Visit in the Hospital

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Sometime later...

After domineering euphoria midst the proud parents of twins as they spoke their first words at last, sooner the children were put to sleep as they were already exhausted and sleepy, put to sleep in their special room, located upstairs. As in Tristan's case it wasn't exactly forced unlike in Ellie's case when she spoke her first word "mama", without any hurdles. Jude and Timothy couldn't be more happier to see their 9 months old almost toddlers speaking their parents' names, in spite of not trying to find out and being taught how to spell their parents' real names. As an addition, Ellie and Tristan were already fed, had a warm bath, their diapers changed as they were put to sleep in their cots with new, sheer clothes that clothed their wee bodies.

As soon as Ellie and Tristan were asleep, the Howards were always on the alert in case if either of the twins or the both children's cry is being heard, giving them hints of being hungry, having nightmares, being alone and lacking of love and warmness.

Eventually Judy and Timothy can spend some time together as they were cuddling their bodies on the gothic leather sofa in the living room as Jude's body laid behind his as his strong, protective arms encompassed around her collarbones as her back was pressed against his toned chest. Furthermore, she wore her casual pale blue checkered sundress with deep V neckline, sleeveless, above the knees length, hugging her svelte body for her age. Whilst Timothy wore simple white cotton T-shirt with a pair of denim jeans.

In the interim, the television was turned on as Jude and Timothy watched the evening news, following every detail with focused darted eyes to the television as they expected to watch one of the favorite movies to be broadcast on the television after the evening news.

As they cuddled on the sofa, all of a sudden something interrupted their sweet, serene summer evening as the phone ringing rendered Jude to emit a frustrated sigh, muttering. "Who's that intruder?"

She moved out from the couch as she released herself from warm, secure arms of her loving husband as she walked up barefoot to the phone, answering the call immediately, whilst Timothy grabbed the TV remote, muting the sound.

"H-Hello?" The former nun echoed through the handset as she held it in her hand behind her small ear, whereas her only free hand tucked hair behind her ear.

"Hi Judy." A similar youthful feminine voice exclaimed as Jude wasn't surprised it was her friend, her maid Ms.Volkova.

"Oh hi, Val. It's such a pleasure to hear you."

"It's not as pleasurable as you think." The maid answered despondently.

"W-why? Is there anything wrong? Is your partner already back at home or what?" Jude was wondering why her maid, trustworthy friend was pessimistic especially right now. She hoped, praying inwardly in her heart that everything should be alright, believing in the divine, posivitism, pragmatism and benignity.

"For sadly, yes." The younger woman couldn't restrain as she released an inhale, swallowing hard as she was about to inform her friend about her partner that she loved and yearned for mostly. "Dr.Miller called me when I returned back at home as he informed that Velika is going to be out of the hospital tomorrow morning."

"Oh, that's disappointing. Likewise what's her condition?"

"Her condition is improving as it's nothing compared to the beginning when she was established in the patient room." Alternatively the red-haired lady felt her heart relieved, as soon as, she informed the blonde straightforward.

"Good." Mrs.Howard replied modestly with velvety voice.

"As an addition, I don't want to go alone on visit in the hospital. Furthermore, my daughter doesn't likes her aunt."

"Oh, well." The older lady stuttered as she wanted to sort her mind what she wants to say as she glimpsed at her husband as she turned back as he didn't gossip what the both ladies were discussing.

"Uhm, what I can do about it, Val?" She continued as she knew right away Valerie will require somebody to accompany her to the hospital to pay a visit to Velika. Meanwhile, Jude lowered her head as she stared at her manicured barefeet as her vivid painted red nails perfectly accented her slightly tanned feet.

"I wouldn't mind you to accompany me. But first and foremost, would you like to?"


"Alright. I will be waiting for you in my home as our arrangement is in maximun 40 minutes, okay?"


"Excellent. See you soon and send greetings to your husband and family."

"Thank you and you too. See you soon!"

After Jude put the handset back to the phone, she walked up to the couch as she sat behind her husband as they discussed generally how the phone conversation passed, besides discussing Valerie and Velika.

"So for what Val called you so urgently?" He asked enthusiastically.

"She wanted to inform me about Velika's condition, besides she is going to be out of the hospital tomorrow morning and Val will need a company as her daughter doesn't wants to see her aunt." The former nun explained everything straightforward without missing a single detail.

