Shopping and Finding a new job

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1 hour later...

Jude's POV

After Tim drave both of us to one marvelous clothes store 15 minutes away from his villa, parking somewhere where it is allowed, thereafter hopping out of the car with the keys, wallet and everything else, entering inside the shop, greeting the seller graciously. Tim was accompanying me and it was odd with his utterance about the shopping whilst searching for beautiful and proper in the same time clothes, currently looking for a decent skirt:

-I know I might sound odd but I don't mind to accompany the woman that I am being concerned for while shopping. It doesn't bother me!- His utterance was rather tranquil, amusing me due to that the majority of the men dislike the shopping so much. I have never expected his answer to be that obvious.

-Really? *blushing* Aww, that is so sweet of your side! How like that? - I was searching for the best cloth that could catch my attention but for the recent moment there was one fabulous pale red dress with long sleeves, jewel neckline, knee length was the only alternative. I inquired perplexed the first time, not believing on my eyes. 

-Well, I dislike to go by myself shopping, however, the feeling is much different when I am with somebody who brings me a positive energy, besides rendering me to smile from the bottom of my heart! You are the right company for me. - He kept on with his angelic timid smile. All I can tell is I am touched by his words, to be honest. Wearing a broad and optimistic smile.

-Aww, that is really tender to hear it, honestly! I am delighted to hear that Tim because I am in the same way though I am not exactly fan of the shopping by myself but as soon as I am with somebody who makes me laugh and smile, the shopping process is much different, you know?! - I admitted frankly while biting my bottom lip nervously as I was facing him, looking at his eyes that are filled with glee and patience.


Then I carried on to search for more attractive and neat clothes, liking 2 pairs of trousers in black color which are leather and mere ones. Furthermore, I liked one blouse in red bright red color, plain white turtleneck, charming black skirt a little above the knees, brown leather snow boots, black knee boots, black ankle boots and a pair of thin black pantyhose. I demonstrated to Timothy, asking for his opinion and he liked them so much, by trying them in the fitting room, thus showing him which fascinated him even more, complimenting me candidly with adjectives such as beautiful, pretty, cute, adorable, gorgeous and so on. Every time he saw me with something different, his smile expanded, his eyes pupils widened. Besides his compliments were one of the cardinal reasons why I was blushing so hard so many times after trying on and he approves it.

Afterwards we paid for them, putting them folded in a large shopping bag, placing it inside the boot, eventually jumping in the car by driving back at home, putting the new clothes inside the retro washing machine, located in the cellar. 

A several hours later...

It was the late afternoon, reading newspapers with my eyeglasses on my face, sitting on the goth sofa in the living room, opting to find a job as soon as possible. Especially observing the job ads for a waitress. Tim was cleaning the snow outside with snow shovel, rendering a path for easier walking. I was wearing the same casual clothes that I wore this morning and the day before. I sipped from the glass with fresh water whilst paying utterly attention to the advertisement that has grabbed my attention instantly. To work as a waitress in one retro restaurant, located not too far away from Timothy's villa though I would need a transport sometimes. Meanwhile, I found the phone number of the restaurant so that to contact them immediately. 

I got off the chair, folding the newspaper, displaying the phone number as I interracted to the nearest phone in the living room, typing the numbers on it, pressing the button for calling, holding the handset firmly, waiting for a response unless one echo emerged via the handset:

-Hello?!- An unknown masculine voice uttered unassertively.

-Hello Sir! As I was watching the newspapers, looking for a job, I have found your ad which intrigued me!- I stated mildly nervously, feeling my cheeks reddened like a Rudolph nose.

-Good! May I know your name, Ms.? - The unknown man who I suppose it is the chief of the restaurant questioned me with stern voice.

-Yes,of course! I am Judith Martin. 

-Judith Martin? Ms. Martin, my name is Elvis Smith, the boss of the retro restaurant where you might have chance to work as a waitress. I would like to inform you about our first interview is going to be tomorrow at 10:30AM in the morning. You shouldn't be neither late, nor wearing too extravagant clothes right on your first interview with me. Understood, Ms. Martin?- I recognized in Mr.Smith's voice some arrogance. Apparently, it is perfectly normal since he is the boss to be more bossy and insistent towards his employers. 

-Understood!- I gulped, answering gravely.

-Excellent! Tomorrow at 10:30AM the interview! Have a nice day, Madame Martin!

-Alright! Thank you, sir! Goodbye and have a nice day too!

I closed the phone as Tim arrived in the living room with his precious smile. I was really delighted and feeling honored to being interviewed tomorrow by my presumed boss in the upcoming days, meantime to inform the former Monsignor for the fantastic news which he would find for wonderful.

-Hey, Timothy! Guess! - I asked a rhetorical question with euphoric voice tone except fevered due to my glee, approaching him, our eyes meeting, wearing an infantile smile.

-You have found a job, right? - He questioned cheerfully.

-Yes, I guess so. Furthermore I am going to be interviewed tomorrow in the morning where I am planning to work. 

-Oh really? That is super!- We embraced each other tightly, being congratulated by my crush, therefore resting my head on his warm chest during the embrace with hardly opened eyes, feeling his big, muscular and mighty arms wrapped around my lower back.

-Thank you! *laughing nervously and happily in the same time* I am quite impatient for tomorrow to being interviewed and get my job at last. If my future boss endorses me, we should celebrate the prominent ocassion. I hope he approves me.

-Of course! *chuckling along* Do not hope! Just believe in yourself, Judy! Because I believe you are going to be accepted by him, fulfilling your wish. - Timothy's smooth voice especially by applying that British accent into his own words was driving me crazy.

-I do believe somewhat in myself for being endorsed but sometimes the hopes are broken! 

-Oh, don't be that pessimistic, rare bird! Everything is going to be alright and alternatively you are going to be a waitress in that retro restaurant. Believe me, you can do it! 

-Aww, that is very kind of your side, Tim! *withdrawing my head from his torso, reaching my head for his face, kissing his left cheek softly* Thank you! 

-Aww! You don't need to thank me, dear! 

To be continued...

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