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-- Jessica --


I rolled in annoyance as I heard knocks on my door.


"Whaaaaaaaaat?" I groaned.

"Jess, it's time for you to wake up," Lee Jae, my butler called.

"Jae-ahhhhh! 5 more minutes! Just 5!" I whined.


"Aaarrrggggg ok! OK! I'm up!" I harshly kick my blanket off before sitting on the edge of my bed.



The door opened, "Morning Jess~"

"Why would you knock on the door when you can come inside and wake me up!?!" I glared at him.

He raised his arms, as if he's surrendering, "I don't wanna get shouted and kicked by you again. Plus, you wake up faster whenever I knock~"

"Uuurrgggg, I hate you!" I pouted.

"No you don't," he put his tongue out.

"Whatever... What do you want anyway? I'm awake already," I asked.

"Your parents told me to tell you that you're going to be having a dinner with the school partners," he informed.

"School partners? The people who owns the other half of the school? The one my parents are working with?" I questioned.

"Yup, I heard they have a son around your age... maybe you guys can be friends and get along well~" he smirked.

"Dude that's like a no-no! I'm well known for being cold, do you think I would wanna ruin my image just to be friends with some business partner's son?" I complained.

He chuckled, "Whatever you say gurl, now hurry up and get ready! School's gonna be in 30 minutes."

He went out of the room as soon as he handed me my clothes.

After taking a quick shower and breakfast, I went inside my Lamborghini.

"Morning Sooyeonnie~" my driver, Hyun Jin smiled.

"Morning~" I smiled before entering the passenger's seat.

I never let any of my friends ride on my Lamborghini since I don't want them hurting my baby and there's only two seats. The only person I trust when it comes to driving my Lamborghini is Hyun Jin since his father was a car racer and he's like... One of the best drivers in the nation.

"So how's your first week of school?" he inquired.

"Not bad~ There's nothing special though," I shrugged.

"Did you make any new friends?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Oppa! You know that I don't accept new friends randomly!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

He lightly shook his head, "You barely have any friend... Don't you feel lonely? I mean, its your last year of school! You should enjoy it while you can!"

"Well, I have you guys so why should I worry about making more friends!" I told him.

He ruffled my hair, "We're working for you Jess! That's a different story!"

I glared at him as I fixed my hair, "There's no difference! A friend is a friend no matter what."

"I guess I can't say anything more~ We're here! Have a great day!!!" he waved as I went out of my car.

As I entered the school, everyone was staring at me as I walked pass them.

Suddenly... "Jessieeeeeeeee!"  someome shouted.

I sighed, 'Here we go again~'

I turned around and rolled my eyes, "Morning Dara."

She chuckled before putting an arm over my shoulder, " Soooooo, have you got a new victim? It's been only a week but I'm getting sick of our victim already... He's so weak and would apologies before I even do anything making it boring since he's already scared of us and there's nothing we can do to him more than he already is!"

"I'm kinda getting bored of him too, but let's just keep him until we get a new victim," I smirked.

"Kay~" she smiled before we both walked into our first class.

Break time...

I was getting my stuff in my locker when suddenly, someone hugged me from behind.

The person was about to kiss me when I put my hand over his mouth.

I looked at him in my poker face, "Let's break up."

DaeYoung's eyes widened, "Why?"

"Cause I'm bored of you..." I said, coldly.

"Jess, I will be a better guy just please... Tell me what I need to do better and I will!" he begged.

"Do you not know that Jessie is never serious when it comes to dating?" Dara laughed.

I smirked before we both left him there, dumbfounded.

Just then, I heard laughters not far away from me.

'Ahh~ Our plan must've been done very well,' I thought.

We both went to the crowd and saw Jaehyun on the floor, covered in egg and shreds of papers.

I was watching him suffer as I walked when suddenly, someone bumped into me.

"Sorry," the person silently muttered before kneeling down to get the books that fell, not bothering to look at the person he bumped to.

"Ya! Are you blind!?! Can't you see me standing here?" I shouted at him.

"Why are you shouting at me? I apologized already and it's not like it's all my fault so you should apologies too!" he shouted back as he finished getting all his books.

'DID HE JUST FREAKIN...!?!' I thought before I shrieked in anger.

"You're gonna regret this!" I pointed at him before walking away.

"Jess... I guess we found our new victim already ay?" Dara teased.

"He'll regret talking back to me in front of everyone," I said before walking to class.

When we sat on our seats, I decided to listen to a few songs to calm myself while waiting for the teacher to come.

Not long after, the teacher came in and everyone stopped what they're doing to focus on the teacher.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today! He got the perfect score in the entrance exam and is the only student in this school to be able to get a full scholarship!" Mr. Kim smiled.

Everyone started whispering to each other and some stared at me.

'Could this day get any worse? First, a rude guy... now a smart guy who beat my record!?!' I thought, obviously not really happy about the situation right now.

Right then, a boy came in. My eyes widened when I saw him... HE'S THE GUY I BUMPED INTO THIS MORNING!!!

"Hi everyone... My name is Byun Baek Hyun and I am from LuXion Academy. It's nice to meet you~" he bowed.

"Luxion Academy? Isn't that the school EXO goes to?"

People were whispering about him and I was starting to get really irritated with the boy.

"Jess... You know EXO right? The most popular Kingka group in Gangnam?" Dara poked me on the side.

"I don't care!" I muttered, gritting my teeth.

'Byun Baek Hyun! I'll make you regret moving to this school!' I clenched my fist before breaking the pencil I had on my hand.


Hey guys~~~ I'm so sorry for the late update ㅠㅠ
I'm supposed to post this on the last day of the year but I couldn't finish it so I decided to publish it on the first day of the year!

It might be January 2nd in some of your countries but it's still January 1st here so hehehe~

I'll try my best to update again as soon as possible and thank you for reading ^^

Happy New Year and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D

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