21: Pain and love

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Girl you look delicious
                           Oh I mean gorgeous!

A/N: Warning, one realy realy realy realy realy realy long chapter coming up, oh wait, this is it! Enjoy

Rainbow's POV

"WHERE IS IT?!" I  yelled angrily as she slammed the boy to the locker ready to end his misery once and for all by simply killing him now (A/N: Pretty sure we all wanna do that to him right?)

"Where is what?" Quibble askes innocently. "Dont play coy with me Quibble pants, you took my stuff! Give it back" I said with a dangerous growl.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my shoulder. "Calm down Dash, let me take it from here" Soarin said in a monotone. I let go of Quibble and stood aside. Soarin looked cooly at Quibble before punching him in the stomach snd kicking him where the sun don't shine.

"Ok listen, I know you stole her posessions, so I suggest you give it all back to her before I loose all my anger out on you" He snapped.


Soarin didn't let Quibble finnish before punching him by the eye. I flinched and closed my eyes snd blocked out all the noise of Soarin beating, possibly killing Quibble. Thank god noone's here at the luna hall right now.

"Ok ok please stop! Its all in my bag" Quibble pleaded his body bloody.

I rushed to the grey rack sack and it had my phone, laptop, locket, scark, hankerchief, but my journal was nowhere in sight. "Not everything's here, my journal's missing" I said facing Quibble who was holding his stomach in pain.

"Where's her journal?" Soarin demanded. Quibble kept quiet and groaned in pain.

I kicked his arm and he winced. "Ok I think we've given him enough punishment already lets go look for my journal. Its clear we won't get anything else from him anymore" I said massaging my temple. As much as I wanna continue beafing the shit out of him, I don't wanna go to prison.

We left Quibble lying there while we went around the school looking for my journal. I fucking hope we find it soon. I wrote a lot of personal and sometimes sappy stuff here. Most about my growing feelings for Soarin. I hate this guy sometimes but most times I fimd his company enjoyable. If I'm forming a teensy tiny crush for him then ok thats fine. But if I fall inlove with him comepletely thats a big fat NO.

"You ok Dashie?" Soarin asked. "Y-yea I'm f-fine" I stuttered. "No, your not fine" Soarin pointed out and faced me. "Hey, hey look at me, ok look at me" He said and put a thumb at my chin forcing me to look at his green eyes that always reminded me of an endless fealed of green.

"Everything's gonna be ok, I promise" He assured and planted a kiss on my forehead. I turned fifthy shades of red and looked away. "Thank you" I told him.

"Lets keep looking" I went and we went to the gym lockers. I was getting realy nervous, maybe singing would help? It always does.

(A/N: The song 'When she cries' From nightcore, got the idea after reading 'Perfect(A Soarindash lovestory) I suggest you search the song on Youtube its realy realy catchy)

Little girl terrified, she leave her room
If only bruises would heal
A home is no place
To hide

Her heart is breaking from the pain
That she feels,

Everyday! The same! She fights
To find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides
And tries to pray

She wonders just why! Does
Anyone ever hear her when she

Today she's turning sixteen!

Everyone's singing when she comes
In with a smile,
They never get past arms leanght

How could they act like
Everything is alright!

Pulling down her long sleeves
To cover all the memmories the
Scars leave

She said, maby making me bleed!
Will be the answer to wash the slate

Everyday's the same, she fights,
To find her way she hurts, she brakes
She tries to pray!

She wonders why! Does anyone
Ever hear her when she cries! This is
The  dark! Before the dawn! The storm
Before the peace......

Don't be afraid cause seasons change...
And god is
Watching over you!
Hea hears you...

Everyday's the same..she fights, to
Find her way she
Hurts, she breaks....she hides and
Tries to pray...she'll be just

Cause I know he hears her when she

Everyday's the same! She fights
To find her way!
She hurts! She breaks! She hides!
And tries to pray!

She'll be! Just fine!  Couse I know
He hears her when she cries!

She'll be juuust! Fine!
Cuz I know he hears her when she

When she cries.....

When I finnaly stopped singing, Soarin was staring at me, his mouth haging agape. I blinked. "What?"

"That. Was. AWESOME!" He exclaimed. I grinned. "I already know" I cockily said.

"Yea, almost as good as me"

"Don't you mean better?"

"Whatever" He said rolling his eyes. "But seriously though, I'm sure you'll win the Musical showcase" He assured. I smiled. My heart was pounding all over again and I tried to normal it. "Stop it stop it stop it!"

You love him!

I don't!

He's hot

He looks stupid

He's handsome

Not realy

He loves you

As if!

He's funny and he makes you laugh

And afterwards we'll end up bickering again

You wanna kiss him again by the lake don't you?

No no no no no no

You realy love him but you're just wat too prideful and scared to admit it

Shut up!

Say it, tell him now!

