Salem 1

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"And that's what you dreamt of?" Timothy enquired concerned as Jude was in his arms, cuddling on the bench as she rested her head on his broad, muscular shoulder as Jude held the coat by the lapels which Timothy gave her as the chilling nocturnal climate yielded her to tremble. "How I was possessed after the exorcism and I used you for my benefits and pleasured you, and impregnated you? Therefore, you went in the church to pray though I knew right away you kept a secret away from me and you resigned off the church, in account for you and your unborn children's lives, living along with Frank and eventually I came back for you as we reunited?" 

"Mhm. Indeed!" Jude affirmed his words as she scarcely nodded her head, their mesmerized eyes darted to the full moon hovering up in the nocturnal sky with abundance of twinkling stars. "It was particularly strange nightmare with a happy ending." She furthered, forehead creasing.

"Oh, Judy! You know I will never abandon you like in your reverie." He commenced reassuringly, kissing her head. "Because I am not that dumb to throw you away just because of this divine miracle which I has been offered, due to my diligent work as team you remember."

"Exactly, Timothy! I know you will never do such fautous thing to me to pedestal yourself as an exalted Cardinal even Pope." Her plump, lukewarm lips omitted a raspy chuckle as he joined her, rubbing her collarbone. "But the important thing of I have you and you have me, instead of being a childless, unwed holy man, who yearns for power...with nothing left after his generation." She kept on boldly in velvety voice, relishing the nocturnal's silence and mutual desolation as they were the sole people, survived the apocalypstic disasters.

Whilst the couple were outside, watching the night view, seating on the bench, cuddling together, the twins and Agnes were already asleep as they were wrapped up warmly from an hour ago.


2 weeks later

27th of October, 1969

The days passed like the time was flying by. 

The first 2 weeks since Father McKenzie's arrival in Salem, the days were brightly contrasting the ones in Boston, where his life was a scorching hell especially the days when Lana paid a visit to his former office and Briarcliff's exposion, besides exposing the juvenile priest's ghoulist past about the rape case in the former church where he served, taking its place in his dorm, the compounding conditions of the madhouse. 

His professional collaboration with the other priestesses, priests and nuns in the local Salem's church cheered him up, disconnecting him from the issues and his old foes, which he confronted once in the past weeks, months and years. He was feeling like home in Salem since it was his birth place.

As the young, aspiring, stubborn priest was wandering around the gothic church's facade in the verdant yard all alone, whereas the other members of the clergy were occupied with their own engagements, fulfilling their daily schedule, he was thrumming himself a song he recalled from a long time ago as he listened to it as an adolescent, stuck in his head for years and singing to himself, humming when the loneliness encompassed him. 

His music taste wasn't usual at all since he hasn't listened to the contemporary music for the late 60s. Alexander was prone to listen to classical and vintage, however, not romantic at all. The love songs weren't his cup of tea at all. He has never thought of girlfriend even about creating his own family with children and marrying an adorable woman. What was midst his most important things or rather priorities were the priesthood, the power he possessed in the society as a revered, but notorious holy man and the money, of course. His family's fortune wasn't always enough for him. He infernally craved for more and more as he idolized himself and everything he possessed, regardless the past, rivals and everything else as if they didn't exist in this world and oblivion overlayed them. 

"They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring. We stood behind our cotton bales and didn't say a thing..." The priest sang to himself in soft voice, closing his eyes, humming, relishing the late October ambience that predominated the small city as he stomped on the crispy dark green leaves, sheeting the ground. "We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'. There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago." He furthered to sing, sensing the nature's serenity purging his soul, setting free from binds and horrifying memories.

All of a sudden, he opened reluctantly his eyelids, coming to his senses as his mouth was agape, noting a lady in her late 50s, dressed up in black with slighty grayish tingles highlighting her medium curly hair, dropping down to her shoulders. She wore her pair of expensive eyeglasses and ambled up to one of the gravestones, holding a bouquet of chrysanthemums, roses and marigolds as she wanted to mourn once again over her mother's grave.

He recognized her instantly, without a tad wobble. It was his mother Laura.

Laura was a woman in her late 50s with a fair skin color, slender body build, deep blue eyes, medium chestnut curly hair with grayish tingles, highlighting it. The old woman wasn't tall at all. She was 5'5 only as she usually wore brand, multicoloured garments, depending on the occasions as well.

The last time when the man of the cloth encountered and saw his mother was actually years ago, just moments before leaving for Boston.

