Chapter 8

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My head hurts...why does my head hurt...oh fuck, it's that smell again...this isn't good for my lungs, my lungs deserve so much better than this.

"Are you awake?" She heard a voice ask.

Maybe if I keep quiet, he would go.

"I know you are awake," he said.

Just stay still, he's probably just testing.


"Shut up, I'm asleep!" She snapped, opening my eyes, she sat up.

"Yeah, I can see that," he said sarcastically laughing.

She blinked her eyes, adjusting to the light, then rubbed it. She hissed eyeing him as he looked down at her. He also looked around her age. "Who are you?" She asked.

He smiled. "I'm Fikayo, nice to meet you."

She frowned at him. "Yay!" She muttered looking round the room she was in, scrunching up her nose. "Where is Chidera?" She asked.

"Who?" He asked. "Oh the girl that was with you, she's in the other room."

"Wait..." Her eyes widened. "You bastard!" She got up and tried to attack, only to fall down face flat in front of him. "Fuck!" She moaned in pain, holding her knee. Unknown to her, her legs were chained and pulled her back when she tried to move.

"Are you ok?" Fikkie asked rushing over to her.

"Don't touch me! You were the one that blasted me! You... Person!" She yelled getting to her feet.

Fikkie stayed at a safe distance afraid she might attack his face with her nails. "C—calm down," he stuttered. "Remember, I also saved your life." He said, laughing nervously.

"Yay! Thank you!" She shouted. "I am so grateful. Where is Chidera?" She asked again.

"Chill, I told you she was fine, Chief is with her in the other room."

"Chief? Who the fuck is Chief?" Juanita asked confused.

"Is there a need in answering that? You still won't know him. She's fine, we are not going to kill her."

"Well, I demand to see her!"

"Uh... sorry Miss, you are not in any position to demand," Fikkie said taking another step back.

"Miss? Did you just 'Miss' me?" She asked taking a threatening step forward.

"Ah geez," he muttered. "This is a wild one."

"I'm talking to you!"

"Isaac I need your help!" Fikkie shouted, frightened.



"Finally you remember, I was starting to get worried, I thought I wasn't popular over there," he said fanning himself dramatically.

"H—How is this..." I looked round the room then back at him. "Why have you kept me here? What do you want?"

"I think I should be asking you that, it's not everyday you see an Elite wondering the land of the Gonzites, a place you guys dread so much."

I looked away not saying anything.

"Let me guess, you are a newly recruited Elite?" He asked. "Eighteen?"

Raising an eyebrow in question. "How did you know that?" I asked.

"Because you aren't the first person your precious President kicked out." He looked at my face as if trying to read it. "You know that already?"

"Juanita and I found his book," I told him.

"His book?" Chief asked.

"List of excommunicated Enzites, he walked in on us and we found ourselves here," I said avoiding Chief's eye. I didn't trust him, even though his face didn't look threatening, he was seen as a terrorist back in the Enzite land.

"Walked in on you? Does that mean you were already suspecting your president?"

"My sister...I wanted to find out what he knew about my sister's dissapearance..."

"Did you?" He asked.

"He kicked her out...along with Juanita's brother and few other Elites."

He kept quiet for awhile. "Only one other Elite had stepped foot in our camp... two years ago."

That got my attention "Who?" I asked him.



He looked surprised. "You know him?"

I nodded my head, really excited. "That's Juanita's elder brother, oh, she's going to be so happy."

"He's dead."

I froze. "What?" I asked again, hoping I didn't hear what my brain was telling me.

"Joe is dead, the zombies got to him-"


"The same creatures who attacked you and your friends. Joe got scratched, we had to..."

"Had to what? You killed him?" I asked in a whisper.

"We loved Joe, in the two years I've known him, he became family, everyone out there is family...we had no choice, it was either that or he became one of them, Joe wanted us to do it."

"Oh my God," I felt the tears rising, blurring my vision.

He looked at mefor awhile then stood up. "You're no threat to us, you will be released soon. You're welcome to stay with us if you want," he said walking to the door, but turned back to look at me again just before he left. "Someone will be with you shortly with your friend." He left her, shutting the door.

I stared at the door still not believing what I just heard.

Joe was dead.

Juanita was going to be heart broken, I didn't know how to break the news to her. I drew her knees close, so that's it was up to her chin and laid her head between, rocking myself slowly. How did my whole world change overnight?

Soon, I heard the door open, raising my head to see Juanita running in, she ran to my side, kneeling beside her.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" She asked worried.

I shook her head. "I'm fine," I muttered.

"See? I told you she wasn't in any harm," The boy behind Juanita said.

Juanita snapped her head back. "Shut up, I'm not speaking to you...and give us some space, geez!" He raised his hands up, surrendering as he walked out of the room. She turned back to me. "Why do you look like you were just told the day you were going to die."

I couldn't answer, the tears just kept rolling down my cheeks as I stared at the door, I couldn't bear to face her.

"Eh..." Juanita was confused. "Chidera?" She shook her shoulder, making me look at her. "What's wrong? What did the man that was here say... or do?"

It was hard to find the words to say, it felt like I was being choked. "I—I-"


"He told me about Joe-"

Her face brightened up immediately, it broke my heart the more with the news I was about to deliver. "Joe? My brother Joe? What did he say? Is Joe here? Tell me, what did he tell you about him?"

"He said... He said, Juanita..." I sniffed. "Joe is dead."

There was dead silence in the room, Juanita blinked twice.


"I'm sorry," I cried.


Juanita's character was supposed to be really annoying and yes she can be really annoying, but I can't help but love her. I also feel really sorry for her, with her crappy family, her brother was her shoulder and now he is gone.

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