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Timothy's POV

It was the early afternoon as well. My wife was at work. Anyway I was at home, wearing a black long-sleeved blouse with a pair of ordinary jeans and slippers on my feet, drinking a green tea in the living room as I had already determined myself to phone the job's offer for kindergarden's teacher via the newspapers. 

Once I started to phone the phone number, pending for a response as soon as possible. A female husky voice answered as she enquired:

-Hello?- A middle aged woman answered my call as she echoed.

-Hello Ma'am! I am amongst one of the candidates who is tremendously enthusiased to work with kindergarden children as their teacher. Furthermore, your job offer on the newspapers grabbed my attention instantly once it was related with a collaboration with children.- I replied to the older woman as she coughed in the end of my last sentence.

-Very good, Mister! I am glad to hear that. It would be quite delighting if we know your name as you could tell us right away.- The unknown lady's voice kept on as she insisted to know my name as well. 

-Timothy Howard! - I replicated abruptly as I was aloof, nevertheless, I am going to be extremely proud and gleeful if they suggest me an interview on my supposed new working place.

-Timothy Howard, right? *I hummed with a brief "Yes!" then the elder female continued* Mr.Howard, my name is Angela Lynch! Your future boss if you pass your interview apparently.- Angela inhaled and exhaled in hoarse way as she permitted herself to cough for second time since the beginning of our phone conversation which annoyed me a bit though I didn't express my pretentions at all.

-It is my enormous pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Angela Lynch!

-It is mine either too, Mr.Howard! Likewise your interview is going to be tomorrow...*puffing a cigarette in this moment* exactly in 11 o'clock in the late morning. I will be awaiting for you inside the kindergarden. Don't worry if you feel lost and sluggish, I am going to be your guide in my facility. 

-*sighing in a relief, throughout replying at last* Thank you once again, Mrs.Lynch! Goodbye and have a wonderful day! 

-Goodbye, Mr Howard! Have a nice and splendid day too!

Thereafter the phone conversation ended as I closed the phone as I decided to breath some fresh air outside whilst holding my mug with green tea in my left hand, rejoicing in wandering around my fabulous and breathtaking yard. 

Personally, I couldn't resist the first day of the spring's natural beauty and charm that seduces me spiritually with its enchanting landscape of the beaming sun in the lucid, barely cloudy sky, the breeze blowing into my hair meanwhile the sunrays touching, fondling gently my head with its warm sensation. The trees and flowers that surround me were blooming rapidly like little children. The nature was literally blossoming like a sacred fruit of God! 

All of a sudden, there was a mailman who put a new message inside the mailbox, then he vanished as he kept on. I cannot remember the last time when I checked my messages via the mailbox, nonetheless I pressume that currently is a better idea as well. As soon as I interracted to the mailbox, opening the compact door, there was a message, checking what is inside and there was a letter for me with similar handwriting which could remind me of somebody who I know clearly well. It is my older brother John from England who wrote such a touching, heartbreaking and adorable letter to me. It was written in this way as I began reading it, my eyes utterly focused on the letter rather than on anything else:

Hello my younger brother Timothy!

It has been a long time since we haven't spoken to each other. Perhaps 10 years since you have established in the USA!

I don't know how is hurting me that we haven't spoken to each other for the last 10 years. I don't know how is your recent life. Are you successful? Are you blissful? Are you feeling much better? Or otherwise worse? 

Recently, I and my current wife are expecting our first grandchild in June this year! My both children are living happily after though they struggled in the beginning. I don't know about your love life yet. I would be definitely pleased to hear of you. 

All I want to tell you directly my brother is that I truly love you and I really miss you, regardless the conflicts between you and our beloved mother Julietta. She is currently living with us, although she torments us with its her caprices. 

Looking forward to hear from you as you can call me via this phone number: ...

From your beloved brother who loves you 


Once I took my time to read it, I was touched and I shed a handful tears, in spite of my powerful and pragmatic character, scarcely the grief and sadness to win over my soul and mind along. They trailed like a waterfall, meantime wiping them with my thumb, silently sobbing to myself. It would be a shame if Jude or somebody who loves me with their whole heart beholds me in such a condition like this one for example. As I lowered my head, gaping at the glistening grass, then I soothed myself inwardly in a particular way as it stopped momentarily. I recalled my older brother John who was with 2 years older than me. He was about Judy's age, admitting it frankly.

