Baby Twins 5

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"Okay! I will be right on time. Thank you for warning me! Goodbye!" He swiftly answered as he hadn't any patience to behold his wife, besides their second unborn twin, sensing his raced heart in this moment once the female doctor declared formally's Jude second labour.

"You are welcome, sir! Goodbye!" The last words of the doctor weren't ignored at all.

As soon as the short phone call ended, he rushed upstairs, changing himself in a plain pale blue shirt with long sleeves, followed by black slacks, black and white trainers, grabbing in hurry the house and car keys in the same time as he went immediately in his retro car, starting the engine as he managed to take a control of the vehicle in the first day of October.

In this dynamic moment, it was urgent due to its dynamicy, overwhelming and exciting emotions that predominated in his body, his blood stealthily boiling without any inhibitions as it was an animal, primordial phenomenon. He had a limited time to visit the hospital, go on the 2nd floor as he establishes himself in room 205, where his brittle, however, still struggling wife is labouring for second time, awaiting for the impending child that was completely ready to establish in this world, without any hesistations. Timothy hadn't any time for dissipation at this critical moment.

Meanwhile in the hospital...

As the former nun was napping restfully, her body utterly relaxed upon the patient's bed, abiding motionless as her snoring floated room 205's ambience as the unpredictable hush dominated over anything else. Her fatigued hazel eyes found a rest as they were shut, wearing a little, content smile across her natural, mellow lips. All she was seeking for were sole 3 things: to earn one more tough contraction, regardless how murderously painful will be so that to be prone to give a birth easier to her next unborn angel, to gather her both children with Timothy as he supports her during the labour process and to leave the hospital, relishing and spending their valuable, golden time with their newborn twins.

The newborn babies' blubber could be heard for extended period of time since the first hours of the October's morning dawned on the horizon. Reckoning even Ellie's blubber, amixed with the other babies who laid as they wriggled in their cots, whilst the midwife was looking after them, not taking her eyes off them even for a second.

Once the second contraction hit the blonde like an another circumstance with its fatal pluses and minuses, she opened widely her mouth as her yelp escaped like a rebellious prisoner, consequently the both doctors who supervised her during her first labour, entered instantly in room 205 as they rushed to take their own positions as the male doctor observed the ultrasound monitor where the second twin could be illustrated more detailed, meanwhile the younger woman fend for Jude as she faintly unwrapped the cotton blanket of her patient, revealing her broadly sprode legs as it allowed her to have an access to observe the labour's process, declaring vocally if the baby's feet looms per a push even if it's the mildest one.

"Arrgghhhhhhhhh! Where's Timothy?" Jude squealed out loud from the top of her lungs as it tire out her vocal strings, leading to worse upshots. Anyway she didn't manage either to wriggle or to move a single muscle, halfly shutted her eyes like she is about to underego a barbarous, harsh medical experiment which ideally reminded her of the typical epitome- that is literally Dr.Arden himself.

When the male doctor heard how the middle aged mother squealed, he restrained himself from yelling at his labouring patient as he focused more on the results on the ultrasound monitor, pretending like he barely had heard her feckless screams. He had much more important task to do as an excellent, professional doctor in his sphere, behind his back plenty of years of experience with variety of abundant patients, who had already passed through his office, efficient method of cure or consultations, rather than to involve a conflict with screaming in agony mother in labour, especially his current one, who had 2 faces.

The Iron lady which she was since the beginning of her nunnery, subsequently forming her personality in wise and sly way and she is still the Iron lady when she should be. Further she is quite stubborn and hardly trusts anyone; on other hand, her second face exposes the cinnamon roll she truly is, who has been through a lot of hazards and impediments, preventing her from having the nowadays life that she has, fulfilled with nothing more, nevertheless, with delirious glee, love, warmness, comprehending, heavenly hopes, finding the perfect, unique man of her dreams that she always craved for and wished she had before her nunnery and all balderdash that happened, almost like her life didn't grant her what she had always wanted before her golden age- when she reached the middle aged phase of her life; children she had always wanted to have, despite her belief of unable to have her own mini me for 2 straight decades. All she wanted through those years of her life was her own family and children, teaching them and loving them with her entire being. As an addition, her second face embodies a frail natured woman, who actually loves and is concerned for each person who had won her heart or just deserves compassion, according to her. There was an apocalypstic difference between the young and the recent Jude. The young one was granted with beauty, charm, appeal and novelty, hence, seducting plenty of men as they were bewitched of her indisputable general uniqueness outside after her fiance left her and she became the woman she had never wished to be in her life. Whereas the aging process and her nunnery gifted her with wisdom, versatility, decisiveness and tougher stamina, though her curly honey hair, white like a snow flesh abided still untouched by another man as the church didn't allow her, meantime figuring it as something against the religion and the church until a little before Jude's release and long before that, after toasting with Dr.Arden, she went in a bar and get laid with the first man, who spoke to her.

By the way, back to the cardinal moment, the younger doctor attempted to reassure her patient in labour after her excruciating squeals verbally.

"Mrs.Howard, everything is fine! Your husband is already informed about your second labour!" The younger lady informed the former nun with composed voice as she interracted to her bed as she stroke her head with her small, smooth hand through her golden scalp, throughout soothing her in the best way she could. "He is going to be here in a few minutes." She kept on as she kept an eye under her patient's robe.

What currently Jude felt when Timothy's presence was absented, it was like a slowly killing, tormenting, cold-blooded venom for her whole body, empoisoning her organs until her body conveys finally, losing the decisive fight between the life and death. Howsoever, her soul is eternal, roaming around the world especially the most visited places by her before her decease. Her pale, tear stained face can express every emotion and feeling that she felt right away like nobody doesn't needs to oppugn it. Shed a handful of sufficient crystal, wee tears tumbling down her milky face.

