Chapter 8

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Warnings: Blood

~Jerome's P.O.V.~


Turning around just in time to swing up my axe, the fireball smashes into the flat of it, rebounding off to the side. I twist my axe in my hands, glaring at the blaze who dared attack me. It lets out another sound similar to ragged breathing, and the smoke billowing around its form catches on fire. Roaring I ignore the intense pain in my knee, stumbling towards the blaze and hacking at it with my axe. Even with one hand injured, it's not too big of a problem to take down mobs with one arm. Within seconds I've completely obliterated it, and Mitch joins my side, whistling.

"Nice job Jerome, now let's destroy that spawner before its friends come."
I nod, "You take out the spawner, I'll watch your back."

Mitch turns on his heels, sword in hand, and dashes up the stairs towards the blaze spawner. As quickly as I can I follow after him, staggering up the steps and to the platform where the blaze spawner stands. The spawner is like a dark green-blue cage, small flames dancing around the miniature blaze spinning in its centre. The mini blaze spins faster and with a puff of smoke two more blazes are hovering in the area.

Thinking quick I stumble behind the nearest blaze, just as the other launches its fireballs. So instead of hitting me, the fireballs slam into the blaze I'm hiding behind. The blaze growls in rage, returning fire at the second blaze. Within seconds the two blazes are engaged in a heated battle... No pun intended.

"Now's your chance Mitch!" I call out, trying to distance myself from the blazes.

Mitch rushes forwards, kicking and punching at the cage until eventually it smashes into pieces. Just at this time the first blaze is defeated by the second, and I swoop in to finish the job. Huffing I wipe the sweat from by brow, smiling towards Mitch.

"Blazes aren't that hard to beat anymore... I'm just worried about the wither skeletons. Cuz yknow... The wither effect isn't pleasant."
"That's true, and I've heard they're pretty fudging strong too... So let's keep our eyes out. In the meantime that was the last blaze spawner... So let's see if we can go find some loot."

I nod and Mitch comes to my side, allowing me to rest my weight on him. I can manage on my own now fairly well, buts it's always nice to have a helping hand... Or side in this case.

We make our way down the staircase, and turn right, leading us deeper into the maze of nether brick halls. After some time of walking, making sure to not accidentally bump into any wandering pigmen, we reach a staircase heading upwards with nether warts surrounding its base. Before continuing on Mitch quickly gathers the bright red plant, and then scooping up the soul sand underneath as well. With that we continue upwards, into the next layer of fortress. Almost immediately I spot a chest at the end of the hall.

"Look Mitch, down there."

Mitch's eyes gaze off into the direction before landing on the chest. He leads us over and detaches from my side, pushing up the top off the chest and leaning into its depths. I stare at him curiously as he bends even further into the chest, rummaging around. Finally he straightens out, smiling giddily at the items cradled in his arms.

"Ooh, nice find!" I congratulate, counting out five diamonds, a saddle, a golden chest-plate, and a few bulbs of nether wart.
"Thanks! Here, you can have these." He states, handing over some of the loot.
"Thanks Mitch!" I beam, stuffing the items into my backpack.
Mitch glances around and evaluates the area before returning his attention to me, "It seems relatively safe here. Let's split up and loot some of these chests. Just... Don't wander too far okay?"
"You got it."

Mitch nods and continues on down the right path, since the hallways splits in two. I take the left and limp forwards, scanning the area for any signs of chests. But all I find is what seems to be a prison area, about six cells lining the wall, all of them without any doors. I frown noting it's not worth my time to explore this area, seeing as there's no chests. So instead I follow down Mitch's path, after a few seconds deciding that a little fun wouldn't hurt.

Creeping down the gloomy halls I peek around each corner before finally spotting Mitch, his head buried in a chest. I smirk perfect. Slowly tiptoeing forward, I silently approach Mitch from behind, wishing for him to continue looking in the chest for just a few more seconds. Just a little closer now... Gotcha.


Mitch shrieks as I grab his sides, causing him to jump up and hit his head off of the chests' top. He whips around but trips on his own feet, falling back and literally into the chest, his legs dangling out. I break out into laughter, laughing harder when I see the unamused look upon his face. I continue laughing for minutes on end, Mitch's cheeks flushing, and him trying to cover them with his hands. Eventually I calm down a tad, to which I can actually speak again, but not without snickering. Mitch continues to hide his face in his hands.

"I don't like you."
     "I love you too, buddy,"
     "I don't like you."
     "Nothin' but love here, Mitch." Anyone remember this?

     Mitch groans, pushing himself out of the chest and adjusting his helmet, which had been slightly shifted after falling.

     "Was there anything good in the chest?"
     "Nah, just garbage..." He replies, tossing a bone over his shoulder.

     Then his eyes shift behind me, and they widen. Suddenly I'm being pulled forcefully to the side, and a pained cry is echoing throughout the corridor followed by a clang. I whip around, ignoring the buzzing in my skull, and gasping as I see the stone sword lodged in the side of Mitch's armour, his sword lying on the ground a few meters away. At the end of this sword? A black bony hand, and the owner of this hand... A wither skeleton.


Mitch's eyes glaze over, and he falls back, darkened blood spilling from the gash in his armour. No. The dark grey skeleton looms over Mitch as he collapses to the ground, barely able to support himself on all fours, and shaking violently. Every pleasant emotion in my body shuts down, and is replaced with utter rage. My fur bristling, I snarl and launch at the wither skeleton, the pain in my knee and hand momentarily vanishing. Raising my axe high above my head I swing it down as hard as I can, literally splitting the skeletons skull in two with a sickening crack.

Two more skeletons round the corner and I growl, storming forwards and hacking repeatedly into the ribs of the nearest one. But with a rattle of bones the second one has come upon me, and I barley have time to block with my axe. Although avoiding the hit, my axe is hit out from my hand, skidding uselessly away a few meters. So now with no weapon left to defend myself, and Mitch gravely injured, if not dead, rage is replaced with fear and I stumble back.

But even if this is the end, I will stand true to myself and Mitch... Maybe give him a small opening to survive... Even at the cost of myself. Glaring I stand my ground in front of Mitch, who seems to be stirring slightly and regaining his strength. I eye down the skeleton, bracing for impact as the skeleton stomps towards me and raises its stone sword above its head.



Cliffhanger of the century right here.

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