"M-mother?" Alexander mumbled awkwardly as his face flushed, his heart raced as it scarcely throbbed in his chest, fixed eagerly his sapphire eyes on the older woman.

Afterwards he snuck up to her without being caught as she crouched down to her mother's grave, adjusting the beautiful bouquet on the soil, a few inches away from the tombstone, bowing her head as Laura took off her eyeglasses to blubber, without puddling the glasses with her tears. Frigid tears betrayed to fall down as they welled up in her charismatic dark blue eyes as she prayed for her mother's soul.

Once the priest approached the person who loved him mostly, nevertheless how sinful, self-centered and smug he was, he stood bashfully, abiding motionless. It was anyhow unproblematic for her. What it was tearing his heart down were her sobs and tears as he casted a gaze on her, extending a hand to touch timidly her shoulder.

Laura felt a masculine hand poking her in pusillanimous way as she turned to the figure until she figured out who it was. It was her beloved middle child whom she loved to spoil him when he was younger. She was beyond dumbfound and being strucked by his sudden presence. Furthermore, little did she know he was part of the Salem's church, resuming his divine duty. She gave him a wide-eyed look up at him, scrutinizing him in awe, almost unable to believe how he has changed a bit physically for the past years. 


"Alexander? My boy?" She rose as she threw her arms around the young priest's upper back as he snaked his strong, muscular arms, encircling her shoulders as he pulled her to him, slightly rubbing her back. Nostalgic memories which he stored up with the person, who loved him mostly unlike the majority of the humanity, remanented intact. 

"What brought you there, mother?" He enquired after breaking off the hug as they scanned their faces, admiring each other's facial features. 

"I came to place a bouquet of flowers on your grandmother's grave and mourn over her..." Bittersweet smile crawled on the older woman's rosy-coloured lips as she paused to pepper her son with kisses on his ruddy cheeks, making the young man smile broadly, radiantly. "...but it looks like I won't leave there soon, unless you have to do something urgent." Laura kept on as she wiped the last tears of her face.

Alexander couldn't contain a smug, loving smile, distorting on his youthful, pale face. The smile on his face was ultimately rare. He has always never worn it. The loving, smug, warm, genuine and illuminating the true shades of his happiness instead this fake, loathsome, overweening smile, saturating his tough cookie character. The smile he wore now, was a treasure, he stashed, keeping it for prominent moments. It molted their hearts to behold one another especially years after he left his family, in order to go somewhere else to live, deliriously independent from somebody's responsibility. The priest disliked to be dependent of somebody and guide him what's the right and what's the wrong. 

The truth is Laura's mother, Father McKenzie's grandmother, Bianca passed away a couple of years ago, due to her old age as she was 96 years old, when she embraced the death with opened arms. When Bianca died, the priest was 17 years old adolescent back then. He truly loved his grandmother and she was amongst his favorite people with his mother. His grandmother spoiled him a lot when he was younger with his favorite confitures. 

"It's lovely the bouquet." He confessed as he peeped down at the flowers, adjusted on the soil. "I like it very much!"

"It is! For your grandmother Bianca, if you remember her."

"I remember her, of course. She was your role model and you learnt plenty of things altogether, thanks to her."

"I did, my baby boy! I couldn't be so joyously lucky to encounter you there in the church since you wanted to become a priest from a young age." She locked up his azure blue eyes, answering in velvety voice. 

"I do! And look where I am nowadays." He swatted lightly his mother's shoulder as a grin flashed on his face, liting her face up of glee to witness her son's happiness, inked on his face. Cheerful snigger escaped his lips. "In the church, independent and powerful." 

"That's my boy! However, Alex," She drew his attention instantly by addressing him with his shorter name. "Would you mind to pay a visit to our mansion to have a family dinner together?"

"When it's going to be the family dinner?"

"It will be after two days tonight."


"It looks like somebody is going in witch city, ha?" Frank exclaimed, scoffing his friend as he stood alongside Valerie, folding her garments in her suitcase for her short trip to Salem with her daughter  for the Halloween holidays. 

"Yeah! Just for few days, Frank." She responded after folding the last garment, storing it in her suitcase whilst Shona was already done with her luggage, awaiting for her mother who had a couple of minutes behind herself to be ready. "To relax, to breath fresh air and...witches, and Halloween." The maid furthered. 

"When are ya going to return here and drink some beer together again?" The former cop questioned, rubbing his head as he observed her swift actions in packing the necessary items for her trip to Salem. 

"Oh, Frank! After Halloween, I am immediately returning in Boston. My father will drive me to Salem as we will stay in a hotel." She inhaled leisurely as she cleared fakely her throat, couldn't oppress a snicker.

