An Ordinary Christmas day

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The next morning...

Jude's POV

I woke up around 8AM in the morning, a ray that reflects the rest of the room via the window, enlighted my hair, making it to look pale golden. I stretched dimly, rubbing slightly my eyes with my knuckles, waking up next to my beloved man Tim who sensed and smelled that I am already awake, opening his eyes widely, giving me a blissful look.

-Good morning, sweetie!- I uttered with still sleepy voice, kissing each other's lips.

-Morning, my rare bird!- He syllabled with his decent British accent, however, with drowsy voice. 

-How you slept, darling?- I posed the question with a vivid, broad smile, stroking gently his face like I am his mother.

-I slept well. How about you too, Judy?- He answered with cheerful voice, wearing a pure angelic smile, staring at my eyes. 

-Glad to hear that! I slept well either too. Thanks for asking! 

-No problem! I am pleased to hear that my rare bird slept well. This sleep is important...*raising an eyebrow of mine side* for your beauty, sweetheart!- He teased me initially, howsoever, turning out to be true.

-*burst out laughing* Not exactly but how you say it!- I stated in ironic way with an infantile grin. 

As Tim glanced lazily at the clock, it displayed 8 o'clock in the morning. It was pretty normal around this time to wake up, perhaps a bit late to wake up, according to us. We didn't have the wish itself to leave the warm and cosy bed a.k.a our love nest where we are cuddling and kissing. We were rather idle. It was Christmas! Anyway I can take a brief break from work by reborning back at the retro restaurant where I am currently working as a waitress in the next 48 hours. 

We kept on to cuddle by feeling much warmer, safer and loved in Timothy's muscly arms, wrapped around my cool, fragile bare shoulders, her curly golden locks tickling my forearms' pajama thin material. 

Around 3 hours later...

In an hour we are going to have a lunch. 

I wore my wool lavender peignoir, followed by matching ordinary white lingerie as as undergarment with white socks, slipped into slippers. My long curly blond hair was flowning, abiding to my upper back fluently, bouncing once I move.

As I was in the living room with my eyeglasses on my nose, reading some classical literature this time with a cup of hot herbal tea that lies onto the coffee table, lying upon my head on the goth sofa, Tim was in the kitchen speaking via the phone with Kit and Grace especially Kit until he didn't emerge, announcing me that the both former Briarcliff inmates coveting to speak to me for a few minutes only. I accepted instantly by jumping out of the couch, leaving the book on the goth sofa, thereafter heading to the kitchen, approaching Tim as he was holding the phone, warning the young couple with the accurate words "Hold on, Grace and Kit,please! Judy is coming!".

As soon as I hang on, I started:

-Hello?- I echoed through the headphone.

-Hi Jude!- Kit called with euphoric voice.

-Hi Kit! Merry Christmas! 

-Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too! How are you?

-I am fantastic, thank you. How about you too?- I questioned joyfully as I smiled to myself whilst Tim was sipping from his glass of fresh cool water, standing next to me by leaning his head, kissing my cheek by tuckling a couple of golden locks behind my ear, causing me to blush.

-I am super, thanks. We unpacked a couple of presents with Grace and our children. It was such a miracle to behold their excited faces.*sighing* How about your Christmas with Timothy?- Kit asked inquisitively.

-That is awesome! It is actually wonderful, Kit. We uncased basically 6 presents- 3 for me and 3 for him. I couldn't be happier to spend such a remarkable holiday with somebody who I...-My face flushed as I was about to continue my sentence, paying utterly attention to what am I saying especially in the last sentence.

-With who you love,right?- He questioned in leery way.

-Y-yes.- I exclaimed with confidence, without fearing of what am I telling in Kit's face.

-Wait a second! You love the person who had lied to you, was being selfish to you when he fired you as a nun by not believing your words how Mary Eunice was smitten by the Satan and you became a regular patient like the others because of him? Right?

-Ugh, Kit! Do not ruin my mood right now, please. I can explain everything.*taking a deep breath, exhaling and inhaling dramatically* First of all, Tim apologized me for his selfishness and for everything else with which he affected my last days in Briarcliff. Second, I forgave him, accordingly giving him a second chance. Alternatively, I am madly in love with this man since the first day when I met him and vice versa. He has drastically changed. Furthermore, he isn't a Monsignor anymore. We are living a normal life in his villa.*Kit sighed annoyed* I forgot to mention that he isn't egoistical, craving for strength and honor man anymore.- I defended Timothy confidently by stating the main motives why he isn't selfish anymore.

