30: The Masquarade ball

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I've never been inlove before
                        So go easy on me........

~One month later~

Rainbow's POV

Its been a month now. The new year is called 2019, a lot has happened since last month. Quibble got sent to prison, Fluttershy and Discord eventualy started dating(A/N: About time don't you think? That was for all the fluttercord shippers)

Same goes for Blitz and Spitfire, Me and Soar won the Final jam, Mom snd dad surprisingly became....more kinder towards me eversince they found out what I went through with Quibble. They had a look of quilt in their eyes when they saw me in that hospital  bed covered in bandages.

Soarin and I became....closer. We're not officialy a cauple just yet, I told him to give me more time and that I'll give him my answer the right day, on the right momment.

Also, the school's  first ever masquarade ball is starting tonight. Rarity has been dragging me and the girld with her to the mall to go shopping for masks and shoes and accesories and supplies to make the gowns.

After five days she has made us all the perfect gowns for us.

Just three more hours and we'll be heading to the school. The masquarade ball is, in a bummer, held on saturday night. Which is this night.

Believe me, I didn't realy wanted to come but Rarity forced me. And you all know it when she wants something she gets it. How many times have I told you guys that?

Right now we're at courosel boutiqe preparing for the ball.

I was staring at my mask while Sunset did my hair. It was a white mask that coveree only half your face, with big eye holes for you eyed to see, it had spikes to the side which made it look so awesome! And me? I'm awesome, only makes sense for me to wear awesome things, because I'm the most awesome person in the universe!

"Ouch hey!" I yelped as Sunset pulled on my hair.

"Almost.......done!" Sunset said proudly and I examined my relfection. She had did a braided bun and placed a small tiara hair pin on the side. I smiled. "Cool look you gaved me" Although not as good as Spitfire's work would have been.

"Darling come here and put this gown on" Rarity called out and showed me a gown simmiliar to the one I wore to the christmas ball except the skirt was flowing and had more glitter, the color was a darker shade of blue.

I sighed and just did as I was to be honest I don't look half that bad, I was rocking it!

Well you know me, I rock every single thing.

"Now there we are! I almost didn't recognized you" Rarity chuckled.

"And one more thing" Twilight took out a pair of sky blue doll shoes with a blue diamond heart on its points.

I put them on and...my feet suddenly felt cold. Well not cold as ice but, justm..a little cold.

"Whoa, their awesome!" I said.

I faced my friends all ready in their gowns.

"Gee Dashie! You look a hundred times prettier then us! Keep up that look and boys would be knocking on you door every day!" Pinkie giggled.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes playfuly. I don't need all the boys at school to love me, I'm already contented with one"

*******Time Skip to The Masquarade ball because I want to so deal with it again!

Everyone were wearing their masks. Well duh! Its a masquerade ball remember?

There were masks of diffirent colors, styles, and sizes.

They all danced to the rythm of the music but I just stayed put in one corner and continued to eat. There is no way I'n dancing with a strsnger in a mask. I would have preferred if I could see their faces.

I couldn't catch a glimpse of Soarin anywhere. Well not that I could anyway since his face will be concealed with a mask too.

Unfortunately for me, the teacherd would force studentd to dance like it or not. Grrr! Well what it their feet hurts lile hell! What?! Do we still need to dance if our legs are injured huh? Fuck teachers!

"Excuse me miss" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned around to see a guy and frowned. "I'm not a miss, I'm a mister" I said sarcasticly.

"Uhhh are you gay?" idiot, sarcasm is a foreign launguage to him huh?

"No I'm a dog" I sarcasticly said again.

With that he backed away from me.

Pretty soon another teacher snapped at me and forced me to dance. Having no choice I let some randome guy pull me into the dance floor and waltz.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed waltzing. Well my dance partners didn't though. Now...who will be the next guy I'll be able to 'accidentaly' step on their feet?

"Hey there RD" A blue haired, blue eyed guy wearing a dark blue mask said. I raised a brow. His voice seemed familliar


"Hey" He chuckled.

"Was the hair a dead give away?"

"Pretty much" He answered. He twirled me. "Seen Soarin yet?" He asked me. "No" I gaved a dissapointed tone.

He chuckled. "Well, have you by any chance seen Twilight? I wanna have the last dance with her" He said. I smirked and looked behind his shoulder and saw her dancing with her younger brother who was adopted, Spike.

