After Lunch

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Lucas Perspective (look at me using big girl words)
It was after lunch and everyone had to do their dare they were stuck with. I spotted Maya at her locker with that brunette girl. I walk up to them and the girl hits her arm pointing behind her, must be talking about me. Maya slowly turned around and her eyes was filled with fear. She turned around and talked to her friend and that girl was trying to pull her.

Maya's perspective (hehe)
I was talking to Missy when she pointed behind me, "Don't look now but bully alert." she said. I slowly then turn around and my eyes fill with fear. I turn back around.

"W-what n-nothig to b-"

"Don't pull that shit on me, why don't we just leave?"She asks pulling my arm.

"It's no use, he'll hurt me more if I run." I say, she puts her arm around me.

"I got your back." She smiles, I smile back and hug her. As he gets closer I notice her arm no longer around me and her two lockers down.

"Some friend." I tell her.

"I said I got your back, so I'm behind you." She says looking around, I roll my eyes and I notice someone towering over me.

I close my eyes but them get a surprise, "Hey Maya." he says. I open one eye slowly.

"Hi?" I reply and he looks at me for a second too long making me speak, "Why are you staring at me?" I ask.

"Your beautiful." He tells me, I take off my glasses and clean them with my white and black checkered shirt that has a pink fishnet shirt under it.

"Me?" I ask, he nods smiling.

"T-thank you." I say looking down, he lifts my chin so I'm facing him.

"No problem." He winks, I smile and blush.

"Your cute when you blush." He tells me, which doesn't help.

"Alright, what's your game?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"No game, just being me." He tells me, I raise an eyebrow.

"So, you coming to my game next Friday?" He asked me, I shook my head.

"No one wants a nerd there." I say, he stares at me.

"I do, and your much more than a nerd my blonde beauty." He said kissing my cheek then walking away.

"Next Friday, be there!" He shouts walking backwards, I turn to my locker and nod.

Alright, I finally updated. I want to tell you two things:

•Parker will be changed to Josh for reasons explained later
•Anyone else loving this cover? It's by the amazing @Fanficdragons I love her so much! Thank you boo!

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