Double Trouble

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The next morning...

15th of June, 1965

It was 6 o'clock in the morning when Timothy woke up as he wriggled, in fact to not wake up and disturb along his wife, who was still sleeping peacefully, sweetly as she savored every moment, either spent with Timothy or in the bed, or definitely both , relaxing, preparing mentally and physically for her working day except her upcoming doctor visit in the hospital.

Once he got from the bed, he hopped up in cozy slippers, his first direction was the bathroom, doing the same daily stuff as usually.

Afterwards he descended the stairs as he headed to the kitchen, searching in the refrigerator for ingredients such as bacon and eggs including some milk. He wore still his sleeping garments as well. He determined himself to prepare a breakfast for his wife such as boiled eggs with bacon and some warm milk.

Meanwhile Jude woke up in an empty bed as she rubbed her still somnolent eyes, stretching her body and arms in the same time. It somewhat astonished the blonde for waking up lonely, while on other hand she relieved herself, swallow a gulp in her dry throat, telling herself:

"Perhaps he is preparing the breakfast."

Then she got from the bed as she hopped up in her snug slippers, walking up to the bathroom, doing the daily stuff as always which doesn't takes more than 5 minutes for having it done manually.

Once she left the bathroom, she beholded momentally her husband, serving a platter onto her night table, containing bacon, eggs and a glass of warm milk, just for her.

She couldn't be happier, nevertheless, her brittle heart molten like a chocolate due to the downtime's high temperature, her smile emerged from nowhere else, but it emerged as a broad, radiant like a Sunshine. Her abstract, down to earth hazel eyes glistened, resembling limpid, hallow blinking stars in nightly sky. What it was domineering in her facial expression was a particular felicity.

"Morning, rare bird!", Timothy stated rejoiced with a broad, radial smile across his shining face of béatification as he was always cheerful to contemplate his amorous wife every second and momen when his opportunities actually permit him. 

"Morning, darling! ", she said with rather overjoyed but dim composed voice as she interacted to Timothy, pursuing for each other's luscious morning kisses, as soonas he left the platter upon the night table, before the night lamp. 

After their kiss as he cupped her cheeks, gaining a greater view of her face in his warm, colossal palms as he held her face whilst she managed to clasp her hands around his nape, her fine, flimsy fingers caressing delicately her smooth, white like snow neck's skin.

In this moment, the former nun hummed as Timothy couldn't shield himself, howsoever, his smile grew as his heart heated abruptly.

"How did you sleep and how are you, my ray of sunshine?"

"I slept well though... I am a bit anxious and excited in the same time for the doctor's visit. Thanks! How about you too?", Mrs. Howard enquired as her cheeks slightly applied naturally rose hue once she recalled what's coming in a few hours, meanwhile Timothy tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I am well and I slept well too, thank you!", he declared casually. "You don't need to be that nervous, sweetheart! The doctor's visit will pass fine." He kept on by comforting his wife as he played with her hair, as his fleecy voice, suddenly, calmed her down.

"I hope so, babe!", then she sat on the edge of the bed as she started to eat from her breakfast over the platter, being cautious, her nostrils sensing the strong aroma of bacon, eggs and warm milk while her husband Mr.Howard observed how Jude savored each bite of the scrumptious breakfast. It brought him a smile, of course.

Sometime later...

Once Jude was over with the breakfast, Timothy promised to wash the filthy plate and glass as she started preparing by making their bed and choose something to wear for the rest of her day. 

When Timothy finished with one of the main chores, he came back at their bedroom as he finds Jude sitting in front of the dressing table, as she managed to put on her pierced ears her silver earrings, having on her larger sized body a casual red tartan dress with flutter short sleeves, boat neckline, black classy chunks, her ruby-sapphire bracelet on her right wrist as always. As she was sitting behind the dressing table, Jude brushed her hair with her hair brush, as the hair brush's teeth crossed flowingly through the scalp and locks like a crusade.

"You look so beautiful in this dress and generally, honey!", Timothy approached her as he left a kiss on her cheek as he bended, his fingers brushing her shoulders' flesh, wearing a broad, satisfied smile across his natural lips.

"Aww, thank you, my love! But I am almost ready!", she said as he opened widely the wardrobe which they shared it with each other as it comprises their clothes and underwear, looking for something to put on himself.

"It doesn't matter because you will be still my beautiful rare bird even if you had the trashiest clothes on yourself,  being absolutely natural."

