The Prominent Sweet First Time

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Around a few days later...

31st of December,1964

Jude's POV

It was the last day of 1964. The last day of early 60s. Walking forwards to a new era! The mid 60s! Looking forward not only for changes, besides for the bright future that is anticipated by me. Tomorrow we are going to wake up in the mid 60s. Where we are starting from the beginning until the year is finished, thereafter proving our virtues and vices which were demonstrated in every part of the year, regardless if it is either in the beginning, in the middle or even the end of the year. I hope 1965 is much better and luckier year for me including mostly both of us. 

It was the early afternoon of the last day of 1964 when I had a lack of motivation to prepare the New Year's food and sweets. I was desiring for something which could be recouped for several years of missing it. It was exactly the passionate and genuine love,of course! By the way, I was reading a classical Spanish literature in the library with my eyeglasses upon my nose tip whilst having on myself my white long-sleeved nightgown, ankle length, followed by slippers with plain pair of white socks on my almost bare feet. Luckily, today wasn't a working day. Moreover, I should reborn back at work in the next 48 hours. This time, I tied my hair in a messy bun, a handful long curly locks seperated from the bun, by tickling the bare neck skin. 

Whilst I didn't have any idea what Tim was currently doing. 

Once I heard a loud romantic music, coming from the bathroom, I was slightly annoyed due to that it doesn't helps me to concetrate at all. Otherwise it just renders the things worse. It was looped for more than 30 seconds. 

Anyway I decided to check what was going on by leaving the book on the table whilst getting out of the library as I stepped in the hall, approaching the bathroom's door, hearing the loud romantic song yet. I knocked lightly on the bathroom door, without receiving a simple "Yes?!". Then I pended for around 15-30 seconds, standing unto the door. therefore sighing in fatigued way by opening roughly the door itself as I witnessed one of the hottest, although most embarrassing moments. 

Timothy was relaxing absolutely naked in the bath, soap bubbles blanketing his muscular, hairy chest including his shoulders and collarbones. His eyes shut, his hair was dry as a grass. The scent of shampoos, soaps and shower gels were clutering the bathroom's odor like a drug store with its extraordinary smells. Wearing an angelic smile. A smile of a Seraphim! The radio music was still playing in the background, plugged in the plug as the window's curtains were pushed, letting the light to irradiate the bathroom like a paradise. I thought he has fallen asleep or he is relaxing or possibly doing the both in the same time. I smiled to him nervously, cackling silently so that to not disturb him, my cheeks heating enough to be recognized from a far away, whispering to myself with a weak gasp "Oh Timothy!", sneaking cautiously in the bathroom as I am willed to turn off the radio, without interrupting his relaxation in the bath. Once I stopped the radio, I heard a quiet but dubious sound behind me.

I turned my back immediately as soon as I stopped the playing radio, beholding how Timothy yawned, stretching his arms upwards like he has just woken up from a long nap, opening mildly his eyes gradually until they were utterly opened like windows. The first thing those chocolate brown eyes stared was at me, as I startled like a guilty dog who had done the worst trick to his master. My smile widened abruptly even though if it was an insecure one, my cheeks heating more and more. The ambience became more intermediate due to the happened. Tim couldn't help but giving me a broad, frolicsome smile which turned into a smirk in the next seconds. I bet I disappointed him a bit due to my disturbance and ignorance, nonetheless the things weren't like that. His both hands' thin fingers were supporting the bath,

-Oh! I am so sorry for my insolent invasion but the radio's music didn't make the things better when I was reading in the library. - I excused myself with a velvet voice whilst lowering my head, staring at the emerald green's bathroom tiles which were definitely abstract.

-Don't worry, sweetheart! Everything is fine. I don't judge you.- His smirk was pretty obvious in this moment, his eyes were filled with lust and willingness. His voice this time was a bit flirtaous though somewhat drowsy.

-Uhm! I think I disturb you, Tim.- I was extremely nervous. Being deadly serious! On other hand, I couldn't resist his sexiness which was layered in soap bubbles, rendering me to have impure fantasies. 

-*chuckling like an ebitrated though he isn't drinking a lot of alcohol and he isn't a fan of it* Don't be silly, rare bird! You can join me.*my face was officially more flushed than a several seconds ago; my smile turned into a grin* If you wish to.

-O-okay!- I uttered whilst biting my bottom lip in nervous way, undo every button of my long white long sleeved nightgown in front of him.

The bathroom was muted like the silence has doomed everything, dominating its chaos. Timothy couldn't resist himself from what he is beholding in this moment. Watching how his future wife is stripping for him by unhooking every nightgown's button until the last button was undoned, the overgarment slipping like a sack from my shoulders and body, just remaining in my red slip that was my last hope not only to seduce, besides to protect my body from coldness if I didn't have anything else to wear as pajamas. His jawline dropped like a fish. His eyes pupils' widened, seeing his rara avis half naked, just wearing her red slip and under it my regular white underwear. His hair cocked up like he had been electroshocked on an electric chair. 

-Oh God, Judy! You look insatiable in this red slip. But I would like you to do for me a favor. - The intension increased rapidly. It was absolutely evident!