"Oh, I see." He answeted as he inhaled serenely. "Well, if you are about to be with Val, when you should encounter her?"

"She told me after 40 minutes to be in front of her house."

"Okay. I promise to look after Ellie and Tristan while you are away at home."

Then she bended her head as she kissed his cheek, whilst her hands were on his shoulders. 

"I love you, darling."

"I love you, sweetheart."


Jude had already said bye to her husband as they kissed each other's lips as their kiss didn't last for longer though its passion, desire. Furthermore, it sickened and upset her to be away from her most precious, relishing thing in this world. Which she can hardly replace with anything else in this world. It was her family, her husband and her children. It hurted her to be away from them though she had some marvelous friends who trust, like and support her. 

After she left her house, walking up down the dark, mystic streets as she was unassertive, afraid to walk all alone as she smelled the danger from far away, her heeled sandals clicked on the sidewalk, sourcing sounds on the numb, deaf street as they were the sole noise source in the late night. She wore a chestnut brown cotton floral skirt, knee length, followed by a plain white short sleeve shirt that hugged her skinny waist, highlighted her round, perfectly shaped breasts for her age. She grasped her old black purse as her left wrist was being encircled by her ruby-sapphire bracelet. Her long, flossy, shining curly golden hair bounced with every step she took, in the interim the flowery scent of her hair and rose perfume were finishing the ideal woman's picture. 

When she got Valerie from her house as the young maid left her sole child to be responsible for herself, the both women walked up, talking as they aimed their walking direction to the hospital. 

As soon as, they arrived in the hospital on foot, they walked up in the lobby hall, going upstairs as they headed to room 201 to visit one prominent patient. When they climbed every stair that led them to the second floor, they walked down the long corridor, not taking their eyes off the door's sign with its number for a patient room or doctor's office. As Jude's studious hazel eyes scanned room "number 201", the both ladies stopped in front of the door as Ms.Volkova knocked lightly on the door, awaiting for doctor's response. 

Dr.Miller's response was lucid. "Yes?"

Once Valerie pressed  the doorknob, letting Jude to enter in the patient's room, consequently closing the door behind herself as they greeted the doctor, in the meantime walking up to Velika's bed as her eyes slightly opened, as they used to shield them from the artificial light in the room. 

Further, the younger woman permitted herself to sit next to her partner as she took her hand into her, offering her a smile. 

Initially, Velika's eyes beholded every detail of her surrounding with blurry vision, as a result of waking up lastly. Thereafter her vision purified itself as she can see her lover with her friend as they paid a visit to her.

The middle aged doctor couldn't help but smile to both of them as she was deliriously beatific to recognize their care for her, without neglecting her, despite the commotion between the red-haired and brunette ladies. 

"Judy and Val, I have missed you so much." Ms.Azarova said with composed voice as she reached her another hand for her friend's one as Jude was on the other bed's side, sitting alongside her. 

"We have missed you too." The maid and the former nun exclaimed in one voice as Valerie managed her another hand to stroke her partner's wild medium chestnut hair, her fingers playing with her straight locks as Dr.Miller was gone, luckily.

"Very much." The young maid continued as her smile rapidly grew, her blood boiling hecticly.

"I know, dear." She grabbed her partner's hand that held hers, stretching to her face as she pressed her mellow lips on her small, mildly tanned hand. 

Afterwards, the younger woman's face flushed like a rose as she watched efortlessly as she fell in love with Dr.Azarova again, her smile glistening on her face.

"What brings you here, Jude?" Jude's peer turned to Mrs.Howard, inquiring her uncertain as chocolate eyes met hazel eyes, developing an amiable mutual eye contact.

"Well, since Val told me that her daughter doesn't wants to accompany her, thereafter I didn't reject the opportunity that she gave me." The former nun explained as she was frank, smiling yet.

"It's so nice." The blonde carried on.

"I know." Velika murmured, subsequently turning to her lover. "Well, this kiddo Shona isn't a good girl at all." She muttered as she teased.

"It wasn't easy to persuade her to come with me. You know her, Velika."

"Yes. She's odd but clever girl. Although I love her."

"I love her much more than anything else in this world."

To be continued...

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