"Aww! You are so sweet, Tim!", she finished with brushing her hair as she sprayed some perfume on her bouncy, silky, long curly honey hair, her neck, her chest and arms, stood from the dressing table's stool. 

A several minutes later...

As they went in the hospital, awaiting before Missy Stone's office, Jude held her pregnant belly, meantime Timothy soothing her, telling her that everything is going to be fine. Likewise she rested her head on his chest, her ear attached to his ribs as the blonde could hear the sweet, adequate heart beats of the former monsignor, as his hand held her waist, his hand caressing her belly as it was upon her petite one. Jude sighed in a relief as soon as Missy Stone's office door opened, noticing the both adults sitting as the young nurse accepted them directly.

Once they established themselves inside the young woman's cabinet, they sat on the chairs as they started a grave discussion, a little before the conversation, greeting each other with a handshake:

"So what brings you here again?"

"I had sensed that there's more than one baby that kicks violently my belly lately. Is it possible to have twins?", the blonde replied Dr.Missy Stone's questions frankly as she abided composed.

"Well, it is possible.", sighing in a relief as the younger lady answered the older lady's question, keeping on."First of all, we should monitor your belly to make sure if you are really candid behind your words, Mrs.Howard!"

"Alright! Furthermore I am currently in the 5th month pregnant.", the younger woman gestured the couple to go in the next room that is attached to Missy Stone's office, to monitor Jude's bump as well.

"I perfectly remember of telling you to arrive when you are about in 7th month pregnant. However, since you insist to monitor your baby, besides your urgent arrival...the things will be done as you wish."

As the couple arrived the neighbouring doorless room as Jude laid on the patient's bed when Missy Stone placed in the center of the former nun's bump the fetal tool, as she sat on her royal blue swivel chair, checking the monitor, reassuring the future mother that the results will be released immediately in the upcoming few minutes, when Timothy sat before Jude, grabbing her hand as his thumb kneaded the back of her small, frail hand, gaping at each other's eyes, smiling to each other, shushing to her:

"Everything is going to be alright, sweetie!", he smiled as Timothy kissed her forehead, stroking her hair whilst holding her hand. 

When on the monitor displayed how the things are exactly going with Jude's pregnancy, it could be clearly seen how there are 2 babies in the middle aged woman's belly instead of 1, as she scarcely believed in the beginning.

"It seems you are having twins, Mrs.Howard!", Missy Stone exclaimed recklessly as her charming smile was pretty evident to the couple for being delighted for them that they are expecting to have twins very soon.

"Twins? I knew it.", the blonde uttered hysterically blissful as they were overwhelmed due to their anticipation for more than 1 unborn child.

"Aren't you euphorically delighted about it, rara avis?", Timothy inquired as he arched an eyebrow rejoiced.

"Of course, I am, Timothy! Can't you see my actual happiness?"

"Of course, I can see! Since you are carrying our babies, your smile and blissfulness are the most important things!"

"We are done with everything. I would like to thank you for attending my office, Mr. and Mrs.Howard!"

"No problem! We couldn't be more delighted and grateful for this and everything else, Mrs. Stone!"

"No need to thank me!", the nurse let out a light chuckle as she was about to send them out of her office, saying goodbye to them.

"Goodbye and have a nice day, madam Stone!", the both partners in love smiled to the doctor as they were about to leave her office.

"Goodbye and thank you! Have a wonderful day!"

Then the door slammed as they established themselves in the hall of the hospital, taking an elevator as they pressed the button for the first floor as they kissed each other passionately as they couldn't be much gleeful for awaiting in the next 4 months twins. When they were in the elevator, they striked a short conversation:

"Double trouble, honey! We are so lucky for expecting them very soon.", Judy said cheerfully as she wrapped her both hands around his neck as he grabbed her by her waist, kissing each other lusciously, stating with slightly fevered, horny voice, overstraining her breath as their kisses grew more aggressive, consequently their tongues started dancing against each one.

"Yeah, babydoll!", he moaned quietly as she did too when his monstrous, protective hands moved precisely from her waist to her magnifying buttocks, grasping them firmly, a handful seconds before the elevator stop right on the first floor. "What a fortunate luck, isn't it, hm?"

"Indeed, that's right!"

They broke off the steamy kiss, once the elevator rendered a sound of stopping on the accurate floor as they stepped out of the elevator, leaving the facility as it was 7:30AM in the morning as Jude wanted to spend some of her time on Timothy's working place until she should reborn back at the restaurant.

To be continued...

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