"Hint. Look for the girl with purple hair with high lights of pink, tied up in a realy loose bun wearing a midnight blue gown with a lot of glitter" I adviced.

He gaved me a friendly wink and spun me around before my new partner got me.

This one I easily recognized without any need hearing hid voice. Like me, his colorful hair was a dead give away. But I was still  surprised hearing his voice.

"You look beautiful Rainbowdash" He complemented.

"Fairy god fa--I mean uh, Rainbow Blitz?" I corrcted. He gaved a short laugh. "Its funny realy but would you please stop calling me that?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Sure"

He suddenly smiled mischeviously.

"Now let me be your Cupid and shoot you to your right target" He said and before I can even process what he meant he spun me and pushed me to someone's arms.

I looked up to see a pair of very familiar bright green eyes behind the mask of a black mask that covered half his face. Like mine his mask had spikes.

Its as if everything went in slow motion.


Oh. No it couldn't be him. His voice is a bit raspy.

"Hi?" I said.

A new song came. It was the song I danced with Soarin last month at the christamas ball.

"I like this song" I said.

Take my hand....take a breath...
Pull me close, and take one step
Keep your eyes

Locked to mine...

"Realy well this is my favorite" he answered.

And let the music be your guide.....

"How come?" I asked curiously.

Won't you promise(now won't you
Promise me) meee

That you'll never forget

"Well at first it wasn't....but when I danced it with this girl I liked, it sorta became my all time favorite no matter how sappy it was" he answered

We'll keep dancing...(To keep dancing
Wherever we go next!)

Its lile catching lightning!

"I hear ya" I said chuckling.

The chances of finding
Someone! Like....youuuu!

Its one in a million the chances
Of feeling the way! We do!

"Tell me, since we go to the same school, and behind that mask there is a possibility we might be classmates, whats this girl like?" I asked chuckling

He snickered

"She's tough, awesome, thinks she's so cool, we didn't exactly got along at first when we first met" he began

And with every! Step together!
We just keep, on getting better

So can I have this(can I have this)
Can I have this dance.....

"She pretty much hated me at first and....I admit I found her cocky and egoness annoying yet kinda cute"

Why does that seem fammilliar? Who is he?

Take my hand! I'll take the lead...
And every turn will be safe
With me....don't be afraid...afraid
To fall

You know I'll catch you and
Threw it all....

And you can't keep us apart
(Even a thousand miles, can't
Keep us apart)

Cuz my heart(cuz my heart!)
Is wherever you are!

"I don't know what she actualy did that made me fall for her though, maybe because she was pretty? Or her street smart? Or the way she always invaded my mind?"

"She seems like the the kind of person you'll hate at the beggining, but slowly start to like" I began. "Yea she is" He said staring deeply in my eyes.

Its like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone
Like you.....

Its one in a million the chances of
Feeling the way we do!

"She is so amazing, I am willing to go great leanghts just for her"

"I know someone that I know will do the same for me" I told him

And with every...step together!
We just keep on getting better!
So can I have this(can I have this)
Dance! Can I have this dance!

Can I have this dance....

Then we all heard fireworks from outside, I don't know why but the fammiliar rapid beating of my heart was happening.

He placed both hands on my cheeks.


Du dug....du dug...du dug....

"Everyone! Its time to take off the masks and reveal yourselves to your partners!" Principal Celestia said over the mic.

He took off my mask and kissed my forehead. "Who are you?" I began. My hands reached to take off his mask but he backed away. "I want to see your face" I demanded.

He turned around and ran away.

"Wait!" I yelled and ran after him. We ran out of the gym, straight to the celestia hall one, took some turns and we were nearing the exit. "Come back!" I yelled.

Then, he tripped and his mask came off. He stood up, back facing me, covered his face and ran again. Well since his face was covered snd he couldn't see where he was going, he  tripped the last three steps of the stairs that had five steps and fell down.

"Are you ok?" I yelled concerned but before I reached him he stood up and ran away again straight to the doors and our of my sight.

I was about to run after him but then I looked down.

He left his left shoe behind. One of his pair of red converse.

Eh? Wait this seems like something coming out of a movie I watched as a kid. But wait, in that movie wasn't the person who left the shoe a girl?

What is this? Cinderrela in reverse gender?

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