Halloween 1

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A few weeks later...

31st of October, 1965

Around the early afternoon of the last Sunday of October dawned, the entire Howards family were so excited for Halloween's party as well. Not only the couple were doing it for themselves, furthermore for Tristan and Ellie. To have some fun and to have great memories of their first Halloween altogether! Despite the fact that the baby twins were a month old only, narrowly to recall it proximately 10 years later at least, unless somebody reminds them, either Jude or Timothy, or probably their both loving parents! The Halloween party is going to take a place at Howards family 2 story house with a handful of guests who are invited by the former secular faces of the church. They were Kit, Grace with Thomas and Julia, Ramona and Charlotte. 

The day before Halloween, the Howards family went to shop for some Halloween costumes, trying, trying and trying, hesistating between 2 or even 3, buying 2 per a family member in case for the next Halloween, instead of wearing all the same suit every year. 

The last 10 days of October's temperatures decreased drastically as the real power of the autumn had conquered with its windy, rainy days, colder days. Not exactly freezing ones yet! 

Mr and Mrs.Howard spent some of their leisure time in cleaning the house, every room, every furniture from its unbearable dust and filth that had dwelled upon them for the last couple of days. It all began in the morning, an hour after their breakfast, looking after the babies by nursing them, changing their diapers, changing their clothes and eventually putting them to sleep in their cribs.

Once the both adults had finished with their chores, they decided to decorate the house in Halloween theme style, thereafter having lunch, washing the dishes and taking a brief afternoon nap until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

When the clock hit 4 o'clock in the afternoon, besides the twins faintly jogged their cots which taunted the parents to haste and check what was going on, awaring their mother to feed them and they want love, attention. 

As they got from the bed, picking up each twin, speaking to them as they babbled friendly to them, Jude spent around 5 minutes breastfeeding them, whilst Timothy opened in each room the doors to come some fresh air, factly the guests will arrive after 1-2 hours maximun. 

After the middle aged mother finished with the nursing process, she held her both twins as she went in their room, dressing each of them in their Halloween costumes. Tristan wore a pumpkin suit whilst his slightlier older sibling had on her tiny body, a princess costume. 

"Don't worry, Tristan and Ellie!" She crouched down as she kissed each child's forehead as her hands cupped their cheeks, gazing at their faces with a broad, radiant smile across her natural lips. They gaped at their mother's face with their huge, sweet eyes as they saw a chocolate bar because they love very much their own mother though they were mildly younger to say their first ever word to express verbally how much they do love her actually. 

"You look incredible in those Halloween suits." The blonde complimented her own kids how they perfectly fit in their special event's suits, which rendered them to look even cuter in her eyes. Meanwhile she managed to stroke their heads, kissing their both cheeks so that to not upset them if either someone's cheek was being kissed only once or there aren't any cheek kisses. "Mama won't delay a lot! She will just change her clothing, right?" 

Then Ellie and Tristan let out a light, babyish chuckle as she joined in their chuckle either too, fulfilling the children's room with vitality, sunniness which could be heard from Mr.Howard, who was currently in their love nest, taking off his casual clothes as he delved in their wardrobe for his Halloween costume, abided just in his boxers only. Once the proud father of baby twins heard his wife collaborating with the children in the chuckles, he couldn't help himself but smile, in the meantime finding his Halloween costume which was actually a vampire one. 

The kit included a sheer, ordinary white shirt, followed by black slacks with narrow pockets, black Bluchers, a satin red and black vampire cloak, blanketing his back and bouncy in the same time, artifical vampire teeth. 

Once he dressed up himself in the vampire suit, meantime his wife watched, observed how Mr.Howard was checking himself in front of the dressing table's crystal mirror, thereafter entered in their bedroom as she headed towards him as he turned his back, facing her, their eyes met with sparkling smiles.

"Oh Tim, you look fantastic in this vampire suit!" Jude didn't miss her chance to compliment the love of her life as he smirked, cupping her both cheeks as she managed to hold his forearms into her small, brittle hands, looking up at another one's eyes with desire, love. Besides she grinned.

"Aww, how to not thank you, my rare bird!" He replied with velvety voice, his thumbs kneading her face's creamy, vanilla skin. "How about your Halloween costume too?" He continued as he arched an eyebrow playfully.

"I was...I haven't prepared it yet. Sorry!" The former nun excused herself with soft voice as her lips pursued for his mellow, luscious lips, their faces approaching as their lips crashed each one, as their kiss didn't last for longer, but it was quite passionate and majestic.

"No problem, sweetheart! Everything's fine!" 

Then she smiled like an angel, hence, walking up to the wardrobe, researching at her side for the Halloween costumes that she bought for herself the day before as they were a witch and an eerie nurse one. She pendulated between the both suits, placing her index finger between the gap of her pursed lips. 

"Darling, I have a problem!" She still held the wardrobe's first wooden wing goggled her puzzled hazel eyes at the both splendid costumes which would look extraordinarily on her figure, despite her extra pounds after nursing twice. 

Her husband came next to her as he asked her. "What's wrong, babygirl?" Afterward he looked at the both Halloween costumes, shaking his head cluelessly, realizing why his wife was so perplexed, conditioned in such sophisticated situation where she temporizes to look even for 100th time at the both costumes, glancing at them per a few seconds, unsure yet of what to wear as well. 