-J-John?- My last flowing tears were wipped lastly as I whispered timidly my elder brother's name with a little trouble.

Consequently, I tilted my head as I went immediately back, calling my brother as I pressed each number's button until the response is an actual fact. Unless I heard that masculine voice which reminded me of my sibling:

-Hello?- John exclaimed with his decent British accent.

-Hi John. It's me!- I said fluently as I was somewhat insecure.

-Oh hello there, Tim! My Brother! I have missed you so much!- He stated with desperate voice. 

-I have missed you very much too, John!*sighing in a relief* How are you, brother?- I questioned in caring way.

-I am well, thank you. How about you too, Tim?

-I-I am fantastic, thanks. Also I am so delighted to hear that you are doing well. - As I pronounced the first words in my first sentence, I stuttered accidently.

-Glad to hear that! *exhaling crustily* How is your life going? Are you completely sure that you are fantastic?- John doubted in me once I stammered.

-My life is rather ideal! Everything is alright. Even myself! - I justified myself as I sensed that John is going to ask me something really awkward. 

-*cackling* Great! I thought there was something dubious in your speech but please don't be offended, Tim! Are you still that divine and striving for power and glory Monsignor or properly said priest?

-Not anymore!- I uttered with a firm voice.

-Excuse me? Tim? I knew you since a little boy how you wanted to become one of the most staunched, respected and worshiped Anglo-American priests you even declared that speech in front of us with our mother, father and our siblings a little before your emigration to the USA.- Suddenly I felt my face all flushed like a tomato as the intense moment knocked on the door.

-I had already changed my mind for those passed 3-4 months. I don't want to be a priest anymore. You hear me?

-Why, tho? Explain to me if you are feeling comfortable.- John begged me for more detailed explaination as it was obvious.

-Because I made one of the biggest sins that I have ever done in my life, barely forgiving myself for doing it during my times as a priest in the asylum where I used to work with somebody significant.- I stated brutally honest as I wasn't afraid what my brother is going to think of me afterward.

-Go ahead!- My elder sibling was paying fully attention to each word that I had syllablled until this moment.

-The sin that I have done was actually to harm the person who mostly cared and loved me and she still does though we are much far away from that snake pit. Moreover, I was quite naive when I fired her meanwhile believing her enemies as I wasn't fighting by her side instead. I realised that mistake as soon as one of the nuns who is the younger one was possessed by the Satan, doing atrocious and sinister things to me and my nowadays wife such as raping me on the bed where Jude used to sleep and had spent her insomniac nights of Briarcliff. Eventually, I earned forgiveness from Jude as I promised her to get her out of this naemous place as we left in December the last year, taking her into my car with her packed items and belongings as she was scruffy like the other inmates in the facility, a little before that Father Malachi wasn't satisfied at all for listening to my final decision which was to resign of the church, starting my life from the beginning.*swallowing a gulp in my throat, therefore I heard John telling me to keep on with the story* I drove ourselves in our villa that is located a far away from Briarcliff as we began from the beginning everything. One of my hugest sins is and will always be for abandoing Jude when she needed me mostly.- I narrated as my heart felt relieved when I told everything straightforward.

-You have a wife? And her name is Jude? That's very exciting and marvelous, Tim! I am truly glad for you for that you are together nowadays. Also I am rather cheerful to hear that you have realised your goofy mistakes for forsakening her when you had to stand for her. Otherwise as a wise younger sibling of mine, that is so mature and well done of your side. Bravo, Timothy! - My older brother applauded me for telling him the story how exactly it is actually.

-Aww, thank you! *inhaling and exhaling in the same time* I have never felt that euphoric and proud for having an unique woman with me who loves, cares, supports and respects me, no matter what I used to do to her when I removed her from her position as a nun. 

-You are such a lucky man to have a splendid and down to earth wife. Tell me more about this woman!