"That's wonderful. I bet you will have so much fun in Salem with your daughter and your father." Frank said optimistically as the young woman concluded with her baggage, closing her suitcase.

"Thank you!" The red-haired lady turned to the gray-haired, taking him in her arms for a tight, warm and amiable hug, resting her head on the crook of his neck, although she eschewed to smell his cologne as the security guard's arms were encircling her upper back, rubbing her shoulder. "It's not going to be my first time, fleeing this miniature place."

"You have been somewhere else?" The middle aged man posed the question between the hug. 

"Mhm. New York!"

"Tell me about New York, Val." They eventually broke off the embrace.

"Splendid! Profusion of tall facades, luxury and a lot of people. It was just breathtaking, trust me!" Valerie replied chipperly as he didn't peel a word, whilst he listened attentively her words. "Lana brought me in New York with our children. It was a miracle."

"Mhm!" He nodded. "I am glad for you. At least, you had a hypnotizing experience." 

"I did. Have you been in New York?"

"What?" He arched eyebrows, shaking his head, disagreeing. "No, no! Unfortunately, no" The housekeeper paid utterly attention to his speech. "Nonetheless, I was in Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey."In the meantime, he pursed his lips. 

"You will like New York, I am particularly persuaded." Ms.Volkova evoked proudly. "You have been in these 5 states?" Meanwhile Frank just nodded simply his head. "How the experience in these states was?"

"I like all of them but I enjoyed mostly New Jersey, Connecticut and Minnesota." 

"I have never been in these states which you listed." Valerie cautioned truthfully until her daughter's yelling in the living room was enough audible to warn her about her delay.

"Mom! Grandpa is irritated." 

"Oh, I am so sorry Frank...but I should go." She apologised discreetly, without offending her friend. "My daughter and father wouldn't be happy if I am delaying yet."

"It's alright, Val. Do not miss your trip to Salem and to share your experience!" They embraced for last time for farewell just before leaving the room together.

"Thank you! I am wishing you to have a nice and peaceful day. I will truly miss you!"

"Me too!" After they broke off the hug, she grabbed her suitcase's handle, walking away from the bedroom as Shona was in the living room, playing with her braid neurotically, pouted her lips, whilst her rucksack with her baggage laid on the top of the sofa.

"Oh, little princess! Mommy's ready and uncle Frank is going to say goodbye." The both adults stormed in the living room as Valerie clarified her daughter, whereas Frank hugged the little girl who stopped to play with her braid.

After the friendly embrace, they told one another bye as they left the house with their luggage and Frank went back in his home, whilst the Russian-American maid locked up her house whilst her daughter went to the car, opening the door for the back seat, sitting as she placed her rucksack exactly next to her. Then Valerie joined her family as they talked with Maksim, discussing along the trip to Salem and their reserved hotel room. 

Valerie was really looking forward for her trip in Salem with her family to relax and her daughter to dispose of school, studying and bullies, briefly to be far away from the pressure in Boston. The young single mother has planned this excursion to the other Massachusetts's small city a week ago and she has informed every person of her inner circle even Shona's classteacher and headmaster. They were pleasantly surprised by her wise decision to go travel somewhere for a handful of days, in account for achieving some natural and spiritual peace with herself. She had a couple of reasons why she has chosen Salem and her daughter, and her father Maksim didn't disagree with her at all: to discover more about the mystically aesthetic city, to relax, the witches' history and Halloween, of course.

Apart from her motives to go somewhere else for a personal reason, she was beyond excited to acknowledge more information and experience.


"What is Mrs.Howard doing right now?" Timothy snuck up behind Jude as she wore a plain white kitchen apron, standing beside the oven, waiting patiently the pumpkin cake to bake to the end. The former nun felt two pairs of strong, muscular arms snaked around her slim waist, his nostrils inhaling the jasmine hair fragrance.

"Ah, Timothy! You scared me!" Emitted a raspy, reluctant chuckle as she flinched as it was her primary reaction. "I am baking a pumpkin cake in the oven. How about ya?" She threw her head as her hair was tied in a ponytail. 

"It's sounds delicious." He confessed as he licked greedily his lips, planting feather kisses on her neck as she set free soft moans. "I brought Ellie and Tristan back at home from the kindergarten, whilst Agnes is napping in her bassinet." She rubbed her palms in her pantyhose thighs as they were slightly sweaty.

