Chapter 3

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Warnings: All I will say is... Ooh snap.

~Jerome's P.O.V.~ (It was supposed to be Mitch's P.O.V. ... Oops XD)

The next hour following the pigmen attack is pretty uneventful. We simply mine Quartz block after Quartz block for the next few hours. At some point we drifted near the edge of the current level we were on so we decided to stay away from the edge. Although in that area is a fair amount of Quartz so we decide to stay regardless, leading to this point.

Driving my pick into yet another block I pick up the Quartz piece, making my total amount an even 7 stacks. Huffing I straighten my back, using the back of my hand to wipe off the sweat gathering in my soot stained fur. My last pickaxe is almost broken, and this one is diamond. I turn to Mitch's direction to notify him we should head back soon but as soon as I pivot I see the tentacle of something white dart behind a ledge. Is that a ghast? I wonder silently, not moving an inch until I'm sure it's not anywhere near us. So once again I start to approach Mitch who's gathering Quartz. But this time the bulky figure of a ghast floats up past the ledge. I jump back, drawing my axe. But the ghast is turned towards Mitch who has his back turned to it and is currently picking away at a few blocks of Quartz.

"MITCH WATCH OUT!" I yell as the ghast launches a fire ball straight at Mitch.

He immediately shoots up, turning to face the danger. But he doesn't have time to react before the fireball rams directly into his chest.

"MITCH!" I bellow, watching as he skids off the edge of the cliff and into possible lava.

Using my sharp claws I scrape off a large chunk of netherrack and chuck it at the ghast drawing it's attention. The ghast screeches in anger and launches a speeding fireball at me. Just as the ball of death approaches I swing up my axe, literally splitting it half where it explodes the ground on either side behind me. The next fireball it shoots at me I swing my axe in a wide arc to deflect it back into the ghasts floating white body. It lets out a bloodcurdling shriek before falling from the sky, it's white face caved in and burnt.

Not wasting a second I sprint to the ledge, fearing that I'd see the remains of Mitch's body floating in a sea of lava or splattered across the ground. Instead he has his iron pickaxe lodged into the side of the cliff, only hanging on with one hand. He's gripping on so tight his knuckles are white.

"Jerome I can't hold on much longer..." He grunts, his hand starting to slide.
"Mitch don't you dare let go!" I order him, reaching down to tightly grip his wrist just as it slips.

     I almost tumble face first along with him, the weight of his armour putting intense strain on my arm along with the rest of his belongings. But I snort, shaking my head and digging my feet into the netherrack behind me.

     "Jerome let go, I'll be fine!" Mitch pleas.
     "No way Mitch, there's lava below you!"
     "Not there isn't, it's just netherrack." Mitch confirms, glancing down.
     "I DON'T CARE MITCH. It's still a long way down! You're going to break something, if you survive!"

     I yelp as my footing is lost and I stumble forward to grab Mitch with my other hand, this time laying flat on my stomach to prevent sliding off.

     "Jerome let go! If you slip we're both goners. If you let me go now I can have a chance to try and land of my feet."
     "I'm not letting you go Mitch!" I protest, attempting to lift him up even though it's basically impossible.
     "JEROME JUST. DO. IT." He demands.

     I snap back into focus, gazing directly at him. He nods in confidence, even though his eyes say other wise. I curse under my breath, knowing there's no way I can pull him back up. Hesitating I weigh my options before scrunching my eyes shut and unwillingly letting his wrist go. I wince and can't bring myself to look. There's no way he survived a fall like that. I note grimly. But my curiosity gets the best of me and I force myself to peer over the edge. I gasp when I see Mitch is seemingly unharmed, standing up and waving to me signalling he's okay. I wave back.

     "Mitch don't worry! I'll find a way to get you out of there. If you can hold off I'll go get Vikk or someone to help us!"
     "No, don't bother! I'm going to try and find a way up!" He calls back, causing me to frown.

It's my fault he's down there.. After all I suggested to go to the nether. I failed to keep him safe, and already provoked some pigmen. And now he wants me to abandon him? Nuh - Uh

     "Mitch I already had to drop you, I'm not just gonna leave you there!"
     "No Jerome, it's too dangerous. You need to trust me and get out of here!"
     "I can't do that! If I'm not coming to get you I'm staying right here and waiting. Even if it takes a week."
     "... FINE. But just please be careful."
"I will!" I reassure him.

Plot twist, I lied. There is absolutely no way I'm just going to sit here and do nothing!

Taking a deep breath I slowly work my way back to the ledge. Thrusting my pickaxe into the side of the netherrack I make sure it's lodged in tight before slowly dangling off the ledge and lowering my self down, relying entirely on the pickaxe to hold my weight. After a few seconds my feet are suspended mid air, with nothing to latch onto. No turning back now, I'm going to get him if it's the last thing I do. Tensing every muscle in my body I try I to mentally prepare myself, waiting a few agonizing seconds. And then...

I let go.


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