Chapter 4

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"Oh, I'm so nervous." I rubbed my hands together as I looked at myself, all dressed in my elite suit. It was all golden brown with three red stripes at my right arm. "Why am I nervous? I shouldn't be." I took in a deep breath and smiled. Today should be the most important day in my life, many people would try the impossible to be in this position.

"MISTRESS, YOUR MOTHER SUMMONS YOU," Sarah said from just outside my door.

"Ok, I'll be done in a moment." I rushed to my bed and picked my bag. Racing downstairs fast, I couldn't bear to be late on my first day.

"Darling what took you so long, your ride got here two minutes ago." Mum sent me a look.

"I'm sorry, I was busy with something-"

"Today is your first day at Elite, nothing should keep you busy, this is the most important day in your life." She held me by my shoulders. "Don't do anything stupid Chidera and make me proud."

"Yes mum." I nodded and looked past her. "Can I go now?"

"Sure." She moved away and I took that as my cue to run away before she held me back with something else. I raced past her out the door, eager to see my new aero. My old one was involved in a crash when I had forgotten to turn it off, my aero had gone zooming in the night and I had gotten a visit from the cops the next day.

"This is mine?" I asked the uniformed man standing next to the automobile floating few feets above the ground.

"If you're Miss Chidera Matthews, then yes, this is for you."

"Mama mia," I whispered under my breathe as I glanced at the beauty right in front of him. The uniformed man looked at me in amusement.

"Your first aero?" He asked.

"Oh no," I answered my eyes still admiring the machine. "I got one last year, it didn't even last for three months, got destroyed in an... Accident." I looked at him, then back at the machine. "So, has it been registered?"

"Yeah, it's has, it's all yours now," He said with a small smile. I placed my hand on the small screen by the door which had a hand print drawn on it. A blue light flashed which only tickled me.

"CHIDERA MATTHEWS, RECOGNIZED." I looked at the man with eyes wide open as the door opened for me.

He laughed. "Get in." Without waiting for another word I climbed in, taking my seat. The door closed immediately I entered and I have to admit I panicked a little, this wasn't a normal aero and I wasn't sure I knew how this thing worked.

"H—hello?" I stammered.

"HI, MY NAME IS RACHI." An automated voice of a young woman replied.

"N—nice to meet you Rachi," I greeted looking around. "I'm Chidera."


"Uhmm... Ok, that's kinda creepy, but cool. So... I would like you to take me to the Elite Hall."


"Uh... No, thank you."




"Uh... Nothing."

"FINE. SEAT TIGHT." A seat belt found it's way around me and the aero lifted itself higher up the ground. I have been in lots of aeros, but an elite aero was amazing!


"Uh Rachi?"


"Can we just like fly round town for a while." I relaxed back into the chair.


"Also, Rachi?"


"Turn on this chair vibration, my buttocks are so stiff." I was really going to enjoy this ride.

We arrived an hour later, I was really sure if my mum found out about that she would kill me.

"FLASH YOUR I.D ON THE SCREEN." The machine said. I nodded and did as it's ask. "CHIDERA MATTHEWS, CONFIRMED."

The iron gates pulled back giving way for me to walk in. The main hall was bigger than my house. It was dressed golden brown and up in the ceiling were three red stripes. I felt lost as all I could see were people and robots walking around, talking into their phones, typing on their computers, carrying mountain files around, they were all dressed in their elite uniform, going about their business.

I spotted a lady walking by. "Miss please excuse me, the meeting for the new elites-"

"Top floor, room 5," She said without even looking at me.

"Well... That's just... Kinda rude," I murmured and walked over to the elevator. I arrived and found the room easily, taking a deep breath before I walked in.

"...and it's a pleasure having you with us." President Iheanacho finished saying. I froze as my eyes landed on him, I didn't expect him to be really here, I thought it was going to be a hologram or something.

He looked over at me. "Are you part of this meeting?"

I opened my mouth but couldn't voice out anything. I closed it and looked round the room, my friends were there looking at me, I looked back at him and nodded my head.

"Yes I am. I'm sorry I came in late Sir, my aero had some problems on the way."

He kept quiet for awhile and gave a small smile. "No worries, I'll get my personal technician to work on your aero."

"Oh, no need for that Sir, it's just a little problem." I wouldn't want him to find out Rachi was actually in perfect health.

"Alright then take a seat." I nodded and rushed to the only seat available beside Juanita.