When she was alone with the doctors, she hadn't a right hand to help her, hold her hand during her morbid pushes.

All of a sudden, the door opened where is Jude currently transmitted as a patient, almost spending 12 hours in the same room with stew, abominable air, a scent of medicine, mixed with stinky blood and some other unpleasant odors. The person who was standing on the doorway with widely opened door was actually the angel of death, Shachath.

The gothic lady with porcelain, creamy complexion, glowing rose lipstick, layering her bottom and upper lips, her fierce, glacial blue eyes, her tender smile like a fallen angel signified something secretive. Like the blonde's days were already reckoned. Her tall, slim, elegant figure walked towards the patient bed, where the former nun laid, her black stilettos clicking against the floor. 

"Your time had came, Jude!" Shachath uttered each syllable with her serene voice tone as it taunted the blonde's inward protests for continuing to live her life, regardless the afflicting labour, draining her muscles' energy until her strength completely vanishes in the somewhere universe.

"Noooooo!" Mrs. Howard shrieked helplessly, almost ready to weep though her self-control.

Meanwhile the angel of death faded away as on her place was Timothy who arrived right on time, closing the door as he rushed to his wife, exclaiming. "Judy, rare bird, are you fine?"

"Tim!" An astonished exclamation escaped from her widely opened mouth as she urgently needed his support and help in the same time. "Help me, honey!"

"I am already here!" He interacted to her as he sat on the bed's edge, directly next to her, meanwhile he held her hand tightly, whilst his another sole available hand  managed to stroke gently her feral hair, his fingers caressed through her silky, fabulous locks, thereafter his fingers went to her chin, tilting her head as their eyes already met, developing an abysmal, mystic connection, smiling to her.

"Thank God, you are here! I sincerely needed you and need you now!"

"Don't worry, rare bird! I am with you!" 

"Push, Mrs.Howard!"

"Aaaaaaah!" Jude pushed as much as she could, meantime she was more forceful in her stamina and strength in the same time especially with her partner's intervene rather than when she is dealing with the labour by herself. 

The next minutes passed in oppressive pushes and yelps, although Judy didn't give up that easily. She ideally recalled the first time of her labouring when she mentioned one of the worst words, which mustn't exist in somebody's dictionary especially hers. All the same, she carried on with her combat. The doctor and Timothy praised her for doing a great job as the professionalists announced the progress of the former nun, until she had a handful of pushes until the another twin is in this world at last.

"One more push, ma'am!" The younger female doctor declared blissfully as she had told the couple that the baby's feet is already visible.

"Arrgghhhhhh!" Jude's last push was efficient as the first another twin's cry was a fact, floating in room 205, bringing the agog parents gleaming smiles across their blushed, sweaty faces after plenty of efforts.

At this second, the female doctor took into her hands the second child as she scanned it for enough time, proclaiming its baby's gender.

"It's a boy!" Meantime the younger woman delivered the baby to Jude initially, as she held in her secure, affectionate arms her newborn son. All what the parents currently felt was a ginormous euphoria as their son had already captured their hearts.

"Hi my little son!" Mrs.Howard spoke to the baby with cute, baby-like voice as she swayed the little boy in her arms as she studied his appearance categorically cauitious, her hazel eyes were more focused on him rather than on anything else. "Yes, I am your mother!" The blonde continued as the baby stopped crying, thereafter starting to babble eloquently into her arms as Timothy couldn't take his mesmerized chocolate brown eyes off his baby boy, meanwhile his smile grew abruptly.

"A-da!" That's all what the baby boy babbled to her parents especially his biological mother as it opened his big chocolate brown eyes, which stared in uncertain way at his mother's stunning, rejoiced face which was even much cuter than all sweets and temptations in this world. 

After the first 2 babbles of their unnamed yet child, Timothy and Jude couldn't restrain themselves from the giggle they escaped from themselves, as their wisdom and emotions betrayed them. They were as extremely lucky as they were with Ellie, who awaited for them to being picked up and being brought back at home with her parents. Moreover they spent around almost an hour with their newborn son, initially in Jude's arms, hence, transmitted from her arms to her husband's as he can have the opportunity to communicate and relish each spent moment with their nameless baby. When it was posed the question about naming the baby, Jude took a time for a while in pensive mode until the name "Tristan" popped out in her mind, naming her baby with such beautiful name with which Timothy agreed. 

Afterward the doctors told the former priest that he can take the babies and leave his wife to rest for a few hours, as he spent his leisure time in the hospital's hall, sitting before room 205 where his lovely wife is taking a break from labouring, her strength was near its edges. Before the doctors' warning and after the proud parents of twins spent some of their time with Tristan, the baby was washed, besides Tristan's birth certificate was already issued, remarking as his birth date "1st of October, 1965" as his birth time was around in 7:30AM in the morning, including his biological's parents, his birthplace and his full name as well. 

Timothy spent in his baby twins' company, speaking to them in adorable way as they babbled to him, meanwhile his muscular, protective, loving arms were holding Tristan and Ellie, swinging them, despite their biological mother's presence was lacking, unfortunately.

"What a pain is to wait for the mother to rest, meanwhile the father is the only person, who can ensure them with attention and love in their first lives' hours!" The former monsignor spoke to himself silently, consequently sighing in a relief as he looked down, gaping at the precious treasures that Jude gave to their unique, perfect family.

What was common between Timothy and Tristan was actually that, they possessed the same huge chocolate eyes, eyebrows, ears, hair texture unlike to compare the little Tristan's another physical features as his golden hair color, his lips, nose which were the same as his mother, Judy Martin Howard.

To be continued...

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