"Ha! The Halloween costumes are the current issue?" He drowned into his thoughts, improvising how the love of his life is going to look in the both suits of an eerie nurse and a witch. "I think the witch outfit would be a better choice, in my opinion."

"Do you think so?"

"Oh yes, I am sure, Jude!" He turned to her as he stroke her wild, curly long honey hair, feeling her silky, flabby curly locks under his fingers gliding through the golden path to the paradise, smiling to her broadly as his sole available hand cupped her forehead, leaving a kissing trace as she closed her eyes for a while, looking straight at his down to earth chocolate eyes, smiling to him graciously like a pure angel.

"Alright! Let me try it." 

She picked up the witch outfit which included a big, black witch hat with a black enveloped bond bow, followed by a black, ankle length witch robe with long, fishnet lace sleeves, V neckline, revealing apart of her cleavage's flesh including her collarbone, round diamond buttons, onyx black stilettos. As she managed to start first with her robe, doing each button, throughout sitting on the stool before the dressing table, watching her own reflexion as she put on her silver earrings, her humble, classy red petal necklace, gathering her hairbrush as she brushed her long like a mermaid, golden curly hair like a divine woman, in the interim Timothy watched her as he stood in front of the dressing table, bending to pick up his perfume which Jude gave him the last Christmas, spraying his neck, hair and wrists, thus brushing his hair as he complimented his amorous wife as always.

"You are so beautiful...incredibly sexy, honey!" His kind words melted her heart, although she was about stubbornly to convince him that she isn't ready yet, wearing a velvet, faint smile across his lips. Meantime she managed to apply some red lipstick.

"I am not even ready yet!" All of a sudden, her cheeks started faintly to heat as her heart skipped a beat.

"It doesn't matter!" He raised an eyebrow, leant forward as his was onto her shoulder, placing his both mammoth, veiny, secure hands on her shoulders as his fingertips caressed her cotton witch's robe.

"Aww, thank you!" After she finished applying her favorite color's lipstick on her perfectly shaped, symmetric lips, he kissed her shoulders smoothly as she slightly let out a soft moan, opening her mouth as her lips were like opened window to the new world. Moreover she answered bashfully as she wasn't sure if she looked nice sufficiently since she's near the edge to be prepared for Halloween party, putting on her onyx stilettos on her pantyhose feet.

"No need to thank me, sweetheart!" Alternatively she perfumed certain body parts with her precious perfume, thereafter she looked at herself in the mirror once again, making sure if she looked neatly fine.

Afterward Timothy grabbed her by the waist as he spinned her, facing her as their lips crashed spontaneously especially due to their immense lust, desire for each one, as their kisses grew more aggressive and breathtaking ones as the blonde clasped her both arms around his shoulders, meanwhile his hands squeezed her waist, his palms's warmth warmed her slightly wider, nevertheless still ideal curves, which always will remain the most beautiful, according to Mr.Howard's perception. Their sensual groans were as loud as a breaking glass, fulfilling the room with steamy, but romantic ambience as their tongues started dancing against one another's as he managed to nibble to her bottom lip, his incisors smirched in red lipstick. Subsequently her hands moved from his shoulders to the back of his head, her fingers ran through his dark brown hair. 

Then they broke off the kiss as they had the chance to look up at each one's eyes with desperate crave which flame constantly blazed in their eyes every time, when their eyes meet, connecting an intenseful eye contact which couldn't be described just in a sentence. Their eyes were piereced into each one's, staring right at their own souls, as Timothy cupped her face in his both hands, while she placed her both hands on his shoulders.

"I love you so much, babe!"

"I love you very much, rare bird!"

Lastly they left the bedroom as they almost forgot for Tristan and Ellie after this short adventorous, romantic moment between them as they held each twin by their backs, turning off the lights in the children's room, in this moment descending the stairs as they communicated with the 1 month old siblings.

"Aren't you excited for Halloween, are you?" Jude questioned Tristan as it was her turn to hold him this time, whilst the little Ellie was into her father's arms.

The both babies babbled to their creators especially Tristan's adorable, innocent babbling, gave a hint to Jude as he confirmed her enquire.

"Yes?" She asked with soft, cold-blooded voice as she rocked her son, hearing his eloquent babbling as the couple sat on the goth couch, relishing their lonely final minutes. "I am going to accept it as yes."

"They are probably super excited to see the guests too."

"Without a doubt!"

A few weak taps on the entrance door, followed by rings enforced the couple to get from the sofa as they headed directly to the entrance door, welcoming their invited guests for the Halloween party. As they unlocked the door, opening it widely, every guest who is welcome appeared from Kit and Grace's children to Mrs.Howard's colleagues, Ramona and Charlotte.

They were all dressed fancy as Julia and Thomas wore werewolf and the red hood outfits, whilst Kit and Grace wore zombie outfits, Charlotte had on herself a sinister nurse uniform and her friend Ramona was dressed up in angel of the death's costume. They wore glistening smiles across their bright faces. They welcomed each guest with greetings, besides warm and firm hug, letting them to enter in Howards mansion as Jude guided them to the living room where they all are going to celebrate. On the coffee table were prepared plenty of empty glasses including bowls with candies and sweets, empty plates for a cherry pie.

The guests felt like a home as well.

To be continued...

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