Bright Eventide

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As the evening hours advanced as Jude and Ellie had a catnap, shortly after waking up the couple helped their children to get dressed quickly in a matter of minutes. Consequently they left the children to have fun in the children's room not until it was high time to leave the mansion.

Moreover, Jude had two hour nap as she was looking forward for tonight since they are prone to be awake until midnight hours when they are going to attend the downtown restaurant where Elsa is going to have one night show since she was in Boston for two days and she has already reserved a hotel room for her and her children, who are going to be supervised by a babysitter, hired by the German.

"Looking good, Tim!" Jude winked at him as she was applying some make up such as red lipstick on her plump, alluring lips and a tad quantity mascara on her long like flattering butterfly wings eyelashes, noting his figure as he was putting on his formal shoes by sitting on the edge of the king-sized bed. In the meanwhile, the former nun seated beside the dressing table as she had finished with dressing up herself though she hasn't even shoed her feet yet and sprayed perfume.

"Thanks! You look stunning as always." He complimented her in genuine way, incapable of lying to her and twisting the circumstances. A smug, elegant smile honed up in the corner of her lips as she grasped the lipstick.

"Aw, darling! It wasn't even necessary at all." She scoffed, releasing a raspy guttural chuckle. "You are the one who's more stunning. I haven't finished with the preparation yet."

"Don't be too modest, sweetie!" Once he concluded by putting his shoes on his feet as he wore an exquisite, appealing, nevertheless, mere pale blue shirt, followed by a black blazer and navy blue slacks, Timothy got from the bed by approaching Jude as he bended by pushing away on one side her mane of silky old Hollywood honey curls to her left shoulder and assaulting the nape of her neck with feather and loving kisses, his colossal hands pawed her shoulders as she couldn't contain muffled moans, escaping her lips. Relishing the prominent, breathtaking moment as she closed her eyes, mildly lowering her head. "Regardless what you wear or put on as a make-up, you are still dazzling and unique! You shouldn't underestimate yourself."

"I am not underestimating myself. I am just mentioning a fact." The former woman of the cloth whispered in sultry manner, chuckling raspily in low voice after she finished with applying her make-up and commenced to spray certain body parts with perfume. In the interim, the former priest slowly pecked kisses on her bare back until his hand lowered to her zipper, helping her by zipping her rosewood sheath dress with long satin sleeves and round neckline, exposing partly her pale neck, dropping down slightly above her round knees.

"The fact even doesn't stops you from being gorgeous." He concluded as he rose his head, darting his warm chocolate brown orbs to the dressing table's mirror, looking up in their own reflexion, admiring her ethereal beauty that oozed from her like a fountain of grace as its brilliance bedazzled his eyes. "Just look at you!"

"You are more handsome, I can tell." Meanwhile, she got from the dressing table by sitting on the edge of the bed by putting on her black classy stilettos, perfectly matching with her evening outfit after she put on some jewelries, dark thin pantyhose, layering her slender, long legs, applied and fixed her make-up.

"How to not thank you, Judy!" Content, radiant smile blossomed on his white like vanilla face.


"I can't wait to see Elsa on the stage." Ellie exclaimed jubilantly, beyond eager to watch on live her idol with her family as the children were sitting on the back seats in the car, whereas Jude next to Timothy as he placed a hand on the top of her knee and he was driving in the same time.

"Me either." Tristan and Agnes evoked all as one, merry grins spread across their thin lips as the former monsignor was peculiarly focused on the driving process.

The Howards were inside Timothy's black car for a quarter an hour as the downtown restaurant where's Elsa Mars's show going to be perfomed tonight required a half an hour more time as her show begins right in eight o'clock, although they family left their home directly in 7.

"Timothy?" Jude addressed him sensually in low voice, glancing at his readily thorough look that was imprinted on his still young-looking, light-colored face.

"Mmmm?" He mumbled as he stopped on the red light as he had a half a minute until the traffic light's colors change, turning to his wife as their eyes met inside the partly darkened vehicle, locking up her honey brown orbs, admiring her down to earth grace. A sympathetic smile formed on his lips.

