.  Hmm. Anika nods joining forehead with him

Shiv. By the way someone is being so lucky.  He tease her diverting her attention

Ani. Means she whispered looking in his eyes.

Shiv. Being my girlfriend is lucky thing isn't. and you got that chance. He grin making her hit his shoulder

Ani. You love to praise yourself.  Are not you.

Shiv.   Yh i do that's why I chose a different girl for me so that people makes me feel more special.

Ani. Oh really

Shiv. Really. He pulled her closer and peck her nose lovingly. 

Om.  Shivaay Anika he comes running there when he saw them finally after searching them for an hour.  They both look at each and got up holding  each other hands.

Om. You people are here. I was searching you all around.

Shiv.  Yh I'd got her here so thought to fix our problem as well till you get us. He said looking at anika who is standing holding his arm

Om.  Erm what's happening here.  Is there something which I missing.

Shiv. you will get to know tomorrow but right now Anika needs rest so shall we leave.

Om. Yh why not.  Come let's go. They nods and went together. 

In car

Om thought shivaay would sit besides him infront but instead of it he sat behind with anika.

Om.  Shivaay are not sitting infront. ???

Shiv. Actually no she is bit scared so.

Om. It's ok I can understand he gave smile to Anika. Through the  mirror and  drove away from there.

At hostel

As malika saw Anika she pulled her in tight hug making her break apart from shivaay who felt so angry seeing her pulling her like this. 

M. Are you ok  ani. ??

Ani. I'm fine.

M. Thank god she caresses her face and again hugged her

M. Don't worry baby. we all are with you. No one gonna even think to harm you. Ok.  She assure her caressing her hair. Anika nods sobbing on her shoulder keeping hand on her back

Ran. Anika you scared all of us.  He about to hold her hand but shivaay cAme in between and stopped him.

Shiv.  Erm I guess she needs rest so take her in malika. He said looking at ranveer 'who is feeling to punch him for always coming between them. 

M. Yh good night guys.  She about to take Anika when shivaay stopped her holding her hand

Shiv. If you need anything or feel scared then call me I'll pick up next second. Ok. he spoke caressing her fingers with his thumb which didn't go unnoticed by anyone.  Anika nods and left with malika with slow steps

Shiv. Let's go home guys

Ar. Are you ok shivaay ??

Shiv. I'm fine. Just tired he said running hand on his face controlling his emotions.  Whole day was mess for him. He  was feeling like  someone has stopped his breath. when he was not able to get her.  He was so scared to lose her but thankfully he got her at night otherwise if he won't had then surely he would had do something wrong.

Om. Let's get out from here guys.  All nods and drove away from there

In morning

In hostel

Ani. I don't wanna go

M. Anika don't be scared. we all are with you.  Nothing will happen.

Ani. If he did something again then.

M. He won't do I know. You just don't take tension.  She said fixing her hair properly

Ani. Shall I change ??

M. No you won't. You are looking good in warm jumper and jean

Ani. It was not needed malika

M. Calm down girl you are looking nice. 

Ani.  Malika please I don't wanna go. 

M. Shut up ani and let's go  she about to drag her but stopped hearing sound from down. Both girls  went towards window and look down finding shivaay is standing leaning to the car.

M. Wtf  what he is doing here ??

Ani.  I I don't know ...

M. Come let's go and check it she grab her bags and left from there.

As shivaay saw Anika he rush towards her and take her  in hug wrapping his arms around her neck

Shiv. I missed you he mumbled near her ear kissing her  there

M. Whaooo what's happening. Shivaay broke a part and hold Anika's hand hiding her behind him

Shiv. Erm when people already assumed it so We thought why we don't make it real.  After all we like each other.

M. Hold on hold on.  When this happened?? I  don't think so Anika liked you ever.

Shiv.  Oh really you can ask Anika.

Ani. can we go college.

M. Don't  divert the topic girl and tell me what's happening

Ani.  Shivaay told you and I think it's enough.

M. It's not enough I wanna know everything.

Shiv.  Now you are embarrassing my girl malika

M. Your girl ha. She winks teasingly.

Shiv. Chalo we are getting late

M. Right now I'm leaving you both. but I need full explanation later.

Shiv. As you say madam.  Now let's go.  He open the car for Anika and made her sat in it lovingly and after that he went back to his side getting in it. 