-Ohh, Tim! When he became that selfless man? Prove to me with what he has changed! - Kit snapped at me in coarsing way, throughout remaining calm yet. Further, I wasn't frowning during the conflict between us which was quite amusing for me, admitting it frankly. Tim was next to me, keeping his mouth shut.

-Let's take for example how much does he cares for me, moreover he rescued me from the snake pit called Briarcliff, signing out of the church by discussing with Father Malachi, in spite of Father's disenchantement. We are away from hell, living currently in the paradise itself by ourselves. 

-Alright!*caughing* Somehow I doubt that he rescued you from Briarcliff like that. As an addition, do you want to speak to Grace now?- Kit tried to change the subject once he expressed his prejudice about Tim.

-Oh yes,of course! Give me her on the phone now if she can right away.

-Alright!*shrieking at Grace to arrive and she promised to be on the phone in the upcoming seconds* Here, Grace!

-Hi Grace.- I greeted the young French woman with blunt cheerful voice.

-Oh hi,Jude. Excuse Kit's atrocious attitude towards you but he couldn't believe on his eyes how Timothy had rescued you by forgiving him after what he had done to you.- Grace stated with serene voice timbre, recognizing her French accent that dominates per a syllable.

-No problem, everything is fine! I beholded it for which I forgive him. By the way, how are you?- I attempted to change the subject as far as I could, not affecting my Christmas mood, thus destroying it in disturbing way.

-I am excellent! I am satisfied that our children are having so much fun and had received such nice presents due to their obediance this year. Thanks!- Once I heard that Grace was telling me positive stuff, It brang me larger smile, stretching my lips even more, without thinking about the petty argue between me and Kit just a few minutes ago.

-Aww, how adorable to hear that! I am delighted for your children that they have got for Christmas what they want. I pressume that they are very obediant and clever children.

-Of course, they are, Judy! How to not adore such little angels like them! Especially if you are their mother or somebody from their family.

-It doesn't matter if you are their family member or somebody relative to the family itself, it matters more if the person loves and cares for them even if it is not exactly a family member.

-That's right, Jude! How are you, tho?

-Me? I am doing fantastic either too. Thank you! We had definitely an amazing Christmas eve the night before. We unboxed a couple of presents. I cannot believe what Tim gave me as Christmas gifts which I truly value but not as much as his caring and loving nature which he demonstrates in my presence.

-Oh wow! I am frankly pleased to hear that he loves you except the fact that he cares for you. I believe that he had changed for better lately especially for you, regardless the awful things that you have done along in the asylum to me and the others. You know that I have already forgiven you. 

-Aww, thank you so much, Grace! Meanwhile, I know that for which I am very grateful. - I stated with ectstatic voice whilst Tim bended his head, prepared to attack my naked neck by biting it slowly, nibbling my frail neck skin with his sharp like a vampire teeth, leaving kissing marks with his delicate but luscious lips, consequently causing me to moan silently, halfly shutted my eyes, forcing me to mutter to Tim by deflecting myself from the phone conversation, telling him with a light chuckle "Tim, you naughty Monsignor! We will leave this stuff for later on." which didn't stop him. It rather render the things much worse. He carried on by ignoring him as I was opting to pay attention to Grace.

-You are welcome! *hearing clearly well the silent gasps* What is happening, Judy? What are those gasps?- She questioned suspiciously.

-Ah, nothing! I think I am just a little too much excited for this Christmas.*cackling by justifying myself in the best way, despite that I am not a good liar* When do you want to see each other in face?- I asked.

-Oh okay!*scratching her head obnoxiously* How about to see each other tomorrow in my and Kit's house at 2PM in the afternoon if you don't mind?

-Of course, I don't mind! Can Timothy come with me?

-He can definitely join your company,of course. As far as Kit restrains himself from some kind of violence.

-I hope unless it is something really grave.

-Yeah! Likewise, I can't wait to see each other. Bye for now and send greetings to Timothy!

-Same! Also thank you and I am gotta send him greetings. Send greetings,hugs and kisses to your children and Kit! Bye, Grace!

To be continued...

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