The Picnic 2

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Once they established along onto the picnic blanket, they started every kind of a dialogue.

-So how are you doing? - Madame Lynch posed the question to the couple in amiable way as she sipped a handful sips of her bottle with water, her plump face shimmered through the sunshine rays, illuminating every inch of her cream face and chestnut hair.

-We are doing well, thank you! Even being more excited than before. - Jude answered the question with brutal honesty as her hazel eyes developed a mere, long lasting eye contact with the another middle aged woman who looked optically older than the blonde herself.

-That's awesome to hear it!- Dariela responded as she held her babyboy in her safe, small arms, wearing an optimistic, prepossessing smile across her light complexed face as her hazel eyes looked down at the older woman's pregnant belly, noticing and recognizing in the same time, the fact that she is actually pregnant as a part of her evidence that Jude is definitely pregnant without an exaggeration. 

When the former nun noticed how she is being watched by the sole daughter of Angela especially as the younger woman's hazel eyes were focused on the middle aged pregnant woman belly, astonishing the future mother herself, meanwhile Timothy didn't miss the chance to spot what was going on apparently as he glanced at his wife and his boss's daughter in the same time, arching his right eyebrown blissfully as he realised that everything is alright whilst holding his wife's hand, cupping it into his hand as his thumb managed to massage the back of her hand.

Further the toddler didn't stop to gape at the remarkable guests who had such entertaining and cunning conversations with the both females as well. 

-Are you actually pregnant, Jude? - Mrs.Lynch questioned as she glanced at the bigger bump than it used to be a few weeks ago. It wasn't all the same time! 

-I am absolutely pregnant!- The former nun replied her question frankly as she admitted the fact with formidably candidness which couldn't never be replaced with anything else in her speech such as an exaggeration or lie as those words didn't exist in her vocabulary. 

-Oh wow! *the both ladies especially the former priest's boss and her daughter woowed in awe as they just blankly goggled their hazel eyes in Judy and Timothy in the same time with embarrassing smiles* That's unbelievable! Congratulations, Jude!- The both ladies didn't skip the opportunity itself to congratulate Mrs.Howard.

-Aww, thank you! That's really means a lot to me! *afterward biting a handful bites of her sandwich whilst feeling the support of her affectionate, caring husband yet* Further I am currently pregnant in 3rd month with a little girl.- Jude answered after chewing her sandwich bite as she stretched her hand so that to stroke Mathias's dark brown hair that kept to grow as he responded with joy, wearing a soft smile across his toddler's face as he dimly shutted his eyes.

-No need to thank me, dear! It's really enthralling the feeling to have a baby either in your belly or by your side.

-Yes! *sighing in a relief* Oh, that maternal phenomenon! Finally one of my miracles is actually coming true.

-Oh really? You had never been a mother before?- The both brunettes pierced their eyes in bewild way as they raised an eyebrow, realising that Jude hadn't got any children yet especially as a middle aged woman, their faces grimaced.

-Sophisticated story but definitely yes is the answer.- She replied as she felt somewhat uncomfortable to talk about her tragic past which had corrupted her flimsy heart since she was left by her former fiancé. All Jude can sense currently is actually her face all flushed as her hazel eyes radiated anxiety if she even speaks a little bit about her past.

-Oh! *exhaling and inhaling in the same time* You don't seem very comfortable to talk about a motherhood especially if it is joint a word about yours. 

-Mhm! *hummed as Timothy took her immediately into his invulnerable arms as she rested her head on his chest as her husband managed to comfort her, telling her that everything is okay* It's just a sensitive topic. - She didn't want to continue as it will result to lead to her gloomy past.

-Don't worry, don't be afraid, Jude!- The both ladies reassured her.

-Rare bird, I am with you! You just need some soothing sometime.- He stated as his lips pursued for her temple, kissing it lightly with his mellow lips.

-By the way, let's change the topic. *sipping of the bottle with water* For example, who wants some apple pie?- Angela enquired.

-We have already one in our picnic basket. Thanks!- Timothy answered as he wore a mild grin. 

-*sighing in astonishment* Well, let's make a deal. Let's taste from each other's apple pies if you don't mind.- Mrs.Lynch suggested.

-Okay then!- The couple's answer couldn't be more overt.

