Chapter 2

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"You know, Mrs Nkiru didn't attend the coronation," Mum said as she tore parts of chicken with her teeth. She chewed on it for sometime, and then swallowed. "After boasting in the bookclub meetings that her daughter would be among the elites, she couldn't even show her face. I doubt if she ever shows her face in our meetings again." She laughed as she brought a glass of water to her lips, taking a sip and setting it back down.

"Amaka did pretty good in the exams," I informed my mother. "She was just one point away."

"Still not good enough," Mother insisted with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my food, that statement brought back a lot of memories. From the time, I would get a second position in class, and Ibrahim would come with a first. It doesn't matter that I also did very well in my exams, second position was 'still not good enough'.

"Did you see Mrs Okeke?" She was referring to Juanita's mother. "God, that woman is something else. Her daughter didn't deserve to be up there with you guys, her mother fumbled with the results, just like she fumbled with her marriage." Mum hissed.

There has been a rivalry between my mother and Mrs Okeke for ages, they competed for almost everything, yet they still smiled at each other in public, pretending to be friends, when all they did behind the other's back was gossip.

"Sarah!" She called for the droid.

"HOW CAN I HELP YOU MISTRESS?" Sarah asked, from her position by the door.

"Go get me another wine from the cellar." A beeping sound came from Sarah, as she walked away to fulfill her demand. Every minister family had a droid like Sarah, it's one of the privileges we get.

"Well, I am so excited for our first elite meeting coming next week Monday." I told her trying to change the topic, this was my coronation celebration meal after all. My Dad had gone out to drink beer with few of his close friends.

She looked up from her food with a smile. "Well, you should. Ooh! I can remember my first elite meeting. I wasn't a teenager then like you, then we were all in our thirties, things have changed now. That day was my day..." And there she goes, finding a way to make everything about her.

After that she had opened a glass of wine, pouring a glass for us both, and we lifted it high in a toast. We were settled on the couch minutes later, watching a preview of the coronation show, mum would squeal anytime the camera would land on her. I am pretty sure she was just happy that all the envious mums at home was watching her as she shone.


"I am going now mother!" I called as I opened the entrance door to our one storey building. The guys and I were going out to celebrate our elite victory.

"Fine! But be back before nine, and don't you dare open your mouth to any alcohol!" She shouted from inside the house.

"Sure," I mumbled under my breathe, shutting the door behind me. I walked over to the car, were Joshua was already sitted, waiting for me. We had ordered a private taxi, to take us to our destination, a club had just opened downtown for teenagers, mostly young adults and since we were all eighteen, we were allowed.

"Hey!" I called excitedly as I got into the car.

"Someone's looking sexy," He wiggled his eyebrows at me, I rolled my eyes and smacked his head.

We had two more stops before we went to the club, at Pelumi's and Ibrahim, who we had to convince for days, before he finally agreed to come with us. Forty minute later, we had arrived at the club.

"I can't believe we came to a club, what if we run into any gang members?" Ibrahim said, looking round the empty street as we walked towards the club.

"Calm down Ibrahim, nothing will happen, we are just going to have some fun, we'll be out before you know it," Pelumi told him and I nodded in agreement.

He seemed to relax after that, we approached the entrance door, there was a bouncer there, he stood seven feet high and stared at us with stern eyes. "Can I see some I.D?" His deep voice asked, his hands stretched towards us.

After showing him our identity cards, we were allowed in. "I don't like that man," Pelumi whispered to my ears, taking one last glance at the bouncer, before the door shot behind us.

We walked quietly in the red lit passage, towards the red door in front of us, we could already hear the booming of the music, my body shivered in anticipation.

"Ok guys," Joshua said as we finally arrived. "Who is ready to party!" He said in such a comical deep voice, we all burst into laughter and nodded our head excitedly, even Ibrahim who had seem tensed before, laughed.

Joshua opened the door and we all walked in, I froze as my eyes met with the activities of the club. Nearly naked bodies were dancing around, girls who looked the same age as me, had removed most part of their cloth were seen, grinding their buttocks against boys groins. I moved my eyes to the stage, another part of the club, and my eyes widened at the lady who was only wearing panties, dancing on a pole as she flaunted her boobs to the screaming crowd.

"Uh guys!" Ibrahim called out loud. "Did we come to the right club?"

"I don't like this!" Pelumi turned to Joshua. "My mum would kill me if she ever found out I came to a place like this."

"Maybe we should just go to a quiet restaurant," I suggested. We all nodded our head in agreement and rushed out, we hurried out of there like the devil was behind us. That night, I lost my virgin eyes.

"But did you see the tits of that woman though?" Joshua said.

"Shut up!" Pelumi said and I smacked his head. He winced shooting me a look. He approached the door and I was about to raise my hand and knock when I noticed the sign placed up.

You do not exit this way

"Does this mean we have to go back in there?" Ibrahim asked. "Maybe we can just beg the bouncer to let us out."

Pelumi turned to him, "Do you really want to face that giant of a man again and beg him? Did you see his face? And that body of his? No, thank you."

"Let me handle this," Joshua said and before we could utter another word, he was already hitting the door. We stood quietly, as our eyes were on the door knob, which was now twisting slowly. The door was pulled back and we looked up at the stern face of the giant.