-What a favor for my darling? - I approached him bashfully in slow pace as I was pretending to imitate an innocent teenage girl or a maiden who is rather inexperienced when it's joint a word about relationships and more intimate stuff whilst my curly honey long hair was bouncing which increased his appetite apparently, thus left hand's fingers tilting his chin as our eyes met from much closer proximity, gaping at each other's eyes with delirious fervor, grinning to each other.

-This garment...*pushing slowly and delicately the red slip's straps as they were little by little gliding from my smooth, bare and brittle shoulders until they reached its peak the wrists' level, feeling free to set myself freely from them as I watched his careful thin fingers managing the process with a smirk*to be out of your body!*in this second the red slip established on the ground with my white nightgown, just remaining in my ordinary white lingerie* And this out of your body, Mistress Judy Howard!*stripping them in the quickest way and as he called me "Mistress Judy Howard" made me to giggle like a fool* 

I nod my head, wearing nothing but kicking off my slippers, being naturally naked, standing in front of Timothy with his astonished look that he gave me especially by staring at my body. 

-Now come!- He ordered.

I obediantly joined him in the bath rather than either to argue or pule like a horrified little girl. It would be such a dramatic retrospection. As I stepped in the bath, positioning myself against him, my body from the shoulders and below sinking in the soap bubbles shrouded. The silence dominated for a while until he grabbed my hand under the bath's hot steaming water, pulling me towards him as the distance between us was scarcely decreasing, the centimetres became millimetres even less.

Our lips crashed as I wrapped my both hands around his hair, caressing and stroking it in the same time whilst my legs were wrapped around his waist as letting his both arms to be wrapped around my waist, squeezing tightly with his remaining strength, our eyes halfly shutted. The kisses progressively became more sultry and breathtaking as our tongues started dancing, fighting for its domination. My tongue was lucky enough to win its domination by biting his bottom lip, moaning until he didn't remove one of his hands from my waist, delicately sliding his fingers, travelling from my neck to my round breast. As those fingers slowly descended through the skin like an elevator for the lower floors, he grasped my nipple during this moment his lips moved from mine by gliding in a slow and ravenous way to my neck, beginning to nibble my tender neck's skin, leaving marks of kisses, licking it from most sides, arching my head and neck in the same time, meantime feeling the delighting sensation of neck kisses and my breast being kneaded. Afterwards his lips moved from my neck to my erected nipple, licking it in slow pace on circles as I groaned louder in pleasure.

-Ooohh, that feels so good!- I shrieked with fevered voice as soon as he started to kiss my hard nipple, cupping the rest of my breast's flesh. 

-I love you, rare bird!

-I love you even more, darling!

Around a half a minute later the luscious process was interrupted to his shushing to me by placing his index finger between my mellow lips, whispering in my ear "The show isn't over, rare bird! Especially in the bedroom!" as we left the bath, drying our bodies with bath robes. Eventually he gripped my hand violently, leading me to our bedroom. There was a path of rose petals that guided to the king sized bed. Our bedroom was drowning in a majestic scent of roses. 

Once we arrived in the bedroom, he pushed me on the bed, lying on my back helplessly, meantime he got on top of me as our kisses were ravishing and opulent, as my hands were wrapped around his neck while his hands were wrapped around my thin waist, touching my lavish curves. 

Then positioned himself the entrance, being prepared for the most marvelous moment as I was lying on my back whilst my hands were on his neck, pushing his solid member inside my entrance, initially starting to bang me in slow pace which were somehow painful for me but the pain faded down in the next seconds. We were groaning as during this moment my fingers were sliding down his back, leaving trails of scratched flesh via my manicured red nails. In the following seconds, his thrusts became more pleasurable, unbearable due to the pleasure and quicker, holding my pelvis roughly. Consequently, I moved one of my hands from his neck to my left breast, cupping it in coarse way.

-OOooOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHhhhh! You are so amazing, TIM! KEEPPP onnnnnn!

He continued with the crude thrusts which were more gratifying. I didn't want he to stop. All I desire for is to last longer and for eternity. I rather relish it with my whole heart, healing my heart from my wounds that were from my dread and sinister past. He started to grasp more expressively "I am comiiiing, Jude! Oooohhhh ohhhh!" unless he fulfilled my moist core, finishing inside me with a big amount of cum. Afterwards, he pulled out of my core his member, by licking and rubbing on circles my hard clit with 4 fingers. I moaned, demanding for more as I closed my eyes like I was daydreaming, my arms relaxing onto the bed silky sheets. 

-You like it, rare bird?- He questioned with a light chuckle.

-I don't like it! I love it, honey!- I replied dimly more emotionally than the usual. 

-Excellent, Judy! That is all I want to hear, baby. Because I love you very much to bones.- He didn't stop to tease my clit and licking it in such precise way with his tongue.

-I love you a lot too, sweetheart! With my entire heart! 

Unfortunately, we collapsed on the bed fecklessly, totally fatigued, our sweaty bodies rubbing against the bed sheets' silk fabric, heavily breathing. We didn't have the might enough to peel even a word. Then we fell asleep next to each other's weary naked bodies. 

All I can express as my personal opinion is that my first time with Timothy is going to be not only memorable. Furthermore, it is going to be really-really unique, hallowed and splendid experience amongst the best ones which I ever have and had with the love of my life. One of my marvels came true at last. I have always wanted that special moment between us to happen and it happened finally. 

To be continued...

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