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The next day...

2nd of October, 1965

As the first rays of sunshine illuminated the half opened curtains in the couple's sanctuary, gleaming the cute, extraordinary baby twins' faces, Jude and Timothy drowned into each one's warm, loosen cuddles, wearing nothing else but their sleep garments, hugging their bodies. In the meantime the sleeping twins, whose sleep was peaceful, suddenly their cries spread in the room like echoes. 

Once Ellie and Tristan started blubbered, the parents woke up either too as they turned on the other side, rubbing their eyes as they rose slightly their bodies, stretching.

"I am going to take care of this business!" Jude promised as she got from the bed, unwrapping the blanket that blanketed her.

"Okay, sweetheart!" Mr.Howard replied simply to her question, meanwhile he got from the bed as he headed directly to the bathroom to do the basic daily things every morning, as he hopped up into his slippers.

Once the blonde interracted to her baby twins', she took each of them per an arm, opting to soothe them as she shushed, rocking them in the same time.

"Ssssshh! Ellie..." Her eyes moved from Ellie to Tristan, moving them as swiftly as a compass's arrow, smiling to each twin, watching their puffy, but still beauteous faces. "Tristan! Mama is here." She continued as their cries faded down abruptly, then their huge eyes looked up into their mother's face in uncertain, howsoever, loving way.

"I think you are hungry!" She sat on the bed as she peeled her flossy azure nightgown's spaghetti straps, meanwhile the both siblings began babbling, yearning for their mother's milk as they were quite hungry, one of the cardinal reasons why they woke up their parents, perceived as perfectly normal phase of their lives since it's nearly their second day since they are residing in this world. 

"Ada!" Each baby's babbling sounded eloquent for her barely rhythmic ears in the early Saturday morning, as she began nursing them once her slip's cleavage part was peeled from clinging her full, round breasts with its sensitive tiny pink nipples.

When the nursing process was still in action as the blonde held her babies in dexterous way, her palm touching the back of their heads, Timothy left the bathroom as he witnessed how his wife's chest was bare as she breastfeeded her children, abiding mesmerized by the landscape, his chocolate eyes were filled with fervor, his eyes were goggled in her current action as she peeped at him oddly initially, thereafter a chuckle escaped from her mouth as he sat next to her, cupping her chin as he pursued for her magnificent, entrancing hazel eyes, that were focused on the children when all of a sudden they moved from her children to his husband's.

"Good morning, rare bird!" He exclaimed with his twinkling, soft lips, broadly smiling to her.

"Good love!" She stuttered when Tristan, her son bite her nipple, restraining herself from shrieking. Her smile grew after uttering each word with beatific voice.

"I am so sorry for not telling each other good morning when the children woke us up." She kept on as she excused herself, feeling somewhat shamefaced as her cheeks began heating lightly.

"You don't need to be sorry." The former priest cupped her both cheeks into his mammoth, veiny hands, attempting to reassure her. "The children are important to being supervised." 

"You are right! I love you, darling!"

"I love you too, honey!" Then their lips crashed as they kissed romantically and sweetly, in spite of the brief kiss, quite soon breaking off the kiss. "I am going to make a breakfast. It will be a suprise, of course!" He continued a several seconds before he stands, underneath his palms sensing her creamy, vanilla flesh of her cheeks as he could watch her still gorgeous face for a middle aged woman, her unbrushed yet, curly honey hair ideally framing her face's shape, all day all night long. As she placed her hands over his, sensing the warm, astounding sensation, meantime they smiled warmly to one another's as he kissed her temple, thereafter getting from the bed, heading to the kitchen as he descended the stairs.

As soon as Mrs.Howard finished with nursing her twins, fixing her slip's spaghetti straps, she changed their diapers, despite her revolt of the smell since she hasn't convened so much with changing a baby's diapers as well. Once she changed them, she dressed them up in casual, comfy clothes as she kissed each one's foreheads, stroking their heads as she promised them to not leave them for longer time as she had to clean herself, brush her teeth, wash her face and hands. 

An hour later...

Once they finished their breakfast as Timothy washed the dishes, thereafter the couple took off their pajamas as they settle free their bodies from their sleep garments into casual clothes, putting Ellie and Tristan in the double badger basket, throughout leaving the house as the front door was locked, walking to the church in the Saturday's fog that prevented them from beholding from farer distance certain things, opting to orientate as much as they could.

During the walk as they spoke to each other and the baby twins' tunable babbles fulfilling their hearts with felicity, ataraxis, Jude's heart sank since they arrived outside, drowning into the abysmal, stormy seas of her mind, where either any insecure or even serene thought swam, floating if it is severer when she thought of christening their baby twins in the nearby church, constantly thinking how the nuns and some priests are going to perceive her since she has 2 children on her back, a husband on whose shoulder she can cry and she isn't devoted to the church as much as she used to be during her nunnery. She can already imagine how some nuns and priests would be capable of recognizing both of them, as former members to the church, a former nun and a former monsignor. 

All of a sudden, she sighed in a relief when they were their halfway, a handful of minutes dividing them to enter in the church. Timothy was definitely concerned, noting anything wrong in her, sensing something to bedeviling her heart and mind in the same time. Her sigh in a relief was a sign either of anxiety or just a simple sigh.

