Stammering shivaay

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In morning

Shivaay is waiting for anika impatiently standing near the entrance. It's been half an hour he is there but she is no where to be seen. leave her even malika is not here

Ar. Shivaay what you doing here. Come class is about to start.

Shiv. Erm you go I'm coming ....

Ar. Kis ka wait kar raha ha yar. Come let's go.

Shiv. Where is your girlfriend

Ar. Excuse me why are you asking about my girlfriend

Shiv. Don't be so shock and tell me where is your girlfriend ??

Ar. She would be on the way maybe

Shiv. Alone ?

Arnav grin and understood for whom he is standing and waiting impatiently

Ar. Don't be panic shivaay both would be on the way. She surely would be coming with malika.

Shiv. I I'm not waiting for Anika. Eh stammers.

Ar. Ya yh I can see that. He wink.

M. Baby she comes running and hugged Arnav tightly.

Shivaay turns and smile widely seeing Anika coming with slow steps. But soon worry replaced his smile when he saw her head with bandage and one side of her cheek is also red. Leave  cheek she has bruises also on her arms which she is trying  to cover with dupata.

Shiv. erm ani Anika he try to call her but she didn't listen to him and stood besides malika having dull face Trying her best to cover her cheek with her hair.

Ar. Are you alright Anika.

Ani. Yh I'm fine. She managed to give him answer in low voice.

M. Let's go in class ani. We are already late.

Shiv. Wait he run towards them and stood infront of Anika looking at her face.

Shiv. I (cough ) I need to talk to you.

Ani. Malika let's go we are getting late. She hold her hand and left from there without paying head to his words which irritated him little but then he decided to talk to her later as might this is not good time.

In class.

Shivaay set besides Anika and gave her smile which she deliberately didn't return and bend her head down scrolling with her books

Shiv. Which chapter we gonna read today.

Ani. Chapter five about Sherlock.

Shiv. He was detective right

Ani. Hmm

Shiv. Last night you could had called me right ' when they.....

Ani. I don't need anyone's help and specially yours. I would like to die but would never ask you for help. She said sharply making him sigh.

Shiv. I don't think so there is need to be rude

Ani. Shivaay can you concentrate on class. I really don't wanna talk to you

Shiv. But why

Ani. Really whyyy she chuckle sarcastically shutting his mouth.

Pro. Anika Shivaay if you both are so interested in talk instead of lecture then kindly leave the class

Ani. I'm sorry sir we won't do it now.

Pro nods fixing his glasses and again got engrossed in the lecture.

Shiv. Meet me outside. I wanna give you something

Ani. I don't want your anything. You already done a lot for me that's enough. She said rubbing her empty wrist where once her bracelet used to be adore. Suddenly she hitched when he hold her hand and intertwined his fingers with her rubbing his thumb over it.

Ani.shivaaay she whispered looking at their hands but he didn't answer and tighten his grip on her hand.

Ani. Let me go shivaay stop making scene here. Already you done a lot I don't want more. Go and cherish your girlfriends not me.

Shiv. Are you jealous he grin.

Ani. Shakal dekhi hai apni. She said sarcastically Making him chuckle

Shiv. Yes I've seen it and I'm so handsome He winks. Anika rolls her eyes and turned her face away snatching her hand from his grip.

Shiv. Anika listen

Pro. Anika and shivaay kindly leave my class right now. You both are disturbing others

Ani. I'm sorry sir

Pro. Miss Anika your sorry won't work please leave. Anika look at shivaay angrily and left the class grabbing her bag.

Shiv. Thank you sir. He gave him brightest smile and left from there leaving whole class Astonished seeing him happy instead of angry for being kicking out from the class.

Om. Paka he is up to something

Ar. For sure.


Anika is walking in the corridor fastly while  shivaay is following her like lost puppy having grin .

Shiv. Anika listen to me once. I wanna talk to you

Ani. Stop following me shivaay. I really don't wanna talk to you. Already I've seen loads of things in last two days because of you I don't wanna see more. Atlast tears slid down from her cheeks being helpless.

