An Apple Pie Night

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A several minutes later...

Jude's POV

Once we got back at home as we walked through the murky streets nigh midnight. Thanks to Timothy, I felt much safer, as his escort truly meant a lot to me! Besides it encouraged me to walk with more confidence when I am with my significant person with exception when I am completely lonely. He was definitely right! There were some insane people who would harm me when I am walking in the lurking, tenebrous streets with nothing more but by myself. 

Sensing unidentified men's eyes goggled at me, stalking me, observing every action of mine in the middle of the night when I am precisely alone walking, without holding my partner's warm, colossal hand, hand in hand. Sensing a strong, secure hand to protect me from the dark and the brutish coldness of psychopaths who either dare to touch or hurt me in various way. Vicious, malicious grins gleaming in the lurking darkness like I am beholding the last thing before the worst happened thing. The moonlight didn't help me at all. It didn't illuminate my path. 

By the way, I was much far away from those haunting illusions which could be somewhat seen in Briarcliff, although the Briarcliff's nightmare is different. Further those haunting illusions swam in my mind like waves in a storm sea.

As we arrived at home, we kicked off our shoes, changing ourselves into our casual clothes as I wore one of Timothy's T-shirts with long sleeves, a sage one. 

Once I saw myself in the dressing table's mirror as I stood against it, my husband was behind me as he clasped his both hands around my bump as I could feel his palms, caressing my pregnant belly as he rested his chin on my right shoulder, wearing a lucid, optimistic smile across his lips, knowing what he is capable to tell me right in my face. His chocolate eyes gaped right into the dressing table mirror's glass as it reflected our two selves. I couldn't help, nonetheless grin as well. 

-How do I look in your T-shirt, honey?- I questioned bashfully as I kept gazing at our reflexion, letting out a light tittering.

-Do not insult yourself! *winking* Of course, you look incredible as always, rara avis! - Timothy rather didn't miss his chance to compliment me as usually especially when I put on something dinstinct especially for me, tuckling my hair behind my ear, therefore his hand was on my bump again.

-Thank you! *placing my both hands upon his veiny hands, my fingers caressing his fingernails and fine fingers in the same time* I don't look chubbier due to the larger size garment which amuses me.- Meantime I arched an eyebrow as I uttered the last sentence in perplexed way, consequently giggling together.

-No need to thank me, Jude! *rotating his face as his nose was burried in my long curly honey locks, sensing his nose sniffing the abided perfume scent with his timid nostrils, kissing my nape lightly as I closed my eyes for a handful seconds, subsequently opening them* That's right! You shouldn't be ashamed of your body fat. You are becoming a mama soon and this weight of yours...*withdrawing his face slowly from my nape as his chin rested on my small, fragile shoulder again as he kept watching our mirror reflection over again* is because of the new life that is planted, gradually growing with every passed month or possibly a week. 

-*tittering innocently* I am not ashamed of my extra weight. I am just...*sighing* Oh! It happens to me for very first time and I am just quite nervous to experience I am not *rotating my face as my face was next to his, pursuing for his radiant chocolate brown eyes as my nose tip rubbed against his chin, staring right at his soul, sighing in a relief* ready!- I murmured insecurely. 

-Sweetheart...*his thumbs stroked my fingers backwards, squeezing tightly my hands* I am like you, however, we are going to undergo this pregnancy. Every parent is like that though we had never experienced our parenthood yet!- My partner opted to comfort me with his velvet voice as his chin wasn't resting on my shoulder anymore, kissing my temple.

Sometime later...

As we went in the kitchen, sitting next to each other on the dining table with served dish of the traditional apple pie for me whilst Timothy ate definitely nothing as I was aware of the fact that he had already a dinner. 

Whilst I tasted of my tasty baked sweet, my husband couldn't stop observing me how I was eating, relishing each bite that melts in my mouth with every passed second. Afterward we striked a conversation:

-You pretty suprised me with a baked apple pie, sweetheart! I love it very much.- He spoke his mind as our eye contact lasted for much longer time like almost every time. His glistening smile could aware me of his delightment after savor. His chocolate brown eyes radiated felicity and affection.

-Thanks! Though I hadn't baked it for almost 3 decades at least. I know it's imperfect! 

-It doesn't matter! *all of a sudden taking my hand into his as his thumb massaged the back of my hand during this moment my another hand was on my hip* In my opinion, the imperfect is actually sweeter and prettier than the flawless one.- My husband whispered with tranquil voice.

-You are probably...right!

-It's the truth itself, besides my personal opinion. Of course, we seek the ideal ones, while the imperfect are dwelling into our hearts with its imperfection.

-Exactly! Unfortunately, initially everybody are into the perfect ones whilst in the end, they actually choose something different. *exhaling crustily* Moreover today I heard something that has to do with Briarcliff.- I declared urgently.

-Go ahead.- Thankfully Timothy was utterly paying attention to me as his ears sharpened, prepared to listen to me.

-They mentioned your name but nothing more, besides being stated that the conditions in the institution got worse due to the lack of supplies and money which can the facility afford for its inmates. In fact, birth rates increase, while on other hand the deaths rocketed up also. In addition to that, they hadn't found a new monsignor yet.

-Interesting! What about my name? Is it anything notorious?- He posed the question as his inqusitiveness was certainly evident in his speech and facial expression.

-No. They just started like that "For the last months since Briarcliff's prominent Monsignor Timothy Howard resigned from the church...". They hadn't said anything against you which is hopefully good news, of course.

-Oh! *sighing in relief* Great! I thought they would say something against me. 

-Have you ever tasted how an apple pie kiss is?- I asked.

-Not really. How about you?

-Neither too!

-We can experiment. It can be tremendously romantic and sensual in the same time.- Raising an eyebrow as his virgin smile managed to turn in a savage, glittering smirk across his excited face.

Our lips pursued for each other as I slowly began shutting my eyes, subsequently our lips crashed, starting to kiss as my both hands dangled around his nape as his both hands managed to be wrapped around my upper back, sensing the scrumptious apple pie aroma, invading my slightly opened mouth and pursed lips into prominent ones. His teeth bit aggressively my bottom lip as a result of intensely increase of more truculent kisses, our dances started dancing against each other, developing a French kiss. 

Then we broke off the kiss as we elongated our faces in its distance from each one as we just gazed at each other's eyes with lust and love, a silence dominating over our echoes and words. Timothy's silence mildly worried me as I questioned him:

-What is it, darling?- I pet his left cheek as my thumb stroked softly his cheekbone, wearing a maternal smile.

-I just love you a little bit too much, rare bird!- He responded as took a deep breath a little before his response.

-I love you much more!

Around a several minutes of discussion and eventually eating my apple pie, we went in the bathroom, taking a quick and lukewarm shower, thus changing my lingerie as I replaced it from my black lace one into my newest one, a silver lace one. 

After the shower, Timothy put on himself a pair of pajamas, hopping up in the bed finally as I tied my hair in a messy bun, wearing the same Timothy's shirt which he permitted me to give me as well. It was extremely comfortable and cosy.

Then we kissed each other's lips lightly as we wished each other good night including sweet dreams as we turned off the lights of night lamps by our side. Our fatigued bodies lying against each other as we drowned into warm, romantic cuddles, warming our love nest.

To be continued...

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