Chapter 12

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Skylar and Loki are going to become friends soon. Both will be involved in a prank in the next chapter. Tell me what you think.

Oh no. Everyone was looking at me now. I don't know if you've been stared at by a lot of people but I can assure you it is uncomfortable. They all expected me to probably go 'sure' and do something cool but there was no way I could demonstrate all my powers as there's too many for me to even remember. Plus, I was going to at least finish my pizza before I did anything.

"There are too many to demonstrate and if I did I would probably end up destroying most of New York. I'll show you all some of them after lunch. Right now food is the most important thing in my life and God help the poor person who gets between me and it." I say as I reach for another heavenly slice of pepperoni pizza.

After saying this everyone was confused. While they were all trying to figure out what I meant by what I had said. For them, I think it was impossible for them to imagine how someone had so many powers that they didn't know them all. I honestly think that it scared them the most. Romanoff looked as if she was imagining all kinds of horrible possibilities, I think it's time for pranks. My first targets will be Romanoff and Stark for the trackers and surveillance equipment.

"What do you mean destroy New York?" Bruce asks while looking like he himself feared me. I didn't want them to be scared of me but then again it might make it easier in the long run.

"I mean I could destroy New York with some of my powers. Those ones I will not be demonstrating here today." I know it sound so ominous but I love teasing people and pranks. It's what I use my powers for mostly but I don't even need my powers. Most of the high and mighty Avengers looked scared of me. There was only three people in the room who didn't, Loki, Thor and Steve.

Loki tried to destroy New York but I think he's changed. He doesn't look so, well, evil. I think Steve and Thor were more open minded. They know that just because I have the potential to destroy things doesn't mean I will. Those are the people I won't prank. Banner seems nice enough but the rest better watch out.

Hold on, isn't Loki God of mischief and magic? I think pranking falls under mischief so I'll ask his opinion. With his help this may be some of the best pranks I will ever do. Loki may be on our side now but that doesn't necessarily mean he's forgiven any of them for putting him in a cell. This is going to be a prank of epic proportions. He has to agree to it first though.

"Give us a few examples then. I doubt you're that powerful." Romanoff practically snarled at me. She doubts me. I don't like lying so most of the time I try not to, I avoid the truth and don't tell the whole truth but I do my best to not outright lie to people.

"I can create and stop earthquakes, volcanos and hurricanes. That's only a fraction of my powers. You remember on the news when there was unusual seismic activity originating in England? That's not a coincidence." I say while glaring right at her. All the colour drained out of her face. I bet she's going to assume that's what I'm going to be doing while I stay here, why do some people always assume the worst? "I only use my powers to stop those things if you're wondering. I couldn't control it back then but now I can."

I finished eating and waited for the others to finish their food which seemed to take forever. Either I eat really fast or this lot are extremely slow. It took a few minutes for them to finish but it seemed like an eternity to me. It was over too quickly when I remembered what I had to do. These people will know my powers and will try to figure out a way to harm me or stop my powers. They will try to find my weaknesses and I hope they don't succeed, it was probably the reason S.H.I.E.L.D. shipped me here in the first place.

The rest of the team led me through the labyrinth and back into the lift. We ended up on a floor which was roughly in the middle of the building. The whole floor was a training room which had everything any athlete could ever dream of including an Olympic sized swimming pool. Everyone faces me expectantly.

"My first power was water. I learned to control it when I was eight in all its forms, anything with water in I can control." While saying this I walk back and fall into the swimming pool and sit at the bottom. After two minutes, I pretend to be unconscious to freak everyone out. I must be a good actor because both Steve and Loki jumped in the pool to save me. Steve seemed like a decent person with strong morels so I thought he would but Loki was a surprise.

Opening my eyes, I made the water lift both of them up and out of the pool. Then I deposited them next to the others and made sure they were completely dry. Lifting myself out of the water, I grinned cheekily at the astonished faces of the Avengers. They didn't see that coming. I told them I could control water but they doubted me.

To scare them, I lifted the entire pool and threw it at them. Most of them hit the deck but I stopped it before it could hit them. Not even a drop hit any of them but they all looked impressed. They probably thought I could do a few parlor tricks when I arrived, that Fast-and-Fury-our had made a mistake bringing me there. None of them will be thinking I'm not capable of anything after this.

I then did the same kind of thing with the rest of the elements, showed them I could control the weather, turner the lights on and off using electricity and grew loads of plants. By the end most of them looked as if they'd seen a ghost. One thing was for sure, Romanoff wouldn't tease me anymore. Like the others she was impressed.

"I also have an IQ over 300, heightened senses, stronger, faster, more agile, bigger stamina. You know, the usual kind of stuff." I add the last part sarcastically.

"How – How did you get your powers?" Asked Banner.

"I have no idea. I was born with them I think." Maybe I was dunked in a vat of toxic waste of=r something like that. Little did I know that I would soon find out the answer to his question and I can tell you I did not like this answer.

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