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-- Baekhyun --

Rushing to school, I accidentally ran into someone as I was entering the school gate.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry and-" I stopped as I looked at the person in front of me, who had her arms crossed in front of her and a glare on her face.


"I said *deep breath* I didn't do it on purpose, so... will you leave now? Cause I really don't have time for this," I forced a smile as I squated down to pick the books that I dropped earlier.

"Y..YOU!" she was about to say something when the bell rang, " URRRGGG I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER, JUST WAIT!"

I sighed as I stood up, 'here we go again...'

I quickly ran inside and went straight to class, not even bothering to put my stuff in the locker.

When I went in, I felt all the attention moving to me so I decided to look down, right when I was about to go to my seat, I heard someone fake coughed, "Mr Byun, I see that you are late on the first week of school?"

Internally groaning, I put my head up and softly smiled at the teacher, "I'm sorry Mr. Shin, I was caught up with something on my way to school."

He nodded and smirked, "I'll let you off the hook this time... but I hope this will not happen again."

"I assure you that this will be the first and last time sir," I slightly bowed before going to my seat.

When I sat down, I saw the scribbles they did on my table and the words they wrote, some are a bit harsh and illogical but some were pretty.... how do I say this... I guess, understandable.

I knew that I'm ugly; that I'm worthless; that I don't deserve to live a good life, but those are the reasons why I am working hard to get good grades; get into a good university - I don't want to be a burden. I don't want the boys to treat me as if I was the most precious person they have ever had in their life, I don't want them spending money on a worthless person like me, I don't want them to worry about me just because they feel pity whenever they see me, I don't want any of it... I just want to live my life and work hard to be a better person, to be independent, to be like everyone else. I knew that some of the things I wished for were too far for me to reach, but that is why I decided to push past my limits, to punish myself for not being the person I was supposed to be... for not being able to help the people around me and making them help me instead.

Though I agreed with most of the things they wrote on my table, my heart still ached as I read each of the words and phrases over and over. No matter how hard I try to cover them with my books, they will just somehow appear in front of my eyes, haunting me and reminding me of how worthless I am.

Taking a long, deep breath, I decided to focus on what the teacher is saying and distract myself from the awful thoughts by writing everything he is teaching... not missing a single word.


When class ended, everyone went out of the room except for me and well... Mr. Shin.

"Baekhyun, can I have a word with you please?" Mr. Shin asked.

I nodded before walking towards him, "Yes?"

"Are you okay? Like, do you feel fine?" he questioned.

I frowned as I try to think of reasons on why he would ask me these questions, "Of course sir~ Is there something wrong?"

I let out a sigh of relief before shaking his head and giving me a small smile, "It's nothing, I was just curious since you've been very quiet since the start of the class. Suho also told me that you've been overworking yourself at home but I don't remember giving you much work this week..."

"Oh, that.. don't worry sir, I'm not overworking myself~ Suho hyung just tend to worry about me a lot so he over-exaggerates the situation sometime," I lied.

"Aah~ That's good then! I thought I gave too much work," he chuckled.

"Don't worry sir, just keep doing what you think is right for us~" I smiled before taking my things and getting out of the room.

"Baekhyun! BAEKHYUN! BAEKHYUNNNN!" I heard someone screaming my name.

I turned around and was then greeted by Jaehyun who was skipping towards me. My furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled him into a corner and whispered, "What are you doing? If they know that you're hanging out with me, you will get bullied!"

He pushed my hand off his arm before he smiled, "It's my last day of school anyway so why should I care~"

I sighed, "But still... what if you get bullied on your last day here?"

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself~ Anyway, can I hangout with you after school? And maybe this weekend too? I know that we've only known each other for merely a week but I thought we should get to know each other better and keep in contact..." he shyly asked.

I thought about it for awhile... maybe I should introduce him to the boys. I feel like this is one of the only ways I could repay him for his kindness.

"Sure~ I have people I want to introduce you to anyway~" I smiled.

"REALLY!?! YESSSSS, OKAY! I'LL WAIT FOR YOU AT THE SCHOOL GATE AFTER SCHOOL~" he jumped in excitement before running to his next class.


OH MY GOSH.... I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY for not updating since like... MARCH! FREAKIN MARCH!

It's just that, after March, I had to prepare for my IGCSE exams and now that I'm an IB student, it's hard to keep up with school work and my Wattpad fanfics all at the same time X.x

Anyway, I have good and bad news... but well I don't really think it will affect you guys in any possible ways but I just wanted to share with you guys since it's been like a long time since I interacted with y'all~ Regardless of that, the good news is that, winter break is in like.. around 2-3 weeks which means that I'll be able to update more but do keep in mind that I will be staying in Singapore for two whole weeks which means that I won't be in the hotel most of the time since I'll be out either eating or shopping for school supplies and other artsy stuff xD

The bad news is that my exams are next week which means that I will practically by like... offline for this week and next week. Another bad news that wouldn't really affect you guys is that MY TRIP TO KOREA IS POSTPONED AGAIN! FOR THE SECOND TIMEEEEE! I was supposed to go back in August but then it was postponed to December and now that I'm going to Singapore it got postponed again to March 2018 X.x WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!


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