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A month later...

15th of May, 1965

It was around the late night of Saturday! Jude had already finished her late night term as a waitress in the retro restaurant "The Wonderful 60s", where she is currently working for a few months as a successful, sly, liable and marvelous waitress, doing whatever her boss tells her. Her success is due to her skimpy demonstration of whining or fickling like a little girl.

As the days got warmer, the evidence was actually in the warmer temperatures and the lighter clothes unlike the lukewarm nights of May in Boston. 

Jude was currently pregnant in 4th month. As a result of gaining weight, she determined to wear larger tops. Her current clothing was a black short sleeve blouse, followed by pair of jeans, black leather jacket, black flats, her silver earrings, ruby-sapphire bracelet and her black purse as well. Her long curly golden hair was fluently bouncing with each took step.

After work, she needed to go to the nearest grocery store due to the fact that the Howard family was out of some ingredients such as bread, milk and some vegetables such as potatoes and onions.

Once she finished with the shopping, Jude left the grocery store as her final destination was home, walking peacefully though timidly down the dark, ominous, uncertain streets. Unfortunately she felt a monstrous hand touching her wrist initially, thereafter twisting in ease due to the masculine strength which could instantly kill feminine's one as she started aching out loud in the idleness.

At first, the blonde thought it was actually a burglar who wants to sneak away with her purse. Subsequently one of her worst rivals actually had returned again as she was tremendously physically powerless to fight him again. If she even dared, he would either sent her in coma, injure her and her unborn baby or definitely murder her and her baby with his bare hands. Luckily, it wasn't the sadistic Dr.Arden himself at least. However, it doesn't changes the things. 

A calluous, wicked laugh could be heard in the shadowy streets as Jude panted, holding with her only available hand her injured wrist, aching as her sore, painful groan was pretty apparent. 

The middle aged lady was terrified to bones especially right away. She was alone, she was literally alone! Nobody escorting her to the Howard couple's villa. The pain was sufficiently acute so that to cause perturbation and dread along. 

When a tall man figure attempted to approach her, she slowly withdrawn, stepping backwards cautiously, clandestinely as her sudoriferour forehead was wiped with her forearm, as her forearm rubbed against her forehead's damp flesh. The obvious tall man figure was Jude's former fiancé, Casey. 

What he would do in the middle of the night, stalking and chasing the former nun whose life was generally ruined by this man, who accused her of being a lying tramp though she was definitely loyal, loving and compassionate girlfriend of his? Copious of question swam in Mrs.Howard's head, rendering her to wonder how this imbecile returned back for his retaliation on a completely innocent woman.

-Oh, the tramp is pregnant, expecting her either newborn hussy or toy boy...*exhaling crudily* or both...just to be like her mother and probably...their father!- Casey's voice was rather husky, obnoxiously nonchalance, besides merciless as he felt like a Demi-God due to his physical strength and aggressive nature.

-Don't you ever dare...either to call me a tramp or insult my children and that, you sadist! Don't you get sick and tired of chasing me, not having something prominent thing to do in your life, besides seeking for vengeance on me cluelessly?- Jude protected herself when her black purse was on her shoulder while rubbing her bump with her sole free hand, as her glaring eyes were darted in her former fiance, wearing a grimaced face, a grotesque frown. This time, her voice was velvety as pressed piano keys, letting out an euphonious melody.

-I don't think so! *laughing wickedly* It's so sweet to chase such a pitable woman just like you, Judy! Who deserves nothing but hell and torment.

-If you ever dare to touch me or insult either of us, I guarantee your consequences will be morbidly dire!- Jude threatened Casey as she was on the verge of her stamina, being extremely impatient to go back at home as her heart raced, incapable of taking a break for a single minute, panting yet, struggling to utter almost each word.

-For example? *arching an eyebrow* By calling your pathetic husband to come and beat me, right, hmm?- With every spelled sentence of the atrocious man, his cockiness, ruthless ferocity aggrandized drastically. Furthermore his current sentence sounded contemptuous and sneering as his conceited grin bloomed on his darkened face.

-Much worse! I can sue and put you to rot behind jail bars for the rest of your miserable life, mister!

-We will see...

He paused as he sprinted to the pregnant woman, opting to harm her physically again as she was really prepared this time by sidekicking as she stretched her leg downwards, stumbling him as he collapsed, hence, lying down on the ground as scrunitizing the woman he abandoned a long time ago as he ached in pain, suffering from the only opportunity that Jude had to rescue herself from the paroxysmal moment, where she was strongly endangered in both cases- physically and mentally. Meantime his mammoth hands were upon the rugged cement, his fingertips touching the ground as he felt the rough sensation that passed through his fingers' skin. 

When Jude had a several seconds to get out, she looked down at Casey as she wheezed exhaustedly moments before to flee. She sensed an ounce of complacency in her liberated, contended soul, besides her boiling blood flowed sober blood of her victorious act. 

-You slut!- Casey shrieked in pain through his clutch teeth, as soon as the former nun scurried as much as she could. Much far away from this heartbreaker, observing helplessly how the blonde escaped swiftly like a feather.

Judy opted to rush to home as much as her stamina and force allowed her, whilst still panting. Luckily, the grocery store wasn't far away from the 2 story villa.

When she established in her home's yard, she sustained a balance as her hand was supporting the porch's pillar, while her another hand was kneading gently her pregnant belly, shushing to her moving, kicking baby, barely suspecting that Timothy watches her through the baby room's window as he was deliriously worried for his wife's arrival and condition in the same time. He could really hear her feckless voices, panting together.

Mr.Howard hasted immediately downstairs when Mrs.Howard was comforting her baby as her palm could irrefutably sense tha baby's tiny feet for first time. What an astonishing experience!