"Are you excited for Elsa Mars's show tonight?" She inquired enthusiastically, pressing her lips on his lightly as they broke off the kiss momentarily once Timothy noticed the traffic lights indicated green.

"Well, I am not a keen fan of hers but I can tell it's going to be interesting." In the meanwhile, the twins frowned once they heard Timothy's opinion on their favorite singer as they couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the both adults.

"I really don't know. All I want is the children's happiness rather than to conform with our opinions." Jude declared, rubbing her head idly as she reclined on the front seat, assisting Timothy and their children. When Ellie, Agnes and Tristan heard all this, they couldn't oppress flourishing glowing smiles across their lips.

A half an hour later, they lastly arrived near their destination as the younger man found a free parking lot to park his car as there were a handful of free parking lots. Perhaps some people are either indisputably excited for tonight's show of the German emigrant or otherwise they are somewhere nearby.

Once they got from the car as the entire family established outside, Timothy locked the car as the twins held one another's hands, uniting as siblings, whilst Agnes's both hands were grasped by her parents, aiming up to the building as they entered inside and sat on the second row that was facing the cabaret a feet and half proximity dividing as well.

When they took seats as Jude sat against Agnes as she had a special seat since she was almost three-year-old girl, whilst Timothy seated between Tristan and Judy. Ellie was sitting alongside her younger sister. Subsequently, a waiter arrived with the menu by handing it to each family member to choose wisely what to order for themselves as he fled promptly afterwards. It didn't take them a long time to choose what they actually wanted to order for themselves.

In the same time, the façade wasn't crowded at all since the Howards's arrival was mildly early, although they were being encompassed by other people, taking seats in the other parts of the restaurant whether in the south, north, west or even the east direction. As soon as they finished with surveying the menu's drinks and food, they ordered for themselves what they exactly wanted and waited circa five minutes for their order as they drowned themselves in logical, profound discussions until their ordered food and beverages were served on the booked table at last.

In a matter of minutes later, Valerie, Frank and Shona entered inside the restaurant as they recognized the sufficiently big family that has reserved a table for themselves, wearing exquisite garments, laughters diffused in the restaurant like the chirping birds' silver-tongued songs during the wee hours of the day.

"Mom and Frank, look who's there!" Shona recognized via her vision the couple with their 3 adorable children as they ambled up to a free table to take their seats especially nigh the Howards before somebody else takes their seat.

"Hey, that's Judy, Tim and their little angels!" Frank said cheerfully as he patted instinctively the maid's shoulder as the both adults couldn't suppress giggles, omitted from their throats.

"No shit, Frank!" The redhead responded in cocky way, a smug, joyous smirk honed up in the corner of her nude lipstick. "I can tell ya anything." She leant against Frank's ear once they stopped walking, seconds before reserving a table for themselves by occupying it with their presence. "We will surprise them since I know Elsa Mars isn't yar cup of tea singer and actress but I love this woman, honestly. I mean I admire her talent and the darkness she had struggled in through the years."

It was true the Russian-American and her daughter were fond of the German lady, admiring her talent and in general as well. Frank was just like Jude and Timothy. He didn't like the middle-aged artist at all.

"Fantastic idea! I don't know how your mind sparkles even in the darkest days when somebody might even struggle to overcome with something bright and genuis." The security guard added, when they sat next to one another, forming a triangle with the pre-teen.

"Well, the darkest minds have the brightest ideas." The housekeeper winked gamely at the security guard until the same waiter stepped up beside their table, taking notes by scribbling down in the compact notepad.

Shortly after ordering for themselves food and drinks as they awaited for their order patient, all of a sudden they turned to the former pious members, scrutinizing them in general. Their exuberant faces, showing the genuine hues of their emotions and feelings. Their rejoiced voices, jingling joyful tunes in their ears. Crowding cheering up multi voiced vocals. The motion of the gulped sips of bourbon liquor inside their throats. The children's euphoric voices when they spoke and expressed their immense impatience to see the bright, spectacular star of tonight.

"I have no idea if she's going to have dancers and other perfomers, collaborating with her until," The younger man uttered unsure until he shifted reluctantly his chocolate irises to the people on the other reserved table, ideally recognizing them as he arched an eyebrow. Meantime, Jude, Ellie and Agnes followed his gaze, while Tristan turned to Frank, Valerie and Shona a couple of seconds later. "Oh, Val, Frank and Shona! Hi!" He furthered awkwardly.

