Her New Home

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I decided that this isn't gonna be the last chapter! Also what else would you want me to write, any specific ships?

Lucy's P.O.V

I had finally packed my stuff and was getting ready to leave for the Dragneel's. I'm happy about moving in with Wendy, Gradine, Zeref, and Igneel. I hope Natsu will be nice to me, and not act like an ass.

"Yo Luce ready to go!" Natsu shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah, just give me a sec!" I yelled. I was packing my stuff when I came across an old picture, it was me, and my mom.

"I will always love you... Mom." I said and put the picture in the bag. I went downstairs to see my new home.

-Next Day At School-

I was putting my stuff in my locker, until I heard someone's voice, someone I didn't want to see.

"Hey Lucy." It was Sting.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just want to say something about that kiss, listen I was trying to make this girl I like jealous, so she would date me. And now she's my girlfriend." He said.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Umm I just wanted to know if we could be friends, I know I stole your first kiss and that was unforgivable, but all I ask is if you can except my apology, we don't even have to friends." He said holding his hand out to me, I could tell he wasn't lying by the tone of his voice.

"I'll forgive you." I said taking his hand. "I don't think we can be friends just yet." I said.

"Sting, come on!" A girl said. She looked like Lisanna but had darker hair and brown eyes.

"Coming! That's my girlfriend, her name is Yukino, she's sweet, you two would probably get along." He said, I nodded. He walked off.

"What was that piece of shit talking to you about?" Someone said from behind me, it was Natsu.

"He just wanted forgiveness." I said.

"Did you forgive him?" Natsu asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because he had a good explanation and he was desperate." I said.

"You're an idiot." He said.

"You're a playboy." I said.

What happened next shocked me, he kissed me. I kissed back... He pulled away.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted.

"I kissed you." He said in a 'duh' voice.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to be your first kiss, Lucy I lo-"

Ring Ring

"Well time to go to our last class, tell me later!" I said.

-Time Skip-

I walked inside the house, getting hit...





By Wendy jumping on me.

"Wendy." I giggled.

"Sorry." She said and got up.

"It's alright." I said.

"What's with all the noise?" Zeref asked walking downstairs.

"Nothing." Wendy said.

"Ok everyone calm down, Lucy you can do your homework in you and Wendy's room." Aunt Gradine said. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I share a room with Wendy.

"Ok I'll come down later, I said going up the stairs." I said.

I love my new family.

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