Shiv. Anika I just

Ani. Shivaay stay away from me. Already I had warned you but you didn't listen to me and kept
Pushing yourself into my life. Why why you are you doing all this. What enmity You keep with me that you just keep planning against me. What do you want.

Shiv. I just i

Ani. Shivaay jitna mera pass ao ga utna kaante chuba ga Tumma. so better keep good distance from me. I just don't like you near me. Just don't. She wipes her tears harshly and left from there before he stops her.

In canteen

Anika comes there and about set on the chair when someone pulled it back making her stumble

Ani. Tia

Tia. Yes me and who the hell gave you permission to set equal to us

Ani. Excuse me

Tia. Before two days we got to know which place you belong. Bloody waitress and still trying to set equal to us

Ani. It's my work tia and this is where I study and I don't think so there is any sin to work with studies

Tia. O really but still you are middle class and we don't want a middle class between us. Isn't people. All nods laughing making fun of her.

Tania. Look at her filthy bag  eww tacky. She Make eww face and throw it on the floor scattering things all around.

Tia. Yuck you keep broken biscuits in your bag. How nasty.

Anika didn't answer and started collecting things from the floor without answering her.

Tia. Youuu she about to kick her when Someome kept his foot under her leg and swiftly lift it up making her fell on the floor straight on her back making her cry in pain loudly.  All people who were laughing at anika moment ago now they  are laughing on tia who is moaning in pain holding her bum. 

Shiv.   What do you think you are doing bitch

Ani. Shivaay she gasp when she saw him standing infront of her having rage in his eyes. It's feeling like in seconds he will hold her throat and will kill her because of lack of breath.

Tia. Shivaay bAby whay you did. How can you harm me for this middle class

M.   Hey tia.   Be in your limits. don't forget in seconds I can throw you out of this  uni. 

Tia.  You people have gone nuts. Everyone are just in favour of this middle class. What she has which is attracting everyone. 

Om.  Tia this is not the way you behave with people.   Anika is our class fellow. She  don't harm anyone with her behaviour.  So what if she is poor Atleast she respect others unlike you and your slutry group who  just think about themselves and behave so rude with others.

Ra. Why are you dragging us in that. Ragini shout glaring him.

Shiv. You don't speak in between bitch just don't.  Whatever you did other night i'vent forget. I'll surely make you pay for it.  Ragini got scared when she heard his threat she knows if he said it then surely he has  something up to his sleeves. 

Anika who saw all people defending her. She gave them look and started collecting her books from the floor silently

Shiv. Let me help you he murmur Passing her book. Anika Immediately take it and put it back zipping up her bag. 

Ani. Thank you she thanked him and left from there before he stops her.

In garden

Shiv. Anika

Anika  hit her head when she saw him coming towards her. She is just pissed off because of his continuously following her. 

Ani. Now what do you want

Shiv.  Erm I wanna talk to you

Ani. But I don't she try to get up   but he pushed her back  on the big stone where whe was sitting making her sigh in irritation. 

Shiv.  First try to listen what I'm saying

Ani.  Shivaay can you please leave me alone for sometime.  I want some time lonely without  any disturbance. If you want entertainment then search someone else. Stop coming behind me like clown. not clown he pout

Ani. But your antics are like this.  Now can you please leave

Shiv. I won't leave before you listen to me

Ani. Argh ok fine tell me what you wanna say

Shiv. Erm I wanna say that erm

Ani. I'm going

Shiv. Yara give me time Atleast. Stop running like this

Ani. ok fine go one she fold her arms  waiting for him to speak.

Shiv.  I just wanna say that I I'm I I he try to speak but always words just get lost in his mouth without letting him to utter anything

ani. Forget it.

Shiv. Actually I wanna say that professor sharma has made our team to do a project together and you have to meet me for that in library for discussing it. 

Anika turn and look at him with tilt eyebrows.

Ani.  I'd already told him I don't wanna do then why did he put me with you ...

Shiv. Erm I don't know. He said looking around except her eyes

Ani.  Did you say to him ...

Shiv. Why would I say to him when I don't like you. Even I tried to say no but he said we both will Make better team so we have to. 

