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  We rode for hours, the heat beating down on us like a sledgehammer. Even stoic, unmovable Thor was panting. The only one of us who was unaffected was Blazer, who proclaimed this was nothing compared to a summer day at the shore of Blazetown, much to everyone's discontent.

After a few hours as light began to dim, a tall, black cylinder appeared on the horizon. Two white, massive shapes flew towards us at immense speeds.

"Stop the skiff." I told Lauren, and she did. The two ghasts floated up besides us. The larger of the two looked right at me.

"Dean Blackstone. The Khan has been expecting you. Hop on my back." He said in a deep, melancholy voice.

"What about everyone else on the skiff?" Lauren asked.

"You can come separately. The Khan wants a private word with Dean." The other one said. Lauren was about to protest, but I raised my hand to cut her off.

"Alright. I'm coming." I said, hopping onto the ghasts back.

"I'll meet you at the castle!" I yelled as the ghasts shot off.

"My name is Garn, Son of Tjis, and that's my sister Abigoll, daughter of Tjis." The ghast I was on told me.

"Oh. I'm Dean Blackstone, son of Colter Blackstone." I said.

"We know."


We fell into silence for a few minutes as the castle grew closer.

"What does the Khan want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"I do not know." Garn said, and started slowing down as we pulled up to the edge. Three ghast guards waited for us.

"You two, escort Abigoll and Dean to the Khan. You go get the skiff. I'll go back to Stilttown and get their ship." Garn said, and they shot into action.

"Step on the platform." A guard told me, and I obliged. It started cruising to the side, emerging into a massive tower. There was nothing below me and the floor hundreds of feet down except for the platform. It snapped to a sudden stop and shot up towards the ceiling.

It pulled to a stop in front of a giant ghast lounging on a pillow and a golden crown on his head.

"Father, Dean Blackstone." Abigoll said, and Tjis nodded.

"Leave us." He said, and the three ghasts floated away. The platform floated up to him, and he seized my branded wrist with a damp tentacle. He studied it, humming.

"To call an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath. But it seems they called you. The Silver King, nonetheless. Hmmm." The Khan said, releasing my wrist.

"So... you'll help me?" I asked.

"That depends on what you need help with. An audience with the gods, yes. But help you wage your war? No. I care not what prophecy says, I will not drag my people into war again." Tjis said. I nodded. The Khan rose, and the wall behind him slid open.

"Follow. I will take you to the portal. But from there I cannot follow you. I am not permitted to enter Soulheim." He said, and I followed him. He pulled a stick from the wall and blew a small fireball onto it. The torch caught, glowing blue.
"The Portal is down this hall. Walk through it, and you will be in Soulheim. Good luck." He said, handing me the torch. I nodded my thanks before beginning the trek down. The wall slid shut behind me, and I took a deep breath. The portal glew a deep crimson. Even from five feet away, I could feel the sheer power radiating from it. I stepped up to it.

"Alright... He we go," I said, and stepped through.

. . .

My body felt like it dissolved, then was suddenly snapped back together. I stumbled from the portal, and gasped.

The realm I had been tossed into was absolutely stunning. A massive hunk of crimson forest sat hanging over a starry abyss. Streams of magma fell from the edges, falling into nothingness. A grand palace sat atop a hill, made of pure netherite and blackstone. A single long bridge reached across the void, seeming to be the only anchor the palace had to the land around it. Massive, busted up cages hung from vast chains from the edges of the island. A giant crimson tree clung to the side, radiating the power of what I can only describe as life itself.

"Soulheim" I thought faintly and began walking across the bridge.

The whole trip was a daze. Sharp winds blew up around me from the void, tossing my cloak around. The bridge was so long it took over twenty minutes to reach the open gate. Two massive guards stood there, holding hammers taller than me.

"Um... hello." I said cautiously. They kept staring forwards, and I took that as a signal to walk in. But when I tried, they crossed their hammers in front of me.

"Wrist." One said.


"Wrist." He said, finally looking down. I held my branded wrist up, and it started glowing blue. He nodded, and they lifted the hammers.

"Um, thanks?" I said, walking in. They didn't respond.

Just inside, a hulking piglin that was at least 8 feet tall stood there, arms behind his back and a hoglin standing at his side. I waved.

"Welcome to Soulheim. A mortal hasn't walked these cobbles in over twenty-five nether years. My name is Argos, God of Guardians and Foresight. The gods await." He said, shaking my hand. I was at a loss for words, I had so many questions.

"Yes, I am Coulter's father. Next time you see him, tell him I said hi. Actually, scratch that, this visit stays between you and the Khan." Argos said, leading me up to the palace. The hoglin sniffed my hand and snorted.