"Good evening kind sir," Joshua started. "So, it seems we came to the wrong club. We were wondering if you would kindly let us out."

Nice handling Joshua

The bouncer let out a deep laugh. "Not happening, your mistake isn't my fault. Go the other way," He said and started to close the door back.

"Wait!" Joshua called, stopping him. "We are willing to give you money, just name your price." The man stared at us quietly, and we wondered the amount he was going to call, his mouth curled up in a wicked smile as his eyes landed on Pelumi.

"I will let you out, if your friend over there, gives me a blow job."

We froze at his request, Pelumi moved quickly and hid herself behind Ibrahim, whose tall frame blocked her from the lusty eyes that was feasting on her.

"How about this," Joshua spoke up. "Our fathers are ministers and friends of the president, if you don't let us out this way, we might just go tell her father what you just said, and let me tell you now, he will make your already miserable life, more miserable." The man stared angrily at Joshua as the last word left his lips, his left eyebrow twitched in what seemed to be annoyance, but I could see the fear which crossed his eyes.

He huffed and stepped back and opened the door for us. "Get out and never return!"

"Gladly!" I said, Pelumi was the first to bolt out, running fast, even with the high heels she was putting on. We followed after her, running till the club was out of view and stopped, panting while trying to catch our breath.

"That man..." Ibrahim started but stop to take deep breath. "is a pedo!"

"An ugly one!" Pelumi added and we all nodded in agreement. "Let's just go to a fast food, they don't have naked bodies, or giant paedophiles."

We had an amazing time that night at Fuji's, their suya had won the award of being the best, the pepper used was just enough. Joshua had gotten pepper in his eyes when tearing bits of the meat and was blasted with water by a robotic waiter. Ibrahim would have gotten blasted too, but his glasses prevented the pepper from getting into his eyes. We had fun laughing, looking forward to our first elite meeting.


The buzz caused a vibration round the town, it was separation day. I laid still on my bed, my back to the bed as I stared up at the ceiling. Tomorrow was going to be our first Elite meeting and to say I was nervous was an understatement. My hands were shaking just at the thought of it and I would find myself panicking.

I sighed and got up, walking over to my window, I pulled the cotton back, like expected, our dome was glowing, it's something that happens every separation day and no one can explain why it's like that, perhaps just for the parade. In the evening there was going to be a parade for the separation day, where everyone will be praising the government from saving them from the Eron virus.

I heard a small knock on her door before it was being open. Her mother poked her head in. "Chidera, come see the outfit I got you for the parade, you're going to love it!"

Chidera sighed. "But I told you mum, I don't feel like going for the parade, to be honest, I don't want to go."

Her mum raised an eyebrow. "Don't be silly child, what nonsense are you spewing? You don't have a choice you know that. Today is the day we give thanks to the government for saving our lives from that deadly disease."

"Yeah, I know that. We are grateful and they know that, do we need to hold a parade just for them every month, it's getting really tiring," I complained walking over to my bed to take a sit.

"You can't remember how it was that day right?" Her mother raised an eyebrow in question. She entered her room and closed the door behind her.

"Mother," Chidera groaned resting her head on her palms as her mother sat beside her. This was a conversation she really didn't want to have.

"It was the year 2089," her mother started. "You were really young, just seven then, that's why you can't remember the happenings daughter. It was like the end of the world, all international airport had been shut down, so no one could fly out of the country. Some people tried to flee to Cameroon, but it was hopeless, they had closed the border and no one could get across. Nigeria was alone with no one to help, the Virus had wiped out almost half the country, with millions of cases coming up every week, we all thought we were going to die, your father and I had lost all hope, we thought the Lord had decided to wash us away like he did to Sodom and Gomorrah-"

"Who is Sodom and Gomorrah?" I asked.

"You don't read your Bible much do you?" I rolled my eyes at that question. "It was a place of sin in the Bible, the people there committed all sorts of atrocities, and God decided enough was enough and sent down hails of fire from heaven to burn the city down."


"Yes, but let's go back to what I was saying. We were awoken one day by your grandpa Daniel, we weren't even given time to pack our belongings before we were shipped into a huge van and given a dose of whatever substance that contained, we slept and we were awoken here, Nevite."

I listened attentively, I haven't heard the story before since no one talks to the teens about the happenings years ago. "And?" I asked urging her to continue.

"Well, at first we were confused, by 'we' I meant every living soul in the Nevite. We found ourselves in a whole new world Chidera. Iheanacho, the brain behind all this explained what had happened, a month later, he was elected president."

"Wait what, I always thought President Iheanacho had been the president before the separation."

Mum shook her head with a laugh. "No, he was the vice president then, our president then was a chicken named Jonathan, a man who couldn't do anything to save his people."

"What happened to him, Jonathan, is he here?"

"Oh no, according to the government our president had contacted the virus, he should be long dead by now." She looked at me smiling. "Every separation day we come to say thank you to our president and his ministers because we are grateful Chidera, nothing more."

I nodded my head. "Ok."

"Good," She said. "Now come with me, you should see your outfit, I picked it out myself and as you know I'm a fashionista!"


I'm actually really loving this story. It's going to be unlike anything I've ever written or you may have ever seen. The tale Chidera mum told her, everything with the separation day was needed, later in the story you would understand.

Leave a comment telling me what you think about this chapter, leave a vote and stay safe.

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