A Romantic Dinner and the Light Kiss

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Jude's POV

Around 7:30PM the evening...

We started to prepare the dinner together a half an hour ago. We put many efforts so that our meal to be as much as delicious and enjoyable except with high quality. Whilst preparing the dinner together, collaborating, we were wearing as an overgarment aprons, giggling like children from time to time, talking, getting to know each other on higher level but not getting inside at each other's personal space like creeps. It is so delighting to work in team with somebody who brings me a broad smile on my face and truly satisfies me with its positive energy. Although the little trust that Tim has gained from me for the last hours, he didn't let me down. I could recognize into him a significant change since he rescued me from the sinister and  merciless asylum.

Afterwards we put average portions of my favorite meal coq au vin in our dishes, throughout serving them onto the table with a slice of bread per a person, including some red wine in our wine glasses with the eating tools such as forks and steak knives. 

I know I gave up drinking alcohol since I used to dedicate my career to a nun with a little exception when we had a romantic dinner with the former Monsignor in my room where I am never going to forget the spicy fantasies where he was the main character, imagining it on more abysmal and tense level. Oh, what am I thinking right now? I should cleanse my head from those dirty and sensual thoughts of Timothy. Don't tell me I am going to experience the same romantic dinner again! Anyway, I have the tremendous feeling that there is something wrong with me or not exactly. Every time when I receive a compliment or kind words from Timothy except to feel how he touches or caresses some parts of my body including my long golden hair, it sends shivers through my body, feeling electroshocked; furthermore I am blushing, sensing the thousands of butterflies that flutter inside my stomach as I am head over heels for him. I know I have been a lot through the life, encountering many enchanting, handsome and smart men who have strucked me from first sight, howsoever, not as much as Timothy. 

Back to the recent moment, we sat next to each other again, crumbling our wine glasses together, screaming "Cheers!", thus sipping from our fresh red wines.

I mumbled in ecstatic way, loving the wine's taste, fully enjoying it, closing my eyes for a couple of seconds, tasting the magnificent and authentic red wine's taste, intriguing me from the first time, forcing me to asking one of the questions that has crossed through my mind right on the moment. 

-Mmm, this wine...*sipping again* is so delicious! I love it so much, Tim! - I stated delighted like I have tasted one of his cooked meals as a preparation for our first romantic dinner. Smiling like an angel, sounding pretty peaceful, gazing at him.

-Pleased to hear that, dear!- He gave me a lovely and sincere smile while enjoying our dinner by tasting from our collaborated made meal coq au vin. MMmmm,it is deliriously tasty! 

-From where have you bought it? I suppose I haven't drank this type of wine, to be honest. - I persisted with whopping curiosity that has flooded my heart.

-From one alcohol store near my house in England. It is not expensive but...the quality itself is just perfect! 

-*tasting from the coq au vin, chewing slowly and cautiously, thereafter adding a commentary* It is a British wine. I have never drank such wine in my life with exception of those American and French ones. You have apprended something to the romantic and majestic atmosphere here for which I am applauding you.

-Yes, I don't want to leave the dinner ambience unfinished with something that enchants. Meantime, I haven't drank any kind of alcohol since our dinner date in Braircliff.

-Oh really? It would be such a pressure for being sober for a period of time.*sipping wine again* I prefer this one to the French and American ones, admitting it frankly.- Grinning like a pleased child. 

-It wasn't exactly a torture for me but I handled it! I am delighted to hear that! Well, for me...the British wine is something unique...something precious...especially for me! While the French are classic but aren't as good as the British ones. While for the Americans...*coughing coldly*...they are "Ugh!". 

I couldn't keep on with the dinner anymore. My appetite for coq au vin wasn't as much as to speak to Timothy, enjoying our conversations. Either I was drinking or discussing along interesting stuff. I had the feeling that we spent hours even days to talk rather than doing something else. It took us around 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish our dinner, throughout washing the eating tools including the dishes together. Afterwards we decided to put on our coats including boots with scarves, wrapped around our necks, followed by gloves onto our bare hands, hats covering our heads that are prone to freeze sooner or later. 

As we hopped up outside, we headed to the wooden bench, layered everywhere with snow, cleaning half of it, sitting next to each other, leaning my head onto his left shoulder while feeling his big and protective arm wrapped around my upper back, drawing me closer to him. It wasn't frustrating the fact that we were quiet whilst enjoying the pre-Christmas ambience, meanwhile watching together the winter scenery that surrounds us. We were wearing sparkling smiles. It has stopped snowing which didn't amuse me at all. Once he wrapped his arm around my upper back, the essential sensation that I felt was shivers through my body and down my spine of pleasure and happiness. 

-What a beautiful winter! Such a beautiful season! - I encouned cheerfully with a fevered sigh with half closed eyelids. 