I said shut up!

"Hey you ok?" Soarin snappes his fingers to my face. I blinked, "Uh yea sorrt I dozed off"

"I...see, ok well I'll keep looking for your journal and he second I find it I'll return it to you soon" He said. "You promise?" I asked skepticaly.

"Anything for my Dashie" He winked and I blushed. Luckily it wasn't visible enough. Nope, who am I kidding, its visible enough. Yay me(note my sarcasm again)

"Awwww look at that little cute Dashie is Blushing because of Soarin Skies the hottie" He teased pinchung both my cheeks.

"You're not even hot enough for a girl to push and pull with" I snapped(A/N: Inspired by 'He's such a bad boy')

"Ouch" He faked a hurt expression. "See you soon my lady" He teased and kissed the back of my hand before walking away.

Du dug! Du dug! Du dug!

I knew it you love him

**********Two weeks later

Fluttershy's POV

I looked at my pale reflection at the mirror in my room. I look very bad. My eye are blood shot from cryung too much, my hair is tangles and and bushy. I'll beth if there as a competion between me and big foot for worlds ugliest hairdo I guess I'll have already won that.

Discord, that man I love, the one I have desperately wanted to confess for years. Loves, someone else....I sobbed harder in my pillow.

I can't keep ditching school for just a silly reason, I need to go to school soon. But it hurts just to go and face him again.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Sweety someone is here to see you" My mother said from outside. I brushed my hair, wiped my tears away and straightenned my posture. "T-t-tell them to come in" I said with a sniff. The door opened to reveal a tall boy with greyish hair, and yellow eyes. I gulped. "D-Discor--Oof!" I was cutt off when he rushed to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Fluttershy" He whispered my name soothingly. I bursted out crying for the seventh time as he stroked my hair.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked with a sob. "To see you of course, you haven't been to school for two weeks, and I know its because of me" He sighed.

"I'm sorry" he went on. I smiled(A/N: Sorry for all you Fluttercord shippers there buuuuuut.....)

"Its ok, atleast you're here with me" I told him leaning in to kiss him.

"No Fluttershy" he pulled away. "I'm a good friend Fluttershy, but I'm not a good man. You should find someone else to make you happy, I obviously can't fullful your expectations from me" He sighed. I bit my lip. "Why?" I questioned.

"If you'll tell me the reason then I swear I'll leave you alone from now, I won't force you into being with me, I won't bother you anymore, I won't....I'll...stop loving you and expecting you'll love me too" I said to him. He raised a brow. "Fine" He said irritated.

(A/N: Prepare your tissues everyone)


Discord's POV(A/N: And probably the only time I'll be doing this)

There was a girl, a few years ago who lived right next door. Out families were realy close and she always vissit to play cards or chess or have tea. I always expected, that nothing will change between us, we'll always be friends. But I was wrong, so wrong,

She was, falling for me. Her name was Chrysalis, she was funny, tomboyish, kind, gentle, pretty and sweet. We always spent time together and I knew her feelings for me weren't friends feelings, they were love

My parents were arguing and fighting, swearing and yelling at each other. I thought they loved each other, I thought they were happy. I was so wrong. My mom was crying and begging dad to stay, but he said " I'll always be there for you Eris, but not in this way, I don't love you anymore, I will help you yes but only for bussness, I'm sorry...take care" And with that he left.

I soon realized how painful to love realy was and, I hoped me and Chrysalis won't fall inlove so we won't have to feel what my parents endured. My mom cried and cried that night, her heart was aching

But Chrysalis, she changed. One daye she came to my house wearing make up, a beautiful white dress and a pearl necklace

"Why the hell are you dressed like that?" I asked pretending to be confused

"D-do I look ok? You can go in a date with me if you want" She confidentaly said. I wanted to push her away. So thats what I did

"Why are you wearing make up and a dress? It doesn't suit you, you can scare away other boys but please not me" I snapped. Tears brimmed in her eyes, "Ok, I-I-I- guess I realy don't  look good in a dress, I'm too boyish, well um, see you later Discord" And with that she left, to cry I guess

But she didn't gaved up, for about months she tried and tried to confess to me or atleast show me how she felt, and I didn't wanna loose her, more likely, I didn't wanna loose our beautiful friendship, so I continued to act clueless. Until....one night she called me

"Discord! Meet me at around five am at a location I am gonna text you, see you then, I just realy realy wanna show you something special" Chrys said excitedly. I remebered something my father once told me

"Special things rerely comes, so once they reached you, make it worth it, grab on a once and a life time opportunity"

And, Chrysalis was a once and a life time opportunity I wasn't ready to hold on to and then loose in the end. I never showed up , I deleted the messege so I wouldn't have to know where it is and see her. If I don't know where it is I won't have to go and find out my true feelings for her....and the next day

"Why...didn't you come?" Chrysalis asked. I bit my lip. "Sorry I was up all night with my friends and forgot, And honestly Chrys! Five am?! Thats too early" I said with a groan and turn around from her.