-Don't worry, sweetheart! *rubbing delicately her belly as she looked down* I promise you are much safer with mama and father, regardless of the dangers which will try to hurt me. Stay strong! - She whispered to herself and the babygirl that is sow in her bump. 

In this moment, the front door opened as Timothy rushed to his wife, hugging each other like they had never seen before.

-Rare bird, you are finally at home! 

-Fortunately, yes, my savior!- Her sound momentally sounded desperate as she was near the edge to shed a couple of tears.

Then they broke off the hug as they quickly kissed their lips, taking her hand into his as they held each other's hands, arriving inside as the door was locked by the former priest. Meanwhile his thumb massaged her knuckles as Jude restrained from making different sound. 

After locking the door, they went in the kitchen as Timothy helped his partner to sit on the chair as she nod her head frugally, murmuring simple "Thank you!" as she placed her both hands on the table while Timothy suggested her a glass of water though she rejected, signaling him that there was indisputably wrong, noting her odd demeanor.

-You don't want a glass of water, right, honey?- He questioned perplexed as he looked back at her when he wanted to help her by serving him either something for eating or drinking, as she left her purse on the another chair, scarcely zipping forward.

-Mhm!- She hummed peccantly as she lowered her face, hiding under the table her faintly bruised, injured wrist. Her blond locks concealed apart of her face.

-Anything wrong, Judy?- He walked up to her as he sat next to her, recognizing something leery as well.

At this moment, the blonde didn't respond his question as she peeked at his concerned chocolate brown eyes, goggled into her desperate hazel eyes. The silence was a stimulation for Timothy to take her hand which wrist was bruised, examining it carefully as she prefered to hide her face behind her hair.

It didn't take him a lot of time to scruminitize her injured wrist as he tuckled a couple of honey locks behind her ear, investigating her tear stained face as his thumb managed to wipe her crystal tears as he held from the least painful part of her hand. She totally ignored an eye contact with him as her sole available hand was onto the table yet.

-Do not pretend like there's nothing wrong! Tell me *showing her the wounded wrist, as a piece of evidence* who did this!- His composed voice was grave in the same time as he didn't want to skip the chance to find out who dared to touch even afflicting the love of his life as his fingers brushed through her glossy, silky blond scalp.

-Ca-Cas...- What it tormented her to utter the last two letters of her tormenter's name, was factually her stress, terror and fatigue along. Every shed tear of hers, was wiped by Timothy's thumb as he shushed to her, comforting her. Thankfully she felt more secure and better in her husband's company and presence, besides their home, although the happened a several minutes ago.

-Casey, right?- He asked.

-Mhm!- She hummed as she nod her head in agreement, confirming officially who's the actual monster that had caused her this agony.

-Don't worry, sweetheart! *lastly Jude's head was tilted as he held her chin with 2 fingers, having the potential to develop an eye contact as their fiercely in love eyes met* This person won't get away with this nonsence anymore. His lesson is going to be taught to him very soon. Even the liberty won't last for so long. 

Afterward the former nun didn't answer as she prefered to abide quiet, taking a break from her working day except the accident. She would prefer to gaze in her partner's eyes rather than to speak. As an addition, the brunette was more inquisitive of the happened:

-Did he dare to insult you?

-He actually did...he called me a tramp, besides insulting our future pressumed girl or boy as for the girl is a hussy, while the babyboy a toy boy. Moreover he said the both children are going to be like their mother and father. 

-Oh! That's really unpleasant. This...idiot...if he ever dares to insult you or either of us once more time, he won't see the light ever again. *exhaling and inhaling in the same time* You need something to eat or drink, babygirl! I don't want you to go in the bed with empty stomach. 

-Okay, okay! I am fine! 

Jude got out of her purse the ingredients that she bought from the grocery store, sorting them in the right place in the refrigerator, thereafter grabbing her unzipped purse as she went upstairs, placing on the chair her purse, managing to strip every garment from herself once she established in the bathroom to take a fresh and cool shower for relaxation.

Meantime Timothy filled an empty, clean glass with some water for Jude as he rushed upstairs, leaving the glass of water onto her night table when she was out of the shower, drying her bare, humid body with a white bath towel, putting on a net pair of underwear such as her scarlet red one, braless, dressing up her body with one of Timothy's pajama shirts which looked so good on her body. 

-You need some break and peace, sweetie!- He stroked her slightly messy hair as she lay down on the bed as he bended to kiss her temple as her hands were slack, holding the silk blanket that blanketed her half naked body.

-W-why are you even caring for me?- She questioned paranoid as her face was pale, lost its glosiness.

-Because you are everything in my life and world! You are the first woman with whom I am madly in love, the first woman who had conquered my heart in such specific, unexplainable way. Further you are my ray of sunshine and there's no girl or woman who is more gorgeous and loving than you, Judy! *stroking gently the left part of her face as he cupped her left warm cheek, smiling to her* Additionally, I left a glass of water for you on your night table.

The blonde couldn't help, nevertheless widening her smile once when she heard her husband's alluring speech as an explaination to her serious question as it gleamed her face, hair and eyes in the same time. Her hands reached for his shoulders as she pulled him towards him for a short but sensual kiss, throughout breaking off the kiss as she told him right into his face:

-I love you very much, darling!

-I love you so much to bones, rare bird! *kissing her cheek as he cupped her cheek for last time* If you need me, call me. I am currently disassembling the newest furnitures that I have bought for baby's room.- He pet her head once again as she nod humbly to his words, leaving her to rest as the night lamp upon the night table was turned on only.

When Timothy was gone in the baby's room, Jude managed to pick up the glass of water, drinking it within less than 2 seconds like a shark. 

Her husband was right! He was being busy to unjoint some furnitures that he bought for their little daughter's room as the room's walls were already painted in yellow, taking an enough period of time. 

To be continued...

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