13: Rainbowdash's worst memmory

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Fluttershy's POV

Ok, you can do this. Just remember what Dash told you, you got this. Just go up there...and tell him!


yes, as much as it sounds baby-ish, I still suck on pacifiers  to calm myself like a giant baby.

I faced the mirror and looked at myself. Not bad. I smiled ans mustered up all the courage I have. I shakily picked up my phone and dialed Discord's number.

It was ringing but he wasn't answering. I tried again. And again. He missed five calls.

I was both relieved and dissapointed. But atleast I'll have plenty of time to practice my confession speach.

I decided to get some fresh air, and went out for an evening walk with my pet dog Snoopy.

It was a quiet, peacful and lovely night. No doubt cauples are out on dates. Suddenlu Snoopy began barking loudly. I turned to whoever he was barking at and was confused to see Soarin. Whats he doing out here in the middle of the night?

And....why is he holding a wooden sword and a pirate hat? Oh my! Could he have been associating with pirates and had stolen an amount full of treasure and journeyed in the seven seas! Such an adventure! But why is he looking sad?

"Good evening Soarin" I greeted. He faced me. "Hey Fluttershy" He said sounding sad.

" whats the matter?" I asked concerned.

"Um...well....Who's this Quibble pants guy? All I know from Dash that he's her ex boyfriend" He said sounding annoyed.

"Well um...its not a story I'm in my rights to say, Rainbow is the one who is supppose to tell this little story but has a hard time doing so. But I'll only tell you this, two years ago, She and him dated. She devoted herself to the relationship but...." I paused. "I knew things weren't working well for her...he was her first boyfriend. In the end, he became her first heartbreak"

Its as if I can still hear her desperate and sad sobbings and cries. As if I can feel the cold rain, hear the rain, feel its cold wet water.

As if I can hear the thunder. And see the car zooming away just leaving her in the rain crying. And then after the rain...comes a rainbow.

The rain is cold and sad unless you are stupid enough to play in the rain and get sick. But after the rain there shows up the rainbow. Full of colors and happiness and just plain beautiful. Rainbowdash loves seeing the rainbow after a rain comes by.

"Look Soarin, its nice that you are concerned for Rainbowdash, but take my advice and drop it. You don't know what you're getting into. She's been through worst and it took her njne minths in therapy to recover. This year is not the day for her to receive some drama thanks to a meddlesome jerk" I snapped.

He looked offended but just shut up.

"Anyway how is she?" I asked concerned. He looked uneasy. "Well after she saw the picture of that Quibble guy in that locket she suddenly looked realy empty. And then assured me she was fine but just sleepy. She's in her room now fast asleep after I fed her dinner"

"Hmm, well another advice. Don't bring up the subject about the locket ever again. I know there are questions you want to ask but things are just better off un-answered" I adviced him.

He looked fed up. "Ok fine. See you at school tommorow" He said and left.


Narrarator's POV

The next morning everyone at school can feel something was wrong. The atmosphere was very strange and no one was talking. If they were talking they weren't moving their lips so much.

Rainbowdash was looking out the window in her class feeling out of this world. She had a dazed look and wasn't paying much attention.

She had her fingers form a fist and put it on her mouth to cover the fact it was quivering.

Not many noticed but she was wearing the locket(A/N: You already know which locket) and her scarf wrapped around her neck to cover it.

She looked angry, worried, scared, confused, sad, hateful, frustrated, and irritated. This was so obvious everyone left her alone. Even her friends.

"Whats wrong with You-Know-Who?" Spitfire asked Sunset shimmer.

"I don't realy know" She said with a sigh.

Pretty soon everyone started to sit down for the lesson. Soarin chosed the seat next to Dash. "Hi" He said.

"Good morning to you too" She replied not even looking at him. "You ok?"

"Do I look ok?!" She snapped.

The teacher babbled on and on and then her favorite students, Twilight sparkle and Starlight glimmer came up front looking praticularly pleased with themselves. Dash ignored them and looked out the window towards the playground. The elementary students had plenty of time before their class starts unlike the junior and senior high schoolers. She could see her sweet baby sister Scootalou playing with AppleBloom, Sweetybelle, Button mash, Rumble, and another little boy who looked like Flash sentry's  little brother.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We present to you our newest invention, the Memory Projector!" Twilight said super excitedly. Pride in her voice.

"What does it do?" Pinkie and her cousin Surprise asked beaming.

"Well....it shows a memmory on screen, projecting it so you can watch your memmories, now all we need, is a piece of hair...Rainbowdash are you listening?!" Starlight demanded.