"Anything wrong, Jude?" He questioned her as they kept on with their walking, being extremely concerned about her and her condition as well, grimacing his face.

"N-No!" She lied, pretending like there's anything wrong. The former priest could excellently smell and sense whenever his wife either is pretending, playing it silly or is telling the truth. His intuition had already informed him after receiving her simple answer "No!" means that the things aren't well.

"But rare bird?" He insisted to find out what's the grotesque thing that tormented his wife, despite she didn't want to bother him with problems after the twins' birth.

"I know that you would like to know it, however, it's so dull and immature." Mrs.Howard's pigheaded reply urged Mr.Howard, himself, to stop their walking as he grabbed her by the elbow, spinning her as their directions were against each one, lastly having an access to eye contacts as the blonde lowered her head slowly, gradually in shame.

"Sweetie!" He slightly cocked up her head as he pursued for her hazel eyes that radiated peccantness, holding her chin with 2 fingers, his smile mildly grew, meanwhile her heart raced sharply. "I know everything about you! Even if it's the immaturest thing that I am going to hear from you, it won't bother me at all." He continued.

"If you say so..." She was cutt off in the middle of her sentence, barely having the chance to continue it ever again.

"I know that you don't want to tell me something which tortures your mind, not willing to ruin our mood of having our baby twins, right?" 

She nod modestly instead of peeling a single word. Then he carried on.

"Are you so anxious to attend the church for christening our little angels?" He enquired even more serious, in spite of his composed tone, holding her chin as their faces inch forward, almost no space between their faces as their intenseful stares magnified with its ferocity strength of passion and love. 

She whispered humbly with a quiet agreement as he managed to comfort her in a tight, warm hug, wrapping his both arms around her upper back, pulling her closer towards him as their chests pressed against each one, in the meantime, she clasped her both arms around his broad, strong shoulders. Their pounding hearts beated against another one's with immensity. After they broke off the hug, he soothed her with the magic words:

"Don't worry, sweetheart! You shouldn't be so influenced of their opinions about you. Because we aren't part of the church, secularism anymore. We are just a pious family or just used to be secular faces of Boston."

"You are absolutely right!"

"All you need is to relax," He said with tranquil voice as he grabbed her hand, dragging out to his lips, kissing it lightly as she blinked. "Okay, Jude?" Then she nod her head, concuring with his inquire. "Good!" He kissed her forehead a little before to continue their own way as she felt the impressible feeling of comfort, encouraging her to ignore the godly church figures.

After a couple of minutes walking in the fog as they orientated, finding the church at last, there were a handful of wandering nuns around the saint building. Once they climbed each stair, Timothy rotated her head as he placed his palm on her scalp, spinning her head as they faced each one, aiming for her unique, glistening hazel eyes, noting her dimly flushed face as he cupped one cheek in his only available hand for this moment, looking up in another one's eyes, smiling to her like an Archangel.

"Are you okay?" Mr.Howard posed the question, seeking for her honest response.

"I think so!" The former nun replied quite nervously.

"Don't be nervous! That is all I would like to tell you before entering in the church and christening our little angels."

"Okay! Pardon me!"

"No need to pardon yourself. It's understanding this feeling as well."

As soon as they pushed the wide church's wings, establishing inside the empty church where Father Malachi's eyes were darted on his forthcoming speech in a few hours, the sound of opening wings distracted his attention as he looked at the walking figures which he perfectly can recall as they held a badger basket with their baby twins. 

Initially the priest smiled a little as he wanted to render a good impression of the couple, acknowledging the fact that they would like their newborn children be baptized. The 3 adults arranged the baptizing, despite Ellie and Tristan began blubbering once the old priest took each of them as he executed the christening process.

"I christen thee, Ellie Martin Howard, in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit." The ancient priest uttered each syllable with saint voice, meanwhile pouring some holy water over the first twin's head. 

Then he handed the baptized baby to Jude as the parents watched normally, wearing  faint smiles across their lips as Timothy handed Tristan to the elder man. In this moment, the middle aged woman managed to sway into her protective, affectionate arms her baby daughter after the christening, soothing her as Timothy peeped at them with a broad smile as he was impatient to witness his baby boy's christening.

"Don't worry, Ellie! It was just baptizing!" Once the blonde comforted her babygirl as each composed syllable crossed through the little girl's ears, her cry vanished as she started babbling to her mother as her big hazel eyes were darted into her mother's shining face, like her eyes were smiling. 

"I baptize thee, Tristan Martin Howard, in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit." Afterward Father Malachi handed Tristan to Mr.Howard as he held his son by his back, watching his huge chocolate eyes smiling to him as he didn't cry so much a little after the baptize unlike his slightly older sister with a few hours. 

Then Father Malachi questioned the couple if they don't mind to be photographed altogether after the christening as they didn't mind at all, accepting with a smile to be photographed as a professional photographer snapped a photo, aiming alongside at the priest, the former secular faces of the church with their twins. Hence, they thanked him for baptizing Ellie and Tristan, besides the photograph as the both sides had a polaroid photo, collecting it as an eventful photograph, saving in their photoalbums. Eventually the couple left the church as they went back at home satisfied.

To be continued...

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