As soon as Timothy delved in their picnic basket, searching for the apple pie, he found it at last. As he gave 3 pieces of their traditional, homemade apple pie whilst the another 2 ladies gave them from their as they started biting a couple of bites from the baked sweet, savor each bite as their smiles moltened like chocolates. After chewing them, they were eventually capable to speak:

-Mmm! It's really scrumptious.- The both brunettes praised Jude's baked sweet as she put abundant efforts though she had a cooking book as her own guide.

-Thanks! Your apple pie is well-made and amazing too.

-How to not thank you, Jude and Timothy! *all of a sudden looking at the youngest member of the picnic cult who still chewed of the apple pie's piece as his big hazel eyes blankly in the space* Just look at this little prince especially how he chews!- Angela was very talkative lady especially when she is surrounded by her inner circle people unlike her professional realm, where her communication with her employers and everyone else, has a boundary, of course! 

-Aww!- Everybody were in awe as this moment when Mathias chewed the apple pie in his wee mouth was an absolute treasure. 

Once when the babyboy had finished with the apple pie's piece, he didn't know how to describe ideally how scrumptious it was, in spite of the pretty noticeable body language and mimics which signaled the adults that he likes it very much. Moreover, Mathias was 2 years old who had a confined vocabulary for now due to his tremendous young age. 

He licked his tiny fingers as he shoved them into his mouth as the dominant part of the group, the women with only one man didn't help themselves as they were already betrayed by their conscience, tittering lightly so that to not embarrass him conceivably. 

Then Dariela took off from her shorts' pocket a napkin to wip her son's mouth and fingers as she pointed her index finger at him, yelling at him in composed way:

-Mathias, that's not polite at all especially to do it in front of another people! *as she finished wiping his mouth and fingers, hence, kissing his cheek as the babyboy sniggered blissfully, somewhat comprehending his mother's words* That's why the napkins are for wiping your mouth and fingers after eating.- She demonstrated to her son the napkin to prove him the difference between shoving your fingers and hands in your mouth and the napkin part.

-He's just a little boy! He will understand it as he grows up.- Angela chuckled as she rocketed the toddler as she took him in her arms, wearing a radiant like a sunshine smile.

The couple didn't know what to say with exception to fulfill the ambience with their giggles as they relished each moment and second, spent outdoors, with an amicable family especially 3 family members which was among the usual ones as well. 

Jude had already removed her rested head on Timothy's chest as she was already reassured after the inconvient discussion not a long time ago as her hands were upon the picnic table, supporting her kneeling body. Meanwhile her partner petted the little boy and his wife's heads in the same time.

Something enforced inwardly Jude to pose predictably quite unhandy question promptly as she took a deep breath, thus exhaling crustily.

-Angela, I need to ask you something.

-What is it?- All of a sudden the older woman's face grimaced as her heart was near the verge to race.

-I don't want to ruin your mood but...where's your husband or boyfriend at least?- The former nun stuttered as she bestired to ask it initially, afterwards her boldness's level didn't shoot up at all. Her prejudice thoughts swam in her mind like doomed sailor ships due to the storming sea.

-Urm...well, I don't have actually a husband, for sadly! *panting* I lost my husband almost 2 years ago as a result of an atrocious disease which deceased his body. May he rest in peace!- Suddenly the part of Madame Lynch's devastated story resurfaced like a half destroyed iceberg in a glacial ocean. Anyway it didn't restricted the older lady of telling her upsetting story without any shame though her tough experience to embrace her own husband's death.

A silence manifest itself for a while as it had invaded their circle. The hush, itself, wasn't actually deep-rooted at all. Otherwise it was brief like a moment. Afterward the silence was hopefully broken.

-That's really sad! May he rest in peace! Amen!- Jude stated with soft voice this time.

-It wasn't easy for me to adapt the fact of being a widow with a grandchild and a daughter by my side. Howsoever, I embraced it.- Timothy's boss said with aloof voice, restraining herself from weeping though her strong character.

-At least, he is on better place, at least!

-He is but it's not the same without him.- Unfortunately, Mrs.Lynch was betrayed by her refrain as her first shed tears were certainly visible, consequently her daughter took her into her arms as she attempted to soothe her mother as much as possible.

-Mom, please! Don't cry!

The couple just stared at them with grotesque grumpy faced as they wanted to help the older woman to calm down though it wasn't easy at all. It took around a handful minutes of the widow to stop sobbing until her cry stopped, wiping with her own fingers,  the last flowed quartz tears.

To be continued...

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