Apology 3

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After Velika left her partner's house, she went in the hospital, where she currently works as a doctor for more than 20 years. As a tremendously experienced doctor with long career behind her life, she hadn't always a decent life.

For example, she has a son who is 25 years old nowadays, named Denis after his beloved uncle and had forsaken his mother when his adulthood had just began. He was just sick and tired of his mother as his path leaded him to worse life with rock and roll, crapulence and sex. He befriended with people in high school in 10th grade who shattered his life rather than to improving it, despite his vulnerability back then. In spite of Dr.Azarova's attempts to try to cease her son's future failure beginnings, it just got worse. When he left her, she started taking antidepressants to soothe her down, heal her pain over the loss of her son. The most significant person who left her life forever as he walked away like a stranger in the voidness. In the same time, Ms.Azarova is single as her husband died in a car accident when Denis was barely 4 years old boy as she must raise her son by herself. With her 2 bare hands. With no one by her side to support, aid her. She was a single mother after her husband passed away, unluckily. When she met Valerie 3 years ago, she was madly in love with her and vice versa.

As soon as she stepped in the hospital to work a night shift, she greeted cold-bloodedly each colleague of hers with an artificial, sensing her blood boiling infernally impetus as she oozed of bleak energy, opting to recover herself from the anger and everything else that influence her negatively. Her self-control depended of her.

By the way, she momentarily prefered to work, instead of returning back at the hollow where she felt the rage building gradually, slowly. She determined herself to stay in the hospital all night long to work, distract herself from the happened 2 days prior, reckoning today as the second day.


In the meantime, when the young mother and her daughter abided in their marvelous 1 story house, Valerie was smoking her cigarette to calm her nerves down whilst Shona was part of her company, eyeing blankly the pale yellow wall past her. One of the fewest hopes that she can rely on right now. Especially in tough moments. Whenever she can't put a finger on it. Furthermore, the house where she inhabited was feeling so empty. So empty as a pocket with nothing to lose. On other hand, it was quite serene, morbidly quiet. Like almost never before.

The night itself was mystic, unexplainable, besides so comforting. As she puffed of her cigarette, avoiding to smoke nearby her daughter who sat in the another part of the table, watching the wall yet.

"It looks like this night is going to be way longer than before." The maid exclaimed as a dim escaped her wee nostrils and her mouth, vaporing a halo of dim around herself, showering in tobacco's stench that had adhered to her amorous garments.

"Eventually yes." The little girl answered as she turned to face her mother with grave response.

"Honestly, do you like your aunt Velika?"

"Not exactly but..." Shona was cut off by her mother when she was in the middle of her sentence.


"Pardon, however, she is such a traitor. With the happened 2 years ago, she will find plenty of ways to excuse herself when she should be frank." Ms. Volkova puffed of her cigarette as she felt her erupting blood to chill down its temperature.

"Perhaps she will reborn sooner or later, asking for your forgiveness."

"To ask me for forgiveness?" The red-haired lady questioned derisively as she grinned. "Ha! She's a cheap cliché." She continued.

"At least, it will take a time for a redemption."

"Definitely, dear."


Once when Jude get back at home as she delved for the keys in her purse to unlock herself, Timothy was in the living room having a good time with Ellie and Tristan who still played with their toys, being aware of his current surroundings.

As soon as he got from the armchair, he exited the living room as he approached the front door, unlocking the door as he took immediately Judy in his arms, whilst her arms clasped around his toned upper back. They greeted each other as they wore radiant, splendid smiles. After they broke off the embrace, Jude shutted down the front door, locking it as she kicked off her sandals, hopping up in comfy, humble slippers as they walked up to the living room, sitting on the goth sofa as they watched their children, discussing variety of topics especially their children, how their day passed, Grace and the most problematic of all - the scandal between the homosexuals.

As the living room was sinking in an intense hush that had invaded, plagued every corner of the room as the sole noise sources were Ellie and Tristan's babbling, uttered unfinished words and clattering toys as they were in their tiny arms, having fun with them as they were reckless how firm are they until thry are broken.

Timothy can particularly note something out of the normal borders. The unusual silence was worrying him a lot. It was unconditionally evident. As the both parents didn't peel a single word for the last handful of minutes, the former priest didn't miss his chance to scrutinize his wife. He offered her an innocent smile as he looked up at her face, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, whilst his another hand managed to push apart of her soft hair to have a visual access to her face and her facial expressions.

"Anything wrong, Judy?" He enquired concerned as he sensed something dubious.

She released a sigh of relief as she looked up at him as their eyes momentarily encountered. Hazel meets chocolate eyes. She pursed her lips anxiously as she responded.

"It worries me my friend Valerie. I mean how challenging is going to be the life for her after her partner got out of the house with her luggage."

He pulled her towards him as he pecked a kiss on her lips lightly.

"I know, sweetheart. But tell me more about it."

She agreed to tell him laconically the happened a few hours ago as she revealed not only their scandal, further Valerie's secret as they promised to one another to not spread the word and to abide between them. After listening to her story, their eyes darted to the twins as they seeked to soothe themselves, purifying themselves spiritually from the stress and negative thoughts. They couldn't help but smile broadly to their little pearly twins, who were the center of their world and taking deliriously important role in their lives as they were the sole thing or amidst them to live for. Otherwise if they were a childless couple, it wouldn't be a big issue at all. In fact, they crave for one another more than their dreams and problems.

"Don't worry! I am completely convinced that she will get back to her sooner or later." Mr. Howard stated optimistically as he stared at Ellie and Tristan.

"Do you think so after the handled cheating  as she disguised herself in the mask of forgiveness with salty tears, ripped heart?" She inquired pesimistically, scarcely noticing any chance to be a gleeful lesbian couple again.

"Well, it depends of the lovers." He stroked her flossy golden curly hair as his fingers tangled in her long curly strands.

Sometime later...

After the couple put their children to sleep in their prominent room, thereafter taking a shower as Timothy was first and dressing up himself in a tank top with his underpants for bed whilst Judy was taking a quick, relaxing lukewarm shower as the running water touched her bare, white like a vanilla skin as her hair was tied in a messy bun, a handful of honey curls bouncing. When she finished with showering, she grabbed a towel to cover her body as she stepped out of the shower, stopping the running water, hopping up in her flip flops, balling her towel from her boson and below, opening door as she noted her husband in front of the bathroom's door as he was extremely impatient for his wife, who spent less than 15 minutes in the bathroom. 

As soon as he beholded her with nothing else on her but her towel that covered every inch from her chest and below as it abided an unexplainable secret for him as his allured chocolate eyes admired her indisputable beauty, appeal and charm as well. She was a sheer grace, in his opinion. 

To be continued...

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