"Hey guys!" Valerie greeted them warmly.  "It looks like somebody is a fan of Elsa Mars." The younger lady carried on teasingly, giggling inwardly.

"Hi auntie, uncle and Shona!" The Howards' future heirs evoked in unison as Shona offered a benevolent smile, curled up in the corner of her lips.


"Oh hey there, fellas!" The former holy woman jeered affably, without offending her friends. "We aren't mainly here because we like her. Agnes, Tris and Ellie are keen fans of her." She riposted cheerfully.

"I see." The redhead winked in frolicsome manner, biting her bottom lip. "Not gonna lie, I love this woman. I have been her fan for years. Probably when I was," Meanwhile the waiter served the plates and drinks for the maid, the former cop and the young girl. As she turned to the waiter to express her gratitude, thereafter momentarily turned to the family that seated alongside them. "12 years old! That's when she was famous for being a freak show owner and she had wonderful shows with freaks until you know what befall trapped her."

"For sure!" The older woman and her husband nodded their heads, listening attentively their old friend. "It was such a pity she left the Freak show by selling it, but once she was in Hollywood, I was so happy for her reborn."

"I know how painful it is but I don't care about this woman." Judy responded pessimistically as a frown crawled on her face, taking her scotch glass of bourbon, sipping of it as she felt the severe alcohol liquor burning inside her body and in the corner of her mouth, licking greedily her lips as she fixed her hazelish-brown eyes on the younger woman. "If you know what do I mean." Valerie instantly understood the former sister of the church's words without trying to question them as she was excellently aware of her past and her deeds. 

"Indeed, I do." 

"Ladies and gentlemen," The restaurant was getting overcrowded with sea of people, eager to watch tonight's show of the German emigrant. The host appeared on the glittering pedestal, wearing jubilant face as his outfit was sumptuous, shimmering from first sight as the man's radiant grin glowed in front of the viewers, immediately floodlighting the audience and liking him. "Tonight there's a special star of Hollywood who's not only a former freak show owner, but also let's not forget," His grayish green eyes kept glued to the applauding, exulting audience as he was roving in a circle on the cabaret. "A legendary actress, singer and perfomer!" The Howards and their friends' eyes were pierced into the host and clapping their hands as he was introducing tonight's show, seconds before Elsa Mars to step up on the scene. 

"I am looking forward for this evening." Valerie whispered in the security guard's ear as she leaned her head against his ear.

"It's actually the second Elsa Mars's show in Boston and for your attention ladies and gentlemen," In this moment, the former freak show owner took a couple of steps on the floor show as a unruffled smile blossomed on her rosy red lips. "Elsa Mars!"

More rejoicing shouts and applauds diffused in the restaurant like a viral epidemy as Elsa's confidence escalated, fearlessly wandering on the podium as she wore a bright pink gown with V neckline and sleeveless, ankle length with black fur collar, cascading down to her cleavage, followed by luxurious and shining jewelries, her heels clicking the podium as the host disappeared somewhere behind the gargantuan velvety red curtains, leaving the star all alone on the stage. She held a silver microphone in her gloved hands, contemplating the audience with admiration, melting her heart as well.

As soon as the twins and Agnes beheld their idol, their dream came true at last. They couldn't be more overwhelmed by her beauty and having the chance of seeing her on live, quietly giggling and whispering to one another about her in general, whilst their parents watched the German woman. Shona and Valerie were beyond ecstatic for Elsa Mars's arrival on the stage though they refrained from being emotional as well. Jude was watching indifferently though with vague enthusiasm the artist, grabbing the silverware fork by savoring her mouth-watering dish. Whilst Timothy and Frank noted something about the slightly dark-haired woman on the stage. She eerily resembled Jude and little did they know what's their actual relationship whether sister twins or another family member.

"Hallo everyone!" She spoke with her firm German accent that accentuated in her first word, clearing her throat twice as her hypnotizing voice allured the audience at once, earning more cheers and applauds. "Well, it's ginormous pleasure to be here in Boston not for first time as the gentleman himself said." She carried on with her foreword monologue.

