Chapter 4

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Edited, mainly. What was the first Marvel film you eve watched? I watched Captain America first.

. . . Turning around to thank whoever it was, the words died in my throat. It was weirdo one from the plane, Clint. Turns out they can find me that easily. I'm so dead. Straight after this meal I'm moving all the way down the Brazil, it mainly worked for Banner.

"Ur. . . . Ur. . . . . Thanks. You're the guy from the plane. Clint." I looked at him. This was not supposed to happen. I wonder where Red and weirdo two are, probably searching my room.

"It's good to see you too Skylar." Clint said smiling.

"That's what I meant to say, I was a little surprised to see you was all." Checking my watch, I realised my ten minutes were almost up. "I've got to go but I'll see you soon. I had ten minutes to go down to the lobby so we could get some food and I think it's been something like fifteen. Personally I would like to eat so I'll see you later." With that, I jogged towards the lobby. I was just in time as my group were just going out of the other door.

The food was nice here, and there was a lot more of it as well. I chose a burger and chips. Most of the other girls chose salad or something like that. You see, they actually care about what other people think. We were all eating at a long table together, except the teachers. It seems that they don't like students for some reason. Well, I can kind of see why though.

It seemed to take forever to get through that one meal and half way through Clint showed up and sat a few tables away. I can safely can say that it was one of the most stressful meal of my entire life. Half of the time I expected a S.W.A.T team to come bursting through the doors and arrest me.

Then, I thought of something really worrying, if whoever it was who wanted me could find out where I was staying, maybe they could afford a tracker. And the perfect time would be when I fell and Clint caught me. He could've slipped it in my pocket! Trying not to look panicked in case someone was watching, I put one hand in my pocket and found nothing. Then I checked my other and found a small metal cylinder in it. Oh my God I was right! Not looking, I slipped it into the pocket of the guy sitting next to me.

When we were allowed to go, I went straight to my room and checked trough my things. I found several new cylinders but I got them all. Hopefully. If I didn't get them all then I could be tracked by the very people who were after me to begin with. Putting everything back in my bag I looked at the window. I was on the second story but I could jump and make it without hurting myself thanks to my super strength and speed. Shouldering my bag, I crossed to the window, opened it and jumped . . . .

. . . . And landed on my on my feet like I had just stepped off a curb. Before anyone could see me, I ran into the woods that surrounded the hotel. The woods flew past as I sprinted through the safety of the forest. No one could find me when I didn't want to be found. And right now I didn't want to be found or brought back. I mean, my mum would tell someone and I didn't want to be hunted down. That's not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Its better I hide than spend the rest of my life in a lab.

Jumping over a log, I looked down and realised my mistake. On this side of the log was a net on the floor and I had no way of avoiding it. I landed on the trap and it went off. The net caught me and I was suspended above the forest floor. With no way of getting down. I had to wait for someone to come and let me down.

After half an hour of trying to get out of the trap, with no success, I heard some people making their way towards me. The only reason someone would come out this deep in the forest was if they were the ones who set the trap. Sure enough, I saw Clint, Steve and the red head making their way towards me. I knew they were weird when I saw them on the plane.

Maybe if I stay still and not move, they might not see me. All three of them looked up at me and Clint smiled, Steve looked embarrassed and like he didn't want to do this and the red head didn't look as if she cared at all. None of them seemed surprised to see me hanging in the net. It appears they are the ones who set the trap, who did they know I was going to come here or even go in this direction?

"Well, well, well, what have we here then? Imagine seeing you here. " Said Clint smirking. Now I want to hit him very hard in the face. Hold on, why is Steve dressed up as an American flag? Steve's Captain America!

"Nothing. Why am I in a net? Not that I mind though, just having fun, handing around. I assume I am being kidnaped, why?" I asked them. Frankly I don't care who answers as long as someone does because I want to know if I can use my powers to hurt them or not. Now I was looking at them properly, I saw they looked different. Clint wore all black and carried a bow, the red head wore what looked like a cat suit or a jump suit. Clint and Weasley are Hawkeye and Black widow.

This means that I've got half of the avengers after me. Goodbye freedom. I could outrun the police easily but the Avengers and all of S.H.I.E.L.D. not possible. If I tried to get out of here I would have to fight and outrun a super soldier and two of S.H.I.E.L.D.s best agents. One of which was the world's best assassins.

"We can't tell you that but you're coming with us." Steve cut in before Clint could say anything. Clint looked a little annoyed at this, no doubt he had something funny he wanted to say. Red was just stood there looking at me and smirking. I just wanted to slap that look straight off her face.

"I knew you three were weird .So you've got me in a net, say nothing and kidnap me? Because that's not stupid at all. The police will find you, I hope you like prison. . . Where are you going to try to take me?" I asked them. Sure I may be annoying people who look like they would be quite happy to kill me but when I'm angry I think its best I rant a bit rather than accidently drowning someone or setting them on fire.

Speaking of fire, I began to melt the metal net so I could escape. They might not know about my powers and this would reveal them but it was worth the risk if it meant I was free. When I was free, I'm going to go south all the way to Brazil. I could hide in the Amazon and no one would find me.

"You act smart but you're not. You didn't know we were working together. For all you know, I had nothing to do with this. I was just one other passenger on that plane." Red said like I was stupid and didn't realise what had happened. They kind of made it really obvious. I mean it was obvious, you don't need spy training to notice things like that.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? You sat in the seat in front of Clint, half way through the flight you get up and Clint follows you. He comes back and talks to Steve. It was probably about what Clint and you were talking about. If I had to guess, I would say you were talking about what I had said and coming to a conclusion about what course of action to take. And when you came out of the airport, you all came out together." Red's eyes momentarily flick to Clint and then look back at me. "I may be young but I'm not stupid, don't treat me like I am."

"You notice a lot." Steve replied while Clint looked thoughtful for a second. They were probably thinking of whether or not they should continue with whatever they were planning. All three nodded at each other, it was decided, whatever it was.

"Thank you. Well, I have too and I think you may know why. It's the only reason someone would go to all of this effort to kidnap me." I said like everything was completely normal and we were sat down somewhere talking. Instead I'm in a net and these people are armed to the teeth with all kinds of weapons. Flag boy over there has a shield, because that's normal. All I had to do was keep them talking for long enough for me to melt through the net.

"We've got to knock her out." Red suddenly said, interrupting whatever any of the other two were going to say. "She's going to draw too much attention to is if she's awake." That does not sound good. I would quite like to stay conscious so I know what's going on. If I pay attention I may be able to find out where they were taking me.

Soon it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. The last thing I saw before I surrender to the darkness was a pair of black boots heading towards me. After that I have no idea what happened. I always thought that I would dream if I was ever knocked out like they do in the film but I didn't, it was strange to say the least and it felt wrong.

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