-Well, I don't know from where to begin...but there is so much to tell you about her like she is an abysmal and abstract novel, without an ending. I can recall perfectly well in the late 50s as it was September 1959 when it was the first time when I had encountered her, a little before that I parked my car near an angel statue that belongs to the institution's zone as I was warmly welcomed by the Mother Superior Mother Claudia, thus 5 nuns including the youngest one who used to be obediant and something like a teacher's pet nun Mary Eunice to the most charismatic one, despite a little older age than mine- Judy! As I handshaked with each nun, I sensed indifferent sensation unless I shaked Jude's hand, feeling something totally different and enthralling in the same time that trembles my sprituality. After the introduction, Mother Claudia had chosen Jude to guide me around the institution as she took me on a tour around Briarcliff, meeting with certain inmates and most of her colleagues and helpers including her best friend Frank who...unfortunately, passed away. *whispering "God bless him! May he rest in peace!" with a few tears that I shed moments ago* Thereafter we came into her office where we had a short discussion as we organised for the upcoming 5 days a first private dinner between us. In the end of our first encounter, we swapped an embrace. We didn't want to scatter, however, the destiny played its own cards. After all, we have crush on each other for many years...possibly 5 years if we aren't mistaking the facts. We are currently married and the cherry of the cake is...we are expecting our very first child in the next 6-7 months. 

-Oh Wow! What a brilliant love story of both of you! *taking a deep breath in desperate way* I wish I could be with you brother so that to see your wife and when your wife gives a birth to see your holy angel. Howsoever...howsoever, I don't know when I could pay a visit to you to behold you and your wife Jude for a few days only.- He exclaimed with deeply shocked voice as he was even more intrigued to listen to my love story with Jude. It was pretty evident, of course. 

-Awww! *feeling my cheeks heating even more per a second, not resisting myself from the widening smile across my shining face* I wish I could see you right now, John! By the way, you can actually pay a visit here anytime. Whenever you are available and you wish!- I reassured my brother as I remained tranquil and smart.

-Oh really? Thank you! I am planning to buy a ticket for Boston, Massachusetts either today or tomorrow for one person so that to visit you this weekend if you don't mind. 

-Of course, I don't mind, John! I told you already that you can visit us anytime. Whenever your heart tells you the appropiate time! - I proclaimed with an enormous confidence, wearing a broad smile.

-Alright! For sadly, we should seperate for this moment due to that our mother didn't stop mumbled dissatisfied for the last 30 minutes that have passed so quickly. 

-Oh, no problem! Everything is okay. I didn't know that we are already speaking to each other for straight a half an hour. 

-Oh the same feeling! Anyway send greetings to your lovely wife and wishing you a nice and splendid day, brother! Bye!

-I will forthwith as soon as I behold her. Send greetings to mother, father and siblings! Bye and wishing you a wonderful and peaceful day too! Thanks for this amazing phone conversation between us, John!

-You are welcome. I will either too! Bye!

Lastly we finished our conversation as I couldn't be more joyous due to that I am speaking to my brother 10 years later. The last time when we spoke to each other was a long time ago...around the beginning of 1955, a little before my deportation in the another part of the world. As I spent around a couple of minutes, reading John's letter via the mailbox, I eventually recalled myself of one of my most relative people in my British family. Further, I am so cheerful due to the fact that John didn't insult me and was supporting and respecting in the entire time as I told him everything about our essential facts about my relationship with my rara avis and how I am candidly regretting for the caused damaged to her. He wished to learn more about this extaordinary wife that I possess though the limited time and outlying distances between us. It's such a long story about me and my brother how we seperated 10 years ago including with my family, saying to them goodbye, a few hours before my luggage was into my bare hands, travelling in the USA, pursuing one of my dreams which wouldn't render me satisfied at all. It would rather adjust my needs but dying completely alone, without love, without warmness, without romance, without sensuality. A definite self-centered and fanatical life, dedicated to the religion, the church and God! Those 3 things aren't as remarkable as the only person who I frankly worship with my whole heart to the moon and back- Judy! My rare bird! As an addition, I can't wait to see my brother as soon as possible, besides my wife to reborn back at home because I was dying without her. On other hand, I am quite rejoiced due to that I am going to be interviewed tomorrow, subjected on a difficult choice from the fate and my boss if I am either going to employed until I retire or the interview is going to be an intact failure. Even if I am not employed, I am going to live with my wife happily with my fortune.

To be continued...

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