"Yeah!" Murmuring spread in the restaurant as it wasn't enough audible for the actess's ears though she was all ears.

"As you know, tonight it's going to be a very remarkable one with you, Bostonians and non-Bostonians." Husky chuckle escaped her rosy red lips, flaring her gown's hem by swaying lightly her hips. "It's visible how excited are you. It's my enormous pleasure to be here and bring smiles on your faces. What shall I sing for ya?" The artist enquired uncertain. All of a sudden, variance of voices swam in the audience. "So last you insist to start with either Bottle of Wine or Put a little love in your heart

Majority of the audience insisted Put a little love in your heart, whereas Jude and Frank preferred rather Bottle of Wine. 

"As you say, ladies and gentlemen! Let's start with Put a little love in your heart. Are you ready for the show?"


"Let's start then." The background music's instrumental played in the cabaret. Abundance of applauds encouraged the middle-aged single mother of 2 to begin. "Think of your fellow man. Lend him a helping hand. Put a little love in your heart. You see it's getting late."

Ellie, Agnes, Shona, Tristan and Valerie gaped at the floor show as their attention was utterly focused on Elsa Mars's swaying hips, subtle hand gestures and her extraordinarily honey-mouthed voice, molting their hearts and filling them with undeniable pleasure and bliss. Whereas Timothy was savoring his salad while Jude played idly with her manicured fingers, still listening her pressumable doppelganger, according to her husband and old friend. 

"She's awesome. Oh fuck!" Ellie exclaimed though she earned her parents' mortified looks, inked on their faces as she offered them a vicious grin. "What?"

"You just said a word with f, miss Ellie!" Jude cautioned, coughing.

"It's not okay to swear, darling. It's not your fault at all." Timothy's hand  managed up to the little girl's shoulder, rubbing it as a sympathetic smile honed up in the corner of his soaked lips of the bourbon. 

"You want to say it's my fault, Tim?" 

"I said it's not Ellie's fault for being taught to swear."

"Tim, for goddamn sake! Don't you think, thanks to our discussions where you swear you taught something beneficial the little princess?" The blonde bickered the dark-haired man, ironically giggling. 

"It wasn't me the person who swears that much as you."

"Tim! You want our children to swear like sailors?"

"Oh, please don't hesitate.  Put a little love in your heart. And the world will be a better place. And the world will be a better place. For you and me. You just wait and see." Elsa's eloquent voice conquered the audience, rambling arond the stage, closing her eyes for a while, relishing the moment of being acclaimed and crying out loud her name. 

"It's not my fault their mother swears more than an educated priest, Sister Jude." Timothy attempted to tease Jude through his malicious grin as she faked her grimaced face when she was being addressed Sister Jude. 

"Hey, Judy and Tim! What are you thinking you are doing?" Frank questioned sheepishly as he turned to the arguing couple, sniggering at their petty, infantile chatter.

"Frank, we are just discussing something personal about the children."

"Oh pardon me!" He spread his hands in defeated way, furthering with watching Elsa Mars's show. "I didn't mean to."

"It's okay." The former sister of the church forgave him.

"Another day goes by. Still the children cry. Put a little love in your heart. If you want the world to know. We won't let hatred grow. Put a little love in your heart." The German lady chanted joyously, entertaining the audience. 


As Father McKenzie was yet driving on the highway as ebony shadows prevented him from seeing the nigh objects clearly though his car's lights illuminated partly his path, thrumming to himself a tune. He was already in Boston though on the border of Boston and Marlborough. His car's radio played inside the car, entertaining him: 

"Don't you know it's gonna be alright. Alright, alright. You say you got a real solution. Well you know." The Beatles sang to him. 

Once Alexander was driving and he was cardinally focused on his path, suddenly one dark figure emerged in the middle of the path as his foot pressed the petal, stopping driving as he verged to be involved in a car crash, hitting a hit-and-run person. The figure looked similar to him. It wasn't a masculine one. What blocked his path was actually a woman, gazing down at his relieved face that he currently wore. Relieved of not hitting the unknown figure yet.

To be continued...

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