-Not as beautiful as you, Jude! - Tim exclaimed with a little laughter. I thought he was rather ironic in this utterance, nonetheless, It is the truth that he admitted.

-Ahahah! Stop Tim! I am not. - I giggled like an unavailable girl who has been seduced by a bad boy who compliments her. I said with ironic voice tone. 

-Of course, you are beautiful! 

-Aww,thank you!- Attempting to hide my face with my both hands but as soon as he looked at me...I realise it was too late. I blushed again, laughing nervously. 

-You are welcome!*grabbing one of my wrists lightly, exposing a part of my reddened face* Why you are hiding your precious face, Jude? 

It was drawn a severe silence between us that lasted for almost a minute, without peeling a single word. My frail warm heart was constantly beating. I assume that Timothy is slightly dissatisfied for leaving his question unanswered yet.

-Jude, you aren't obligated to conceal your face! Even if you are blushing, you shouldn't be ashamed of your blushed face. It renders you more radiant and beautiful. 

-Aww, do you truly mean it?*giving him a cute smile whilst pierced eyes into his optimistic dark brown eyes* Thank you but...I am just shy. - I justified myself after thanking him for the compliment.

-Don't worry if you are shy! Better to be shy rather than a suspceptible like some women and girls! - Whilst his left arm was wrapped around my upper back, his right hand reached for my chin, holding it with 2 fingers, supporting; his eyes focused in the current target...exactly said...my eyes, staring right at my soul. Basically I could recognise passion and desire that burns as a flame into his eyes, smiling to each other. He leaned a bit his head, reaching for my lips...having the enormous wish to kiss, crushing our lips, kissing lightly but lusciously, lasting for a several seconds only. 

An hour later...

I took a fresh warm shower before bed, feeling much better after this long day. As I didn't have much choice as a sleeping garment, I had only my thin red slip that couldn't resist me from the coldness during the night. I didn't have any proof how I can imagine myself sleeping with the red slip in the freezing nights in Braircliff.  All the same, in Timothy's vila that is located somewhere in the woods of Boston, far away from this insane asylum. 

Whilst the white bathrobe was onto my body with Tim in his bedroom, he recognized into me that I was shivering, asking me:

-The red slip is the only garment that you can use as a pajama,right?- He questioned seriously.

I nodded with a little smile.

-Alright! *researching his wardrobe for pajamas top and bottoms* Here you are!- He handed them to me, being grateful to him.

As he left the bedroom for a while, interracting to the bathroom to brush his teeth, I stripped from myself the bathrobe, putting on his big light blue pajama top and bottoms. I know I might look ridicilous like that but I am feeling more comfortable and better in them, to be honest. They were not only comfortable, further they are cozy and warm. I am already in love with them. As an addition, after the quick shower, I brushed my teeth, drinking a final glass of water for this night except to clean myself. As I know, It might be somewhat awkward to share the bed with Timothy,in spite of I wanted to be reassured and sleeping more peacefully after those lonely, glacial and sleepless nights. One of the moments that I am never going to forget for tonight is...the kiss between us. I was waiting patiently for Tim to arrive as soon as possible whilst sitting onto the bed side where I am going to sleep, a thick silk blanket covering from my chest and below. 

3 minutes later, eventually he arrived, wearing a shining and wide smile, wearing his pajamas, hopping in the bed, next to me, speaking to each other a little before to turn off the night lamps onto the night tables.

-Since your arrivation, I have noticed that you have barely any clothes. I think we should do some shopping tomorrow,if you don't mind. What do you think, Jude?- He enquired anxiously while cupping my right cheek tenderly with his warm palm.

-Alright! I don't mind, of course!- I backed him up, staring at his fabulous brown eyes, being speechless due to his kindness.

-Good, my rare bird! Tomorrow after the shopping, we can find a new job via the newspapers if you read them. 

-That is amazing! I do read them though rarely. How about you too? 

-*chuckling* I do either too.

*chuckling together, kissing lightly his mellow left cheek, therefore he touched the kissed spot with his fingertips, feeling much better* I don't know which day of the week is since I was locked up in the solitary room, not knowing what time is it. Do you know what day is tomorrow? 

-It is Tuesday, 15th of December. 

-Okay! Thank you for telling me!- Feeling my eyelids getting heavier, sensing the sensation that I will fall asleep extremely soon rather than the expected.

-You are welcome! *exchaning a light kiss on the lips* Good night, Jude! Have sweet and hallowed dreams and see you on the next morning! 

-Thank you! Good night to you too! Wishing you sweet and holy dreams, Tim! 

Then we turned off the night lamps' lights, closing our eyes abruptly, our bodies positioned against each other, cuddling firmly. I am feeling much better to sleep with him even if we aren't  a couple rather than to sleep by myself, freezing, dying of coldness. My heart was relieved, beating normally.

To be continued...

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