Taking Family Photos at home

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The next morning...

7th of February, 1965

Timothy's POV

I woke up next to my amazing wife who woke up as soon as I opened my eyes, rubbing them, throughout stretching my naked but sleepy yet body. She looked at me with a serene and broad smile across her lips, her eyes constantly blinking as her amorous eyelashes were moving upwards and downwards. She was my Queen while I am her King!

-Good morning, sweetheart!- She exclaimed with her still drowsy voice, smiling to me, whilst leaning my head as our lips met, a several seconds before their crash.

-Morning, my rare bird!- I said with more vital as our lips crashed, swapping a luscious brief kiss.

We weren't that sleepy anymore as we got from our beds, heading along to the bathroom as we cleaned ourselves, washing our hands, teeth, faces and taking a quick fresh shower, therefore dressing in our peignoirs by going downstairs to prepare together a coffee and breakfast such as bacon and eggs. Whilst preparing the breakfast, we striked a regular, howsoever, cute conversation. 

-How are you, Mrs.Howard?- I questioned her with ironising voice as I kept my eyes on the coffee-pot and boiling eggs whilst paying attention to my lovely wife who was standing next to me with her adorable grin.

-I am fantastic, thank you, honey! *playing with some of her curly golden long locks, rooting them onto her index finger* How about you too? - She asked with a light chuckle, her hazel eyes pierced into mine.

-Glad to hear it, Judy! *leaning head, kissing her forehead* I am super. I haven't felt so blissful to be married to the woman who truly deserves my heart. Further, you are bringing me a smile every time whenever I hear your sweet voice or I behold you. I am such a lucky man to have you, my rare bird!- I stated with gleeful voice as I couldn't resist her natural beauty especially when we are at home to see her face without that vain make up, although she looks always beautiful and she is going to be that beauteous wife and woman into my eyes and heart.

-Awww!*feeling her cheeks heating as a blooming rose* I am so delighted to hear that, darling. Because you always render my smile to intervene once either I see you or hear your magnificent voice especially with that decent British accent.*cupping with her both palms my cheeks as her hazel eyes were darted into mine like arrows; feeling like mellow kitten's paws are touching my cheeks* I am the luckiest woman that has such fabulous, faithful and affectionate man like you, Tim! 

-I am rather the luckiest man in the world to have you! Even the happiest.- I said with tempting voice tone as the breakfast and the coffee was already done, preparing two porcelain cups per a person including a dish for each person, serving them onto the table. Likewise, my wife's smile grew crustily a little after I mentioned that I am the luckiest and happiest man in the world.

Eventually we sat on the table, next to each other, having a rejoicing and fresh breakfast in the same time.

An hour later...

After finishing with our breakfast, washing the dishes and porcelain cups, thereafter we attended the church, praying and then we returned back at home as we have planned to take a family photo with my polaroid camera in the yard and afore the fireplace in the living room.

For this purpose, I wore my plain white shirt, a pair of jeans, slippers whilst Jude had on herself her red sweater, black pantyhose, black skirt a little above her knees with slippers on her barefeet. 

Firstly, we determined ourselves to photograph ourselves in front of the fireplace in the living room as I set the camera after 5 seconds to snap the photo automatically as I hurried up to pose next to my precious wife, shrieking with joyous voices "Cheese!" as we grinned, consequently the photo was took. As a result of the taken photo, we were pretty impatient to behold our first family photo by ourselves only, interracting to the positioned polaroid camera, hence, checking how we came off. We looked really cute along since it is our first formal photo of us except the wedding one with the guests which is in the same room where we are currently.

-How do you think we look, sweetie?- Judy questioned as she giggled artifically at her facial expression on the polaroid photo, pointing her face as she looked at me with her hazel eyes, fulfilled with infant, flimsy and feminine nature.

-Of course, we look fabulous! *cackling together* Just look at yourself, Mr.Howard.- She mocked me in non-offensive and vulgar way as she expressed more love and amicability rather than aversion and scepticism.

-*chuckling bluntly* No! Look at your sassy but beautiful face, darling! 

-Well! *sensing her cheeks heating even more than the usual* I look cute at least. 

-Hey, don't underestimate yourself, rare bird! Of course, you look beautiful as always and for eternity when your hair starts to apply more grayish hue, wrinkled face and gaining extra pounds compared to your contemporary golden like a Greek Goddess, your still juvenile face and slender body...*exhaling sharply* you will still be that gorgeous woman and wife of mine in my eyes. 

-Aww...*being speechless due to my courtesy as her face was all flushed once again, smiling to me in such delicate and adorable way as I was beholding an angel* Thank you so much, Tim! Though I am thinking and sharing the same opinion as yours for you. Howsoever, it matters more to me your inward beauty that renders you even more handsome outside. - She proclaimed directly.

-You are welcome! Also thank you, rare bird. I love you, sweetheart!

-No problem! I love you too very much, darling! 

Afterward we went outdoors by putting on our feet something more suitable for outdoors rather than indoors such as our boots or another winter shoes. I set the camera to take a photo in the next 5 seconds by posing next to my wife, thus watching the photo as we cackled and commented, being not only satisfied, besides proud of ourselves for doing this. It was a high time to do it, in case to have plenty and diversity of memories in the forthcoming future as we age more to watch our photos from our younger years with smiles, laughs and glee. I have always loved the family photos and had the luck, in fact that I have a huge family with one older brother, 2 younger sisters and alive yet parents, despite the long distance between us as well. Whilst I really don't know about Judy but she seems extremely cheerful since she has the chance to accomplish one of her fewest chances in her life- to have family photos with me and possibly she has with her own mother. On other hand, I pitied her for being the only child in her own family without her own family, although I am the only person who is her actual family. It was like a marvel for her to possess her own family or to be fostered as a foster family member by someone with a big, golden and open minded heart to somebody who had been through a lot...just like her! I worship so much such types of females like her who have a persisten, powerful though their frail nature, without underestimating their gender and potential. I am so crazy about them. Correspondingly, I had already found a representative of this category of women and I love her even more than anything on this world, regardless how sweet or bitter is it. 

To be continued...

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