"Discord" She said with a sniff.

I turned around boredly. "Yes?"

She bit her lower lip as a tear came....

"Good bye"


"Chyrsalis never came back for tea, or cards. I lost her. " I finnished and faced Fluttershy.

"Sometimes, I wonder what'll happen if...I turned around and hugged her. Tell her I was sorry I never made it, we'd probably be a cauple now, together, holding hands having fun" I sighed. "But I had to mess everything up"

I stood up and faces Fluttershy. "Well there you have it, I told you everything. Now leave me alone" I said and turned around to leave. But she stopped me. "Do you ever miss her?"

"Everyday" I answered and left the room. My thoughts drifting to Chryssy. I just wanted to keep her, because I thought love would be painful and I would get hurt if we dated. But I was wrong. Because loosing the one you love feels ten times worse. I lost my Chrysallis. And....I never saw her again.


Soarin's POV

I can't believe it, After two weels of searching I found it! Dashie's journal! It was inside a box buried underneath my backyard! My dog max found it when he was digging for his bones.

But why would Quibble hide it here? Ha! Maybe he thought noone would be stupid enough dig at my backyard looking for buried treasure.

I looked at the blue bindings of the journal. It read on the front

This Diary/Journal belongs to Rainbownessa Dangerous Dash so PISS OFF IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD  FOR YA!

I rolled my eyes and opened it slowly. I know its bad of me to read what she writes about her personal life but....well you know how they say about curiosity kills the cat. Besides, I know everyone would read a diary of someone if they managed to gst their hands of it. (A/N: I know I would😁😁)

I opened it and it read

February 3 2018

I thought this would be my best birthday ever. But again. I was wrong. Its my worst, As usual. My parents and friends never came and I had to spend my birthday crying and crawling into a ball all alone

February 12 2018

He is soooooo annoying! That new guy Soarin skies is the worst! He's a perv! A jerk! An idiot! An ego maniac who's ego is a thousand times bigger then mine! I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him!!!!!!!!! He has got some nerve! 

(A/N: Ok this is only a fanfiction ok? I jimble jumbled the dates for fun so next to february is october and next to october is December and next to December is  August ok? Ok)

October 2 2018

Sooooo annoying! Curse Soarin's gorgoeus face! Whoa whoa whoa wait? Am I writting this write? Did I just say Soarin is....gorgeous? Ew ew ew ew ewwww! Gosh he gets on my nerves!

October 15 2018

I had the best time of my life. Me and Soarin had fun toilet papering houses and telling jokes plus pranking my bullies...maybe Soarin's not as bad as i thought

October 16 2018

I was hurt, I was scared, I felt stressed because of my fucking sorry excuse for a parents, they hurted my little sister and I was scared. I wanted to cry but crying only shows weekness....and...out of the blue, Soarin came along and dried away my tears, this wasn't the first time he has dried away my tears...one time I was crying so hard and threw my locket to the lake. I was happy at first, but then the next second I jumped into the lake looking for it. Soarin found it for me and I hugged him. My heart was hammering in my chest. And...and...when we went to the lake again...I felt something for this boy. We...kissed. it felt so right. But also wrong

October 21 2018

Fluttrrshy told me some things. I think she wants me to follow my heart but...no. I can't. She was asking me questions about him and I guess she secretly wanted me to realize something. I don't realy know what to do anymore. I think I should stay away from everyon for a while. Mostly Soarin.

December 1 2018

The asshole is back. Thats right Quibble PANTS is back. Thank god I have Soarin to make me feel better. He wrote me a song and it made me feel so amazing. He said he wrote it for me. Wasn't that sweet?

December 2 2018

I can't seem to get him out of my head. Soarin I mean. I have his face and song stuck in my head. "You're the missing peice I need the song inside of me I need to find you---"

See? Am i...fallling for him? No! I am o not. Obviously not!

December 3 2018

Do I love him or not? Grrrr stupid emotions! Its driving me crazy!

Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin Soarin! I don't love him and I never will! I...I....I will never fall inlove with anyone anymore! Not him! Not anyone! But why do I feel all fluttery and my whole world would go slow mo whenever he's around me? When he held my hand I felt something. But I just don't know what. We'rs just friends and thats that. Nothing more. Just....friends

I stopped reading when I realized tears were falling dowm the notebook. She thinks we should stay being just friends(A/N: Ouch friend-zoned!)

I never realy realized it until now but...I now know that I love her. But she'll never love me. Its funny how all it took for me to realize my feelings for her was to read this journal and feel hurt.

A/N: Was the dates of the journal confusing or what? Remeber this is only fan fiction and none of the months were right ok? i just jumbled it all for fun

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