After Trick or Treat

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After the couple came back at home with Tristan and Ellie from trick or treating, the both in love birds kicked off their shoes as Jude sighed fatigued when she saw the enormous mess in the living room, having on her mind the troubling thought of spending a certain period of time to clean after the guests. The cleaning activity wasn't her cup of tea, of course. As it wasn't Timothy's either too! But they really had to do, in spite of Mr.Howard's dim intoxicated condition. The baby twins were already asleep into their badger baskets with tiny cotton blankets, blanketing their little, immobile bodies from their shoulders and below as their small hearts beated in their chests. They wore a little smile across their shining faces. 

As Jude's absent-minded eyes were goggled into her and Timothy's little precious angels, who slept peacefully like they were in the paradise, she could hear how her husband yelled her name as her distracted mind shone, noting him how he stood from the inner part of the living room, propping his elbow on the wooden doorway, watching his wife with a broad, radiant smile, deliriously delighted to see her blissful and to be with Ellie and Tristan. Meantime she looked up straight at his beatific eyes.

"Anything wrong, honey?" She enquired.

"Well, I think it is better idea you to take care of the twins, take a fresh shower and have some rest, while I am going to take care of this mess. Okay? - He moved his only available arm as his hand reached for her shoulder, placing it as their gazes locked. He really prefered his wife to take a break after the party, despite she is going to be home alone with Tristan and Ellie. All he wanted is she to be happy, safe and healthy. Additionally her partner's speech sounded slightly like lisping.

"Okay, thank you!" Then she gaped suspiciously at him as he can tell. "Are you actually drunk?"

"What?" Initially he inquired perplexed as he raised an eyebrow, thereafter he reminded himself inwardly what she truly meant, stepping on the earth. "Perhaps a little." He said with assertive voice due to his condition with a grin.

"I can see that. Do you need some water or probably tea?"

"No, thank you. Everything is going to be fine."

Then she sighed in a relief, going upstairs as she changed each twins' diapers after stripping their Halloween costumes, changing them in another clothes. Afterward she nursed them, going in their parents' bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed as she swinged each of them in her both arms, singing them lullaby.

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

How I wonder what you are. 

Her mellifluent, sweet, extremely talented voice in singing after singing a lullaby for Ellie and Tristan was more than overwhelming experience. It wasn't her first time to sing a lullaby to her twins. She sang plenty of times to them after their birth even the same lullaby during her pregnancy. It was so soothing, beguiling with its melody, lyrics. 

In this moment, Ellie had already fallen asleep, her eyes utterly shutted. Unlike her younger brother, who still stared at his mother, refraining himself from crying as he didn't want to cause trouble. He was sufficiently clever boy for 1 month old baby, besides bubbling wasn't his thing. His big, chocolate eyes were focused on his mother's gleaming with its gorgeous facial features face. She looked down at him with a broad, imperturbable smile across her lips.

"Tristan, you should go to sleep like your sister." She murmured to him as her hazel eyes stared right at his soul, stroking delicately each baby's small head.

He just babbled dissatisfied of what his mother said, whilst, hopefully, the older sibling didn't wake up. Meanwhile Jude chuckled silently.

"You aren't sleepy, right?" Then she received a response from his with a babble, which he meant "Yes!". "That's not good, my baby boy! You should sleep so that to grow up more."

Afterwards they looked at each one's eyes, abiding completely silent. Eventually she sighed, kissing her baby twins' foreheads and cheeks, putting them to sleep in their cribs, wishing them sweet and peaceful dreams. Then she gathered the Micellar water with a plain cloth, which she uses to clean her makeup in front of the dressing table's mirror, as she sat on the stool, having much better optical vision of her complexion. As she rubbed the cloth on each part of her face including her lips, subsequently she tied her hair in a messy bun after cleaning her makeup on her face. Then she went in the bathroom with a bath towel in her hands as she hang it on the door, taking off every garment on her body, stepping up in a shower as she took a quick, hot shower. 

Once she finished, she put her bath towel on her moist, bare body as she headed back to their bedroom, putting on a new, clean underwear. Black, lace lingerie such as she left the panties to cover her body, thus putting on another nightgown in obsidian black, which looked perfect on her body, regardless if she hasn't lost her extra pounds yet or she's skinny. 

Meanwhile Timothy entered in their bedroom as he finished with cleaning the living room, noticing his stunning wife taking a quick look at the mirror once again, a little before to hop up in the bed. He walked up to her as he hugged her from behind as his arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her lighter weight towards him as she startled, thereafter sensing the warm, pleasant sensation of being hugged from behind, resting her head on her shoulder as she grinned shyly.

"Hello again, sweetheart!" He teased her as she couldn't help but giggle as well.

