A Common Rival 2

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As Timothy was at home with Ellie and Tristan, the sole company, that could entertain the former priest and vice versa, he was rather so beatific to be with his and his wife's creations. Especially right at home, right now.

On other hand, the only fragment that was missing of the perfect house's ambience to reach its apogee of felicity, harmony and balance is actually absenting somebody special. Not anyone but Jude herself. Not only she is the sparklet and the soul of the mansion where she currently resides with her loving, amazing husband, furthermore she is Timothy's and Ellie and Tristan's sparklet. 

As the chilling Sunday afternoon was on the horizon, Mr.Howard was in the living room with the twins, holding each of them into his big, muscular arms as he blanketed with a quilt his lower body, holding and hugging the siblings as they were surrounded by their father's security, warmness, love. Moreover the children were already fed and with changed diapers. 

He couldn't help, nonetheless, smiling broadly to them and himself as well. As his eyes glimpsed the aesthetically magnificent, lucid late winter scenery outside from far away through the opened window's curtains. Then he looked up at Ellie and Tristan as they were already asleep peacefully and abysmally. His hands managed to stroke their wee heads with its growing hair, his thumb kneading the back of their fragile heads, planting kisses on the top of their heads as his eyelids built its heavier ounce, nowhere to abide awake as he verged to fall asleep with his precious children into his arms. 

As an addition, before they were on the couch, Timothy had readen them some fairy tales for children via the children's book, watching along the beauteous, extraordinary snowy landscape outside through the mist window's glasses as they were windows to the new world. To the new world of the wonders and esthetics. 


"He was my first boyfriend and my former fiancé." Jude exclaimed as she panted, noting the scarcely serene facial expression of the younger lady. Her heart pulsated as severe as a rock. What she could feel apparently was her cheeks blushing, of course.

"Wh-what? This imbecile used to be your boyfriend. When he did to you?" Furiously Valerie questioned as she wanted to be informed what Casey had done to Jude as she just admitted that her former fiance took a certain part of her life. 

"Please, Val, calm down!" Mrs.Howard said with panting voice as she begged the younger lady to be more tranquil through bitter tears that welled from her pale, gorgeous face. In the meantime, Shona just sat on the couch, watching how the both female adults were communicating with one another as she listened considerately.

"It took a place more than 20 years ago." Jude gestured with opened palm behind her face, opting to convince her hostess to be less enraged. Howsoever, the things didn't work at all. It leaded even more to Ms.Volkova's inquisitiveness to find out the truth because she was unconditionally sure that this monster had done anything horrid to the former nun.

"It doesn't matter. I would like to listen to your story anyway."

Seconds before the beginning of Mrs.Howard's narration, she exhaled crudily as she regained as much strength as she could to overcome one of her the gloomiest secrets that was beyond in her past. In the interim, Valerie scratched her head, awaiting extremely patiently for her guest's broken ice.

"Well, it all began when I was in the beginning of my 20s, falling in love with the man that I believed the love, his presence, his affection, his concerness and everything will save me from my atrocious childhood and youth. He used to be handsome, kind, comprehending even selfless and loving. Until a year and so passed since the commencement of our relationship, building on much higher level as well." She paused as she wanted a glass of water, meanwhile Shona was being ordered by her mother to deliver a glass of water for the guest as it took seconds to do it by getting from the sofa, exiting the living room, walking up to the kitchen as she filled a seperate, empty glass of water, returning back as she gave it at last to Mrs. Howard who thanked the young girl. She just nod her head mousily as she sat on the couch again.

When the older lady sipped from her glass of fresh water, she left the glass aside on the table.

"And I visited a doctor who informed me that I have syphilis. It was from Casey. Not only he infected me with that gruesome infection, further he cheated on me as he slept with other women and when..." The former nun lingered, she was about to sob, sensing welling crystal like beads tears. Even Valerie can recognize her friend's grief and grudge all over this, hating to see Judy sobbing even weeping and crying helplessly. Just like in a desert.

"When I announced him what the doctor had told me, he was more than outraged." The blonde commenced to wipe her own bitter tears with her thumb as she shared an eye contact with Ms. Volkova, who wore grimaced but composed face.

"The imbecile called me a liar and a whore as It was all my fault, putting the blame on me for the syphilis as I was the whore that I became after he dumped me. When... when I was already heart broken with almost nothing left but my grotesque youth and my soul, I was... I became what he called me actually. The whore he meant. The notorious woman who sleeps around with handsomers and non-handsomers, being tramp as I was numbing myself to forget about it. Even one day I woke up in my vomit and I decided to escape somewhere else as I had gathered my suitcase with my entire luggage until my car crashed, establishing outside a mental institution where I spent 15 straight years in nunnery."

In the interim, the little girl left the living room as she went back in her bedroom as she didn't wish to perturb them. Whilst Valerie was more than shocked to hear Casey's interference in her life and her grim past as well. The unemployed maid couldn't feel nothing more than compassion for the middle aged lady.

"It is unbelievable what he had done to you. But you don't deserve this pain." All of a sudden Valerie couldn't stand to watch her friend sobbing and her tear stained face as she got from the armchair as Jude did, approaching one another as they hugged tightly, warmly.

It was such pleasant, unique sensation especially for the both women to be in each other's arms, reassuring. In the same time, Jude's heart lost its enormous ounce as she was relieved to share her somber song of her lost juvescence. She was somewhat worried that Valerie will hardly figure out what she had been through until it came to the conclusion of being shielded and sharing something very common mutually.

They had the same rival. The same monster who not only doomed Jude's past, furthermore was tremendously hostile towards another person. The enemy's enemy is my friend. This phrase perfectly describes the friendship between Valerie and Judy.

"It's okay, dear. I hope this monster is away from your life."

They eventually broke off the hug after they relished the brief but promising, amicably moment, sensing their beating hearts against one another in their chests; their ribs pressed severely against one another's, absorbing more warmth. Their smiles still gleamed on their faces as Mrs. Howard stopped sobbing as her tears dried. 

"I am okay." Jude murmured with the sole abided strength of her vocal strings.

Then Valerie questioned if she had encountered the questionable man as they told each other their stories how Valerie was his maid for a year and how she is obligated to clean and dust after him, whilst the former nun told her how she had seen him after many years, abiding the same abominable man from 20 years prior.

As they re-sat on the leather armchairs again as Jude sipped from her water. A temporary silence floated in the living room until the bells tolled as the silence had descended, thanks to the source that caused it.

"It is such a suffery to work with a person who underestimates your work and harasses you mentally." Ms. Volkova paused as she her exclamation was rather dramatic. "But I can contemplate that a heart break is even more painful and makes no exception." She kept on as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, especially a misogynist to stand between both of us."

"You are right. But do you know what, Judy?"

"What's it, Val?"

"I will render this," Meanwhile the red-haired woman's eyes widened as she was prepared one of the most gregarious things to Jude, though she would do it one day. "son of the bitch to apologize you for everything." Ms. Volkova hissed as she uttered each syllable through clutched teeth.

"Hah! How he is going to do?" Suddenly the older woman chortled out loud unlike the younger one raised an eyebrow. "Is this kind of a joke?"

"Definitely not! I am deadly serious, Judy." The younger lady spoke her mind. "I promise you it will happen, believe me."

To be continued...

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