Chapter 16

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Groaning, I roll off the sofa and hit the floor. I would've slept for twenty hours normally but someone yelling woke me up. Someone who sounded a lot like Stark. I guess Steve summoned all the others back because Loki and I were back. Fury might turn up and begin questioning us about where we were, did we kill anyone, had Loki done something which could result in an invasion. The normal S.H.I.E.L.D kind of things.

"Why did you two do that? We took you in." Stark shouts at Loki while he sits on a chair across the room from me.

"Loki was sprung on you by Thor and you had no choice about me. Fury is a powerful ally or a powerful enemy." I say from lying face down on the floor not even bothering to get up. It must've seemed quite comical to Tony, but he was in no laughing mood, I thought pink would suit him. "Have neither of you heard silence is golden?"

"Why don't you stop being so lazy and get up." Tony retorted with his usual amount of sass that he added onto every statement he's ever made. How has he managed to stay alive so long when he annoys almost everyone like this?

"Ok, why don't you try breaking two bodies down into water vapor and reassembling them elsewhere for the first time after already using a lot of power earlier. It probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done." I stay lying face down on the floor for a bit while feeling their eyes on me.

From somewhere to my right, I heard the elevator ding signaling that someone had arrived. Maybe it's Romanoff here to finish the job. I jump upright and almost fall over due to how lightheaded I was. Someone steadied me and thankfully, it wasn't a murderous assassin coming to kill us.

In some ways it was worse than that. Fury stood there. . . with his arms crossed. . . one eyebrow raised. This wasn't good. Hi ho hi ho, it's off to the Fridge we go. I wonder if I could bring my stuff with me? Loki will be going back to Asgard and back into a prison cell to rot for the rest of his life. Did Romanoff say something and now we're both going back to prison?

"What was that stunt you pulled today?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He's either smirking at what we did or what he was going to do to us.

"That," Loki said. "Depends entirely on what you have heard."

"I've heard that Stark has a new line of pink suits and one of my best agents now has neon green hair. Would either of you happen to know anything about that? Anything at all?" Fury questioned.

Strangely, he didn't sound as mad as I expected. I thought he would, well, be Fury-ous. But he didn't seem all that angry to me. He seemed amused by the whole situation. Maybe he found it funny that we were even able to pull something like this on a paranoid billionaire and one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s best agents ever.

"We don't even know what you're talking about. Me and Loki just popped out for some food and then you're bulldog blames her new hairdo on us for no reason. It could have been Hydra who did this. Do you have any proof it was us? No, you don't. You can't go round blaming things on other people without the proper evidence." I say hoping to bluff my way out of this situation without us getting the blame for anything.

This seemed to amuse him. "We have you and Loki on video painting the Ironman suits and entering Natasha's room but not leaving. How did you leave without her seeing you?" Well, the jig is well and truly up.

"Vents." Was all Loki said. "What is going to happen to us?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for deflating their egos. It's about time. Maybe they won't be so annoying in the future." I grinned. This was the best possible outcome for the situation.

"That's mean." Was all Tony said. I expected him to say something else, either ruder or more sarcastic.

It was at that moment a certain green haired assassin decided to make her entrance by dropping out of the vents with a war cry and throw a knife at my face. Luckily for me, I caught it before he could do any damage. Fury didn't look impressed and she hadn't noticed him yet.

"I thought I told you not to do anything like this again. I put you with the Avengers for a reason. You're supposed to be setting a good example for the new recruits, not trying to kill them."

"Have you seen what they've done to my hair?" She screeched at us.

"Yes." Fury states and presses the button for the elevator to close. "Don't kill them. Please." With that, the doors closed and he was gone.

"That was. . . "

"Yep." I reply to Loki. "Should we. . ."

"Yes." We made a run for our separate room. Each of us being followed by either an assassin or a billionaire.

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