"Oh hi, darling!" She said with blissful voice, pursuing for his eyes as she rotated her face, their eyes met at last. "Have you cleaned the living room?"

"Yes, I did." Then one of his hands moved moved from her waist to her breast, cupping her round, full breast as he kissed her bare nape's skin, letting out a soft moan with halfly opened eyes. 

"I love this sensation but we can't don't it in front of the kids. I mean to be far intimate in this room." 

"Don't worry, Judy!" His intoxicated voice was mystically turning her on, in the meantime he managed to pick her up in a bridal lift, heading to their king sized bed as he dropped her in the middle of their love nest. 

As she established on the bed, watching him how he was taking his clothes off which rendered her to think of plenty impure fantasies, that she had back in Briarcliff since she fell in love with him and vice versa, she asked him huffed as she jumped under the warm bed sheets, blanketing her body with a cotton blanket. "Don't you need some water, a coffee or a tea to sober you up at least?"

"That's not what I need. What all I need now!" He turned to her when he uttered with fiercely tempting voice the pronoun "you" as she sensed her cheeks slightly reddish, unable to sober him which was certainly evident. Luckily the children hadn't woken up yet, to hear and witness their parents'. 

"I know, darling. But you need some rest at least. You are slightly intoxicated if I need to be frank."

When he remained in his boxers only, he warned her that he is going to take a quick shower and will be right back in a few minutes. It was her time to go downstairs, to prepare a coffee for him as she put some water in the kettle, awaiting the water to boil for approximately 3-5 minutes, in the interim, she took one mug from the cupboard, spooning average amount of coffee in his mug. Suddenly the water began boiling as the temperature increased drastically, steam coming from the kettle. Once she prepared his coffee, she washed the kettle as she grabbed his mug, going upstairs, finding him posing a sexy, enticing pose with a smirk across his lips as his arm supported his head, staring at her with ginormous desire, lust in the same time. 

As soon as she crouched down to him when he still posed for her in seductive way as she held his mug with hot coffee, she looked up at his excited chocolate eyes, maternally smiling to him as she reached her only available hand for his face, cupping his cheek.

"Darling, I had prepared some coffee for you." 

"I don't want a coffee. Did you hear me?" His response was rather persistent as his smirk lit their faces especially his.

"It doesn't matter. Just drink from this coffee to sober you up." She refuted to have sex with him especially after Halloween party's evening, besides Tristan and Ellie were already asleep. It was pretty apparent what she does want and what he did. Completely opposite to one another!

"Noo!" He pushed her hand which managed to reach for his to take forcefully the mug, as she accidentally spilled some hot coffee on her bare, slender legs, besides apart of her nightgown which was bedraggled, thanks to his stubborn refusal. 

The uneasy hush floated in their bedroom like a solid cloud as her mouth was widely opened, initially glaring at him, in spite of nobody's innocent in this situation and all she wanted to do is to help him to sober himself up. He gaped at her with guilty, pleading eyes for forgiveness. Anyway he wasn't near the verge to weep.

"I am so sorry, rare bird! I didn't mean to ruin your slip and everything. It's not your fault for being caring to me." He apologized directly to her as he changed his position, sitting on the bed as he cupped her both cheeks into his mammoth, warm palms, looking straightly at her eyes, their foreheads leant against each one.

"You don't need to be sorry! It's my fault for forcing you to drink something as I showed how stubborn I am eventually, whilst on other hand you aren't the innocent little boy."

"I know how caring are you for me!" Then he removed one of his hands from her cheeks as he gripped the mug with coffee, sipping a handful of sips, hence, feeling himself much better as his condition improved, his soberness loomed. His fingers managed to knead faintly her cheek's creamy skin. 

"But I am much more caring for you. I sincerely would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for what I have done to you moments ago. You don't deserve it, dear!" He continued with soft voice.

"Everything is okay. I am glad that you sipped a few sips from your coffee. You just one more thing." She stroked his short dark brown hair as every hair of his could be felt like a path beneath her fingers. 

He arched an eyebrow as he sipped from the coffee for last time, throughout leaving it on the night table by his side, smiling like a sheer, tremendously innoxious angel. He nod his head after her utterance.

"To sleep!" She announced as she stroked his head, kissing his lips as she questioned him if he is going to drink more from the coffee as he refused to drink anymore. 

He installed himself as he laid on the bed, wrapping the blanket around his almost bare body, falling asleep very soon. In the forthcoming minutes after Jude sank the mug for washing, she went upstairs, noting how her husband had fallen asleep as she smiled cunningly, going to bed as she kissed his naked back and nape with planted soft, sensual kisses, whispering to him. "Good night, babe! Have sweet and serene dreams! I love you!"

Then she turned each night lamp as she needed to extend her arm so that to turn off his night lamp, cuddling as her slept against his back. 

To be continued...

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