"Excellent! They will except a piece of pumpkin cake for dessert after dinner." As Timothy's hands lowered to her black, knee length skirt's, attempting to tip it as she understood what awaited them. "Agnes has been so sleepy and lazy girl lately."

"She isn't attending a kindergarten yet...just like her siblings." He pushed lightly up her skirt, gradually, Jude froze, abided paralysed, sensing his delicate, adroit fingers.

"Darling, the pumpkin cake will be ready in a quarter an hour." She said coldly, decisively, biting her lip. Then she turned to Timothy, facing him, locking up his gaze as he removed his fingers from her skirt. 

"Pardon me, rare bird! But the pumpkin cake will wait for us or it can be ready until we sort up some things along." He pushed her on the counter top as she seated, spreading her legs, untying her apron, tossing it on the kitchen table. Hence, his lips captured hers in a luscious, positioning his mammoth hands  to hold her round knees to not lose her balance.

"Are ya sure you want this?" She said between the kiss, closing tightly her eyes, relishing their intimate connection, throwing her arms around his neck, his fingers kneading her knees and thighs through the thin pantyhose's dark fabric.

"More than anything to please my rare bird." He whispered as her tongue urged to open his mouth, deepening abruptly the kiss, shifting her fingers up to his head, running them vigorously through his chestnut hair. 

Consequently their kisses grew ferocious as she plugged out her tongue of his mouth, their wet tongues started dueling together as his hands moved up under her skirt, dragging off the pantyhose, layering her drop-dead gorgeous legs with lacking marks of aging. His lips glided down from her lips and jaw until they peaked to her neck, pecking feather and light kisses in the beginning until they grew aggressive as threw back her hair, running her fingers through his hair yet, arching her back as he stripped her skirt off her hips, dropping it with her pantyhose on the kitchen flooring. 

His subtle fingers started rubbing her clitoris through her black lacy panties' fabric, sensing her folds already damp as the steam escalated suddenly. Her moans and groans sailed in the kitchen as he used his teeth to nibble the sensitive skin of her neck. 

"Oh fuck!" She murmured.

He quickly get her rid off her panties and top as they concluded on the floor with the other garments as she shifted her fingers to his shirt, undoing his buttons as he glided his lips from her neck, slowly to her breast,  his tongue swirling around her areola, sucking her erected nipple as he pawed the other round, full breast in his palm. Her uncontrollable, lustful moans and groans of pleasure and pain fogged the room as nothing else in this world mattered to them and the other surroundings were too oblivious for them, forgetting where they were actually located. After his shirt peeled off his torso and established on the floor, she moved her hands down to his belt, unbuckling it swiftly and unzipping his trousers until they fell off his legs, pooling his ankles as he released himself from any further garment that clothed his still attractive body. In the meantime, his hand held her hip, squeezing it as his other hand's fingers were working on her clit, massaging it on circles, hallowed angel anthems floated in the kitchen. While he was massaging her hard clit, a hand of her propped her weight on the counter plot whilst her another one caressed his hard manhood, squeezing it as his groans and moans escaped the top of his lungs. 

"Oh fuck! Don't stop." They evoked impulsively all at once. His darkened chocolate eyes with sparkles of lust, love and desire were darted to Jude's overwhelemed face with pleasure, desire and lust. 

"You are so goddamn amazing, Timothy! I want to feel your skin." The blonde retorted breathlessly. Her thumb circled his cock's tip as he moaned louder than her.

"Fucking Christ!" Subsequently he put a few fingers inside her soaked core, thrusting in and out. "You are so tight, honey!" Meanwhile, she chewed her bottom lip.

"Not as tight as your hard cock, sweetie!" She uttered naughtily.

"Oh my, Jude! Do not make me come earlier before it ends." He gasped aloud.

Jude didn't answer him as she resumed to squeeze and jerk off his hard member as he moved his lips from her erected nipple to her clit, sucking it as he plugged off his fingers of her core, grabbing her buttocks as he lifted her up from the countertop, holding her in the air as her dangled her arms around his head, cocking back her head whilst her legs snaked around his neck.

"I am urging you to not stop. I want to come in your mouth."

Her climax was approaching as it almost hit her like a lighting bolt, bucking her hips to help him to aim his tongue where she exactly desired to feel him. Seconds later, he got his tongue out of her mouth as he already tasted her mouth-watering juices as she came into his mouth, savoring her as he dropped her off as they commenced to pick up from the floor their discarded garments and underwear.

"That was goddamn marvelous! We can do it later on before bedtime." Jude said in velvety, tempting voice.

"Definitely! I loved it. I wish it lasted for longer."

To be continued...

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