"Can't believe you arrived late for an elite meeting," She said just to my hearing.

"I can't believe you can't believe that."

She looked at me. "That doesn't make any sense."

I smiled at her. "You don't make any sense." She rolled her eyes and turned back to face the chart the president was now showing us.

The meeting ended half an hour later, today was our first day, so all we had done was introduction and we were briefed on our positions. The president walked out of the office when the meeting was over, his two robotic guard following behind. Once he left Pelumi turned to me.

"Ok, was that the best ride you've ever had or what? My aero's name is Nex!" She said excitedly. "She's such an angel."

"I know right, My aero name is Rachi, she's kinda sassy, but really cool." I told her. We all sat talking about the amazing experience we just had. Juanita stood up and left the room, we weren't friends much and since she wasn't really in our clique.

When we were done checking out our new office, we decided to take a tour round the building. "Let's start with the cafeteria," Joshua said. "Daddy is hungry."

"When are you ever not hungry," Ibrahim rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go to the cafeteria, I was so excited, I didn't stop to grab breakfast." He groaned.

"Fine, lead the way." I told him.

"Gladly." He started walking just to stop few feets before us. "I will lead the way once I know the way. This building is gigantous! How are we ever going to find the cafeteria?"

I shrugged. "Let's just walk around a bit, we'll ask around." Pelumi suggested and we'll agreed.

Ten minutes later

"I. Need. Food!" Joshua moaned holding his tummy tight. "It's been like an hour already."

Ibrahim adjusted his glasses. "Actually, it's just been ten minutes..." He looked at his watch. "Twenty... Eight seconds."

Joshua shot him a look. "Not now Ibrahim."

We continued walking till I sighted an office with a red door, it had President written on it. Just as we passed president Iheanacho walked out, along with his guards.

"Uh... Guys, go on. I want to check something." I mumbled but they didn't catch anything with the loud noise of busy elites going around. I walked over to the red door and without a second thought I pushed the door opened and walked in, not even checking if anyone had been watching in.

I kept still for awhile, kinda expecting an alarm to go round the building that the president chambers has been infiltrated by an eighteen year old. I didn't even know what I was looking for, not sure exactly, I just had an idea of what I wanted to see.

I took a slow step forward still glancing around, when nothing came off, I walked confidently. President Iheanacho was so sure everyone was on his side, he didn't think someone he would think or would dare think of going against him.

"Ok think Chidera, where would he keep important-"

"What are you looking for?" A voice said behind me. I jumped up with a scream turning round to find Juanita holding a big book in her hands..

She laughed at the reaction on my face. "I was sitting right here and you couldn't see me, you should have seen your face, you're so scared."


"The one and only."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice in a hushed tone.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. "I believe we are both here for the same thing."

"What do you think I'm here for?" I asked standing akimbo.

"Your sister wasn't the only one that went missing two years ago, I haven't seen my brother too," She said.

"Your brother went missing too?" I didn't know about that, I had thought only my sister had gone missing.

"Yes, but I don't expect you to know that, I don't expect you to know anything about me. After all, you only see a proud pampered girl when you look at me."

"True." I nodded, no point in denying that. "What are you holding?"

She walked over to me, placing the book on the table before us. "It's the list of excommunicated citizens. I was searching for it when Iheanacho walked in, I hid under the table and when I heard your footsteps I thought he was the one again."

"Did you find anything?"

"Not yet, but they are lot of names here Chidera, people we always thought had died or something, they weren't, they had been excommunicated."

I looked at her as she scrolled through the pages. "Why would Iheanacho excommunicate all this people, what did they do or..."

"Look, it's my brother!" Juanita said suddenly. "And that's your sister!" I looked and she was right. Just below Joe Okeke was my sister name, Kachi Matthews, they both had an x drawn across their names.

"Why are their names in the list of excommunicated citizens, they were elites, they didn't do anything wrong, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless they knew something President Iheanacho didn't want them to know..."


"I don't know Juanita, I am just saying. All I know is that President Iheanacho said he had no idea what had happened to my sister or the rest of the missing ones, but this proves he had them excommunicated."

"Does this mean... Does this mean-"

"The bastard... He kicked them to the land of the Gonzite."

"And that's where you both will be going now." Juanita and I screamed and turned around, President Iheanacho was standing there, his guards beside him, a stern look on his face. "Seize them."


Things are getting serious right?

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