Incubus 2

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After he removed his hand from the welt on her buttock as he tucked her golden curly strands behind her ear, scrutinizing her face, pursuing for her pleasantly surprised hazel eyes as her glimpse transformed in a transifixion at his darkened chocolate orbs. Once their eyes met, he locked up her eyes, noting the smug smile she wore once he canned her. Moreover, Jude can feel his warm, mint breath brushing her face though her wine stained breath was doing wonders to him, pinching his complexion. 

The both lovers just stared at one another, admiring their exceeding beauty and gleaming smiles on their faces. He pressed his lips on her for a light kiss, assuring her the impending times with the canning process won't be as sorely aching as the first time when she just flinched and jumped a bit.

In the interim, his hand moved up to her long sparse golden hair, caressing her soft curls, combing them between his fingers as they tangled in cords.

"You don't know how bloody happy woman you make me, Timothy!" She confessed candidly as she blinked as he observed how her long dark eyelashes unfurled like butterfly wings. He couldn't oppress a wicked, inward chuckle. Further, he was doubtlessly smug with his achievement, in account for her glittering felicity, oozing from her like a fountain. "Don't you know how much I love you?" She asked him as she yielded to test him though they both knew how potent her love was for him. Answering her question wasn't exactly necessary at all. They already realized what they have caged inside them for years due to the tormenting abstinence, which didn't help them at all as the things developed in arcane way.

"Sweetie, you should know how bloody happy man you are making now." He replicated in a deep, slightly diabolic voice that sent chills her body. "Of course, I know. I know everything." His conceited smirk emphasized his fiendish ecstasy. He winked at her, still stroking her stunning silken mane. "I am the devil!" The possessed priest replied mischievously as Jude commenced to tremble of fear and panick, struggling to move away from the grip that held her satin hem of her slip though the success just flew away.

Lastly, the nun realized what was actually wrong and she really can put finger on it, factly, everything was explained in two single sentences. Timothy knew everything. Literally everything. Even Jude's regretful, sinister secrets of her sinful past. Hence, leading to the conclusion he's the devil. The evil inhabited inside his body. Every cell of his is unreservedly corrupted The vicious circle brewed around him. The Pandora's box was already opened by an uninvited guest, who has the least expected a sheer madness and bane.

No, this couldn't be the man she loved and craved for. He's unrecognizable. The man, who she knew once as the innocent, vulnerable and kind-hearted member of the clergy wasn't the same again. All she can think of to escape his malicious , foul claws of the evil. It broke her heart he was possessed and the benevolence was no longer prevailing once the vices prédominated with the evil. As an addition, the blonde was beyond dumbfounded and undeniably flabbergasting. She knew perfectly him. She has loved Timothy for years and there's no doubt she's still madly in love with him, in spite of the brutally obnoxious circumstances. He loved her too but her love was authentic. The love blinded them, nevertheless Jude was the prey of the blinded love. On one hand, she adored this moment when Timothy is willed to give his virtue to the love he loves and vice versa. On other hand, her mortified condition and the devil startled her and having the ginormous impatience to flee as swiftly as a rocket.

Alternatively, one of her questions found its answers. The pious sister of the church was pondering, absentmindedly eyeing Timothy's darkened irises, recognizing glimpses of bright yellow. He earned a slight, loving smile, distorting on her face.

"I love you!" He said in profound, secretive voice as he couldn't resist to stroke Judy's soft hair. Icy tears betrayed to well in her eyes as they built in her hypnotizing hazel orbs which were darted to Timothy.

No one has told her they loved her even how much they yearn for her. It was possibly the first time a man to admit his love and desire for her. Frosty tears began welling in her eyes, tumbling down her cheeks as she quietly sobbed to herself, wiping with a thumb some of them, averting her gaze as Judy didn't want Timtohy to see her in such condition and her puffy and sanguine eyes. Meanwhile she lowered her head as he grabbed her chin, tilting her head to his angle.

"No, no, no, rare bird!" The priest opted to comfort her as he wiped a handful of gushing down tears.  Her bawls weren't easy for handling. "Shu, shu, shu, Judy! It's alright." He carried on to comfort her. It was heartbreaking for the both lovers whenever Jude's sorrow vaporized her.

"I am okay, Timothy." The pious nun lied, responding as she smoothed her bawl.

"No, you are not. Spill the tea!" He insisted to listen her motives for her.

"Nobody has told me how much they love and want me." The blonde started desperately. "The evil loves me. I am in love with the devil." She kept on.

"There's nothing wrong to be loved even by the devil, darling." Timothy ran his long, thin like piano keys fingers through her scalp, reassuring her with his velvety, deep voice. "The evil has feelings too but they are specific just like every being." 

Jude swallowed a heavy lump in her throat after hearing these bitter words. She couldn't believe Timothy can speak in such peculiar manner and way. It wasn't common at all. It was an unacknowledged, offbeat phenomenon for her. Something undiscovered. Something out of its depth. She omitted a gasp, wiping the last drying tears of her face. She has never felt so remarkable ever before. The evil was known for its manipulations, compulsive lies, mysticism and loathsome. The love, warmness, radiance and optimism were unknown episodes for the world of the vices. 

"But...don't violate me, please." She begged as he withdrew his face off hers, his mammoth hand stilling the pushed flossy hem of her slip as he dragged down her lacy bloody red knickers to her lovely round knees, grasping the wooden, lacquered cane again. Jude has never felt that potentless physically though she was stoic and has fought with bigger monsters than Dr.Arden how she avouched once. Timothy was her heel of Achilles. Or perhaps one of the heels of Achilles. Her fists clutched and balled the cotton blanket with which she wrapped up her half naked body every night.