"That's Skölderboar, judge of the damned. He can tell the kind of life you've lived and will live with one whiff. And judging from his reaction, you're gonna live a great one." He said as Skölderboar rubbed my hand with his forehead.

Argos gave me the grand tour of Soulheim village, and I tried my best to pay attention. It was all so distractingly beautiful. Red vines were strung across the buildings. Colorful banners hung from the walls, depicting different stories. Townspeople waved and cheered as we passed. To Argos, I assumed.

We stopped at a giant deep red door with netherite studs along it. Argos shoved it open, and we entered the Hall of Gods. A giant table sat at least ten feet taller than me, thrones circling it. Argos suddenly grew to fit the size of the room, and lifted me onto the table. He took his own seat.

To my left sat Argos and a female pigman in a brilliant dress. Sappharia, goddess of love and wisdom I guessed. Argos chomped loudly on a steak. To my right stood a wither skeleton and the pigman from my dream sat next to him. Wither, the god of Evil and the father of the wither skeletons. Wither shot me a sharp glare. The pigman must be The Silver King, God of storms and mischief. He hadn't noticed me yet, as he was putting some kind of firework on Withers throne and some kind of electric magic crackled around his fingers. Sappharia's hair was suddenly pulled to the side, causing her to yell all sorts of extremities a goddess wouldn't typically say. And at the head of the table sat a piglin with a golden crown. Galan, king of Soulheim, God of gold and war. A crow cawed, landing on his shoulder. He slammed his staff into the ground twice. Wither sat, and the fireworks shot off. He yelled, and The Silver King cackled.

"Argos, put down your food. Silver King, please let go of her hair. This meeting is now in session." Galan said, and both gods obliged. Sappharia shot Silver a cold glare, and he raised his hands helplessly. Galan sighed before catching sight of me. He froze.

"Ok, who let a mortal in?" He growled. Silver finally looked at me.

"Me, brother. I wanted to talk to him." Silver said.

"And you DIDN'T tell me?!" Galan roared. Argos cleared his throat.

"I was informed you were told about it," he said, and Galan sighed.

"Fine. First order of business: Do we kill the mortal? All in favor raise your hand." Galan said. Only he and Wither raised their hands. Galan sighed again.

"Alright. Silver, you are not needed at this meeting. Take your mortal and go." He said, and Silver King saluted mockingly. He stepped down from his throne and started leading me outside.

"Oh, you may wanna hold on," he said.

"What?" I asked, and he grinned deviously. Two metal wings unfolded from his backpack, and grabbing my arm, shot into the air.

"Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii–!" I screamed, and he landed on the massive tree. A tree house sat there. Well, more of a tree mansion. I bent over, hands on my knees.

"I warned you." Silver said, helping me forwards. He swung the door open for me leading me to a balcony. He motioned for me to sit, and I did. A massive fireball was slowly rising from the void, headed towards a giant portal. I gaped, and Silver laughed.

"That's the Sun. It's headed towards the Ov–" He cut himself off, "Doesn't matter. Now, we've gotta talk. About your mom." He said and snorted.

"I never met her," I said, and he nodded.

"I know. I, however, knew her quite well." He said and looked at me again.

"Alright, sorry. This isn't a joking matter. Ah, damnit... I haven't done this in years...You know your dad?" He asked.

"No dip." I said, then immediately wished I could take those words back. He was a god, after all. But he just laughed.

"One problem with that. He ain't your biological dad." He said, and I looked at him in shock.

"You're lying." I protested, and he wiggled uncomfortably. I continued, "Then who is?" He sighed.

"Like I said... I knew your mother quite well." Silver said. My blood went cold.

"So, you're..."

"Yes. I'm your dad. But–" he said, cutting me off. "It's not that simple. Colter was aware that you were my son. He was before he and your mom were even dating. But he accepted it and took you in as his own." Silver said. I took that in.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"Look, I know it's hard to believe–"

"I know, but I believe you." I said, and it was true. I could feel the truth behind it. Silver sighed in relief, then perked up.

"Oh, right, one more thing before I send you back to war." He said, grabbing my arm and began muttering in some ancient language. The brand on my wrist started burning, causing me to wince. After a moment he let go and nodded.

"A lightning bolt is locked inside your sword. With this, you should be able to access it and use it to your advantage. If anyone asks, you found it had glowstone in it." Silver said, and I nodded. He put his hands on my shoulders awkwardly, smiling slightly.

"Guess you gotta go back now. Crush some skulls for your old man." Silver told me and touched my forehead. Everything went white.

. . .

Once the light faded, I found myself back in the Khan's Palace. An alarm blared and Ghasts flew around urgently. Tjis barked orders as they blasted past. I rushed to his side.

"What's going on!?" I had to yell over the alarm. The Khan turned to me with fear-filled eyes.

"The Warlord is here. And so is the Legion."

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