Ani. But I don't wanna do with you.  I'll tell professor that they can give you that person whom you like.

Shiv. No you won't he said fastly without taking a single breath.

Ani. Excuse me.  Why can't I say it ???

Shiv. Because because  he is right we will surely make good team so let's do it .....

Ani.  Why don't you say that you want it itself.

Shiv. I don't he .... said bluntly making her roll her eyes

Ani. Fine I'll do it but remember one thing keep a good distance from me I don't want you to come near me even for inch. Did you get that. Shivaay nods giving her nervous smile

Ani. Ehh why I'm thinking you wanna say more ...

Shi.  No I don't

Ani. Don't lie

Shiv.  Erm actually I wanna talk about that night  erm I I ...

Ani.  Whatever you did that night na it made me hate you more shivaay. First you snatched my most precious thing then threw me out like garbage and then because of you I've being kicked out from my house.  It's  all your fault that  i borne all this.   You didn't do right thing shivaay you didn't.  For you it would be nothing but for me it was big thing.  Which was so dreadful snd sorrowful.  She sobs and  turn her face  making him feel guilty

Shiv. But you also slapped me and

Ani.  And ....

Shiv. It triggered me and that's why I had threw you out. 

Ani.  And did you try to learn why did I slap you.  You bloody Insulted me infront of all people. Whatever people are saying today it's all  because of you.  You made me feel so low that everyone are just pointing finger over me. I'm ihself feeling ashamed in my own eyes.  But why would you care about it. When you feel so good to  insult me and make fun of me infront of people. You think that if she is not saying anything then let's press her more as you have started considering me as your toy whom with you wanna fiddle whenever you want. But I don't want it. I don't want you near me. I don't like to talk to you.  I just wanna stay away from you as much as I can.  Kindly you also don't come near me. Just be in your limits it will be good for me and for you as well.  She sniffs letting her tears roll down from her cheek like river. 

Shiv. Anika

Ani. Don't take my name. Just don't.  Saying this she left from there in anger. 

Shiv. Why on Earth she doesn't listen to me. What's her bloody problem. He screams stomping his foot on the floor.

In evening

Anika is in hostel room reading her books when she heard knock on the door.

Ani. Malika might have cAme she mumbled and immediately left to check it.

M. Hey Ani she waves her hand having big smile on her face

M. Meet rudra and prinku shivaay's younger siblings.

Anika rolls her eyes hearing shivaay's name. This man don't leave her Even in her lonely time.  

Ru. Hi Di I'm rudra saying this he just throw himself over her making him stumble.

Pri. And I'm prinku. She giggle and  hugged her on top of rudra.

Ru.  We heard a lot about you.   All the time bhiya talk about you only no one else. Seems like you have something which impressed our bhiya.  He winks.

Ani.  Really but why does he talk about me ??

Ru. I don't know  our bhiya never  gave importance to anyone except himself but first time it's happening he is giving  to someone else. 

Pri. That also 24 / 7 she said giving her cheeky smile

M. Ok leave that  kangaroo

Ru. Kangaroo ?

Ani. Erm actually I've kept his this name.  She said suppressing her smile

Pri. It's suits bhiya actually she giggle hi five to rudra.

Ani. I know right. By the way why are you both standing out still come in. She hold their hand took them in

Ani.  So tell me why did you come here ???

Pri. Actually I'm weak in science  ...

Ru. And I'm  so bad in maths

Ani.  So

Ru. Malika Di and om bhiya told you are good in both subjects so can you give us Tuition.  He smiles.

Ani.  No I can't I actually

Pri. Plz  plz I don't wanna fail in science please

Ru. Yes please didi please

Ani. Ok ok don't make these face I'll think about it.

Ru.  Really oh thank you di ...

Pri. So we will meet 6 pm sharp at our home. 

Ru.  See you soon di. I'll pick you up tomorrow ....

An. Are lakin before she say something they both left leaving her being astonished

Ani. I said I'll think about it. I didn't give approval yet. But they didn't keep ears over her words and walked out.

Precap .... shivaay in hostel

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