"I won't. I promise." The juvenile priest promised as he lifted up the cane above his head, dividing inches. He shushed as he ran his sole colossal free hand all over her back, his fingers lingering through her elongate, creamy spine. "Shu, shu, sweetheart!" Then he peeped down at her soaked folds as he spread a bit her legs to make sure how undoubtedly aroused she was. "It looks like somebody is really drenched, aren't ya, sistah?" Timothy chuntered sensually as he plugged a few fingers inside her core and abandoning the pushed hem as his hand snuck , thrusting in and out whilst lashing her buttocks weakly, thereafter increasing his strength with every lash. 

She didn't jump at all afterwards. Jude was effortlessly relishing this moment being punished, chewing her lips arousedly like a schoolgirl. Dozens of moans and groans of pleasure sailed out of her lips, swimming in the room. More lashes, more painfully it turned out to be. On one hand, she wanted to make love to Timothy since she couldn't suppress it anymore. Whereas, on other hand, something urged her whether to scram or confront him and get him out of her office, although, according to the first alternative, he will always haunt her down. Or rather, the second one, could be the worse one: he won't give up and impudently not fleeing her office until he gets what he eventually wants. There's a danger she would be physically bruised or hurt by him, leaving a deep-rooted mark on her body, leaving a track of his. 

Riposting his rhetorical, enticing was pretty surplus, in fact, she enjoyed and felt a tad pain in the same time.

Hushing provoced Timothy to break it as the ice melted due to the intense heat's escalating between the both pious members of the Roman Catholic church.

"Cat got your tongue?" He halted to lash her after the 15th time, leaving a handful of sanguine welts on her buttocks and plugging out his fingers after thrusting inside her core, licking greedily his fingers, savouring her juices. In the meantime, she turned to look at him without changing her position. "You liked it?" 

She nodded her head, affirming an agreement or otherwise he would be amusingly disappointed of her disapproval. Her silence was sufficiently frustrating for the smitten priest, acnkowledging something was out of its borders.

"Anything wrong, Judy?" 

"N-no!" She stuttered, shaking her head as she earned Timothy's arching eyebrow. 

"But do you know what will make you feel real so good, honey?" Then he flipped her as he got rid her off her slip and knickers, slinging them at the wall, pinning her body as she clasped her legs around his waist when he yanked his boxers as his erected manhood sprung up, running a hand all over her milky, smooth torso, his finger indicating her spots. His overshadowed eyes darted down to her beautiful face, magnificent mane of golden hair, a couple of curl strands dropped down out of the bed's area. Her hazel eyes were transfixed on the possessed man, who had control of her body. He chucked the cane at the wall as it laid in the pill of bright red garments- knickers and negligee.

What he recognized instantly the look on her face she delivered him was intricating. Mingled with pleasure, apprehension, love, slight disgust, perplexion and lust. He didn't know which either of them predominated out of them. 

In addition to his inquery, no response was returned back. Jude exasperated him without peeling a single word. Then he forcefully positioned his hard cock inside her core as his big, stronger hands held her waist as she didn't know how big he was. Seconds before thrusting in her, he stared at her face and body, his cold-blooded, standoffish chocolate eyes eyed her up and down, meanwhile she felt his length, filling her as she couldn't recall when was the last time when she had a sex. Howsoever, it was actually years ago even a decade and a half. 

Consequently, he commenced with faint and painful thrusts as she groaned in pain and pleasure in the same time, shutting tightly her eyelids, abiding stoic. Unless his thrusts became fiercely vigorous and faster as she mustered up.

"Oh fuuuuckk! That feels so good." Jude couldn't oppress the strong language she spoke, incapable to protest and refrained to combat the man she loved and the devil that resided his body. Meantime her round, full breasts bounded up as their hips grinded and rotated.

"Oh, Jude! You are so goddamn tight." He whispered as it was enough audible for the sinned nun to hear it. The moans and groans that diffused in the room were like curved waves, colliding in the dull walls of Jude's bedroom, fulfilling her room with life and transforming it in a love nest, a sanctuary for two lovers, sharing the forbidden fruit along. 

Their climaxed were approaching as Timothy verged to spill his seed inside her core where he tasted her juices via his fingers once.

"Oh fuck!" The both said in unison when his last aggressive thrust finished her, spilling his seed inside her as she felt the walls that once tightened around his manhood were slacking as he pulled off his member. 

Then Timothy collapsed on Jude's chest after watching her excited face as his head rested on her shoulder, smelling her cologne that allured his nose, taunting his tender nostrils as they started to pant, almost unable to catch their breaths. 

Not only the evening signficantly meant a lot to the priest and nun as they united intimately, but also the swearing words that they uttered were against their vows as they should renounce them, ignoring God's ferocious glares at them.

In spite of the evil has already done its his own job, Jude's delirious happiness shone on the horizon as she hasn't been at peace with herself for years. The judgmental words that Jed called her murderer and whore didn't bother her anymore as her memory erased them, due to the overwhelming night she had with Timothy, besides her inebriated condition illegalized her to think of anything else but she wasn't as intoxicated as moments after gulping in a single sip the communion wine.

The both lovers peaked to fall asleep as Jude's erected nipples sensed the toned torso that pressured them, squeezing them. Jude's heavy eyelids were partly blinking as he peppered breathlessly kisses on her neck and collarbone, nibbing them as he used his sharp teeth, setting free moans and groans as her hands were dangled around his head, running her fingers through his chestnut hair. Until she suddenly fell asleep as seconds later he did as well.

To be continued...

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