Dash slowly looked away from the window. "What?" She snapped sounding annoyed and tired.

"Ugh, never mind, give me some of your hair" Twilight groaned.

"The fuck why would I give you some of my hair?" Dash asked confused.

Starlight ignored her and walked towards Dash, and plucked out some of the green hair on Dash.

Them she returned up front with Twilight. "Feast your eyes" Twilight said proudly. Everyone leaned on their seats to get a better look, even Rainbowdash was paying attention now.

Starlight was so excited she too started jumping up and down.

Twilight put the hair strand in a tube, then placed he tube inside what appeared to be a metal small round object, which, to Rainbowdash, looked like the same round interesting metal object she was trying to steal that one time in detention.

The Screen showed Rainbowdash's memory. A memory she was sure she buries at the back of her mind a long time ago.

"Here I got you this" Quibble said and showed her the newest edition of the Daring Do novel. Dash's jaw dropped. "THIS IS SO AWESOME! THANKS QUIBBLE" Dash yelled excitedly.

"And that's not the only thing I got you, look"  he then took out a locket from his pocket and gaved it to her, Dash smiled a little "Thanks" She said to him

Quibble smirked which was cuincidentaly, almost simmiar to Soarin's smirk

"I....Love you" Quibble said and then stole her a kiss


The vision changed and it showed them outside Dash's house this time arguing

"I don't know whats wrong with you Quibble your kinda  acting like a jerk"

"Well whats up with you huh? You've been clingy these days, possesive, boastful, and so annoying! Plus you spend waaay more time with you friends then your own boyfriend" He snarled

"But...But" Dash seemed lost for words


Rainbowdash felt her heart shatter when she saw him cheating on her. Pure anger and disbelief came to her. She didn't want to cry because crying was for weeklings, she instead gritted her teeth in pain as she watched Quibble and his bitch kiss.

But instead of breaking up with him, she just let it pass and kept with the relationship. She held on tightly to the locket, muttering that this was just a sick nightmare she'll probably wake up from soon


"I'm sorry" Quibble said to Dash

"Sorry for what?"

"Look Dash you're great and all but...you...I don't feel the fire in our relationship anymore, you dress worse than my mom, you act like a total boy! things are realy boring between us, and the only exciting thing going on for you is when you drag me to watch you compete against Crystal prep with your soccer team, our relationshop is getting realy....pathetic""

Dash couldn't beleive her ears. Her eye twicthed. "You think.....watching our school, OUR team play soccer and win, is boring?" She said slowly

"Well....uh...Not only that but, you...nag on me whenever I mess up! Kinda like that egghead friend of yours Twilight" Said Quibble and each word a pain in her heart

The rain startes to slowly fall down, aswel as the tears forming in her eyes.

"And...I'm sorry...but I don't love you anymore, I've found someone else" he finnished and turned around. Dash hugged him from behind tightly and cired and cried. The rain started to fall harder making them soaked

"I'm sorry--"

"DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!" she yelled as more tears fell down, thunder can be heard

Quibble shook her off and ran to his car, and drove off, Leaving Dash crying on the sidewalk, hands clamped to her mouth to muffle the sobs, but it was hopeless

She took off the locket and was about to throw it away but....she stopped, instead she put it in her pocket for safe keeping

The rain poured harder on the girl as she cried louder

Suddenly warm arms wrapped around her, she opened her blurry and tear filled eyes to see Spitfire with a warm smile and Fluttershy with a warm look,

The two girls hugged her, even though it was raining ever so hard....

"This...feels....so painful, so hurt...it hurts like hell!" Dash yelled in anger as she continued to cry in the rain.


Rainbowdash was quiet. She noticed half the class staring at her symphateticly, and some were whispering. She stood up, and ran out of there.

She ran to the lonely halls, highly aware someone had followed her

She turned around to see Soarin skies chasing after her and panting hard.

"Dash...Why did you--" He was cutt off when she threw herself to him, burrying her head in his chest

Soarin was taken aback, but wrapped his arms around her

He became aware she was now crying

When she stopped crying she faced him...."Why won't you just leave me alone?" she demanded and wiped away a few tears

"Simple answer princess, because I don't want to leave you alone. Not like he did" He said smiling instead of his usual smirk.

She wrapped her arms around him again and fought the urge to cry. No, she never cries, never, not after....

She bit her lip,

"Don't cry don't fucking cry" she thought, but it was no use,

She sobbed hard in his chest making his shirt soaked but the boy didn't noticed nor seemed to care.

"Shhh, it's ok Dash, it's ok...I'm here ok? I'm here, I'm here" He assured her.

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