M. Badtmeez it's unfair you didn't open  door for me

Shiv. You can do for yourself 

M. So mean...

Anika giggle and look at shivaay who is just glaring malika from the mirror

M. Now start the car I'm getting late. 

Ani. Let's go.  Shivaay hold her hand and put car in the gear  driving away from there in fast speed

At college

As Anika entered all people started whispering and and bad mouthing about her.  Shivaay glare all people and hide her behind him holding her hand.

Ani. I'm scared. She muffled

Shiv. Don't be I'm with you.  He peck her hand and passed by people without caring about their whispering or anything.  He pull Anika with him and went on the stairs making her panic

Ani. What are you doing

Shiv. Which I should do.   Hello guys  I guess from yesterday me and Anika was hot topic for you.  Everyone were gossiping about us in every corner. Just because a bastard leaked our personal thing.  Which I really didn't like and I'll make sure that every person should pay for that   Who were involved in it.  

Daksh. Come on the point mate don't bash around. 

Shiv. You  wanted  to defame us right.  But I think your plan has failed really badly. 

D. Matlb

Shiv. Matlb after all this me and Anika decided to not hide anything.  So yes we are in relationship.  Ani is my girlfriend. My officially girl.  All people gasp when he pulled her by her waist holding her tightly. 

Om. What he fuck.

R. Is he gone mad.

D. You are doing this to safe her from humiliation I know that.  Guys he is lying don't trust hi.

Shiv.  I knew that you will say it. But I guess my Anika will clear your confusion. Ani tell  them truth we are in relationship or not.

Ani. We are. All people look at each other shockingly. Some girls started crying seeing them losing their Prince Charming while boys are like land slipped out of their feet.  And specifically ranveer and daksh.  They were thinking about their chances and here shivaay took her away from them.

Rag.  This bitch Anika how dare she do this.  He was my love and she took him away.

Tia. I'll kill this  bitch. She has to pay for it. 

R. I've to tell mom she is the only one can straighten her up.  How dare she put bad eyes on shivaay. she started crying looking at anika who is standing   Keeping hand on shivaay's shoulders while his arms are locked around her  waist.

Shiv.  She is my officially girlfriend and if I saw anyone , I repeat anyone putting bad  eye on my girl. then I won't take a second to pluck out his eyes from sockets. Get it straight in your stupid heads

M. Whaooo my girl.  She clap admiringly.

Shiv. And one more thing.  If I heard someone is leaking our pictures or something then it would be his last day on Earth.  Understand. He screams making all people shiver.

Shiv.  Come let's go baby.  He hold her hand and get down marching towards daksh. 

Shiv. And you asshole. You are just gone. He hold Anika's wrist and slap him hard with her hand making him fell on the floor

Shiv. This slap will remind you for your bad deeds and don't worry one more surprise is waiting for you in principal room. Go and get it

D. Matlb

Shivaay look at him gritting his teeth and hit him between his leg

D. Aaooo

Shiv. Go and check it.  I'm not answer able to you.  Come let's go ani.  He side hug her and left from there  following with his friends

He about to grab seat on the chair when stopped seeing ranveer who is looking at him like he gonna eat him raw

Shiv. What's the matter ???

R. What the  fuck was that.

Shiv. Matlb

R. Don't bash around ok. I know that you are planning something bad. that's why you made her your girlfriend.  Shivaay I know infect every one know, how you are famous in girls and how many girlfriends you had before. That time we didn't say anything. But with anika I won't tolerate it.  I won't let you to play with her. Anika don't come in his trap. he is playing with you. He is a big player. First  tia , then Taniya, then ragini then Trisha and many more had been his girlfriends.  Trust me anika I just wanna save you. That's why I'm saying you don't come in his trap. he is  a play boy. who wants every girl in his lap. He try to hold her hand but shivaay just kept hand on his chest and pushed him

Shiv. Don't you dare to touch her

R. I wanna talk to anika.

Shiv. You can't. you can't talk to her at all. Understand

R. And who are you to stop me ???

Shiv. Her boyfriend understand. Now get the hell out from my site. I really don't wanna see your face.

R. Anika why are you silent say something. Trust me ani. I'm saying right. This guy is bullshit

Ar. Stop it ranveer what's wrong with you.

R. You people always takes his side knowing how big cheater he is.

Shiv. Ok that's enough. If you can't go then fine I'm going. Come let's go ani. We should leave. He hold her hand and took her away from there before ranveer attempt to stop her again

R. I won't leave you shivaay. He mumbled looking at his retreating figure

Om. What's your problem ??why are you doing this ??

R. I'm not answerable to you. He glares him and left from there in anger

Precap .... Ragini confront anika

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